Free Palestine!

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Free Palestine!

Mass Demonstration in Gaza Marks Annual Al Quds Day

"All parts of Palestine from the river to the sea are 'inseparable', including Jerusalem." - PFLP


Al Quds Day Demonstration Met With Jewish Defence League Protest

"Our objective here today is to capture Al Quds day,' Meir Weinstein, director of JDC Canada, said Saturday.

'The forces that we face thrive on fear and intimidation,' said JDL spokesman Robert Spencer*. 'We have to understand that what we are facing is a group...that is lovers of everything that is evil..."


Canada supports


I was at the Toronto event.  The JDL were doing their thing a couple of hundred yards away.  Very substatial police presence in between.  At one point the JDL people came right up to the police lines with a megaphone shouting unpleasant things.  What a nasty bunch.


Palestinians Form First-Ever Left-Wing Coalition

Palestinian politicians are uniting in a first-ever left-wing coalition to win the October local elections, Quds Press reported on Wednesday.

Qais Abdul-Karim, head of the Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine, said in a press conference Wednesday that his party would form a coalition with four others in order to “overcome the mutual popularization (between Hamas and Fatah) which corrupts the Palestinian political process.”

The new coalition, the “Democratic Alliance,” would be committed to transparency and propose candidates who enjoy a wide base among left-wing Palestinians in an attempt to unite the Palestine Liberation Organization....


That is great news, e-paulo.

oldgoat, we also had them here, protesting the Social Forum. I think they drive around to various cities to make trouble. The usual crap abut "singling out" Israel for criticism, when a key them of the FSM is the rights of Indigenous people everywhere. And nobody is refraining from criticism of Saudi Arabia and ties to it, on the contrary.


..this piece was posted just a few days ago where i came across it.

Establishing a Cross European Trade Union Platform In Solidarity With The People of Palestine

In November 2016 over 100 trade union delegates, representing twenty nine unions and three million members from all over Europe, gathered in a historic first meeting in Brussels to challenge the EU and European governments’ complicity with Israel and establish a cross European platform in solidarity with the people of Palestine.

During the seminar trade union delegates took part in 5 thematic workshops and 3 plenary sessions. The group at each workshop came out with a number of action points to be implemented in campaigns organised by trade unions in their respective countries. The seminar was also addressed by Palestinian trade union leaders about their struggle for justice and equality. Representatives from PGFTU, GFIU, the Arab Workers Union, the New Unions and Telecommunication Union were all active participants in the discussions. The seminar was also addressed by expert speakers on the political economy of the occupation, and on the multiple ways in which the Israeli state benefits from EU financial and political support. During the two-day seminar we looked at concrete steps to strengthen ties between the European and Palestinian trade union movement; discussed and shared ways in which trade unions are effectively campaigning to pressure the European Union, governments, institutions and businesses to end their support for Israeli violations of workers’ rights, human rights and international law and explored possibilities for coordination and joint work between trade unions and trade union activists across Europe.

The delegates also brought  this new trade union initiative into the streets of Brussels by holding a protest rally displaying the campaign banner.

Read the full report from the conference in EN and FR


Palestinians Reject Trump's Visit, Call For Day of Anger


New French President 'Will Not Recognise Palestine'


Video: Remembering the Nakba, 72 Years On

"It has been 72 years since the Nakba or catastrophe, when 800,000 Palestinians were expelled by Zionist militias or fled their towns and villages in a massive ethnic cleansing campaign to make way for Israel..."


The Hidden History of Zionism

Prof Ralph Schoenman


"An old Palestinian couple in front for their stolen home now inhabited by Jewish settlers from Brooklyn, NY, USA. Most of Palestine is stolen."

Free Palestine!


Nasrallah: 'The Liberation of Palestine is Near, We Will Pray at Al Quds Soon!' (and vid)

"Speech by Hezbollah Secretary General Hassan Nasrallah on the occasion of the International Day of Al Quds..."


JDL and similar groups in France have made very nasty friends against Jewish friends of ours. It is really a thuggish group.


World Abandons Palestinians On Eve Of Annexation

"Israel is confident and open about its plans because it enjoys the support of Washington. Israeli officials have been clear that the pending annexation will follow the outline of the so-called Trump plan for peace, named for US President Donald Trump, devised by his son-in-law Jared Kushner and actually authored according to some Israeli far-rightists, by Netanyahu. Palestinians have to fend for themselves..."


'Steal of the Century' (1/2 doco)

Trump's Palestine-Israel catastrophe and why the Palestinian people have unanimously rejected it.

Free Palestine! Stop Supporting Apartheid Israel!


Gaza Fights For Freedom (doco, 2019)

"In support of #SaveSheikhJarrah we have permanently removed the paywall from our feature documentary 'Gaza Fights For Freedom'. We hope it helps educate more people about the terrible crimes against Palestinians and builds broader solidarity with their cause."

(Sorry if we pulled you away from the All Hail Joe Biden petting party or the 'Uyghur genocide' bs. You do know that the IDF is openly recruited here and that 'Canada will always have Israel's back' according to Justin Trudeau, right?)


"There is nothing 'militant' about defending your family. Under international law that includes armed struggle against the occupier."


Global Calendar of Resistance: Join these events to defend Palestine!

Toronto: Ongoing Nakba - Ongoing Resistance, Saturday, 15 May, 7pm Nathan Philips Square


According to Radio-Canada, "Thousands in the streets of Montréal for Palestine"


laine lowe laine lowe's picture

Lagatta, it's great to see your name and post. Yes, there were good turnouts across the country and that is encouraging.


Hi lagatta, nice to hear from you again! :)


Aristotleded24 wrote:

More information on a day of action planned in Mississauga May 18

Assholes trying to appropriate other peoples struggles for their selfish libertarian reasons.


The Zionist side will consider such a tainted 'ally' to the Palestinian cause a gift from god.


Solidarity with the Palestinian General Strike!

"Tomorrow, Tues, May 18 - Palestinians across historic Palestine will observe a General Strike protesting Israel's massacres in Gaza an repression against Palestinian communities everywhere. Here are 5 ways you can stand in solidarity."

Free Palestine!


"Zionists do not have a shred of right to Palestine. It all belongs to Palestinians. Every inch of it." (and vid)


Margaret Kimberley: The Palestine Litmus Test

"...There aren't many issues which clearly and unequivocally delineate right from wrong. The question of justice for the Palestinian people and their right to be protected by international law is one which gives no wiggle room for ifs, ands or buts. Israel's apartheid system is of such long standing and is so brazen that millions of people feel not only outrage but an insult to their own personal integrity and now speak up though they once demurred.

While the corporate media continue tales of phony equivalency and act as stenographers for the state, thousands of people ignored them and took to the streets in protest. It is true that Israel continues its stranglehold on politics in the US and throughout the NATO imperialist alliance. While officials throughout these nations ignored the reality of death of Gazan civilians, including entire families, protests took place in Washington, London, Paris and other cities in defiance of political leaderships.

Israel may have finally gone too far. The moment when all of the people cannot be fooled has arrived. The fence straddlers have had their day. The assault on the consciences of millions of people may have finally brought about the sea-change that was needed. Defending the rights of Palestinians is right and any equivocation on the matter is wrong. The issue is black and white. There is no room for grey. "

Free Palestine! Free Gaza! Stop supporting Israel!

[email protected]



Ramzy Baroud: Unity at Last - The Palestinian People Have Risen

"...If it is a war, then it is a unilateral Israeli war, which is met with humble, but real and determined Palestinian resistance. Actually, it is a Palestinian uprising, an Intifada unprecedented in the history of the Palestinian struggle, both in its nature and outreach."

Free Palestine! Free Gaza! Stop Apartheid Israel!


WATCH: "Yesterday's strike in Palestine was historic. Now Palestinians are urging the world to keep up the momentum!"


You too, Aristotle.

What's the deal about the libertarians in Mississauga? In any case, I'm an ecosocialist, so not remotely affiliated.


You too, Aristotle.

What's the deal about the libertarians in Mississauga? In any case, I'm an ecosocialist, so not remotely affiliated.


WATCH: Hundreds of citizens flock to the streets of Ramallah to celebrate the victory of Gaza

Free Gaza! Free Palestine! Stop Apartheid Israel!


Israel Loses the War, Again

"A fact that seems lost on no one but Israel's generals and political leaders is that any time an enemy Israel attacks survives, it has won..."


Going Underground: Hanan Ashrawi (Ep 1014)

"Two-state solution is dead. Israel destroyed it. Palestine will not surrender!'

Free Gaza! Free Palestine! Stop Apartheid Israel!


Palestine Unites: Interview with the PFLP

"The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine is a marxist-leninist revolutionary socialist organization dedicated to the full liberation of Palestine. redfish spoke to Mahar Mezheri, central committee member of the PFL."


Noura Erekat: How equating Antizionism with Antisemitism lets the US off the hook

"They chant 'death to Arabs,' we chant 'we want freedom,' that should tell you everything you need to know. This is a people uprising for freedom. There's nothing complicated about that."




WATCH: Palestine Raises the Irish Flag in Ramallah

"A salute set to Ireland for standing in solidarity with the Palestinian people."

By contrast Canada supported Apartheid Israel against the Palestinian people as it always does. It shouldn't.

[email protected]

Free Gaza! Free Palestine! Stop Apartheid Israel!


Wow! The National March for Palestine happening right now in the heart of Washington DC is massive.

Good to see. It's got to grow and push back hard otherwise the ghouls of Israel will just keep trying to devour them. Too many Canadians still sitting on the fence instead of demanding their representatives stop supporting the criminal regime of Apartheid Israel . It's disgusting and completely unacceptable that this should be allowed to go on. The lives of 'representatives' [ or media]  who support this racist genocide must be made unbearable until they do what they should have done long ago.

A serious international humanitarian intervention must be mounted to save the Palestinians.  The long cruel siege of the open air concentration camp that is Gaza must be lifted. Start pulling the plugs and cutting ALL connections to the racist genociders of Apartheid Israel so they know we mean business.  This is what Canada's 'representatives' should be doing.

Not taking urgent zoom-call hasbara briefings from Israel's consular officials on antisemitism and the evils of 'hamas rockets'. Instead arrest them for hate crimes. Tomorrow.

Free Gaza! Free Palestine! They're killing children! Stop Supporting Apartheid Israel!


Ramzy Baroud: Palestine's Moment - Despite Massive Losses, Palestinians have Altered the Course of History

"The 'Palestinian Revolt of 2021' will go down in history as one of the most influential events that irreversibly shaped collective thinking in and around Palestine. Despite their isolation and humble tools of resistance, the Palestinian people rose across Palestine..."


'Israel is a temporary catastrophe in the history of this too shall pass'

"Many oppressors now forgotten by history lasted longer."


NDPP wrote:

'Israel is a temporary catastrophe in the history of this too shall pass'

"Many oppressors now forgotten by history lasted longer."

Haven't Jews been in Israel since at least the Iron Age, well before Islam and Christianity even existed?


But not a racist, genocidal, apartheid state in illegal occcupation. Time for it to go.


It sounds like you think the State of Israel is going to have to disappear. I don't think there's any chance of that happening for the foreseeable future.


Never say never. No telling what may happen once its fascist, imperial protectors and funders fail.


Instead of waiting endlessly for that I think it would be better to implement international law that supports the implementation of a negotiated two-state solution.

Ken Burch

JKR wrote:

Instead of waiting endlessly for that I think it would be better to implement international law that supports the implementation of a negotiated two-state solution.

Then tell the Israeli government and the IDF to STOP doing everything they can to prevent the creation of a Palestinian state.  It's NOT a two-state solution if Israel goes on doing everything it has been doing, continues to expand the illegal settlements and thus seize more and more Palestinian land, continues to subject ordinary Palestinians to relentless collective restriction, collective repression and collective punishment, continues to dig up the olive and lemon groves Palestinian farmers have been tending for 14 centuries-living in peace with their non-Zionist Jewish neighbors in the West Bank for virtually all of that time prior to the 1920s, since the issue was always nationalism and land, not anything else- and continues everything else it has been doing without interruption since 1948, while Palestinians are still forced to choose between statelessness in their homeland or permanent exile and continue to be offered nothing at all.

The only way to get to an ACTUAL two-state solution is for the Israeli government, finally, to start supporting it, rather than continuing to demand that Palestinians support it while THEY don't.


Ken Burch

JKR wrote:

NDPP wrote:

'Israel is a temporary catastrophe in the history of this too shall pass'

"Many oppressors now forgotten by history lasted longer."

Haven't Jews been in Israel since at least the Iron Age, well before Islam and Christianity even existed?

Palestinians have been there for at least 14-15 centuries.  They have roots in the soil that are just as deep.  And they are "Palestinians", not "generic Arabs"- it has never been reasonable to demand that they leave as punishment for the crimes against Jews, Jewish culture(s) and Judaism and a variety of religious traditions committed almost exclusively by the Roman and Persian empires, the Church(Catholic, Orthodox AND Protestant), the Tsars, the Holy Roman Emperors, the French and British Empire, the Third Reich, and the North American "democracies" who could easily have offered immediate citizenship or at the very least long-term resident alien or at least refugee status to not only the Jewish communities of Europe but everyone else who was fleeing for their lives from Hitler and Mussolini, but utterly refused to do so- and refused to do so for no other reason than a pointless, disgusting fixation with preserving their countries as "Christian" societies.

What happened after 1945 to Palestinians was unforgivable- the countries who were actually guilty of committing an epic betrayal of the Jews of Europe decided to atone for THEIR grievous offense by...punishing another people, on another continent, who had nothing to do with the crime.


Re: #43

Sure. Just like Canada negotiating 'self-government' and 'Modern Day Treaties' with the AFN. We know who wins that fixed game. There'll be no peace or justice in the Middle East until Apartheid Israel falls, the settlers leave and Palestinians return imho. But that future should be up to them, not us, which is why Canada must stop aiding and abetting the malevolent international criminality of the mad dog Zionist colonizers.


JKR wrote:

NDPP wrote:

'Israel is a temporary catastrophe in the history of this too shall pass'

"Many oppressors now forgotten by history lasted longer."

Haven't Jews been in Israel since at least the Iron Age, well before Islam and Christianity even existed?

Phoenicians and Canaanites had a prior claim to the land, before the Jewish people claimed God gave it too them and they could slay all the non-believers as needed.


kropotkin1951 wrote:

Phoenicians and Canaanites had a prior claim to the land, before the Jewish people claimed God gave it too them and they could slay all the non-believers as needed.

According to some "the Jews killed Jesus" even though Jesus himself was supposed to be Jewish. 

Ken Burch

JKR wrote:

According to some "the Jews killed Jesus" even though Jesus himself was supposed to be Jewish. 

That accusation was bullshit propaganda spread by the early Church-if Yeshua existed, the Romans killed him because he was a colonial subject with a personal following.  It's not something that people who support Palestinian self-determination believe, and it is really, really offensive that you'd bring that up here.



My remark was in response to the remark that Jewish people claim that God gave them the land and told them they could kill all non-believers including the Phoenicians and Canaanites.


'Silwan is Palestine'

"Today, hundreds of us marched from Sheikh Jarah to Silwan. Promptly upon our arrival we were violently assaulted by the IOF who deployed stun grenades and rubber-coated bullets to disperse us. We still managed to send a clear message: Silwan is Palestine."


'They hate us.' (and vid)

"They wanted to keep attacking all of us who were present at the Jerusalem Marathon finish line. Look at his video. I got attacked for the 2nd time. I felt they really wanted to break my legs. Was my running gear too provocative? A tank top, shorts and trainers. They hated it. They hate us."


Free Gaza! Free Palestine! Stop Supporting Apartheid Israel!
