Free Palestine!

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JKR wrote:

What evidence do you have that people generally think Israel's actions are not based on self defence?

You said it yourself in post #2793, people see stopping weapons shipments to Israel as the way to stop hostilities. There's also the fact more and more people think Israel is committing genocide. As cited in poll above, 49% of Americans under 30 think so with only 24% disagreeing.


That doesn't change the fact that Israel is acting in their self defence which is supported by international law and common law and every other kind of law.


Genocide is not supported by law. Extremely dangerously delusional to think otherwise.


Genocide hasn't been established as having occurred. Israel and other countries and many people are saying Israel has not committed genocide. Israel says it is defending itself within international law. Israel has the right to defend itself under international law.


Countries that commit genocide always say that they are acting in self-defense. 

Evidence of genocide is becoming undeniable. This is reflected in growing public opinion that Israel is committing genocide even in countries allied to Israel. Also reflected in ICJ case in which judges found Israel could likely be fulfilling the criteria for genocide. 

Those denying the evidence are just ensuring Israel commits more atrocities. How bad do they need things to get? 


Many countries don't think Israel is committing genocide. Almost every country agrees that, as all countries also have, Israel also has the right to defend itself.


JKR wrote:

Many countries don't think Israel is committing genocide. .

Many? Please list the countries that have stated Israel is not committing genocide. It shouldn't be that hard because it's an extremely short list.

You seem to have a really hard time with basic facts. It's a bit disturbing in the context of genocide denial.


If countries believed Israel was perpetrating a genocide they would be trying to stop Israel. Many countries like Canada, the U.S., Germany, etc., are saying Israel is not committing a genocide. These countries and most others know Israel has the right to defend itself.


Right, so your claim of 'many' countries is based solely on you being telepathic and not based on any evidence at all.

There actually is a clear record as South Africa brought the charge of genocide against Israel at the ICJ. Many countries welcomed that charge. 3 countries spoke out against it. That's it. And since that time, polls have shown the public in those 3 countries are more and more convinced that Israel is committing genocide. Keep denying the facts though if that helps you sleep at night.


JKR wrote:

Many countries like Canada, the U.S., Germany, etc., are saying Israel is not committing a genocide. These countries and most others know Israel has the right to defend itself.

Please provide the source where Canada has stated that Israel is not committing genocide.


melovesproles wrote:

Right, so your claim of 'many' countries is based solely on you being telepathic and not based on any evidence at all.

There actually is a clear record as South Africa brought the charge of genocide against Israel at the ICJ. Many countries welcomed that charge. 3 countries spoke out against it. That's it. And since that time, polls have shown the public in those 3 countries are more and more convinced that Israel is committing genocide. Keep denying the facts though if that helps you sleep at night.

Keep denying the fact that Israel has the right to defend itself like all other countries do.


melovesproles wrote:
JKR wrote:

Many countries like Canada, the U.S., Germany, etc., are saying Israel is not committing a genocide. These countries and most others know Israel has the right to defend itself.

Please provide the source where Canada has stated that Israel is not committing genocide.

Canada is rightfully waiting for a verdict. It has not said that Israel is committing genocide. Canada has clearly stated Israel has the right to defend itself.


JKR wrote:

Keep denying the fact that Israel has the right to defend itself like all other countries do.

Genocide isn't self-defense regardless of whether a genocidal regimes claim that self-defense is a justification or not. That's actually a very basic point and the fact you can't admit it is bizarre and disturbing.


JKR wrote:

Many countries like Canada, the U.S., Germany, etc., are saying Israel is not committing a genocide. 

Please provide the source where Canada has stated that Israel is not committing genocide.

JKR wrote:

Canada is rightfully waiting for a verdict. 

It really is incredible that you completely contradict yourself within two posts and act like no one has noticed. You obviously just have no interest in the truth.


melovesproles wrote:
JKR wrote:

Keep denying the fact that Israel has the right to defend itself like all other countries do.

Genocide isn't self-defense regardless of whether a genocidal regimes claim that self-defense is a justification or not. That's actually a very basic point and the fact you can't admit it is bizarre and disturbing.

I’m in no position to determine whether Israel has committed a genocide. I don’t trust Hamas propoganda. I oppose genocide. I oppose breaking international law. I support abiding by international law. International law prohibits genocide and supports the right of self defence.


melovesproles wrote:

JKR wrote:

Many countries like Canada, the U.S., Germany, etc., are saying Israel is not committing a genocide. 

Please provide the source where Canada has stated that Israel is not committing genocide.

JKR wrote:

Canada is rightfully waiting for a verdict. 

It really is incredible that you completely contradict yourself within two posts and act like no one has noticed. You obviously just have no interest in the truth.

My basic point is that countries like Canada, the U.S., the UK, Germany, and others say Israel has the right to defend itself. I agree that no country has said Israel has not committed genocide but there are many countries that have stated that that charge still has to be legally determined.


melovesproles, do you think Israel has the right to defend itself?


laine lowe wrote:

As we head for the sunset of this place, I want to give shoutouts to CMOT, NDPP, Josh, Contrianna, kropotkin, and melovesproles for their informative links and incredible analyses when it comes to world/domestic events that fail to get fair and honest coverage or discussion by our media or political parties. I have learned so much and have had my gut reactions to certain world events validated by facts and knowledgable opinions. Thank you.

Thank you.



Letter of Resignation from Pride Toronto: The Struggle Continues!

To : Pride Toronto Board of Directors and Executive Director, Kojo Modeste

This has been a very difficult letter to write. It is no longer possible for me to remain a member of Pride Toronto given your refusal to respond to the call from Queers in Palestine and your complete refusal to address Canadian state –and your own sponsors—direct involvement in supporting the Zionist genocide against the Palestinian people in Gaza and increasingly in the occupied territories as well.....


The student movement for Palestine intensifies struggle with wave of university encampments

The Columbia Gaza Solidarity Encampment entered its seventh day on April 23. In the early hours of the morning, students woke up to the sound of three helicopters of major news outlets flying above where they had set up their tents on the campus’s Butler Lawn. 

The student movement for Palestine has been at an all-time high in the United States in response to the devastating Israeli genocide on the Gaza Strip. Thus far, Israel has massacred over 34,000 Palestinians in Gaza, over 14,000 of them children. Palestinians just recently uncovered a second mass grave after Israeli forces killed over 300 people and discarded their bodies in the assault on Nasser Hospital. Due to the targeted killings of aid workers and the strategic blockade of humanitarian aid, Gaza is on the brink of famine.

Seven days after its dramatic 4 am launch on Wednesday, April 19, the Gaza Solidarity Encampment at Columbia has become international news. Students have been organizing their own encampments in solidarity with Gaza across the country, inspired by the struggles of Columbia students, many of whom have been mass arrested, suspended, and evicted from student housing as a result of their participation in the encampment.

Students have thus far launched encampments at universities across the country including the University of Maryland, the University of North Carolina, the University of MichiganEmerson College, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, the University of Minnesota, the University of Rochester, the University of California – Berkeley, the University of New Mexico, the University of Pittsburgh, and the New School.

Students around the world have also followed the example of Columbia, with students beginning an encampment at Sydney University on April 23, and at the University of Alberta, in Canada on April 22.

Students at New York University in New York City launched an encampment at 4 am on April 22 on the campus’s Gould Plaza. That same evening, the New York Police Department moved in on the camp and conducted a violent eviction, arresting both faculty and students and macing and brutalizing protesters. The NYPD arrested 128 people, according to organizers, and cleared the encampment. 

The story of the arrests at NYU speaks nothing to the brave defiance of the students and their crowd of supporters in the face of police brutality. NYU faculty were only arrested after linking arms in an attempt to protect the students in the encampment. As NYPD closed in on the camp throughout the day, a crowd of hundreds had gathered outside Gould Plaza to show support. Many of these supporters were arrested alongside student organizers.....



epaulo13 excellent educational tool. and it sounds familiar. 

How to justify the genocide of Palestinians in 14 easy steps: A graphical guide


Step 2: Remove all context. Always depict Palestinians as the aggressors. Blame Palestinians for their own oppression.

Step 5: Misinform the public with boldface lies.


..from that aggressor link.

'Don't call it Israel-Palestine': How language enables colonisation


Most media outlets will push the two sides into uncomfortable textual proximity by writing about the "Israeli-Palestinian" conflict. But the hyphen suggests an equality that is uncalled for.

Hyphens provide bridges, connecting words in order to create an intimate bond owing to some inherent or desired attraction. Such word-sharing becomes offensive in the context of Israel’s decades long brutal occupation and settler colonialism, when goliath seeks to exterminate the David.

The hyphen falsifies grossly imbalanced power relationships, subtly getting our eyes used to the implication that the two sides are equal, that one is referring to the same neutral entity, just under a different name.

Encounter this spelling often enough, experience it seeping into your subconscious, and you will start to believe it......


Step 8: Criminalise liberation activities. Punish all Palestinian efforts to claim their rights, including by non-violent means.


Step 13: Manipulate people into choosing sides as if well-being is mutually exclusive. Hide the fact that a just, political solution will uplift everyone’s rights, security, and dignity, and it offers the only sustainable future.
