At this point I think Israelis have stopped caring what choice Palestinians and their leaders make and they are just going to go on with their lives accepting they will have to continue defending themselves whenever necessary. I think Israelis feel the ball is now in the Palestinian's court.
This is what "just going to go on with their lives accepting they will have to continue defending themselves whenever necessary" means.
This is the real reason that a two state solution will never happen. The people in these videos have cheap housing, in what the UN says are illegal settlements, because the Israeli government subsidizes them. The racist Jewish state builds all the infrastructure for these settlements and the IDF backs up the armed settlers whenever they feel it necessary. This is slow motion ethnic cleansing so the Zionist dream of Israeli sovereignty from the river to the sea can be realized.
But JKR you have the audacity to spout the bullshit that the obstacle to peace is the Palestinian community. After all Israel just wants to be left alone as it fulfills its Manifest Destiny.