The Biden administration

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Needing to clarify is the least of the problems with the slogan. Why aren't the "defund the police" people up in arms over lockdown measures? Over half of Canada's country's population lives in what is effectively a police state, with curfews and stay-at-home orders legally in effect in Quebec and Ontario. Who do you think that's going to impact? Why isn't there any challenge to that?

Except for a few localized cuts to police agencies in specific cities, I don't think the "defund the police" movement had much in the way of a victory. I actually believe the opposite, in that cities could find it easy to pass larger budgets for police militarization in the future. Remember the social unrest that happend last year? That frightens people. It's going to become even harder to manage as the impacts of climate change and income inequality become far more acute. So with all this chaos, it's very easy to imagine larger police budgets being passed on the idea that the solution to social unrest is to crack down very hard, especially since the interests that benefit from police protection have more clout, power, money, and organization than the people who would be hurt by it.


Defund the police supporters support lockdowns for the same reason others do, to deal with COVID-19.


Except for a few localized cuts to police agencies in specific cities, I don't think the "defund the police" movement had much in the way of a victory. I actually believe the opposite, in that cities could find it easy to pass larger budgets for police militarization in the future.

There already were massive bloated budgets for police militarization. I think there is a much greater awareness that this is a major problem now than there was a year ago. We're both speculating so we'll have to wait and see but the trend in many major North American cities has been turning away from Law and Order candidates, an aknowledgement that the Drug War was a failure, and a desire for more progressive prosecutors. I don't see any evidence of the trend you are predicting.


melovesproles wrote:

Except for a few localized cuts to police agencies in specific cities, I don't think the "defund the police" movement had much in the way of a victory. I actually believe the opposite, in that cities could find it easy to pass larger budgets for police militarization in the future.

There already were massive bloated budgets for police militarization. I think there is a much greater awareness that this is a major problem now than there was a year ago. We're both speculating so we'll have to wait and see but the trend in many major North American cities has been turning away from Law and Order candidates, an aknowledgement that the Drug War was a failure, and a desire for more progressive prosecutors. I don't see any evidence of the trend you are predicting.

That was pre-covid. Now progressives have suddenly become authoritarians with their support for strict government measures to curtail the spread of covid. So many things that would have been off the table at this time last year are now accepted.

As for "defund the police?" It's an empty slogan, not a real movement. It's a way for the left to capitalize on the rage people feel about systemic injustice, direct it towards the most visible elements which is individual acts of police brutality, and away from systemic reforms that will actually make a difference. It just perpetuates the anger people have towards the police, while none of the hard work with respect to increasing school funding, a more humane drug policy, or rehabilitation of criminal offenders actually takes place. We also saw how the left caved to support Biden, who drafted the crime bill that resulted in mass incarceration, and Harris, who bragged about prosecuting truant parents. All the while the left appears to care about police brutality when in reality they are just as cynical in manipulating their working-class base for power as the charlatan Christian fundamentalists on the right.


That was pre-covid. Now progressives have suddenly become authoritarians with their support for strict government measures to curtail the spread of covid. So many things that would have been off the table at this time last year are now accepted.

I don't agree that progressives have suddenly become authoritarians. I think there is a widespread public fear over Covid and that progressive politics isn't cordoned off from that. I also am more hopeful that this is a temporary problem.

As for "defund the police?" It's an empty slogan, not a real movement. It's a way for the left to capitalize on the rage people feel about systemic injustice, direct it towards the most visible elements which is individual acts of police brutality, and away from systemic reforms that will actually make a difference. It just perpetuates the anger people have towards the police, while none of the hard work with respect to increasing school funding, a more humane drug policy, or rehabilitation of criminal offenders actually takes place. We also saw how the left caved to support Biden, who drafted the crime bill that resulted in mass incarceration, and Harris, who bragged about prosecuting truant parents. All the while the left appears to care about police brutality when in reality they are just as cynical in manipulating their working-class base for power as the charlatan Christian fundamentalists on the right.

I think you are using the left pretty loosely here and in my opinion you are talking about 3 different groups. Maybe 2? I don't know who exactly you are referring to in your first example. I think defund the police came out of BLM which is a social movement that I think has won a lot of victories and I believe will continue to do so. I don't think you are paying attention if you think they are not taking on systematic issues. 

As for the left caving in to Biden, I saw it differently. They were defeated and unmanouvered but they don't have an easy task. I actually think the American left is putting up a much better fight than here in Canada. The Sanders campaign was to the left of any leadership challenge we have seen in a major party in Canada (the Greens don't really count until they can get more than a few seats) and the tactical picking off and primarying of shitty Democrats like Elliot Engel is way more practical and concrete than anything I see the left doing here. Biden and Harris are terrible but I don't think they will get the honeymoon Obama got from the left. The American left needs to sort some things out for sure but I've seen some evidence they have their eye on the ball. Whereas up here we just seem to be stumbling into a potential Trudeau majority with a lacklustre NDP that thinks strategy is having the media say something nice about them once in a while.

About the left manipulating their base in a similar manner as the right does with their base, I agree if you are talking about the Democratic Party establishment and the Liberal MSM. I just don't consider them on the left. 


Biden actually wanted to put Sanders in his Cabinet as Sec of Labor however they both agreed that Sanders needed to remain in the 50-50 Senate


Pursuing clean energy will be at the core of Biden's jobs agenda; CBC News; December 14, 2021


Rejoining the pact will be "just the first" step on working with other countries on climate, Deese said. Biden, who takes office on Jan. 20, will also make good on quickly bringing together the world's top emitters of greenhouse gases to "increase our collective ambition on emissions reductions," Deese said.

"Part of … our diplomatic strategy and our economic strategy has to be to work with other countries to push them, push their ambition, even as we have to demonstrate our ability to come back on the stage and show leadership on this issue that has been absent for the last couple of years," Deese said.


Biden rolls out $1.9T "rescue plan" - $400B vaccine/schools - Stimulus to $2K - $400/week UI - $30B rental aid - 15% SNAP boost - EITC boost - $25B child care - $20B public transit - $35B small biz/grants - Fund COBRA thru Sept - Boost ACA subsidy - $15 minimum wage + more


Biden has some good people with him.

Elizabeth Warren’s next chapter 

The progressive senator is already playing the inside game to shape Biden’s agenda.


Joe Biden's Economic Stimulus Plan Includes $15 Minimum Wage, Increasing Unemployment Payments


Raising the minimum wage to $15 an hour. Congress hasn't raised the minimum wage, currently $7.25 an hour, in more than a decade.



Keep Neo-Nazi Enablers Out of Next State Department

"All those who are so concerned about fascism also need to speak up about the Nazi sympathizers being hired by Joe Biden."

It's only Trump fascism they can't abide. They adore and cheer 'woke' Dem-friendly fascism. Hail Silicon Valley/DEM-ocrazy!


NDPP wrote:

Keep Neo-Nazi Enablers Out of Next State Department

Biden most surely's going to be even worse than the worst president yet Trump! Biden could move the U.S. Embassy in Israel to Jerusalem!! If Trump "patriots" can enforce Giuliani's "trial by force" there might still be a way to keep Biden out of office!!!  Trump's next "trial by force" is set for Sunday.


Although Nuland is not my cup of tea, "neo-Nazi" is little more than Putinite propaganda and smear. And if Putin and Co. don't think there won't be some form of payback for their efforts to elect Trump in 2016, they're sadly mistaken.  


Emergency universal health care and then the real thing?


Biden most surely's going to be even worse than the worst president yet Trump!

You act like it's a fact Trump is the worst President ever and not your very subjective opinion. It's an extremely presentist ahistorical take. There is a good argument he isn't even the worst President in the last 20 years (especially if bodycount or war starting are things worth measuring). And I would bet money the next Republican President gets the same label since it's been a pretty consistent pattern for a while now. When was the last time the Republican party had a President that wasn't worse than the previous Republican President? Ford doesn't count. So maybe try to temper the hyperbole so that you still have some left for the next worst president ever.


No, he's the worst president ever.  And that's how he will be judged by U.S. historians.  Largely because he's one of the worst human beings ever to have walked the earth.


Many historians are already saying that Trump is the worst president ever.

Is Donald Trump the worst US president ever? Historians say so: Scholars say Trump's efforts to overturn his election defeat, as well as his response to COVID-19, have cemented his place as America's worst president; The Sydney Morning Herald; By Matthew Knott; JANUARY 15, 2021


Timothy Naftali, the founding director of the Richard Nixon Presidential Library, says: "After his first impeachment and dereliction of duty during the COVID crisis Trump was already America's worst modern president.

"I think, as a result of his responsibility for the insurrection on January 6, he has edged out James Buchanan and Andrew Johnson as the worst US president ever."


Yes, Andrew Johnson was the worst until now.  But as bad as he was temperamentally, as well as his disasterous handling of Reconstruction, at least he wasn't a pathologically lying sociopath who nearly destroyed American democracy.


josh wrote:

No, he's the worst president ever.  And that's how he will be judged by U.S. historians.  Largely because he's one of the worst human beings ever to have walked the earth.

Depends what your criteria is. I get that if upholding the American constitution is your criteria, then Trump could be your pick. But if it's how many people were killed by the actions of the President and the wars they started then he isn't even close. Of course that bodycount isn't predominantly American so it is easy for Americans to ignore it and consider it unimportant when assessing how great or terrible a President is. If you're not American though, it feels a lot more important than the sacredness of the constitution.


I shudder to think what would have happened had Trump been president on 911!

Donald Trump insisted on Sunday he was “100% right” when he said he saw Muslims in Jersey City, New Jersey, cheering the 9/11 attacks on the World Trade Center


When his remarks were revisited as an issue on NBC on Sunday, he said: “All over the world – forget about New Jersey for a second – all over the world, it was reported that Muslims were celebrating the fall of the World Trade Center.“

He quickly rejected NBC anchor Chuck Todd’s assertion that “this didn’t happen in New Jersey”.

“It did happen in New Jersey,” Trump said. “I have hundreds of people that agree with me.”

He said people were reaching out on social media, telling him in person at campaign rallies and calling the Trump Organization, saying: “We saw it. It was dancing in the streets.”



That's one way of judging.  But on a percentage basis, no one was responsible for more U.S. deaths than Abraham Lincoln.  And he is considered the greatest president.  And you can say Franklin Roosevelt was responsible for millions of deaths around the world.  Yet he's up there with Lincoln as the highest rated.



That's one way of judging.  But on a percentage basis, no one was responsible for more U.S. deaths than Abraham Lincoln.  And he is considered the greatest president.  And you can say Franklin Roosevelt was responsible for millions of deaths around the world.  Yet he's up there with Lincoln as the highest rated.

Sure if you think joining the fight against fascism and abolishing slavery are analogous with using 9/11 to start attacking random Muslim countries. 

Trump has nowhere near the blood on his hands that Bush does.  

Also, the amount of racism Bush had to whip up to get the Iraq war started led directly to Trump.


Also, the amount of racism Bush had to whip up to get the Iraq war started led directly to Trump.

I should correct that to say 'the amount of racism Bush had to whip up to get the Iraq war started and keep it going'. Now that the painter Bush has chimed in against Trump, it's amazing what things get flushed down the memory hole.  Could current events be at all linked to restrictions keeping white nationalists and neo-nazis out of the military being relaxed during the Bush years? 

Author: Sikh Temple Massacre is the Outgrowth of Pervasive White Supremacism in U.S. Military Ranks

Well, the interesting thing about Page is, you quoted that Stars and Stripes article earlier, which said he was completely open about his white supremacist and neo-Nazi inclinations in the 1990s. And it’s important to remember that during the 1990s, this was a period after the Burmeister trial, which you mentioned, and also the bombings in Oklahoma, which were carried out by Timothy McVeigh, another veteran of the first Gulf War, who was decorated with a Bronze Star, as well. So, military at that—in the mid-’90s was embarrassed by the fact that these firstly an active-duty and a veteran had committed murder, indiscriminate murder. So they were meant to be—the narrative is that they were cracking down at this point.

Now, Page’s example shows that this wasn’t really the case. What is certain is that during the war on terror, even the thin regulations that did exist were completely jettisoned. I mean, I spent two or three years talking to veterans, extremist veterans, much like Page, and far-right leaders, who basically said that there was an open-door policy during the war on terror. You could enter with swastikas tattooed on you, with S.S. bolts, with basically—basically, the military couldn’t slow down, because they had two occupations to populate and not enough soldiers.


I am sure that Biden, like his Democratic forerunners, will balance carefully when it comes to foreign lives. I love how Americans have gradations of evil in their politics.  Grotesque puppets spouting their venom and exceptional appetite for violent behavior on the world stage. 500,000 dead children and open slave markets are what Democrats bring the world.


'Star-Studded Biden/Harris Inaugural Events to Stretch Over 5 Days'

"And the murderous global empire staged a five-day orgy celebrating its bold new look,' said the historian."

'America United!' hehehehe...



Dems lie. Chumps believe. Repeat

Joe Biden to rich donors: 'Nothing Would Fundamentally Change' if he's elected

"Former Vice President Joe Biden assured rich donors at a ritzy New York fundraiser that 'nothing would fundamentally change' if he's elected. Biden told donors at an event at the Carlyle Hotel in Manhattan on Tuesday evening that he would not 'demonize' the rich and promised that 'no one's standard of living will change, nothing would fundamentally change,' Bloomberb news reported.


"... But if everybody's watching, you know, all of the back-room discussions and the deals, you know - then people get a little nervous, to say the least. So you need both a public and a private position. You have to sort of figure out how to 'balance' the public and private efforts that are necesssary to be successful politically." - Crooked Hillary to Banksters

(Let's see if Uncle Joe drops the charges against Julian Assange)


The Two Faces of US Empire

"The empire needs both faces. Without the murder face, it could not exist as an empire. Without the grinning face, the public would never consent to the murder face."


WATCH: 'The US is deploying twice as many troops to Washington DC for the inauguration as it currently has stationed in all of Iraq and Afghanistan...COMBINED."


"After a flaccid 1/6 display by Keystone Kops, 25,000 troops occupy central DC, armed and authorized to use lethal force. Police sirens blare from Capitol Hil to Downtown. An overblown show of force and propaganda bonanza to restore the sheen of an empire tarnished by Trumpist rabble."

laine lowe laine lowe's picture

melovesproles wrote:

Also, the amount of racism Bush had to whip up to get the Iraq war started led directly to Trump.

I should correct that to say 'the amount of racism Bush had to whip up to get the Iraq war started and keep it going'. Now that the painter Bush has chimed in against Trump, it's amazing what things get flushed down the memory hole.  Could current events be at all linked to restrictions keeping white nationalists and neo-nazis out of the military being relaxed during the Bush years? 

A very interesting read and certainly explains the long build of what we are seeing now in our military forces on both sides of the border. You cannot apply selective racism to win a war (be it in Vietnam, Grenada, Afghanistan, Iraq) without repercussions - the slow boil of making others lesser beings translates back home to hatred against immigrants, Blacks and Indigenous people.


Biden's 'Day One' agenda of executive actions includes move to rejoin Paris climate accord


On Wednesday, following his inauguration, Biden will end Trump's restriction on immigration to the U.S. from some Muslim-majority countries, move to rejoin the Paris climate accord and mandate mask-wearing on federal property and during interstate travel. Those are among roughly a dozen actions Biden will take on his first day in the White House, his incoming chief of staff, Ron Klain, said in a memo to senior staff.

Other actions include extending the pause on student loan payments and actions meant to prevent evictions and foreclosures for those struggling during the pandemic.

“These executive actions will deliver relief to the millions of Americans that are struggling in the face of these crises,” Klain said in the memo. “President-elect Biden will take action — not just to reverse the gravest damages of the Trump administration — but also to start moving our country forward.”



Pelosi Removes Katie Porter...Bringing Joy and Gratitude to Every Crooked Bankster on Wall Street

"I suppose it is not surprising that Nancy Pelosi is stooping to new 'step on the poor' lows despite getting Versailles 1788 wake-up calls like having her home and office vandalized. Pelosi has kicked former law professor Katie Porter off the House Financial Services Committee. Porter has been singularly successful in using hearings to put a spotlight on inequality and bank industry abuses.."

Money talks - Katie walks.


It's more complicated than that.  She wasn't "kicked off."  But she should have been granted a waiver.

In a Nov. 30 letter to Pelosi, Porter asked to be considered for seats on the Oversight and Reform, Natural Resources, and Financial Services committees — in that order — in the new Congress that began on Jan. 3.

Porter also asked Pelosi to “prioritize” her spot on the Oversight Committee and asked to rejoin the Financial Services Committee on a waiver.


Will the Senate Confirm Coup Plotter Victoria Nuland?

"Biden's nominees have skewed towards the awful, particularly on the foreign policy front. But his plan to install Victoria 'Fuck the EU' Nuland at State is a standout. Who is Victoria Nuland? Most Americans have never heard of her because the US corporate media's foreign policy coverage is a wasteland. Most Americans have no idea that President-elect Biden's pick for Deputy Secretary of State for Political Affairs is stuck in the quicksand of 1950s US-Russia Cold War politics and dreams of continued NATO expansion, an arms race on steroids, and further encirclement of Russia..."

Nuland is married to infamous neocon and PNAC originator, Robert Kagan. For all the Russophobic babblers who hate Russia and love US imperialism aka liberal interventionism, aka 'humanitarian intervention', Biden's pick of Vicky Nuland will be just their cup of tea.


Biden announces new science team, elevates office to Cabinet; NBC News


WASHINGTON — President-elect Joe Bidenannounced new members of his science team on Saturday as well as his plan to elevate the director of the Office of Science and Technology Policy to a Cabinet-level position for the first time, a move meant to highlight his commitment to science.

"We’re going to lead with science and truth," Biden said at a speech introducing his new appointees in Delaware on Saturday. "We believe in both."


The decision to elevate Lander to Cabinet-level is a sharp break from President Donald Trump who spent much of his term downplaying and second-guessing health and science experts. The position Lander will fill sat vacant for nearly two years under Trump.


MUST WATCH: Biden Admin - Redux Deep State, Empire and Censorship

"On the show this week, Chris Hedges talks to Pulitzer prize-winning journalist Glenn Greenwald about the incoming Biden administration and what it will mean for a country in crisis, ravaged by a pandemic it cannot control, hostage to corporate power and bifurcated into warring factions."

'The message of the Biden administration to progressives and left-wing populists is very clear: Drop dead! What will the Biden administration's decision to put into place a third term of the Obama administration mean?'

Not lesser evil. More effective evil. 'Guardian' liberalism returns with a vengeance.


Defense officials tell AP they fear possible inside attack at inauguration, will have National Guard troops vetted.



WATCH: Green Zone Washington

"The peaceful transition of power."


What 'Democracy' is Under Attack? : Notes from the edge of the narrative matrix

"To stop the exacerbation of Trumpism the talking heads are recommending internet censorship, regulations on media, new domestic terror laws, literally anything they can possibly think of except challenging the conditions which gave rise to Trumpism. The most imminent threat to US democracy is not Russia nor fascist insurrectionists, but the fact that US democracy is entirely fictional. Saying US democracy is threatened is like saying Grinches are a critically endangered species.

The previous president intervened in the primary to appoint his right-hand man as his chosen successor. That successor will be installed in a five-day, star-studded celebration surrounded by a sea of barbed wire and behind armed soldiers. "What 'democracy' is under attack, exactly?


Jaime Harrison Looks like a good choice to continue the fine work Stacey Abrams has done in the South.


WATCH LIVE: Biden inaugural holds star-studded 'Unity We Serve' event on #MLKDay


Social justice and impeachment: Thaddeus Stevens was a trailblazer for both

Ornery, witty and devoted to Black equality, Stevens was a real ally.


White, male, Trump-voting troops MAY BETRAY Biden at Inauguration, Dem Congressman suggests, in prediction even CNN finds Crazy

"With the FBI screening National Guard troops for potential animosity toward Joe Biden, Democratic Rep Steve Cohen reckons the soliders gender and skin color are proof enough to suspect them of plotting 'insurrection'. Speaking to CNN on Monday, the Tennessee representative stated that the National Guard is '90-some-odd percent male,' and the fact that 'only about 20 percent of white males voted for Biden' is enough reason to suspect dissent among the ranks deployed in Washington. Cohen claimed that '75 percent' of the troops 'might want to do something' during the inauguration.

Cohen admitted he hadn't seen any evidence to back up his claims, but went on to say that 'if you draw a circle' around 'people who vote for Trump and not for Biden', everyone in that circle would be 'folks that you'd be suspect of..."


What does the USA do with the "No Matter What, Trump Needs To Stay In Power" crowd, eh!


Taibbi: 'I Have A Very Bad Feeling About What's Coming...'

"Former intelligence official on PBS Newshour tonight says that the US should think about a '9/11 Commission' for domestic extremism and consider applying some of the lessons from the fight against Al Qaeda here at home."

Me too.


Isn't it a good idea to have a commission that looks into the spread of fascism in the U.S.? Opposing fascism sounds like a good idea to me.

