Is the left on the right side

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Is the left on the right side  (from 2018)

George Monbiot debates people on the right.

The "motion" is "Is the left on the right side?

I have often said that the left is right but for some reason always loses the argument on economic issues.  When I the title I had to watch.

They poll the audience on the way into the debate and then again at the end of the debate to see who "won".

I found George Monbiot's arguments very convincing.  The only question in my mind was by how much he would win. 

Before and after the debate this is how the numbers shifted.

37% against        57% against

32% for               36% for

31% undecided      6% undecided

While the left made some progress the right won the debate. Why?



The right won this debate for a few reasons. Firstly, one of the two debaters for the left showed up half way through the debate because she was held up by a vote in the UK House of Commons. One of the two debaters for the right side also had to vote but he did not arrive late to participate in the debate. Secondly the left failed to define what "left" means so the right side of the debate were able to define the left as including Stalinist Russia, and the current North Korea. Thirdly, Roger Scruton did a very good job stressing that the right impede the left's radical tendencies. Scruton was also very witty and charming, much more so than the other debaters. At the very end of the debate George Monbiot did a very good job of showing that the left does a much better job creating upward mobility than the right bit unfortunately for his side the audience had voted before his final strong remarks. The left side of this debate should have framed "the left" as UK's leftists and how through the history of the UK Labour policies have benefited the UK much more than Conservative policies. It was also bad for the left side of the debate when they accepted that the left in the UK have been antisemitic and have too often been opposed to free speech of people on the right.


The left has made progress on the identity politics side which needs to continue but economically and politically the right successfully rolled back gains the left had made. A good example is the slow erosion of health care. 

The youtube video is illustrative of what I see as a failure to communicate (falling into right wing traps). This is another example of what JKR was pointing out. 

I meant to rewatch it before commenting again because there were other errors but I think the most glaring and pertinent was in response to the right winger bringing up Venezuela as an example of the damage socialism causes.  The left then launched into a pointless defense of Venezuelan socialism. 

I say pointless, because Venezuelan socialism has nothing to do what is proposed by the Labor Party in GB (or NDP style socialism). 

I would have responded: Socialism in GB is about paying for health care and roads and K-12 education collectively because it's cheaper than paying for it individually. 

We pay money for car insurance and house insurance even though most people never get a dime back.  We pay so that if we are the one hit with misfortune we can recover.

The left seems all tangled up in defending the ideology and addressing everything through a leftist lens all the time which is fine for leftists talking to each other but not for talking to the general public. 

Leftists often exude a sense of moral superiority that can be offensive. The attitude is "I'm going to inform you so you will understand that I am right about X so you should support me."

The right frames issues to show people how their lives will be improved by whatever policy.  The left more often frames issues to show people how they have to help people worse off than themselves. 

GND of QS made two really smart comment in a recent article that I consider excellent examples of the right approach. 

First, he emphasised that tackling climate change will make our lives better not worse. The left has accepted right wing framing that being environmentally conscious means giving things up that we enjoy or that make our lives easier and less expensive. 

When Trudeau says "balancing the economy and the environment" he sends the message that one is at the expense of the other. It's very effective communicating and reinforces the long-standing narrative that dealing with the environment means suffering economically while giving things up.

The other thing he brought up was how to pay for his proposals with a supporting argument for why those funds should be used to fight climate change rather than pay down Quebec's debt. 

My point is that there are ways for the left to communicate more effectively and gain the political power to change things either electorally or through mass demonstrations. By mass I mean a million people not 10K although 10K would be a good start. 

There are times when it is better to retreat and fight again another day and other times when it is better to plow forward. 


There it is. This is what has been confusing me for sometime.

And I think, above all, the main problem there lies in the sentence that I can quote from a recent write-up by the general secretary of the CPIML. It says, “Regardless of the internal character of competing global powers, a multipolar world is certainly more advantageous to progressive forces and movements,” and so on. Now, the idea — that means that, you know, the idea that you must support those poles in the world that are seen as a challenge to America, which is the only country recognized as imperialist, and that all other poles, even if they comprise fascists and authoritarians, like Putin or Modi or Bolsonaro or Xi, that, some way or the other, we have to be softer on those leaders, those regimes; we must temper our solidarity to the movements against those regimes; we must ration out our solidarities, because it is our job to somehow maintain this balance of power. So, this kind of realist rhetoric and realist ideological corruption of Marxism is, I think, what troubles me very deeply right now.

NERMEEN SHAIKH: And, Kavita, just on that question of supporting what might be or is developing into a more multilateral global frame, there have been many who have expressed hope in the economic alliance of BRICS — that is, of Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa.


NERMEEN SHAIKH: What is your response to that? I mean, together, they constitute 41% of the world population, 24% of world GDP and over 60% share in world trade.

KAVITA KRISHNAN: You see, when it comes to economic cooperation, why not? But I think that the celebration of BRICS as some sort of multipolar regionalism and so on — I saw the interview on Democracy Now! with Vijay Prashad, for instance — I find that deeply disturbing, because, for me, whether it’s West or East, the main thing that should concern us now are the struggles against authoritarianisms inside of various countries. Whether it’s America, whether it’s the U.K. in the Brexit context, whether it’s Trump in America, whether it’s Putin in Russia, whether it’s Modi in India, and so on and so forth, you have struggles for democracy against deeply authoritarian and fascist forces. And we should be talking about how to strengthen those forces.

Instead of that, if you have a sort of a blind and vulgar sort of economic framework in which you look at the world, and you start celebrating BRICS in itself or as of itself as some kind of democratric anti-imperialism, I think that is pretty dangerous, because you’re not looking at the politics of China, the politics of Russia, the politics of Brazil, the politics of India. China, for instance, in the region in which — you know, India is of course and right now ruled by an openly Hindu supremacist, Islamophobic government. Likewise, China is a country which is a model of authoritarianism, from which India’s regime, too, is taking notes and learning. It is openly Islamophobic in its actions towards putting Uyghur Muslims in concentration camps. It is backing, funding the Myanmar military, which is doing genocide against the Rohingya people. Surely these are things that at least the left ought to address, ought to mention, ought to recognize.

Likewise, I find that large portions of the left do not even mention Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. The interview with Vijay Prashad on Democracy Now!, for instance, he makes no mention of the word “invasion.” So, it’s as though there is some shadow war going on somewhere on some other planet between Russia and the West, you know, where there’s no mention of Russia’s having invaded Ukraine, and refuse to recognize it and wanting to wipe it off of the surface of the Earth. So, that is what I find deeply disturbing, and, you know, for the prospects of the left, as well as for the prospects of democracy in our world.


That is exactly what I have been sensing. The establishment left has decided a multipolar world is best. They want Russia and China to be a counterweight putting a check on US and NATO power. It's not that they think they are better countries. It's that they think multiple superpowers are better than a single superpower. 

So whenever topics come up critical of Russia or China the left jumps forth to defend them and accuse the West of demonization.

I've also seen the argument that we should only be critical of our country as if we have no right to criticize other countries until we reach some state of perfection. 

These attitudes when applied to politics help the right brand the left as supporters of dictatorships and authoritarianism. 

There also seems to be a disrespect for democracy unless people vote for what the left thinks is right. If people disagree their opinions can be ignored because they are brainwashed by the MSM or don't know enough to have a valid opinion. 

Another thread asks why fascism is on the rise, why the right is on the rise. It's because the left isn't trusted. 

I was propagandized here on the topic of China. Only Hong Kong and Taiwan saved me from being convinced that China was benign, unlike the US. 

Another wake-up call was Rittenhouse. The biggest wake-up call is Ukraine. The betrayal of feminists has long been depressing. The gigantic clown boobs on the teacher in Ontario and  trans women physically towering over other women in competitions, trans women raping other women in prisons and getting other women pregnant in prison, teens and young adults de-transitioning but left with physical changes and damage that can't be undone. All this will be laid at the feet of the left. Trans women do belong in women's prisons even if they haven't had surgery but it shouldn't be as easy as simply claiming to be a woman. 

There can be no discussion of this here:

or this

or this

Feminists have tried to sound the alarm of non-gender conforming kids being encouraged to identify as trans when they just might be tomboys or effeminate. 

The left dispensed with the concerns of women in favor of obsequiousness to the most extreme trans activists.

Prostitution also escapes leftist analyses in favor of blind support of sex workers.

If you really want to know why the left is losing it will be necessary to examine where the left is going wrong instead of blaming external factors.

susan davis susan davis's picture

Pondering wrote:

The betrayal of feminists has long been depressing. The gigantic clown boobs on the teacher in Ontario and  trans women physically towering over other women in competitions, trans women raping other women in prisons and getting other women pregnant in prison, teens and young adults de-transitioning but left with physical changes and damage that can't be undone. All this will be laid at the feet of the left. Trans women do belong in women's prisons even if they haven't had surgery but it shouldn't be as easy as simply claiming to be a woman. 

There can be no discussion of this here:

or this

or this

Feminists have tried to sound the alarm of non-gender conforming kids being encouraged to identify as trans when they just might be tomboys or effeminate. 

The left dispensed with the concerns of women in favor of obsequiousness to the most extreme trans activists.

Prostitution also escapes leftist analyses in favor of blind support of sex workers.

If you really want to know why the left is losing it will be necessary to examine where the left is going wrong instead of blaming external factors.

wow, now it is sex workers fault and trans people's fault that the "left" is loosing? Is there anything we haven't ruined? is there anything sex workers haven't caused?
Some of the anti trans rhetoric above is clearly hateful.... really... how is this kind of post allowed here....haven't people been banned for the same kind of thing?
The links to the articles are old, the stories they contain are old and represent a tiny minority of people who do NOT reflect the fight for gender equity.... they are the default "go-to" for anti trans and anti sex work crusaders...


Is there a disproportionate number of trans people in the sex worker trade?

susan davis susan davis's picture

yes, in relation to the number of trans people in the general community. 


Activists that take the most extreme positions should not be supported blindly. The left should keep an open mind and not assume activists represent their entire communities. I don't want to get too deep into discussing prostitution as we are discussing it in other topics. There are definitely mixed viewpoints in the trans community concerning the lack of careful assessment before being channeled into trans affirmative care. I'm not arguing that one or the other is necessarily right but that issues are not evaluated with an open mind and full analysis.

A more recent example is the faulty analysis of the war in Ukraine, not that the conclusion is necessarily wrong. The absence of proof is not proof. A couple of points being made central to the argument are twisted to the point of being not true. They totally undermine the rest of the argument being presented even if that argument is correct. It damages credibility on the left in a way that it does not on the right.  

The right, especially the far right, is accused of being in an unthinking feedback loop and propagandized. I agree, and I don't think the left is quite as far gone, but it doesn't self-challenge. it is in a feedback loop with automated responses rather than discussion. 

I am an abolitionist but that doesn't mean I hold the same views on how to get there as all other abolitionists or that they speak for me. I am definitely not responsible for everything they do or don't do. 


@ Pondering

We have discussed Jessica Yaniv here. Not sure what your concern is, because she lost her cases and was found to have had racist motives.

I am pretty sure gender and sport has come up too. And surely you remember the Meghan Murphy discussions, and others. We have been able to discuss all of these things here, to the point of allowing some fairly transphobic comments.

So I would challenge the assertion that we can't talk about that here. We have.

But to bring it back to that left-right connection, the recent question about an ontario teacher is a good example, because it really only seems to be an issue driven by transphobes and the right wing media and trolls. No one else.

Until the protesters started showing up it was not an issue for anyone directly involved - not the school board, not students.

As was pointed out in a recent editorial in the Globe (unfortunately paywalled) this is just body shaming:

"Now, is it traumatizing to high school students to have a teacher who looks the way she does? I suspect not. They’re teenagers, and to them, adults simply seem old."


I take your point that there have been some discussions but nothing so controversial as discussing the pushing of trans identity on minors. 

That students don't care or aren't traumatized doesn't mean it isn't ridiculing women to the point of wearing blackface. It's also ridiculing people with gender dysmorphia. Males with gender dysmorphia want to look like women. I'd be fine if a person wanted to wear a dress and have a beard. Not so much cow tits. What next? Will they add a gigantic blow up dick in their pants? 


Pondering wrote:

I take your point that there have been some discussions but nothing so controversial as discussing the pushing of trans identity on minors. 

Pushing trans identity?
That was what members of the People's Party of Canada claimed was the problem (that and grooming) when the Children's Museum held an event here two weeks ago. I was on the other side with the crowd doing our best to keep those haters at a distance.


Scientists call their work theories, like the theory of evolution, a theory to allow for added discoveries to refine or even disprove it. Some theories are so developed like the theory of evolution that are supported by so much physical evidence we know it to be true, but dating has changed over the centuries as methods improved altering the theory

Simple definition.

ideology, a form of social or political philosophy in which practical elements are as prominent as theoretical ones. It is a system of ideas that aspires both to explain the world and to change it.

Leftist ideology has been turned into a religion. It doesn’t want its theories or logic questioned anymore because leftists have heard it all and have seen The Truth. No refinements required.

6079_Smith_W wrote:
Pondering wrote:
<p>I take your point that there have been some discussions but nothing so controversial as discussing the pushing of trans identity on minors.&nbsp;</p>

Pushing trans identity?

That was what members of the People's Party of Canada claimed was the problem  (that and grooming) when the Children's Museum held an event here two weeks ago. I was on the other side with the crowd doing our best to keep those haters at a distance. 

And there we have it. Exhibit A.  Shut down discussion immediately by implying the poster is associated with “haters” putting them on the defensive.

Meet Keira if you dare.

The consequences of what happened to me have been profound: possible infertility, loss of my breasts and inability to breastfeed, atrophied genitals, a permanently changed voice, facial hair. When I was seen at the Tavistock clinic, I had so many issues that it was comforting to think I really had only one that needed solving: I was a male in a female body. But it was the job of the professionals to consider all my co-morbidities, not just to affirm my naïve hope that everything could be solved with hormones and surgery…..

Notably, a growing wave of girls has been seeking treatment for gender dysphoria. In 2009-10, 77 children were referred to the Gender Identity Development Service, 52% of whom were boys. That ratio started to reverse a few years later as the overall number of referrals soared. In England in 2018-19, 624 boys were referred and 1,740 girls, or 74% of the total. Over half of referrals were for those aged 14 or under; some were as young as 3 years old. The court noted the practitioners at the Tavistock did not put forward “any clinical explanation” for the dramatic rise in girls, and expressed surprise at its failure to collate data on the age of patients when they began puberty blockers….

The puberty blockers that I received at 16 were designed to stop my sexual maturation: The idea was that this would give me a “pause” to think about whether I wanted to continue to a further gender transition. This so-called “pause” put me into what felt like menopause, with hot flushes, night sweats, and brain fog. All this made it more difficult to think clearly about what I should do….

I started realizing how many flaws there had been in my thought process, and how they had interacted with claims about gender that are increasingly found in the larger culture and that have been adopted at the Tavistock. I remembered my idea as a 14-year-old, that hormones and surgery would turn me into someone who appeared to be a man. Now, I was that person. But I recognized that I was very physically different from men. Living as a trans man helped me acknowledge that I was still a woman….

Then there was the fact that no one really knew the long-term effects of the treatment. For instance, the puberty blockers and testosterone caused me to have to deal with vaginal atrophy, a thinning and fragility of the vaginal walls that normally occurs after menopause. I started feeling really bad about myself again….after a double mastectomy...

After I came to this decision, I found a subreddit for detransitioners. The number of people on it started rising, as if all these young women had come to a collective realization of the medical scandal we had been a part of. It was a place we could talk about our experiences and support each other. I felt liberated….

But former Tavistock practitioners have cited varied problems suffered by the kids who sought help, such as sexual abuse, trauma, parental abandonment, homophobia in the family or at school, depression, anxiety, being on the autism spectrum, having ADHD. These profound issues, and how they might be tied up with feelings of dysphoria, have often been ignored in favor of making transition the all-purpose solution….

Support for mental health care is thin and cures hard to come by. Transition fits the medication and surgery treatment model which is also very lucrative. Pick gender affirming care and you have a clear treatment model. We don’t yet know the numbers on how many people will regret transitioning over the next 30 years or so. It is a massive medical experiment that puts people on medical treatment for life that cannot be discussed without accusations of transphobia.


I am familiar with the Tavistock Institute, and their incredible workload (and their shutdown which is leaving a massive waiting list).  I also know that the lawyer in the Bell case is involved in anti-trans bills in the United States.

Is detransitioning real? Of course it is. It is at a rate of about 2.5 percent, and is often done only temporarily. Some who have detransitioned did so because of pressure from parents or others, or because they found it too difficult.

There are non-straight people who decide to go back in the closet too. We don't assume from that that they were straight all along, or that they were pushed or lured.

There is a big difference between that real issue and framing it as "pushing trans identity". I call the latter what it is - transphobic hatred. It exploits fear, ignorance, and a very small percentage of people who for a variety of reasons (transphobia being one) don't move forward with transition.

laine lowe laine lowe's picture

I don't know enough but if what 6079 Smith is true or a reasonable observation, I would say "detransitioning" is similar to campaigns promoted by anti-abortion activists that have created health concerns around "Post Abortion Syndrome" with right wing hack scientests trying to create scholarly studies on the subject and finding "testimonials" of women who were emotionally scarred and fully regretted having an abortion.


Again the reaction is to deny. The detransition rate cited is not based on any recent data. It is only in the past couple of decades that transitioning has exploded in popularity and begins before or during puberty. Old data is based on adults who had to fight tooth and nail to get surgery and often had to pay for it themselves. A trans person had to be very determined for a very long time. 

We are applying identity politics to a medical issue. Gender dysmorphia is a mental disorder. It isn't like being gay. There is no evidence that trans people were born in the wrong body. We are not assigned a gender at birth. Our genitals are identifed as male or female. Gender transition is far more serious than getting an abortion. 

Although the literature is sparse on the topic, the study by Roberts et al highlights the important issue that a proportion of our TGD patients elect to discontinue hormonal treatment. As endocrinologists, we may overlook this aspect of care as many patients who detransition no longer present to our clinics for follow-up. In fact, one study of 100 detransitioners found that only 24% of respondents informed their clinicians that they had detransitioned (5).

As endocrinologists, we have an important role to play when it comes to the medical management of TGD patients who transition or detransition. Because the informed consent model has made it easier for people to access gender-affirming therapies, we should ensure that our patients have received adequate and comprehensive information on the potential benefits and risks of gender-affirming therapies, especially regarding irreversible changes such as voice deepening with testosterone and hypogonadism after gonadectomy. A cross-sectional online survey of 237 detransitioners found that this population had important psychological needs and needed accurate information on stopping/changing hormonal treatment (6). This particular study recruited participants through social media, particularly through websites and groups for female detransitioners. The average age was 25 years, 92% were assigned female at birth, 65% transitioned both socially and medically, and 46% of those who medically transitioned underwent gender-affirming surgeries. The average duration of transition was 4.7 years. The most common reason for detransitioning was the realization that their gender dysphoria was related to other issues (70%). The participants in this study had high rates of mental health comorbidities including depressive disorder (70%), anxiety (63%), post-traumatic stress disorder (33%), attention deficit disorder (24%), autism spectrum condition (20%), eating disorder (19%), and personality disorder (17%). Most respondents described their detransition as a very isolating experience in which they did not receive adequate psychological or medical support. Many lost support and friendships from the LGBT community and some experienced hostility after announcing their decision to detransition. This study has the major limitation of selection bias.

With the increase in numbers of persons presenting for gender-affirming care, shift to informed consent, likely reduced proportion of TGD people receiving an adequate mental health evaluation, and a change in the distribution of TGD people to more assigned female at birth and nonbinary individuals, there is reason to believe that the numbers of detransitioners may increase. It is quite possible that low reported rates of detransition and regret in previous populations will no longer apply to current populations. More research is needed to compare care and outcomes between the less restrictive informed consent model and the stricter interdisciplinary model pioneered in the Netherlands. Although the rates of discontinuing hormones and detransition may change over time, our compassionate care can remain a constant.

There is no question that for the mental disorder gender dysmorphia the only known successful treatment is gender transitioning. That results in lifelong hormone treatments and multiple surgeries. Making a mistake results in very serious consequences.

Being alarmed at the radical increase in transitioners is not transphobic. 


Gender dysphoria is no longer classified as a disorder, because it never was a disorder or illness.

"The presence of gender variance is not the pathology but dysphoria is from the distress caused by the body and mind not aligning and/or societal marginalization of gender-variant people."

So - the body, and the pressure of living in a transphobic society. I'd think any of us would have anxiety if we had to worry about being confronted anytime we walked into a public toilet.

And we do have up-to-date information on who decides to detransition.
Anything else is speculation or scaremongering.

Again, to get back to the blurring of lines between left and right, who is it that is ringing the alarm bells about the dangers of transitioning, whether people are really trans or non-binary, and whether they are being pushed into it?

Though speaking of being pushed, this is also from that Journal of Endocrinology article you cited:

"Rates of detransition were higher in transgender women (11%) than transgender men (4%). The most common reasons cited were pressure from a parent (36%), transitioning was too hard (33%), too much harassment or discrimination (31%), and trouble getting a job (29%)."

So yeah. Being able to go to the bathroom in public like everyone else, among other things. These were the most common reasons. Note that transition being the wrong decision in the first place is not there.

And why rates are higher in the U.S. than in some other countries? I'll just leave that question open.


Gender dysphoria is no longer classified as a disorder, because it never was a disorder or illness

So it must be a preference because there is zero evidence that anyone has ever been born in the wrong body.  The presence of gender variant people does not prove they were born with a gender.

The most common reason for detransitioning was the realization that their gender dysphoria was related to other issues (70%). The participants in this study had high rates of mental health comorbidities including depressive disorder (70%), anxiety (63%), post-traumatic stress disorder (33%), attention deficit disorder (24%), autism spectrum condition (20%), eating disorder (19%), and personality disorder (17%)....

With the increase in numbers of persons presenting for gender-affirming care, shift to informed consent, likely reduced proportion of TGD people receiving an adequate mental health evaluation

An "on demand" model for extreme elective surgery that leads to life long expensive medical treatments and drugs when it is known that the majority of cases have mental comorbidities is medical malpractice.

"Rates of detransition were higher in transgender women (11%) than transgender men (4%). The most common reasons cited were pressure from a parent (36%), transitioning was too hard (33%), too much harassment or discrimination (31%), and trouble getting a job (29%)."

Which are all valid reasons not to transition in the first place. These are very serious impacts on someone's life that not everyone may be willing to face or strong enough to face, especially if they have mental health struggles aside from gender dysmorphia. Transitioning has huge social and physical and economic costs they have a right to consider when making their decision. If they also have mental comorbidities and/or and suffered abuses they need extensive mental health support before during and after not just pills and operations. It isn't a trial and error treatment.

In the past lesbians and homosexuals have chosen to live heterosexual lives due to not wanting to face the discrimination. Even now coming out is considered a very personal decision and generally happens during or after puberty. They have a right to choose to not face the discrimination.

 It is sexist to assume a boy who likes dolls might be gay, or a girl who likes trucks should be watched for signs of lesbianism. Now they are being watched for signs of being trans. Gender expression is a spectrum very little of which should be treated as related to either sex or sexual orientation because so much of it is nurture not nature particularly before puberty. Male and female behavior differs most sharply approaching and during puberty as a result of hormones preprogrammed to be released. It does not impact preferred activities or sexual orientation but testosterone makes males more aggressive and less prone to tears.

When the stereotypical identity assigned to your birth sex doesn't fit it takes exploration to find out which one does fit. Effeminate men may or may not be gay and butch women may or may not be lesbians. They are rejecting their gender role not their sex or sexual orientation. A drag queen can be a straight man.

Nobody should ever ask a child if they think they are a boy or a girl any more than they should ask their sexualy proclivity. It is not such a frequent disorder that children have to be alerted to it in terms of the possibility that they have gender dysmorphia. Rather they should be taught that it is fine if boys want to wear dresses just like girls can wear pants and everyone can like glittery things and things that go boom. If an actual trans gender child is involved you just say they want to be treated like a “whatever sex” now. No need for lengthy explanations. Johnny wants to be called Julia now and wants to play with the girls. Gay couples abound so Heather has two Mommies is fine.

Young butch lesbians are saying they were pushed to identify as trans and some of them transitioned. Are you calling them liars? 


I've followed the issues related to trans rights closely the past 6 years or so since it started appearing in public debates and SOGI materials were introduced into my daughters grade 5 class.   My hope then was it would lead to greater acceptance of gender nonconformity, less bullying in youth culture, recognition of trans identities as valid not as the butt of jokes, perhaps reduce homophobia in the general culture.   I don't think that's what's happening now.   There is a conservative backlash, in the general culture and on school councils, and the Texas bills are insane. 

But I also agree with most of what Pondering says.  I am gender critical and I think TERF is a slur.  There are live issues on the liberal-led push for trans rights, and the methods in which they've been pushed, that are real and worth opposing.   There are legitimate, important conflicts with women's sex-based rights.   There is legitimate debate among the medical establishment on how youth with gender disphoria should be treated.   The safety of puberty blockers used for this purpose has not been established.   The long term effects of giving adolescents cross sex hormones has not been established.    Canada and the US are on the extreme edge of that spectrum - the affirmation only approach, uncritical and easy access to drugs and surgery.   Sweden, Finland and most recently the UK are taking a "watchful waiting" approach, and only allowing puberty blockers after extensive screening, with parental support and as part of a formal clinical trial with long term followup.   I beg leftists to apply a capitalist lens here and consider that the US's for profit health care system and the large profits inherent in trans health care may be distorting the science here.   

Unlike Smith, I don't feel like a conversation about this can be had on rabble.   In past attempts, Meghan Murphy was fired, a few long time posters banned, and at least 3 women posters left the board because they felt gender critical perspectives were not allowed (sineed, Ghiselle, remind).   I find the recent columns on trans rights published on rabble to be extreme and hostile to any dialogue with gender critical people.     

I like babble, and I don't want to be banned.   So absent a clear statement from the moderator(s) that gender critical perspectives can be discussed here, this post will be it from me on this subject.

Liane:   Please don't view detransitioners as some sort of conservative plant or media op.   Their stories are being used by conservative media, but their stories are real, and they are worth listening to.

Pondering:   I hope you don't get banned.   I hope your perspective is allowed here.


Oh? What are we are having right now if not a conversation about this very issue? You just said a whole bunch right there. Do you feel you had to leave anything out for fear of being banned?

Not that I think a conversation on this will be any more productive than last time , but the notion that it is forbidden is nonsense. I have seen plenty of lines crossed here with no consequence, and I have not seen anyone banned for transphobia.

Meghan Murphy was not "fired" from anything here.

Speaking of right wing, this is kind of similar to the right wing tactic of claiming an infringement on "free speech" when there is none. When it comes to the public forum, they are are the loudest voices in the room - half of it whining about being oppressed.



I thought there were cadaver studies that showed female/male brains. And that the overwhelming majority of trans-brains(forgive the indelicate language)that were donated were categorized as congruent to their identity. I think the studies were from before 2000 so it wasn't a case of science kneeling to society's paradigm shift; it was science. or at least that what I remember from the lecturer in nursing school a decade ago.


Silencing happens in many different ways. 

Thank you Mobo I appreciate the input. I think the increasing numbers of detransitioners and what they have to say about how their treatment was approached is forcing the conversation open. 

Smith, no debate is happening here. You are regurgitating arguments you have fixed in your head. You are not engaging with the points being raised. You aren't thinking about it. 

I don't expect anyone here to ever admit that the left has failed to heed warnings from feminists ever since "sex positive" feminism came around, as though feminists prior to that were sex negative. 

Cindy Gladue, an indigenous woman, died because of porn, prostitution and colonialism. 

Bradley Barton, a white man, had no intention of killing her. He just liked rough sex. Fisting is a thing now in porn. Bradley wanted the kind of sex you have to pay to get consent for. Only prostitutes "want" that kind of sex. 

Cindy took a bath and died because she was an indigenous woman for whom this is appropriate employment, but that is for the labour discussion much later.  This is what men call anti-colonialism and freedom for women. It is sex positive. 

I will probably go on  with the trans discussion later but all I intended to do was point out the difficulty of having serious discussions about controversial issues the left has made a determination on. 


If you mean I disagree with you, well yes.

But you can hardly accuse me of not engaging with the points raised. I read your article and cited information from it. And I did in fact address your claim about not knowing the numbers around transitioning. In fact there is plenty of research.

Fact is though, you can say any of those things here. You just did. If you are concerned about having a real discussion though, well I am curious what issue you think we can have a real discussion on? Certainly not Ukraine.

This isn't just about "the left", and not just because a great deal of it is "the right". There are quite a few people in here who have set ideas they have no intention of changing.  You do as much as many others here.

And you are not the only person here who accuses others of being closed-minded  and refusing to listen to reason.  I bet more than half the people in this forum see themselves as the only open minded person here surrounded by the brainwashed. There are certainly enough people here who go on about it.

susan davis susan davis's picture

Pondering wrote:

Cindy Gladue, an indigenous woman, died because of porn, prostitution ;and colonialism;

Bradley Barton, a white man, had no intention of killing her. He just liked rough sex. Fisting is a thing now in porn. Bradley wanted the kind of sex you have to pay to get consent for. Only prostitutes "want" that kind of sex. 

this is unbelievable... i am at a loss for words.... your transphobic vitriol is also unbelievable.... this is the "activists toolkit"?
how is this providing "tools for activists"? what kind of activists? Are those the kind of activists we want?
health care deniers? evidence deniers?
I would hope that people understood that trans people are now protected by law, promotion of hatred as is being posted here actually falls into that category and contributes to stigma, violence and exclusion of people....
Publishing this kind of hate in writing on a public forum actually complicates the charges and makes it easier to prove....
how do I know this? i watch the Supreme Court and listen to their decisions....

Seriously, tolerance of this kind of rhetoric could pose a legal risk to rabble...

these "questions" are not controlled by the "left"....

they are defined by evidence, medical facts and case law.... these factors are about as far from "left" as they could be.....

As far as "serious discussion"...? or "controversial issues"?

When one perspective ignores the facts/ evidence/truth.... how should we proceed? should we coddle those who refuse to recognize the truth? should we allow hate to rise? should we allow it to go unchecked? should we allow space and a platform for mis-information?

What's next.... discussion of whether the earth is flat or spherical?

I suggest reading at this link;
and checking out the partners involved at the bottom....
6 children's hospitals, CIHR, 11 universities, health authorities.....

I know who I believe....


But you can hardly accuse me of not engaging with the points raised. I read your article and cited information from it. And I did in fact address your claim about not knowing the numbers around transitioning. In fact there is plenty of research.

But there is not plenty of research. The articles themselves all point out how limited the research is and how poorly tracked patients have been. There isn't even any evidence of a drop in suicide. We don't have long term information on transitions that started with puberty blockers. We don't have information on the results for people who did have versus didn't have bottom surgery. "Late onset" gender dysphoria is relatively new and doesn't seem to be tracked separately.

You're saying things like it isn't a mental disorder, but if it isn't a mental disorder there is no need for medical intervention because it isn't a physical deformity of any sort. 

When someone is homosexual attempting to change them is intervention be it conversion therapy or drugs. The intervention is unwarranted because there is nothing wrong with them medically. They just have a less typical sexual orientation. 

Gender reassignment surgery is a misnomer. It is plastic surgery and organ removal on medically healthy people followed by a lifetime of drug therapy. There is nothing wrong with their bodies. Surgery is not correcting anything and doesn't create new genitals or breasts. Gender isn't something that can be operated on. 

I accept that there are people with gender dysphoria for whom surgery and drug treatment are the only known successful treatments and they should receive it. 

Take 10 minutes to listen to Blaire White, trans woman


This is great news:

Through our shared experiences of capacity-building and conducting research – along with multiple experiences of working together not highlighted here – we have built a coherent team with strong knowledge and expertise, and with established good, productive work dynamics and trust. We began working toward building a pan-Canadian study of trans youth in clinical care in 2014, and received funding in 2016 to start collecting data in 2017....

Each clinic enrolled new patients into the study at a slightly different time period. We invited new patients referred to these clinics for blockers or hormones to join this study. For youth who decided to join, we asked a parent or caregiver to join if the youth would like them to. Only new patients who were 15 years old or younger and who were pubertal/postpubertal were able to join the study, since we need to be able to follow the youth through the pediatric clinic for two years before they transfer to adult care.....Answer questions with an interviewer at the clinic for 3 surveys over 2 years.

  • These surveys will take about 45-60 minutes each.

At a quick glance the survey questions look very good but they only cover 2 years. 

Then I checked some results and found them alarming.

I didn't see the total number of participants but 82% were transmasculine, so female to male, and 18% were transfemininine, so male to female. That right there is very alarming. Transitioning to female was all we heard about for decades now it is 82% female to male!

Of youth who tried to change or control their body weight or shape 98% were transmasculine and 2 % were transfeminine. 

So what we are saying here is 98% of females tried to change their bodies.

96% used through dieting, fasting, eating less food, 83% exercising, 28% bingeing, 25% vomiting, 16% pills or protein powder.

82% female is very off balanced. Of them 98% had weight issues to the point that 25% were vomiting. 

But they are not all trans, they are trans and non-binary which are very different things. 

Non-binary to me means they don't fit gender roles not that they think they should be intersexed. That is very different from thinking you are literally living in the wrong body. 

Susan, if you can spare 10 minutes for the Blaire White video it is as though she is speaking to you directly. 


young people aren't thick skinned and are under pressure to look good; how could anyone forget that? it's not transitioning at work here... so holster that smoking gun.

you could probably pull huge stats from young persons who aren't transitioning/NB, in terms of calorie restriction, exercise, disordered eating

and none of those numbers have to deal with the additional pressure to pass as their gender 


Pondering wrote:

You're saying things like it isn't a mental disorder, but if it isn't a mental disorder there is no need for medical intervention because it isn't a physical deformity of any sort. 

Not everyone who has a surgery or hormone treatment has a mental illness. There are plenty of other reasons.

You can accept it or not, but no, it is not a mental illness. You don't need to argue with me; talk to the World Health Organization.
It is stress as a result of a mind-body incongruity, and the pressures of living in a deeply transphobic society.

And likewise, you can refuse to accept the research that is there (or just use the bits that you think serve your purpose). But it is there all the same.

And that research shows pretty clearly that detransitioning, which is usually temporary, is in large part a result of transphobic pressures, and not being able to get a job.


ryanw wrote:

young people aren't thick skinned and are under pressure to look good; how could anyone forget that? it's not transitioning at work here... so holster that smoking gun.

you could probably pull huge stats from young persons who aren't transitioning/NB, in terms of calorie restriction, exercise, disordered eating

and none of those numbers have to deal with the additional pressure to pass as their gender 

Unless there is no additional pressure because they aren't trans gender. Maybe some are just rejecting womanhood which is not the same thing as wanting to be male.

Another Blaire White video if you dare watch it.
The Dark Reality Of Detransition: Regret & Activist Bullying

This was a girl put on blockers and hormones at the age of 15. Now 20 and balding with a deep voice he realizes he made a mistake. He is not detransitioning because he thinks he is too far gone based just on the hormonal changes.

It is not possible to actually change your sex. Messing around with hormones and cosmetic surgeries can help someone who is transgender to appear more like the sex they identify with and that eases the symptoms of gender dysphoria.

Even though the young person above was born female he doesn't feel he can transfer back after having been on testosterone for so long. Blaire went from male to female at 20 so it seems to me it should be easier for a female to revert to female than for a male to transition to female.

I imagine KC knows what he is talking about and understands his options. If he feels he can't detransition successfully there must be a reason.

Puberty blockers and hormone therapy are serious medical interventions with lifelong consequences including possible infertility. For a woman to take testosterone is not the same as the natural hormones that flood a boy's body in puberty.

Marc Emery started his crusading because doctors refused to give him a vasectomy as a young man. A vasectomy is easily reversable and he was an adult.

I don't call teens children but neither are they adults.
"young people aren't thick skinned and are under pressure to look good; how could anyone forget that?"
Exactly. Teen years are tumultuous times often leading to recklessness and confusion. Even the most loving teens are developing a personal identity separate from their parents who seem old and out of touch even when they are rock stars. Teens are finding out what their sexual orientation is and some are discovering they are gay or lesbian which are still othered in our society. Being straight isn't othered. I can see how easy it is for butch lesbians or feminine gays to be totally convinced in their own minds that they are actually normal straight men and women. They can't switch their sexuality so instead they switch their bodies.

To allow a teenager to risk puberty blockers and hormones and lifelong medical treatments and infertility when they are going through a tumultuous time seems reckless to me. People can transition as adults. It is true that some of the changes that occur in puberty are irreversible but that is the point.

Conversion therapy, trying to change someone's sexual orientation, does not work. It isn't a mental illness.

Gender non-conforming. Also not an illness. Same goes for gender fluid. They shouldn't be under the trans umbrella nor under LGBTQ unbrella at all. They are rejecting gender roles. It has nothing to do with sexual orientation or sexual identity.

Butch women may or may not be lesbian. Feminine men can be straight. Boys and girls are taught to stifle those aspects of themselves that don't match their sex, identified not assigned, at birth.

Because being male is positive girls have been able to get away with being tomboys and maintaining some masculine traits as adults. Boys are expected to stifle those aspects of their personalities even now.

I think that provides a clue as to why male to female was all we ever heard about for awhile.


6079_Smith_W wrote:

Not everyone who has a surgery or hormone treatment has a mental illness. There are plenty of other reasons.

You can accept it or not, but no, it is not a mental illness. You don't need to argue with me; talk to the World Health Organization.
It is stress as a result of a mind-body incongruity, and the pressures of living in a deeply transphobic society.

And likewise, you can refuse to accept the research that is there (or just use the bits that you think serve your purpose). But it is there all the same.

And that research shows pretty clearly that detransitioning, which is usually temporary, is in large part a result of transphobic pressures, and not being able to get a job.

Statistics on transitions that happened before puberty blockers and hormones for teens were introduced are meaningless.

Other than gender dysphoria what are the reasons for teens to get puperty blockers and hormones?


Pondering][quote=6079_Smith_W wrote:

Other than gender dysphoria what are the reasons for teens to get puperty blockers and hormones?

Look. You are trying to beg the question here, and it is irrelevant because dysphoria is not a disorder or illness - period.
But there are several conditions which cause low or absent testosterone or estrogen. Neither hormone treatments, nor surgery are just used in people transitioning.


6079_Smith_W][quote=Pondering wrote:
6079_Smith_W wrote:

Other than gender dysphoria what are the reasons for teens to get puperty blockers and hormones?

Look. You are trying to beg the question here, and it is irrelevant because dysphoria is not a disorder or illness - period.

But there are several conditions which cause low or absent testosterone or estrogen. Neither hormone treatments, nor surgery are just used in people transitioning.

Yes, sometimes women take hormones during menopause. They are very serious drugs we were warned not to take for long. Certainly not for life.

While hormone therapy (HT) helps many women get through menopause, the treatment (like any prescription or even non-prescription medicines) is not risk-free. Known health risks include:

  • An increased risk of endometrial cancer (only if you still have your uterus and are not taking a progestin along with estrogen).
  • Increased risk of blood clots and stroke.
  • Increased chance of gallbladder/gallstone problems.
  • Increased risk of dementia if hormone therapy is started after midlife. HT started during midlife is associated with a reduced risk of Alzheimer’s disease and dementia.
  • Increased risk of breast cancer with long-term use.

Begging the question — Thou shall not argue thy position by assuming one of its premises is true.

That is what you are doing. You are claiming gender dysphoria it isn’t a mental disorder. If it isn’t a mental or physical disorder then no medical treatment is appropriate just like we don’t treat gay people medically because there is nothing wrong with them.

In the latest manual, called the ICD-11, gender incongruence is defined as a marked and persistent incongruence between a person's experienced gender and assigned sex.

That is gender incongruence. I agree that isn’t a mental illness and doesn’t require medical intervention. It is a spectrum not a binary. We live in an intensely gendered world so I think it is very normal that people don’t fit into the boxes defined masculine and feminine.

Some people who are transgender will experience “gender dysphoria,” which refers to psychological distress that results from an incongruence between one’s sex assigned at birth and one’s gender identity. Though gender dysphoria often begins in childhood, some people may not experience it until after puberty or much later.

People are not assigned a sex a birth. Their primary sexual characteristics are recognized as being male or female. Whether it is a human, a dog or any other animal there are physical characteristics that define the animal’s reproductive role. That is biology. What comes after, when we drench babies in pink or blue, is gendering with the foreknowledge of their role in life. The typical human is born one sex or the other which predicts the future influence of hormones on our emotions but the impact is exagerated. We are all on a spectrum of easier or harder to bring to tears, more or less aggressive. Hormone treatment on transgender people has illustrated the impact on those emotions. Men and women are still much more emotionally alike than we are different even though conditioning tends to exagerate the differences that than reveal the commonality of the human experience whether male or female. Men are nurturing to children and animals. It doesn't require estrogen. Margaret Thatcher needed no testosterone to express her aggressive side. 

Psychiatry is not a science. “Gender identity” is a concept they created to describe people who feel like they were born in the wrong body. Not feeling like you were born in the wrong body doesn’t mean you have a gender identity that matches your birth sex. It just means you don’t feel alienated from your body.  

Psychiatry has a very bad history of experimental treatments when they involve surgery or drugs.

and/or surgical affirmation (e.g., vaginoplasty, facial feminization surgery, breast augmentation, masculine chest reconstruction, etc.).

That is all plastic surgery. If a male is being treated it is chest augmentation. They don’t end up with breasts. Masculine chest reconstruction would be performed on a man. Women get double mastectomies. Nothing is being “reconstructed”. Vaginoplasty does not create a vagina and it is irresponsible to imply that it does no matter how well it is mimicked.

People can express whatever gender they want without surgery. There is no such thing as a sex change operation or gender surgery. There is absolutely nothing medically wrong with the bodies of transgendered people. There is no evidence that it is possible to be born in the wrong body.

There seems to be a strong trend towards not having bottom surgery which I am very happy about because it is very serious surgery. I also think/hope it is the tip of the iceberg and physical transitioning will become rarer at the same time as people identifying as trans explodes. I will explore that in another post.

susan davis susan davis's picture

you are not transgender, you have no understanding of what they feel or need.

I find your posts on the suject disgusting and dismissive of people experiencing this.

Trans denialism or whatever you want to call it, is outright bigotry... it is not up to you to decide who gets what procedure and why....

My body, my choice..... remember?


Yes Susan, people have a right to have whatever surgeries they want. They also have a right to know what that surgery can and can't deliver and the full risks associated with that surgery. 

It seems self-evident that straight, bisexual, or homosexual our sexual orientation is biologically determined and can't be tricked into changing. Changing someone's outward appearance doesn't change their biology or sexual orientation. It can change how they are perceived socially in public situations. 

Trans men having babies didn't take puberty blockers. Had they done so followed by hormone therapy they would be infertile. They waited until after puberty to take hormones so their female reproductive organs fully developed.

Both a butch lesbian and a trans boy might well say they never want to experience the grossness of pregnancy. They are not old enough to make that decision when they haven't even hit puberty.  There's no big downside to allowing a trans boy to experience puberty so as an adult he can still choose to have a baby. Hormones after puberty will still provide some male characteristics. Either way a masectomy will still be needed. Puberty blockers for females doesn't lead to being more convincingly masculine as adults because puberty for girls is all about developing our reproductive system. Going through menopause as a teen is medically serious. Female systems are way more complex. 

Puberty blockers for boys does make them more convincing as adult women because puberty for boys results in massive growth spurts and their voice dropping neither of which can be reversed. Other than those things not happening I don't know what the downsides are longterm. There may be none. If an effeminite boy changes his mind he probably won't mind being shorter and having a higher voice. I don't know if it impacts fertility. 

As a human being I care about all children being subjected to medically unnecessary procedures. Operating on intersex minors is now objectionable because there is nothing medically wrong with them. I don't think puberty blockers are appropriate for either sex but at least for boys there is a significant difference in how they will present as adults. Even so I question the ethics of giving drugs to children who are not sick. 


@ Pondering.

Not to be insulting, but really...  what about this do you not understand, that you continue to deny it?

"Gender dysphoria is not a mental illness" - National Health Service, U.K.

"It was taken out from mental health disorders because we had a better understanding that this was not actually a mental health condition, and leaving it there was causing stigma"  - Dr. Lale Say, World Health Organization

And drawing a parallel to the days when homosexuality was considered a mental illness:

"Our hope is that in future, WHO takes the same route as homosexuality, demedicalize being transexual by completely removing it from ICD. "

At the dawn of 2017 the Danish parliament struck a blow for transgender rights and became the first country to remove trans people’s classification as “mentally ill.”

This feeling of mismatch (called gender incongruity or gender nonconformity) is not considered a disorder unless it causes significant distress or interferes with the person's ability to function.

"It is important to be aware that there is movement internationally toward depathologizing and destigmatizing gender difference and validating the spectrum of gender identity and expression. If Gender Dysphoria is considered a psychiatric diagnosis it can lead to stigmatization and mistreatment of trans people who are perceived as having something wrong with them. "
- Klinic, Winnipeg, MB

Do I need to post more? There are more.


I do not agree with the unscientific findings of the pyschiatric community however...

"Our hope is that in future, WHO takes the same route as homosexuality, demedicalize being transexual by completely removing it from ICD. "


This feeling of mismatch (called gender incongruity or gender nonconformity) is not considered a disorder unless it causes significant distress or interferes with the person's ability to function.

Okay then. no need for any doctors mental or otherwise.  It's just like homosexuality. No treatment required. It doesn't cause significant distress or interfere with ability to function. Nothing wrong with the mind, nothing wrong with the body, demedicalize.

Cosmetic surgery isn't covered by medicare. There are a lot of people who actually need surgery because they are experiencing significant distress and inability to function. 

 If Gender Dysphoria is considered a psychiatric diagnosis it can lead to stigmatization and mistreatment of trans people who are perceived as having something wrong with them. "

Stigmatization should have zero influence on medical diagnosis. I do agree that trans people's medical needs should be covered even though there is nothing at all medically wrong with their bodies. Gender dysphoria does cause severe depression and even suicide. That qualifies as mental distress to me. 


Pondering wrote:

I do not agree with the unscientific findings of the pyschiatric community...

Psychiatry follows the scientific method.

susan davis susan davis's picture

Your assertions of "what is necessary" and what is "elective" is really dispicable.... 

I really just can't take the dismissive way in which you attacking trans people...

first you said... "what about the children?!?!?!"

now you say, trans people dont need medical treatments or surguries...

you reveal yourself....

you don't believe trans people are people or deserving of bodily autonomy...


susan davis susan davis's picture

and what does this have to do with being on the "left"? 

really, how do you imagine your perspective/ opinion... because that's what it is... an opinion... is "left"?

you sound like a right wing hater..... really.....


JKR wrote:
Pondering wrote:
<p>I do not agree with the unscientific findings of the pyschiatric community...</p>

Psychiatry follows the scientific method.

At the rate diagnosis changes for trans people I disagree. How long was penis envy a thing?  We never envied penises. They are easy to get. Womb envy on the other hand makes sense. We can manufacture entire babies. We pay a really high price for it but it is a hell of an ability. If there is something we envy it is the brute strength of men.  Ever heard of a lobotomy.
Tens of thousands of lobotomies were performed in the United States between the 1930s and 1960s, often without informed consentTrusted Source. Eventually, lack of evidence supporting the procedure finally caught up with it, and it was largely abandoned once the medication chlorpromazine was developed.

That was in the 60s. Not ancient history. Psychiatry is trial and error and for such an experimental treatment longitudinal studies should have followed patients actively tracking them and noting if they vanish without explanation. I don't think there was any money in longitudinal studies and there still isn't.  A two year study on transitioning youth that is dropped when they turn 18 is pointless. It may be scientific but it isn't good science. 

The dramatic rise in "late onset" gender dysphoria in girls should have been alarming and should still be alarming. Instead psychiatry has decided the lessening stigma must be the explanation without any study or exploration. 

The psychiatric medical community should be challenged based on a long history of being wrong and recklessnessly doing drug and surgical experiments on people. This is true especially when they create confusion and start redefining words to mean something else. 


It has to do with the left betraying feminists and not listening when we were sounding the alarm and still not listening. The left needs to get more reflective and open to ideas.

The only reason this trans conversation is happening is because I am not taking bait and de-transitioners are surfacing in large enough numbers to begin forcing the conversation. 

So are you going to attack these people Susan?

We are a group of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people, and allies, who want to ensure that all gender nonconforming youth—with or without gender dysphoria—are cared for and protected. We want to ensure that they’re supported in ways that prioritize their overall health and well-being for the long-term. In the current climate, media, “LGBT” organizations, medical and mental health professionals are downplaying the risks of early social transition, and medical treatment of children and teens with gender dysphoria. We want to consider those risks and the potential harm to both youth, who will likely be subjected to medical treatment they could have avoided if allowed to mature, and transgender youth, who are medically altering their bodies at younger ages. Our group supports nondiscrimination rights in housing, employment, schools, and marriage for all people....

The affirmative model is rapidly being adopted by parents with gender dysphoric children/teens, and is reinforced by many therapists and doctors, “LGBT” organizations, schools, and many in the culture at large. The image being promoted by these entities is that this is the fully accepted model in the scientific and therapy community. It’s not. It’s mainly promoted in the United States. Other gender clinicians in The Netherlands and Great Britain, for example, advocate for “watchful waiting” (“the Dutch model”), and express concern that the affirmative model may groom some children for medical transition they otherwise would have outgrown.


The second issue that has arisen in the last several years, is a huge increase of young people, particularly teen females, identifying as transgender and medically transitioning. This process starts as young as nine (girls) or eleven (boys), with the administration of Lupron (hormone blockers). This increase is due to a rise in visibility and reporting on trans issues in the media as the new civil rights cause, interactions of young people on social media, and the implementation of gender identity trainings by trans or “LGBT” orgs in schools. This is all viewed positively by trans activists and “LGBT” organizations....

In the past, there’s often been an unacceptable level of stress and difficulty in the lives of gender nonconforming children. This has to change. Life for gender nonconforming children can be very difficult, especially for children with dysphoria serious enough for a DSM diagnosis. Dysphoric children often experience persistent cross-sex identification and stress. Difficulties can include anxiety, depression, self-harming behavior, and suicide ideation.

If youths, who experience serious dysphoria, were all certain to eventually become transgender adults, this issue would be less controversial. If it were certain they would all want to permanently medically alter their bodies, in the way that affirmative protocols on minors do, this would be less controversial. Unfortunately, the reality is much more complicated, and this reality is often ignored in the way this issue is presented to the public (by media and entities that advocate for early social and medical transition of youth). Some children with gender dysphoria ultimately outgrow it. For this reason, many therapists, doctors, and LGB and trans people feel it’s unethical to enthusiastically support the social and medical transitioning of minors.

susan davis susan davis's picture

there is only one person here attacking anyone...


Innate nature: Research supporting biological factors in trans & homosexual identities

Trans people have brains that are different from males and females, a unique kind of brain,” Guillamon says. “It is simplistic to say that a female-to-male transgender person is a female trapped in a male body. It's not because they have a male brain but a transsexual brain.” Of course, behavior and experience shape brain anatomy, so it is impossible to say if these subtle differences are inborn.

Susan, the people I am quoting support my view that children and particularly young women are being sent down the trans pipeline too fast and suffering lifelong damage because of it. 

They share my view that radical trans theory is confusing children and worsening gender dysphoria. Fears that effeminate gay boys and butch lesbians are being channeled into transitioning based on trans theory should be alarming to everyone. 

Disagreeing with radical trans theory doesn't mean being anti-trans or trying to deny their existence. That link leads to a long list of studies that discovered all kinds of ways in which male/female/gay/straight brains look different and alike. 

Our over the top gendered world is a major problem. It always has been and it has gotten worse. Gender expression should be practically non-existant. There is no need for boy toys and girl toys in stores. Manufactured consent comes to mind. Children want these gendered toys because they are groomed to. People are more the same than we are different. We just focus on highlighting the differences. We all feel the same emotions. Even gendered behaviors that lean one way or another overlap although women have had to fight to reject our "natural destiny". Some straight men are more nurturing than straight women. Some gay men are more brave than straight men. The gendered stereotypes complicate matters

That someone has a trans brain does not mean transition is the best option for that person. It might be but it might not be. The thing is the existence of a trans brain doesn't mean a sex change operation is possible. It isn't. The biological differences in genital construction are radical. Everything is all connected up. If a trans man and a trans women offered to switch parts it wouldn't work. Our reproductive systems are too radically different. 

Lots of drug treatments and surgeries can help a trans person appear to be the opposite sex but it doesn't make it so. It may still be the right answer for some or most trans people to switch but it shouldn't be assumed. Accidently scooping up effeminate gays and butch lesbians in the rush to affirmation is a serious threat. 


This is a very interesting conversation.

A few of my closest friends, who I would consider to be fringe leftists in the past, now reject that label and are now what I would consider to be Right-wing. Although they all feel that their perspectives have not changed; just the goal posts.

They feel uncomfortable with the purity tests and censorship of the now authoritarian left.

I'm also at a point in my life where I'm starting to question what I believe and where I fit on the political spectrum. I honesty think that the current established left would reject me, and not make any attempt to connect with me.


What makes one left-wing or right-wing? I thought basically left-wing supports more government assistance and right-wing supports less government assistance?


Although, I will say that the forum has changed dramatically for the better since from from when I joined. Babble used to be a very hostile and unwelcoming place back in the day. 

I think that the shift in moderating a few years back has really forced everyone to engage with and understand each other a little more.

Maybe the left could have more success changing minds if they tried to emulate the relatively tolerant tone at Babble.


JKR wrote:

What makes one left-wing or right-wing? I thought basically left-wing supports more government assistance and right-wing supports less government assistance?

There is a fiscal gradiant and a social gradiant. Think of the difference between old Tories and the new Conservative Party.

When Glenn Greenwald starts showing up regularly on FOXNews, and when some who identify as feminist are allied with evangelical Christians on issues of trans rights, I'd say it blurs the line between left and right.
Ditto so-called leftists who have no problem supporting far right and fascist movements so long as they challenge the United States.

Oh... and left wing politicians adopting right-wing policies because they are competing for votes with fascists.

And just to make it weirder... when the strongest voice in favour of supporting refugees comes from the leader of a right-wing party - something that would have been unthinkable 30 years ago (and now that she is gone, is unlikely to ever happen again).





Here we go, another topic the left won't discuss.

Wagenknecht’s analysis is not entirely unique. In Denmark, the nominally center-left Social Democrats have rebranded themselves as a party that defends the welfare state, while it has lurched to the right on immigration issues.

Unless I am willing to have millions of people immigrate yearly I am not on the left.

Discussing the number of immigrants in social housing is racist even though that means there is a waiting list of 10s of thousands of people.

Hospitals collapsing? Let's raise immigration to 500K instead of 250K.  That will take the pressure off the health care system. Let's not forget the excess housing in Canada we have to fill with immigrants.

We are getting foreign students to pay full costs for education then we fast-track them for citizenship because they have Canadian credentials. We are brain-draining. Immigrants can also buy their way in again taking in the best and richest from other countries. 

Trudeau said straight up our economy is dependent on bringing in immigrants to grow.  No immigrants our economy collapses. 

Quebec is the ideal example of what is happening and the coming social unrest but the left will not discuss immigration from any perspective other than racism. Racism and xenophobia are the only possible reasons to discuss what people percieve to be the negative impacts on their lives and communities. Any other reasons are smokescreens. 

I started a thread on global migration but it is another thread that will go nowhere because left wing doctrine dictates that we are pro-immigration only. Immigration has no negative impacts because it is racist to think that their might be.  

I have predicted an increase in racist attacks although I didn't mention men will be the attackers because it goes without saying. White will still have most of the power 2050 but caucasions will be a minority in North America including Quebec. I am not against that. I don't have a problem with it.

I do have a concern. When I was in my late teens there was an influx of men from some South American country. One of them at a restaurant I worked at ordered me to meet him after work for a date. I said no of course and just thought "that's weird".  Another day only about a week later a man sat down at my table I looked up startled as their were lots of tables and he said, I'm eating with you or something to that effect. I told him if he didn't leave I would call the manager and he switched to a nearby table where he proceeded to stare at me until I left. A week or so later I was talking to another young woman and she explained that in the country they are from decent women don't go out without a man. Sitting in a restaurant alone was an invitation because I was the kind of woman that went out alone. That summer I was extra wary of men that looked like those guys. Was I racist? NO. Their colour was a non-issue. I feel like I have to say I dated a black guy to "prove" I'm not racist. Their culture was the issue. 

A young woman in Iran died because too much of her hair showed. Girls rose up in anger and anguish not caring if they too died. They died for freedom. Their classrooms were invaded and they were beaten for not submitting to the rules of men. This did not happen because of their gender, their gender identity, their gender expression, or anything at all having to do with gender. It is because we have vaginas.

That means we do not develop brawn in puperty no matter how many hormones we take. That means men can bow us to their will individually and collectively. This is something every woman walks through live knowing from a very young age. If we are lucky we can trust the men in our family, father, brother, uncle, cousins. The men that enter our homes and come for Christmas. Even if they are safe you could be raped by your brother's friend. The cute boy across the street could be a date rape. If you want to join the military or any other male profession, firefighter, police, even lumberjack, you have to decide if it is worth the extra risk. 

Hundreds of thousands of men from countries much more conservative than Canada are immigrating. Men from Iran and men from less but still conservative countries are immigrating. Russia and Ukraine are very conservative on LBGTQ+. Violence could rise. Conservative men will own more companies and be in power positions that reject us for sexist and homophobic reasons but unless they say so explicitly we have no recourse. 

I am pro-immigration. I am pro-refugee. I think we should increase our acceptance of refugees. We should be regularly off-loading refugee camps by X number of people per month so we will have a process in place for intergration. 

If we must have so many more sexist men in Canada I want stronger laws protecting women and LBGTQ+. I want laws requiring companies to have women on the boards and in executive positions. 

I went to counterpunch to see the list if authors to make a joke about needing affirmative action at leftist publications. I was right, there are women but less than a handful but a title caught my eye and made me laugh.

Only it wasn't about women. 

The erasure of race conscious admissions used in public and private universities began to its certain erasure today, October 31, 2022. For five hours, the United States Supreme Court heard arguments on the matter of Students for Fair Admissions v. President and Fellows of Harvard College and Students for Fair Admissions v. University of North Carolina. 

Saving Canada's welfare system requires talking about the burden being added by immigration. Replies about how they add to the economy are pointless if they don't add shelter spaces and social housing and beds in hospitals and seniors homes and smaller class sizes to aid in cultural conditioning. Yes I said that because cultural conditioning is happening and it is harmful to women and if you have a classroom with children from countries at war fostering acceptance and equality are valid cultural goals. 

  • Far right leaders want immigration and temporary workers but pretend to be opposed to immigration while not actually doing anything about it. 
  • Establishment left is pro-immigration only. 
  • The social welfare system and health care systems are collapsing. 
  • We are increasing immigration from conservative countries: Jamaica, Haiti, India.

as a party that defends the welfare state, while it has lurched to the right on immigration issues.

Yes because to defend the welfare state immigration has to be controlled.

With the deficit soaring and the welfare state creaking under the weight our only choice will be to turn to right wing economic policies limiting the welfare state. 

Women form 50% of the population. We vote. The left is ignoring the concerns of women and the 99% because the left has decided what we must all do. There is no need for discussion. 
