Free Palestine!

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JKR wrote:

Instead of waiting endlessly for that I think it would be better to implement international law that supports the implementation of a negotiated two-state solution.

Do you think it should require negotiation to implement international law in regards to Israel's continuous illegal settlement building in the occupied territories? Since when does a victim need to negotiate with their assailant when a crime has been committed? If international law existed in any real sense, those settlements wouldn't exist let alone be multiplying.


Not to mention the fact the apartheid state has repeatedly demonstrated a steadfast refusal to abide by international law including numerous UN resolutions that conclusively pronounce its occupation illegal.


JKR wrote:

kropotkin1951 wrote:

Phoenicians and Canaanites had a prior claim to the land, before the Jewish people claimed God gave it too them and they could slay all the non-believers as needed.

According to some "the Jews killed Jesus" even though Jesus himself was supposed to be Jewish. 

One would have to first believe that Christ is an actual historic figure, let alone a god to even consider going down that rabbit hole The reality is that Israel is a murderous, genocidal, theocratic state inhabited by European settlers.


melovesproles wrote:

JKR wrote:

Instead of waiting endlessly for that I think it would be better to implement international law that supports the implementation of a negotiated two-state solution.

Do you think it should require negotiation to implement international law in regards to Israel's continuous illegal settlement building in the occupied territories? Since when does a victim need to negotiate with their assailant when a crime has been committed? If international law existed in any real sense, those settlements wouldn't exist let alone be multiplying.

Israelis and many others also feel that Israelis are also victims and Palestinians, other Arabs, Muslims, and Iranians are their assailants. Many countries and many in the international community see Israelis and Arabs as both being victims and assailants of each other. That's why negotiations have been seen as the solution according to UNSC resolutions like UNSC 242. International law sees the solution as being "Termination of all claims or states of belligerency and respect for and acknowledgment of the sovereignty, territorial integrity and political independence of every State in the area and their right to live in peace within secure and recognized boundaries free from threats or acts of force."


 It is impossible to conduct honourable dealings or negotiations with a racist state that has never demonstrated anything but mendacity and malevolence towards the Indigenous Palestinians. As with Apartheid South Africa, the regime must fall. Especially since..

  • The ethnic cleasing of Palestine continues
  • Gaza is still besieged
  • Sheikh Jarrah is still under attack
  • Al Aqsa is still being threatened

What do you mean when you say "the regime must fall"?


JKR wrote:

What do you mean when you say "the regime must fall"?

I would expect he meant its normal meaning, the system of government in Israel needs to change. Given it is a race based theocratic state with more than one class of citizen that would seem to be a given.



What system should Israel change to? And shouldn't it be up to them to decide what system they have? 


Correct. How can anyone defend Israeli apartheid? Are you a Zionist?


Many countries in the the world support a specific religion. Why should Israel be singled out for criticism for supporting Judaism when many counties support other religions?

Ken Burch

JKR wrote:

Many countries in the the world support a specific religion. Why should Israel be singled out for criticism for supporting Judaism when many counties support other religions?

Israel ISN'T "singled out for supporting Judaism".  Quite frankly, the fact that Israel identifies as a "Jewish state" has nothing to do with the protests going on about how the Israeli government treats Palestinians.

It's about ethnic supremacism, nationalism, and land theft.

And again, nobody on this board is an antisemite- and to my knowledge, hardly any here is a practicing Christian-   so there was no excuse for bringing up the Crucifixtion of all things.  What the Romans did to Jesus- if Jesus even existed- has nothing to do with what anyone here feels about that issue.   

Quite frankly, it is demagogic of you to bring any of that into this discussion.


JKR wrote:

Many countries in the the world support a specific religion. Why should Israel be singled out for criticism for supporting Judaism when many counties support other religions?

Name the other countries that have immigration based on religion and rights of citizenship based on religion. Canada does not make Jewish people second class citizen, that it reserves for Indians. Palestinians in Israel are now controlled almost as much as we used to control Indians when they could not leave their reserves without the permission of the Indian Agent.


JKR wrote:

International law sees the solution as being "Termination of all claims or states of belligerency and respect for and acknowledgment of the sovereignty, territorial integrity and political independence of every State in the area and their right to live in peace within secure and recognized boundaries free from threats or acts of force."

Termination = Stop. Not negotiate. There is no way decades of settlement building in the occupied territories is respecting Palestinian sovereignty or territorial integrity.

It's amazing to me how apologists for Israel these days just try to completely gloss over the fact Israel has been engaging in not just illegal occupation but straight-up annexation, a violation of the most basic tenet of international law. Just bizarre, as if they can magic an ongoing illegal annexation project away as one small point that can be brought up in future negotiations if the 'irrational' 'other' ever gets the right 'leadership'. The case for Israeli Occupation has no basis in international law and it's extremely dishonest to pretend otherwise.  Just as dishonest is claiming the goal is a two-state solution while Israel has continued to make that untenable with ever-expanding settlements in Palestinian territory.


melovesproles wrote:

JKR wrote:

International law sees the solution as being "Termination of all claims or states of belligerency and respect for and acknowledgment of the sovereignty, territorial integrity and political independence of every State in the area and their right to live in peace within secure and recognized boundaries free from threats or acts of force."

Termination = Stop. Not negotiate.

The international community including China, the US, and Russia supports the negotiation of a two state solution between Israel and Palestinian leaders.



kropotkin1951 wrote:

Name the other countries that have immigration based on religion and rights of citizenship based on religion.

Saudi Arabia. Iran, and, Syria.


JKR wrote:

melovesproles wrote:

JKR wrote:

International law sees the solution as being "Termination of all claims or states of belligerency and respect for and acknowledgment of the sovereignty, territorial integrity and political independence of every State in the area and their right to live in peace within secure and recognized boundaries free from threats or acts of force."

Termination = Stop. Not negotiate.

The international community including China, the US, and Russia supports the negotiation of a two state solution between Israel and Palestinian leaders.


The international community has also been united in telling Israel to stop building settlements in Palestinian territory with many saying that the settlements are the biggest obstacle to a two-state solution but Israel has continued to build them. How many viable states have the territorial integrity of Swiss Cheese?


WATCH: #SheikhJarrah, Palestine: Israeli occupation forces frustrated by a child's kite

"On resistance: 'Even if all you can do is spit...than spit.' - Alprentice 'Bunchy' Carter."

Free Gaza! Free Palestine! Stop supporting Apartheid Israel!


Israel and its western allies [Canada etc] have rund out of Palestinian enforcers

"Panic has gripped the US, Europe, Arab client regimes and the PA since the recent successes of the heroic Palestinian resistance, writes Joseph Massad. 'A continuation of the strategy of finding client leaders cannot forestall the massive Palestinian anti-colonial revolt to come..."


Protect Palestinians from being targeted and abused on social media

"Let's get this petition to 1.5k today. If you've already signed please rt/share."

Free Palestine! Stop Apartheid Israel! BDS Now!



"1,500 Palestinians in Silwan are being ordered by Israel to demolish their OWN HOMES or they'll have to pay for them to be demolished, so Israeli settlers can build a park on the rubble of their houses. This is ethnic cleansing..."


"Tired of pointing out the obvious. What we are living under in Sheikh Jarrah and Palestine at large is a fascist colonial regime that works with and for the settlers, that is formed and led by the settlers, that is itself a settler regime. Settler-state colonialism is the default for us."

Free Gaza! Free Palestine! Stop Apartheid Israel! Stop its lobby & Canada's collaboration! BDS Now!


Behrens: Palestinian Refugees in Canada Plead to Reunite with Family in Gaza

"...Alhamadni and the other in-Canada Gaza refugees seek the same early-entrance temporary-residence permits that Qunoo received for their own children and spouses. They argue in a well-shared petition that the conditions they face dovetail almost exactly with those of Qunoo's family, and note this immigration measure is designed to urgently respond to humanitarian crises like the one still gripping Gaza."

Save these Palestinian children and spouses from Apartheid Israel's murderous attacks. Tell the Immigration minister and PM Trudeau to make it happen!

[email protected]

[email protected]


A tragedy for Palestine. Nizar Banat, a leading critic of the Palestinian Authority, a candidate for the legislative council, and a loving father was arrested by the PA security forces this AM, and was later announced dead at the Hebron Hospital. 1/4


Thousands marched through the streets of Hebron on Friday at the funeral of a Palestinian Authority critic who died in PA custody, with many calling for the end of President Mahmoud Abbas’s 16-year rule.


Strikes continues for the 3rd day #Ramallah protesting against Palestinian security forces assassination of political opponent #NizarBanat in Hebron on Thursday


Edzell Edzell's picture

kropotkin1951 wrote:

One would have to first believe that Christ is an actual historic figure

I think many (probably most) people do believe exactly that - including those of non-Christian, even anti-Christian religioms as well as many atheists. I believe it myself and I think there is ample evidence, as for instance in Roman reccords from the time.


Michael Moriarity

The historicity of Jesus is an interesting question, with serious people on both sides, but I think the scholarly consensus is that he was a real person. Here is a pretty good video discussing the evidence.

Edzell Edzell's picture

Michael Moriarity wrote:

The historicity of Jesus is an interesting question, with serious people on both sides, but I think the scholarly consensus is that he was a real person. Here is a pretty good video discussing the evidence.

Thanks for that link, MM. I loved this statement:

"Ideally the sources we employ should be unbisaed and neutral, but of course this is pretty much a lost cause."

Also the reference to 'people who receive the truth with pleasure'. I wish I knew more of those.


Michael Moriarity wrote:

The historicity of Jesus is an interesting question, with serious people on both sides, but I think the scholarly consensus is that he was a real person. Here is a pretty good video discussing the evidence.

That was interesting but not completely convincing. At 12:06 I was leaning towards accepting him as a historic figure when it introduces a Jewish scholar writing 60 years after the event who says he rose from the dead. There is no doubt that there were numerous Jewish figures who fit the profile of a preacher like Jesus, so indeed "he" is a historic figure. That then only leaves the rising from the dead and the magic birth as problems in the story.



"Who is 'Canada in Ramallah' trying to fool? The blood of Nizar Barat is as much on the hands of the Justin Trudeau regime as it is on Mahmoud Aabbas. Canada trains PA thugs to specifically collaborate with the enemy occupation to repress Palestinians."

Training compradors and collaborators to suppress and destroy Indigenous resistance to the settler-state is as Canadian as maple syrup.


Palestine: Occupation Soldiers Close Down Agricultural Union

"Israeli forces recently shut down the Palestinian Union of Health Workers Committee prompting Amnesty to warn of 'catastrophic consequences' for Palestinians. Now they've shut down the Palestinian Union of Agricultural Work Committees which aided farmers."

All logical steps taken by a genocidal, Apartheid state bent on the total destruction of Palestine and Palestinians. Logical too for the Canadian settler state to continue aiding and abetting.


Israel having a shitfit because Ben & Jerry's announced it will no longer sell its ice cream in the west bank.  That Ben and Jerry are Jewish is probably why they are so pissed.



Break the Siege: Medical Relief for Gaza

"A global chorus of artists and speakers comes together to raise money for Palestine Children's Relief Fund and Al Awda Hospital in Gaza."

Free Gaza! Free Palestine! Stop Apartheid Israel!


Palestine Solidarity & the Boycott Movement: An Intergenerational Dialogue

"Canadian BDS Coalition: Tuesday, August 3 - 4pm Pacific/7pm Eastern. Register Online."

Come on Canada. It's time to free Gaza, free Palestine, and stop supporting Apartheid Israel...


Free Palestine - End Apartheid Israel! (and vid)

"I know that the occupation will end. Like all injustices it will end. It must. All empires fall. The Palestinian cause will erupt victorious..."

#PalestineDay : From the river to the sea Palestine will be free!


If Israel really was genocidal, there would not be any Palistinians. The solution to the issue rests with the Israeliis and the Palistinians, not the Russians, Americans or Canadians. There will be no peace until both sides can reach a compromise that pleases both. I didn't believe Israel would ever have peace with Egypt or Jordan. There is hope. 


Should the world have taken a similar stance towards Nazi Germany's genocide of Jews? I think not. Ditto the murderous Apartheid regime of the Jewish State of Israel.

"To celebrate the holiday of Chanukah, the Mayor of Tel Aviv Ron Huldai sponsors a concert by Ariel Zilber, the house musician of the most racist, murderous movement in modern Jewish history, even authoring a tribute to its founder - 'Kahane was right.'

Stop Supporting Apartheid Israel! Free Palestine!


Exposing Racism and Lies (and vid)

"Distortion of facts is the specialty of Zionists."


queenmandy85 wrote:

If Israel really was genocidal, there would not be any Palistinians. The solution to the issue rests with the Israeliis and the Palistinians, not the Russians, Americans or Canadians. There will be no peace until both sides can reach a compromise that pleases both. I didn't believe Israel would ever have peace with Egypt or Jordan. There is hope. 

The Nazi's didn't manage to wipe out all the Roma or Jews or leftists that they targeted with death camps. I guess that proves they weren't genocidal.


Here is what genocide looks like in practice, it is not just overtly shooting people for protesting.


NDPP wrote:

<p>"To celebrate the holiday of Chanukah, the Mayor of Tel Aviv Ron Huldai sponsors a concert,…'</p>




And to you. But not to those occupying Palestinian land and not the Mayor of Tel Aviv's way...


Major Canadian Academic Group Rejects Israel Lobby's Anti-Semitism Definition

"My latest on the ongoing battle to defeat the IHRA and protect academic scholarship on Palestine..."

Unfortunately, as reflects its power and influence over them, most Canadian politicians have succumbed to the Lobby side and are now complicit in supporting Apartheid Israel's self-serving 'anti-semitism' definition, designed to prohibit criticism of its racist, genocidal project.


"On the 46th anniversary of Palestine Land Day, the right of Palestinian refugees to return to their lands remains unfulfilled."

And a collective west proves it will only mount the effort necessary to bring Israel to heel and halt its genocide and trashing of international law, against Washington's official enemies such as Russia. Never Apartheid Israel nor its international Zio lobby aided, abetted and made welcome by parliaments and politicians such as Canada's.

 Free Palestine! Down Israel!


"Israeli occupiers violently invaded Al-Aqsa during Ramadan, sending 152 Palestinians to the hospital, and Canada can't even name the party which committed the violence? This 'both sides' nonsense [a traditional evasion by gutless pro-Zionist liberals trying to hide their support for Apartheid Israel] is unacceptable. Israeli aggression must be firmly condemned."

From the River to the Sea - Palestine Will Be FREE!



Mélanie Joly





Canada government official

Violence in & around al-Aqsa is unacceptable. The sanctity and status quo of holy sites must be respected. We call for de-escalation of tensions. Canada stands with the Israeli and Palestinian peoples in their right to peace & security.


1:56 PM · Apr 15, 2022



WATCH: Israel Escalates Aggression Against Palestinians

Joly lies. Canada supports the brutality of the Apartheid Jewish State of Israel. NOT Palestinian people.


Free Palestine!

"As Palestinians commemorate today the 74th anniversary of the Nakba, the event that gave birth to the Palestinian cause, here are 5 top misunderstandings about the NAKBA..."

