Free Palestine!

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Civil servants request to stop work over arms sales to Israel

Civil servants overseeing arms exports to Israel have requested to "cease work immediately" over fears they could be complicit in war crimes in Gaza.

Officials in the Department for Business and Trade (DBT) have raised concerns with senior civil servants that they may be liable if it is deemed Israel has broken international law.

In correspondence seen by Sky News, the Public and Commercial Services Union (PCS), which represents civil servants, has requested an urgent meeting with the department to discuss "the legal jeopardy faced by civil servants who are continuing to work on this policy".

The letter, sent on Wednesday, said: "Given the implications for our members we believe there are ample grounds to immediately suspend all such work.

"We therefore request that you meet with us urgently to discuss this matter and cease work immediately."

It is understood members have asked their employers to stop giving them tasks related to export licences to Israel, alongside other work that may be related to Israel's war on Gaza.....


Nuttyahoo has reiterated his intention to mount an invasion on Rafah. A Hamas negotiator said this raises obvious questions about returning to the ceasefire talks.

An Apartheid Genocide State has no 'right to exist'. Cancel Israel! Free Palestine!


Health workers and activists with the People's Health Movement raise the Palestinian flag at the 5th People's Health Assembly in Mar del Plata, Argentina. Photo: PHM


..more from Tsedek!

..this is the left today. an autonomous left and part of the uprisings. at the very least it's a positive perspective. 


Jews against Israeli apartheid – We are concerned to see that for many Jewish people, Judaism and Zionism are one and the same, that Jews and the state of Israel are one and the same. This articulation runs through all our spaces, be they family, community or institutional. For many Jews, calls for the liberation of Palestine are perceived as a threat to our security. We refuse to let the painful history of antisemitism be used to play with our people’s fears and legitimize a colonial enterprise that denies Palestinians their rights. On the contrary, like other Jewish anti-Zionist activists – in the past and present, from Israel and elsewhere  – we believe that the security of Jews, including Israelis, cannot be achieved through colonization and the oppression of the Palestinian people. We also know that colonization destroys settlers and their humanity. It exposes them to the situational violence of the colonized, as well as to that of their own system.

Tsedek! supports Palestinians in their struggle for freedom and rights, including through the BDS (Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions) campaign. As long as the « Jewish right to self-determination » is pursued to the detriment of Palestinians’ collective rights, it will not be legitimate, and we will not be able to achieve a just peace.

As French Jews, we are not responsible for Israeli policy, but it is carried out in our name. We therefore have a responsibility to change it. In solidarity with Jewish anti-racist, anti-occupation and anti-Zionist collectives around the world, as well as with Palestinian and Israeli groups, our struggle is not a solitary one. It is part of an international uprising.


Activists Are Putting Themselves Between Israeli Settlers and Palestinian Shepherds


Settlers – Israeli citizens who live on private Palestinian land in the occupied West Bank and East Jerusalem – have been targeting shepherds like Shawaheen for years. But since 7 October, their campaign of violent harassment – including arbitrary arrests, home demolitions, land grabs and murders – has intensified as Israel accelerates towards what many see as its ultimate goal: ethnic cleansing

Anti-occupation activists – mostly Jewish Israelis who object to what the Israeli state and its settlers are doing  – have also operated in the area for years, accompanying shepherds when they graze their animals and taking turns staying in their homes at night to reduce the risk of settlers attacking them while they sleep. Over the past few months, their activity has also had to intensify. 

“This is the time that we volunteers really have to be there to protect the Palestinian shepherds,” activist Elie Avidor told Novara Media. “The situation in Gaza is being taken advantage of by the settlement movement.” 

Nearly 400 people – including more than 100 children – have been killed in the West Bank by Israeli forces since 7 October, according to the Palestinian Health Ministry. Much of the violence has erupted in Area C, which covers over 60% of the total West Bank and is under full Israeli military control – despite this contravening international law. Avidor’s group – the Jordan Valley Activists (JVA) – works with shepherds in the Jordan Valley, which is part of Area C and home to nearly 65,000 Palestinians as well as 11,000 settlers.

JVA was founded six years ago, Avidor said, by an initial membership of 10 to 15 people who worked across an area of about 100 square miles. The group now coordinates 80 to 100 volunteers and is asked for help “every day” by around 20 shepherds. These shepherds report having their herds stolen, shot at, dispersed by loud sounds or drones, and held for ransom by settlers – in addition to facing physical assaults themselves......


epaulo13 wrote:

We are concerned to see that for many Jewish people, Judaism and Zionism are one and the same, that Jews and the state of Israel are one and the same.


Jews don’t think Judaism and Israel are one and the same. Anyone who thinks that obviously doesn’t understand either Judaism or Israel. People who don’t understand these kinds of basic facts have no way of understanding this conflict.



UJA: Toronto: The Most Zionist Community In The World

"Israel is the heart and soul of Canadian Jewry in general and of the Toronto community in particular, and in fact is the strongest source of unity among Canadian Jews - and a central element in Jewish identity here.'

The speaker is Adam Minsky, President and CEO of UJA Federation of Greater Toronto..."

But less and less so with each genocidal passing day! Down with Zionist Apartheid and Genocide!  Down with its Lobby! End the Occupation! FREE PALESTINE!


Turkey Restricts Exports to Israel to Protest Gaza Assault

Turkey has announced it will restrict exports to Israel until Israel declares a ceasefire in Gaza and allows in more aid. Israel blasted Turkey’s decision, accusing it of blackmail.


NDPP wrote:

Toronto: The Most Zionist Community In The World



NDPP, how do you feel living in as you have said countless times, “The Most Zionist Community In The World?” What do you think of Jews living in your “most Zionist” city? How do you get along with them?


Exclusive: Google Workers Revolt Over $1.2 Billion Contract With Israel

In midtown Manhattan on March 4, Google’s managing director for Israel, Barak Regev, was addressing a conference promoting the Israeli tech industry when a member of the audience stood up in protest. “I am a Google Cloud software engineer, and I refuse to build technology that powers genocide, apartheid, or surveillance,” shouted the protester, wearing an orange t-shirt emblazoned with a white Google logo. “No tech for apartheid!” 

The Google worker, a 23-year-old software engineer named Eddie Hatfield, was booed by the audience and quickly bundled out of the room, a video of the event shows. After a pause, Regev addressed the act of protest. “One of the privileges of working in a company which represents democratic values is giving space for different opinions,” he told the crowd.

Three days later, Google fired Hatfield.

Hatfield is part of a growing movement inside Google that is calling on the company to drop Project Nimbus, a $1.2 billion contract with Israel, jointly held with Amazon. The protest group, called No Tech for Apartheid, now has more than 200 Google employees closely involved in organizing, according to members, who say there are hundreds more workers sympathetic to their goals. TIME spoke to five current and five former Google workers for this story, many of whom described a growing sense of anger at the possibility of Google aiding Israel in its war in Gaza. Two of the former Google workers said they had resigned from Google in the last month in protest against Project Nimbus. These resignations, and Hatfield’s identity, have not previously been reported......


Protesters paid to take part in pro-Palestinian demonstrations | Toronto Sun

What many have suspected has now been confirmed by this newspaper and a few courageous Canadians: pro-Palestine — and, increasingly, pro-Hamas — protestors are being paid to protest.  To block highways and roads.  To intimidate and threaten Jews and non-Jews.  To cause chaos

Aid money well spent.



Re Kinsella bs above.

Hope they have very deep pockets because the Zios are far deeper and there's thousands and thousands more marching for FREE PALESTINE! all the time!

Who wouldn't, given what these ghouls have done -  except those who support mass murder, Jewish supremacy and genocide.

Sure signs of desperation from the PTB via The SUN.

'It must wipe them off the face of the earth. It must show no mercy.' - Warren Kinsella, The Sun, Oct 10, 2023


[Zionist] Charities Are Paying Student Journalists For 'Pro-Israel Content'

"Zionist charities in Canada are paying student journalists to write and share 'pro-Israel content'.."

Obviously when 'selling' such a genocide, the msm, political establishment and USrael, are simply still not enough to fool all the people all the time!

Free Palestine! Cancel Genocidal Apartheid Israel!



"Over the past five years, more than a Billion dollars has been sent by Canadian charities to Israel.

This includes money that supports illegal settlements and the Israeli military.

Sign the parliamentary petition now: NO MORE SUBSIDIES FOR ISRAEL'S CRIMES!"


Dozens of Israeli settlers stormed into a Palestinian village in the Israeli-occupied West Bank on Friday, shooting and setting houses and cars on fire. The rampage killed a Palestinian man and wounded 25 others, Palestinian health officials said.


Democracy Now: Journalist Dalia Hatuqa

"Under cover of war in Gaza, assault on West Bank intensifies. 'The fog of war has allowed Israel to perpetrate crimes at a very large scale..."


Re #2668

Elica Le Bon is a UK celebrity fan of the deposed US puppet Pahlavi monarchy.


Paladin1 wrote:

Pro-Palestinian protesters chant 'death to America' in NYC (

With Palestinians being butchered by weapons provided by the U.S., I can’t imagine why,


josh wrote:
Paladin1 wrote:

Pro-Palestinian protesters chant 'death to America' in NYC (

With Palestinians being butchered by weapons provided by the U.S., I can’t imagine why,

They sure don't mind living in the USA though.


What Would Che Guevara Do?

"...Ever since local resistance movements emerged, many people have stood up against them for reasons that vary from pure Western propaganda to just simply being pro-imperialist.*

This saddening stance, however, is the one taken by several leftists around the world who do want a free Palestine but do not support resistance groups. The very same people praise revolutionaries like Ernesto Che Guevara.

Homeland or death' if taken in the context of Palestine, strictly means that one should do everything they can to fight for a free Palestine, from the river to the sea.

It means that leftists around the world should not promote or even accept a 'two-state solution', nor should they accept the demonization of Resistance groups by the Israeli occupation and  its allies, or even hesitate to support the Resistance."

*Hence, 'fake left', 'center-left', 'Zionist left', ndp etc.


Columbia Students For Justice in Palestine

"As of 4 AM this morning, Columbia University students have occupied the center of campus, launching our Gaza Solidarity Encampment. We demand divestment and an end to Columbia's complicity in genocide."

Bravo! Canadian university students please note...


NDPP wrote:

What Would Che Guevara Do?

Find the homosexuals and murder them?


Re: A UN Member State of Palestine (Just vetoed by USA!)

"The correct path is for the UN to strip 'Israel' of its seat at the UN and hand it to Palestine.

The Zionist enemy wrongfully occupies the place of the Palestinian people through usurpation of their right to self-determination."

add usurpation-as-genocide to the lengthening charge-sheet.


NDPP wrote:

"The correct path is for the UN to strip 'Israel' of its seat at the UN and hand it to Palestine.

This aggressive and unrealistic viewpoint and aspiration is why there is a conflict.


JKR wrote:
NDPP wrote:

"The correct path is for the UN to strip 'Israel' of its seat at the UN and hand it to Palestine.

This aggressive and unrealistic viewpoint and aspiration is why there is a conflict.

Not the words I would have used.

Shows you how ridiculous the pro-hamas crowd is.


Columbia Protests Continue a Day After NYPD Arrests 100+, Dismantles Gaza Solidarity Encampment

Here in New York, riot police moved in on a peaceful student protest encampment, arresting at least 108 people. Columbia University President Minouche Shafik called the NYPD to clear the Gaza Solidarity Encampment on the campus’s South Lawn, where Columbia and Barnard students had set up one day earlier to demand university leadership divest from Israel. NYPD Chief John Chell said Shafik identified the demonstration as a “clear and present danger,” but that officers found the students to be peaceful and cooperative. Shafik warned all students participating in the encampment would be suspended. At least three suspensions of Barnard students were confirmed Thursday, including Isra Hirsi, daughter of Congressmember Ilhan Omar.

Columbia students and faculty members held a press conference Thursday evening. This is Palestinian American graduate student Layla Saliba, who has lost 14 family members in Gaza since October 7.

Layla Saliba: “Today was a dark day for freedom of speech on Columbia’s campus, because Columbia is showing that if you do not say — if you say something or do something that the university does not agree with, that they are willing to use violence towards you and that they are willing to endanger the health and safety and well-being of their students to protect their PR and their image. Right here we’ve got some riot cops. Look, right over there. They’re treating us like a national security threat simply for holding a press conference.”

Layla Saliba was also one of the Columbia students attacked in January’s chemical “skunk attack” during a campus rally.

Following the arrests, students continued to gather on campus, where large protests carried on through the night, and are ongoing.

Thursday’s showdown with the NYPD was the largest arrest on the Columbia campus since 1968, when police apprehended over 700 students protesting the school’s ties to the Vietnam War and Columbia’s plans to expand in Harlem by building a gymnasium in Morningside Park.


Italian students challenge universities for their complicity in Israel’s crimes


Stop the collaboration between universities

Within this international framework, over the past two months, Italian students and youth organizations have decided to focus their efforts on putting pressure on academic institutions to block agreements with Israeli universities and stop collaborations with companies complicit in the genocide. After the important results obtained regarding the suspension of a call for cooperation promoted by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MAECI) in Pisa, Turin and Bari, a key victory for the entire boycott movement was also reached in Naples.


Students Fight Escalating Repression on US Campuses (&vid)

EI podcast. Students fight Israeli apartheid, Palestinian genocide and US repression. Resist don't collaborate!


'My Life Is Sad' - Palestine Chronicle Children's Press Conference in Gaza (&vid)

"The Palestine Chronicle held a press conference for Palestinian children at a UN school which since the start of war has turned into a refugee shelter.

Please spread the message of the children as much as possible so that their voices may reach the world."


Palestinian Youth Movement: 'WE CALL ON FACULTY...'

"We call on faculty all across North America, Europe (and the world!) to mobilize for Palestine..."


#Columbia #Palestine

"The attack on Columbia's students will be recorded as a watershed in the fascistization of America at the behest of Israel and its lobby.

It will mark either the beginning of the end for Israeli capture of US institutions, or a death-knell for democracy."

Canada is even more far gone 'at the behest of Israel and its lobby', and in deep denial or wilfully indifferent to that obvious fact, as shamelessly demonstrated by its pro-Zionist political class, academia, msm etc. Silence is complicity. Resist don't collaborate!


UNICEF Spokesperson: 'It's All Rubble' (&vid)

"James Elder documented the destruction of Palestinian homes in the city of Khan Younis in Gaza on Thursday. He wrote that 2 out of 3 homes have now been 'destroyed or damaged' by Israel's army."

It's how Israel does genocide. The arrest, trial and punishment of these Zionist warcriminals and collaborators accompanied by the confiscation of their treasury and/or reparations for Palestinians must certainly accompany any just resolution of their orgy of mass murder and destruction. Our politicians may be on their knees to this awful regime, we must never be!






NDPP wrote:




Hey NDPP, Justin wasn't too impressed with your protest.

Personally I think praising the rape and murder of Jews on October 7th is great optics. Really a true colours moment.


JT needs to stop collaborating with Apartheid Israel's genocide and taking his info and advice on such things from his billionaire advisor Bronfman and the zionazi Israel lobby, soon to go the way of Canada's now extinct apartheid South African lobby.

Perhaps he should check with IJV, Jews Against Genocide, or other protest participants such as United Steelworkers, to get a better idea of what actually occurs and why so many Canadians are protesting, and planning NOT to vote for him again.

A very large, positive and inspiring rally/march on a sunny Sunday afternoon in downtown Toronto with many onlookers joining in and signalling their approval. Good to see and very inspiring.

This movement grows stronger and shows no signs of diminishing. Especially enjoyed the powerful sustained chant by other outraged progressives for 'REVOLUTION - THE SOLUTION!' By the looks of things we can expect that to resonate with even more!


Update From Gaza Freedom Flotilla

'Powerful western states have sent official delegations to Turkey to prevent us from launching our mission to challenge Israel's genocidal blockade. We still intend to sail on April 24 and deliver 5500 tons of aid cargo to Gaza.'

Western barbarism has given an ironclad commitment to the genocide of the Palestinian people and will do whatever it takes for as long as it takes to help the Zionist enemy carry it off."

Including Canada.


[email protected]



NDPP wrote:

JT needs to stop collaborating with Apartheid Israel's genocide and taking his info and advice on such things from his billionaire advisor Bronfman and the zionazi Israel lobby, soon to go the way of Canada's now extinct apartheid South African lobby.

Well to be fair you're pro-Hamas and think October 7th was a great thing so obvious you're biased.

Don't worry, JT wont do anything about the clear hate speech being done. He just needed to say something.


To be fair, those who are defending and enabling Israel's genocide of Palestinians have shown how far they are willing to go. Today Palestinians but they will eventually come for anyone who stands in their way.  


I have and will always be a supporter and ally of Indigenous sovereignty and resistance struggles against settler-colonialist occupation and genocide.

Am also in agreement with melovesproles. No matter what nonsense you may choose to believe about this struggle, one of its lessons for today must also be that it demonstrates how openly the PTV can commit and manufacture consent for genocide.

So consider: today it's the Palestinians, tomorrow it could be you and yours, no matter y0ur stupid, servile support, acquiescence or silent and complicitous 'disapproval'.

Canada's Indigenous genocide and illegal occupation, like Israel's proceeded mostly unopposed and supported by the settler population. The vast majority of any settler 'protests' against this genocide occur in the contemporary period only after the main project was largely successfully completed.

This is the traditional terrain for Canadian liberal virtue-signalling, which even now if claiming to 'support the Palestinians' being ruthlessly, relentlessly mass murdered by the Canadian-backed USraeli killing machine 'live on CNN', is careful always to first smear and demonize their actual resistance to it.

Increasingly the growing demonstrations, protests and actions across Canada openly support Palestinian resistance and its victory. As do I. So should you.


NDPP wrote:

Increasingly the growing demonstrations, protests and actions across Canada openly support Palestinian resistance and its victory. As do I. So should you.

They're simply becoming more honest with their desire to kill jews and destroy Israel.

Celebrating the rape and murder on October 7th is proof of that. Hell, most of the posters here either do their best to ignore the events of October 7th, or openly praise it as some sick form of resistance.


The enablers of Israeli genocide are doing everything they can to shut down freedom of speech here and they will weaponize accusations of antisemitism to shamelessly attack absolutely any resistance.

Meanwhile the genocidal state they are enabling continues to kill Palestinians and international aid workers with impunity. Extremely sick. 

Veterans Risk Their Lives Trying To Get Aid To Gaza On Freedom Flotilla


Paladin1 wrote:
NDPP wrote:

Increasingly the growing demonstrations, protests and actions across Canada openly support Palestinian resistance and its victory. As do I. So should you.

They're simply becoming more honest with their desire to kill jews and destroy Israel.

Celebrating the rape and murder on October 7th is proof of that. Hell, most of the posters here either do their best to ignore the events of October 7th, or openly praise it as some sick form of resistance.

Ok, genocide supporter.


Mobilize the Working Class in Defense of Protesters Against the Gaza Genocide

'Today, Biden's [/Trudeau's] smear of protesters as 'antisemites' is designed to legitimize violence against opponents of war.'

"The WSWS denounces the enormous escalation of state attacks on protesters, including the mass arrests at Columbia, Yale University, justified on the basis of lies and slander.

We call for the broadest possible mobilization of the working class throughout the US and internationally to oppose this assault on democratic rights and to stop the genocide in Gaza..."


[email protected]


josh wrote:
Paladin1 wrote:
NDPP wrote:

Increasingly the growing demonstrations, protests and actions across Canada openly support Palestinian resistance and its victory. As do I. So should you.

They're simply becoming more honest with their desire to kill jews and destroy Israel.

Celebrating the rape and murder on October 7th is proof of that. Hell, most of the posters here either do their best to ignore the events of October 7th, or openly praise it as some sick form of resistance.

Ok, genocide supporter.

Allah Ackbar, right?


Natonazi supports zionazi Israel. Nor is the Palestinian resistance  exclusively Muslim.


Paladin1 wrote:
NDPP wrote:

Increasingly the growing demonstrations, protests and actions across Canada openly support Palestinian resistance and its victory. As do I. So should you.

They're simply becoming more honest with their desire to kill jews and destroy Israel.

Celebrating the rape and murder on October 7th is proof of that. Hell, most of the posters here either do their best to ignore the events of October 7th, or openly praise it as some sick form of resistance.

The last half year has very unfortunately shown us that even after thousands of years, it turns out antisemitism is still very much alive and kicking.


josh wrote:
Paladin1 wrote:
NDPP wrote:

Increasingly the growing demonstrations, protests and actions across Canada openly support Palestinian resistance and its victory. As do I. So should you.

They're simply becoming more honest with their desire to kill jews and destroy Israel.

Celebrating the rape and murder on October 7th is proof of that. Hell, most of the posters here either do their best to ignore the events of October 7th, or openly praise it as some sick form of resistance.

Ok, genocide supporter.

Maybe look in the mirror?


NDPP wrote:

Natonazi supports zionazi Israel. Nor is the Palestinian resistance  exclusively Muslim.

The desire to dehumanize others by equating them with Nazis incites hatred, violence, harm, and death.
