Of those social assistance rates I posted from 2019, 11 of them could be doubled and still fall below the poverty threshold for their respective province. How do you think most people react when they're told that social assistance rates should be doubled? I'll tell you. They laugh and think you're out of your mind. What could change that? If those on the Left stopped acting ashamed to even mention it. If people started recognizing it for the public health crisis that it is. If progressives started speaking about social assistance with the same passion and sense of urgency as we speak about other forms of oppression. But until people are willing to put in the work to make such substantial increases seem reasonable, we'll be stuck where we are.Those on the Left might like to see themselves as allies, but if that doesn't lead into speaking out and taking action, their "wants" are as meaningless as "thoughts & prayers".
That is the comment I am referring to.
"The left" wants to replace social assistance with basic income in part because of the stigma associated with social assistance, better known as welfare.
They could make better use of statistics concerning welfare rates but that is also true of the statistics on income inequality. It's a drum I've been beating for a long time.
That "the left" isn't approaching the topic the way you think they should doesn't justify the accusations that "the left" neglects people living in poverty which certainly includes people living on social assistance.
Blame the right for right wing policies not the left.