After what we've seen today, the Biden administration can not start soon enough!
14 days to go
After what we've seen today, the Biden administration can not start soon enough!
14 days to go
Well said.
And I also agree with the article below
A trifecta of defeat
Cabinet secretaries discuss invoking the 25th amendment
Melania's Chief of Staff quits following today's riots
It's time to remove the president maybe the 25th amendment is the way to do it
Romney: insurrection
Lies have consequences
Donald Trump's Legacy
Obviously QAnon is a domestic terrorist organization which needs to have all its social media communications immediately removed and its leaders charged
See Also: Biden Regime 1 here...
"Amazing: in a year of anti-police protests - punctuated by calls to defund them - we have a President-elect who authored the 1994 crime bill, a VP-elect who was a career prosecutor notorious for harsh punishments, and now a fanatically pro-police AG."
Those who choose to continue to support his dangerous gambit by objecting to the results of a legitimate, democratic election will forever be seen as being complicit in an unprecedented attack against our democracy.
— Senator Mitt Romney (@SenatorRomney) January 6, 2021
They were all captured
4 people have now died
Mass Delusion in America
Remove Trump tonite
The Squad Won't Fight Pelosi and Corporate Power
"For the first time in this century, significant numbers of young people of all races are expressing raw hatred for the Democrats and denouncing 'The Squad' for collaborating with the oligarchy. Having nothing to offer their 'Base', Democrats make Trump the excuse for their refusal to buck the corporate masters. What will they do when the Orange Ogre is finally gone...?"
It was there in plain sight from the very beginning
GOP facing the abyss
Mary Trump has him pegged. Isn't it about time we listened to her?
"I can't work here any more"
It is no surprise that it happened When you preach hatred 24/7 you have to ask what took so long
The Rush Limbaughs, Fox News, Donald Trump have to be shut down
Tucker Carlson: A death in the Capitol, and what we must do now
Evil thrives when good people do nothing!
Stay away from evil folks!
Secretary of Labour - Marty Walsh
Well said
Biden says Trump skipping inauguration is 'a good thing'
Long, long overdue.
Biden says Cruz and Hawley are part of ‘the big lie’ while senators say they are being called Nazis
Both GOP senators fire back calling the comments 'sad' and 'immature'
We Could Be Closer to Eliminating the Criminally Undemocratic Electoral College
I remember reading Rall when he used to write for a small alternative publication in Boise Idaho
Biden and the Democrats could change everything. But they won't try.
Biden to have the first gender-balanced US Cabinet in history which is a remarkable and refreshing change.
How to Avoid Another Monster Like Trump
It’s not enough to denounce the storming of the Capitol. Where Trump brought death and American carnage, Democrats now need to deliver real economic relief.
Department of Defense says they will review troops deployed to Biden inauguration to ensure they don’t have sympathies to domestic terrorists — meaning the US govt is now trying to prevent a military coup.
meaning the US govt is now trying to prevent a military coup.
It could also be indicative that US police are worried about getting in shit when they do their job thanks to the defund police movement.
Call in the military so there's no fucking around.
meaning the US govt is now trying to prevent a military coup.It could also be indicative that US police are worried about getting in shit when they do their job thanks to the defund police movement.
The fact that so many people calling to "defund the police" also support lockdowns (and in this country are silent about the curfew brought in by the government of Quebec) tells you everything you need to know about the ridiculousness of the slogan, how seriously we should take the "defund the police movement" (we shouldn't take it seriously at all) and how unserious the people saying "defund the police" really are.
how seriously we should take the "defund the police movement" (we shouldn't take it seriously at all) and how unserious the people saying "defund the police" really are.
Obviously not a great slogan in that it has to be clarified continuously but I don't think exorbiant militarized police force budgets will be as easy to pass in cities across North America and that is a much more significant victory than most social movements have made in recent years.