We Need to Stop the Denial of All Types of Violence in Canadian Society and Address It All

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Ottawa finally are making vaccinations mandatory for the federal civil service and for travellers on planes, trains, and ships.

What took them so long?


Douglas Fir Premier

JKR wrote:

The message there was: Covid doesn't care about protecting or hurting peoples feelings or protecting or taking away peoples rights. It just propagates.

LOL. Ok. Literally not one word of that message actually appears in the cartoon. I must be too stupid to pick up on all that subtext.




Perfect if it was not so tragic!

Douglas Fir Premier

Indeed. And I'd seen that meme posted at least a dozen times before - every single time it was used as a mocking response to an unvaccinated person dying from COVID.

But yes... I'm sure you're right in your assertion that when the cartoon coronavirus states "I can fix stupid", it means some bullshit about hurt feelings and rights. It doesn't in any way suggest that it kills "stupid" people.


Douglas Fir Premier wrote:

Indeed. And I'd seen that meme posted at least a dozen times before - every single time it was used as a mocking response to an unvaccinated person dying from COVID.

But yes... I'm sure you're right in your assertion that when the cartoon coronavirus states "I can fix stupid", it means some bullshit about hurt feelings and rights. It doesn't in any way suggest that it kills "stupid" people.

Clutching your pearls won’t change the fact that Covid is killing droves of unvaccinated people. Trying to turn the Covid pandemic into a right-wing wedge issue is killing hundreds of thousands of people.

Douglas Fir Premier

JKR wrote:
Douglas Fir Premier wrote:

Indeed. And I'd seen that meme posted at least a dozen times before - every single time it was used as a mocking response to an unvaccinated person dying from COVID.

But yes... I'm sure you're right in your assertion that when the cartoon coronavirus states "I can fix stupid", it means some bullshit about hurt feelings and rights. It doesn't in any way suggest that it kills "stupid" people.

Clutching your pearls won’t change the fact that Covid is killing droves of unvaccinated people. Trying to turn the Covid pandemic into a right-wing wedge issue is killing hundreds of thousands of people.

I'm not clutching any pearls. You're more than welcome to snicker at dead people all you want. It's no skin off my nose.

All I'm saying is:
1) While it may make you feel superior, I don't think it's a very effective strategy if your actual aim is to persuade more people to get vaccinated.


2) You're clearly mocking unvaccinated people who die from COVID. Why not just own it? It's fine. It wouldn't lessen my opinion of you. But pretending that your cartoons have some deeper nuance beyond haha stupid dead people demeans both our intelligence.


Douglas Fir Premier wrote:

I'm not clutching any pearls. You're more than welcome to snicker at dead people all you want. It's no skin off my nose.

All I'm saying is:
1) While it may make you feel superior, I don't think it's a very effective strategy if your actual aim is to persuade more people to get vaccinated.


2) You're clearly mocking unvaccinated people who die from COVID. Why not just own it? It's fine. It wouldn't lessen my opinion of you. But pretending that your cartoons have some deeper nuance beyond haha stupid dead people demeans both our intelligence.

People dying of Covid, often unnecessarily, is definitely not funny - it’s horribly tragic. Please don’t put words in my mouth.


Douglas Fir Premier wrote:

Indeed. And I'd seen that meme posted at least a dozen times before - every single time it was used as a mocking response to an unvaccinated person dying from COVID.

But yes... I'm sure you're right in your assertion that when the cartoon coronavirus states "I can fix stupid", it means some bullshit about hurt feelings and rights. It doesn't in any way suggest that it kills "stupid" people.

Stupid resides in stupid people therefore it kills stupid.

I recently listened to a rant from a man whose wife died from cancer after being released from hospital 3 weeks early due to covid 19 overloading the hospital (US).

If you catch Covid-19 my bet is that you will go to hospital and expect other people to risk their lives looking after you as you lament your stupidity and admit you should have taken the damn vaccine. You will not accept your responsibility and die alone on the altar of your politics to protect others.

All the reasonable scientific and social arguments have been presented. Story after story of the unvaccinated dying leaves the unvaccinated unmoved.

Anyone who remains unconvinced has dug in their heels. It's not up to the rest of us to continue tip-toeing around the feelings of the unvaccined. Most of us are done trying to convince you of anything. We have moved on to "just stay the hell away from us" because shunning is our best defence.

I know a diagnosed narcisist. They thrive on drama so of course she resisted vaccination. She caved because she needed money therefore a job. Narcisists always choose self-interest. They are much easier to manage if you remember that.

Not every anti-vaxxer is a narcisist, the grand majority are not, but pretending they can be pursuaded through understanding and logic is as deluded as their stated reasoning for not being vaccinated. There are underlying issues whether or not they are aware of them.

The unvaccinated are going to continue dying at a far higher rate than the vaccinated. It is tragic that they will take some innocents with them. The irony is there will be fewer and fewer of them as they die off and most of them are conservatives or libertarians. I have heard references to Darwin. Nature's cullings can be cruel. Survival of the fittest includes having the ability to evaluate information, weigh the odds ,and take the safest path.

The stats in the US are becoming more and more stark. Republicans are dying off at a much higher rate than Democrats. Here in Canada the prairie provinces have the worse numbers.

Education and political views are having an impact on life expectancy.


eastnoireast wrote:
NorthReport wrote:
And how many unnecessary deaths, and extreme illnesses, are going to occur in the name of human rights?
No of course nobody wants to discuss that no-no.
Somehow I think the human rights plot has been lost to the bleeding hearts.

sorry, i forgot - the injection is 100% safe for everyone! pre-pregnant, pregnant, breastfeeding - all good! happy happy! everything in it's place!

according to the director of the cdc, that is.

A young Louisiana mom who contracted COVID-19 when she was pregnant died on September 12—five weeks after her infant was delivered via an emergency C-section and without ever getting to hold her baby boy.

Keighlie Renee Reaux was just 24 when she passed away from complications of the virus, family friend Michelle Marcotte shared on a GoFundMe set up for her Reaux's family.

Rosebluff-Thomas, 35, was from Muscowpetung Saulteaux Nation, just northeast of Regina, and lived in Edmonton with her eight children, ages one, five, six, eight, 12, 16, 17, 19. She was 29 weeks pregnant with her ninth child when she contracted the delta variant of the coronavirus in late August.

She wasn't vaccinated.

Pregnant women who get COVID-19 are five times more likely to require hospitalization than the average person, and 10 times more likely to need intensive care, according to data compiled by the Canadian Surveillance of COVID-19 in Pregnancy team....
"When they were doing the emergency C-section, the nurse called me and told me they were doing it to save her so she could get oxygen into her lungs," she recalled.

Rosebluff-Thomas never regained consciousness and never had the chance to hold her newborn daughter.

She died four days later on Sept. 3.


Studies are showing that natural immunity from having had Covid is only lasting around 3 months.

In particular I don't want the information on pregnancy to be buried:

Pregnant women who get COVID-19 are five times more likely to require hospitalization than the average person, and 10 times more likely to need intensive care, according to data compiled by the Canadian Surveillance of COVID-19 in Pregnancy team.

Dr. Stephanie Cooper, a high-risk obstetrician at Foothills Medical Centre in Calgary, said more than 20 pregnant women with serious and critical COVID-19 were admitted to hospital in Alberta in August and September. All of them were unvaccinated.

Cooper did not treat Rosebluff-Thomas. She said medical teams are generally trying to keep fetuses inside the womb as long as possible to buy more time for maturity, but that emergency premature deliveries have been necessary to save the life of the baby or mother, or both.

One scenario is when a pregnant woman is so critically sick from COVID-19 that her blood must be oxygenated outside her body, allowing the heart and lungs to rest.

"If we're thinking a pregnant woman has to have that treatment, or even if we think potentially a pregnant woman is not going to make it, then we decide that we should deliver the baby — even if it is very premature — because we are very concerned that both the baby and the mom may not make it," Cooper said.


Douglas Fir Premier wrote:
JKR wrote:
Douglas Fir Premier wrote:

Indeed. And I'd seen that meme posted at least a dozen times before - every single time it was used as a mocking response to an unvaccinated person dying from COVID.

But yes... I'm sure you're right in your assertion that when the cartoon coronavirus states "I can fix stupid", it means some bullshit about hurt feelings and rights. It doesn't in any way suggest that it kills "stupid" people.

Clutching your pearls won’t change the fact that Covid is killing droves of unvaccinated people. Trying to turn the Covid pandemic into a right-wing wedge issue is killing hundreds of thousands of people.

I'm not clutching any pearls. You're more than welcome to snicker at dead people all you want. It's no skin off my nose.

All I'm saying is:
1) While it may make you feel superior, I don't think it's a very effective strategy if your actual aim is to persuade more people to get vaccinated.


2) You're clearly mocking unvaccinated people who die from COVID. Why not just own it? It's fine. It wouldn't lessen my opinion of you. But pretending that your cartoons have some deeper nuance beyond haha stupid dead people demeans both our intelligence.

Political cartoons are often dark. Black humor is a means of dealing with the tragedy of people who make deadly decisions.

Douglas Fir Premier

JKR wrote:
Douglas Fir Premier wrote:

I'm not clutching any pearls. You're more than welcome to snicker at dead people all you want. It's no skin off my nose.

All I'm saying is:
1) While it may make you feel superior, I don't think it's a very effective strategy if your actual aim is to persuade more people to get vaccinated.


2) You're clearly mocking unvaccinated people who die from COVID. Why not just own it? It's fine. It wouldn't lessen my opinion of you. But pretending that your cartoons have some deeper nuance beyond haha stupid dead people demeans both our intelligence.

People dying of Covid, often unnecessarily, is definitely not funny - it’s horribly tragic. Please don’t put words in my mouth.

Tell you what; you stop gaslighting, and I won't put words in your mouth .

Douglas Fir Premier

Pondering wrote:
Douglas Fir Premier wrote:
JKR wrote:
Douglas Fir Premier wrote:

Indeed. And I'd seen that meme posted at least a dozen times before - every single time it was used as a mocking response to an unvaccinated person dying from COVID.

But yes... I'm sure you're right in your assertion that when the cartoon coronavirus states "I can fix stupid", it means some bullshit about hurt feelings and rights. It doesn't in any way suggest that it kills "stupid" people.

Clutching your pearls won’t change the fact that Covid is killing droves of unvaccinated people. Trying to turn the Covid pandemic into a right-wing wedge issue is killing hundreds of thousands of people.

I'm not clutching any pearls. You're more than welcome to snicker at dead people all you want. It's no skin off my nose.

All I'm saying is:
1) While it may make you feel superior, I don't think it's a very effective strategy if your actual aim is to persuade more people to get vaccinated.


2) You're clearly mocking unvaccinated people who die from COVID. Why not just own it? It's fine. It wouldn't lessen my opinion of you. But pretending that your cartoons have some deeper nuance beyond haha stupid dead people demeans both our intelligence.

Political cartoons are often dark. Black humor is a means of dealing with the tragedy of people who make deadly decisions.

Are you under the impression that I'm offended by the cartoons? I couldn't give a fuck. I deal in dark humour all the time.

Let me rephrase my two points.

If snickering about unvaccinated people dying from COVID gives you some form of satisfaction, go ahead and yuk it up (or as Arthur Cramer used to say; "fill your boots"). It probably won't persuade many people to get vaccinated, but that's not your job anyway.

If you try to tell me with a straight face that "You can't fix stupid. I can fix stupid", means some nonsense about hurt feelings and peoples rights, well, I'm sorry an eight-word single panel cartoon went so far over your head. Either that or you're gaslighting.


Douglas Fir Premier wrote:

Tell you what; you stop gaslighting, and I won't put words in your mouth .

Putting words in someone else’s mouth is a form of gaslighting.


Douglas Fir Premier wrote:

Are you under the impression that I'm offended by the cartoons? I couldn't give a fuck. I deal in dark humour all the time.

Let me rephrase my two points.

If snickering about unvaccinated people dying from COVID gives you some form of satisfaction, go ahead and yuk it up (or as Arthur Cramer used to say; "fill your boots"). It probably won't persuade many people to get vaccinated, but that's not your job anyway.

If you try to tell me with a straight face that "You can't fix stupid. I can fix stupid", means some nonsense about hurt feelings and peoples rights, well, I'm sorry an eight-word single panel cartoon went so far over your head. Either that or you're gaslighting.

The word "stupid" was used rather tha say "foolish" because "you can't fix stupid" is a common saying. that tragically fits in this situation. Another would be "you can bring a horse to water but you can't make him drink it".

Gallows humour isn't "ha ha". Those of us who are vaccinated are angry at the risk you pose to others out of your selfishness and ignorance. We would much rather you get vaccinated but failing that you will pose an ever smaller threat as you die off or become convinced by all the other unvaccinated dying off. It would sadden me if you die because it is so unnecessary but it would be your choice.

How many pregnant women have to die for the rest to understand they will protect their fetus by being vaccinated?

The cartoon isn't aimed at you. Many of us, I would say most, are not interested in beating our heads against a brick wall.

Anti-vaxxers are a danger to society so if they die-off it reduces the risk of transmission for everyone else. I would prefer they get vaccinated but that is their choice.

Black comedy has the social effect of strengthening the morale of the oppressed and undermines the morale of the oppressors.[21][22] According to Wylie Sypher, "to be able to laugh at evil and error means we have surmounted them."[23]

That is why we the vaccinated laugh.



Well said!

Kareem Abdul-Jabbar in Jacobin: On Kyrie Irving’s Vaccine Refusal



NBA great Kareem Abdul-Jabbar writes in Jacobin arguing that athletes like Kyrie Irving aren’t making a “personal choice” by refusing the COVID vaccine — they’re jeopardizing the public health of all through their platforms.

Former NBA player Kareem Abdul-Jabbar during a ceremony at Pauley Pavilion in Los Angeles, 2017. (John W. McDonough / Sports Illustrated via Getty Images)





JKR wrote:
eastnoireast wrote:

for starters, how about those who already had covid, which is pretty clearly waaaay better and longer lasting immunity than an injection?

The evidence is not clear and more importantly how can the government know who has and has not been infected?

covid tests. but you knew that.
ps, europe is honouring natural immunity as protection.

Douglas Fir Premier

Pondering wrote:
Douglas Fir Premier wrote:

Are you under the impression that I'm offended by the cartoons? I couldn't give a fuck. I deal in dark humour all the time.

Let me rephrase my two points.

If snickering about unvaccinated people dying from COVID gives you some form of satisfaction, go ahead and yuk it up (or as Arthur Cramer used to say; "fill your boots"). It probably won't persuade many people to get vaccinated, but that's not your job anyway.

If you try to tell me with a straight face that "You can't fix stupid. I can fix stupid", means some nonsense about hurt feelings and peoples rights, well, I'm sorry an eight-word single panel cartoon went so far over your head. Either that or you're gaslighting.

Those of us who are vaccinated are angry at the risk you pose to others out of your selfishness and ignorance. We would much rather you get vaccinated but failing that you will pose an ever smaller threat as you die off or become convinced by all the other unvaccinated dying off.

That's cool. I'm pretty damn angry at a lot of people whose selfishness and indifference pose a far greater risk to my life than COVID. I know all too well that people from all points along the political spectrum consider my life disposable. It's kind of cute to see how indignant you people become when you imagine that your lives are being treated with the same callous disregard. Would it improve my life if some of you die off? Unlikely. But I guess it could at least be kind of funny. Not "ha ha" funny. But you know... funny in the black humour sense.

Pondering wrote:

Black comedy has the social effect of strengthening the morale of the oppressed and undermines the morale of the oppressors.[21][22] According to Wylie Sypher, "to be able to laugh at evil and error means we have surmounted them."[23]

Again, you're not telling me anything new.

Pondering wrote:

That is why we the vaccinated laugh.

And that is why I laugh right back at you. I am not my oppressors' keeper.


eastnoireast wrote:

europe is honouring natural immunity as protection.

I’d be ok if here in BC the province added natural immunity as a criteria to our Covid cards if the provincial health care professionals supported that idea.


Douglas Fir Premier wrote:

Would it improve my life if some of you die off? Unlikely. But I guess it could at least be kind of funny. Not "ha ha" funny. But you know... funny in the black humour sense.

How would it be funny in the black humour sense if some of us died off?


Douglas Fir Premier wrote:
That's cool. I'm pretty damn angry at a lot of people whose selfishness and indifference pose a far greater risk to my life than COVID. I know all too well that people from all points along the political spectrum consider my life disposable. It's kind of cute to see how indignant you people become when you imagine that your lives are being treated with the same callous disregard.

In what way do I or others here pose a threat to your life? Everyone's lives are disposable including my own. I said I would be saddened by your unnescessary death if it happens. Unfortunately it is not within my power to change your mind so I'm not trying anymore. We the vaccinated have a right to protect ourselves.

Douglas Fir Premier wrote:
And that is why I laugh right back at you. I am not my oppressors' keeper.

How are you being oppressed? It is not unjust for people to avoid those who refuse to be vaccinated against a contagious disease. The unvaccinated have been given plenty of time to gather information and do their civic duty.

Irony is self-defence against all the needless covid deaths and the collateral deaths of people delayed treatment due to covid. The grand majority of covid deaths in Canada are 100% avoidable if only the people that are able would get vaccinated.

Douglas Fir Premier

Pondering wrote:

How are you being oppressed?


Telling a human being to try to survive on social assistance rates as low as -$15,494 below the poverty threshold is oppression. It's violence. It kills people.

And if words and actions (or more precisely, lack thereof) are any indication of how much any of that matters to Canadians, it could not be any clearer to those of us on social assistance that Canadians simply could not give less of a fuck.




I think everyone who posts here on babble wants social assistance rates to be increased very significantly and substantially. So why attack them and say that their dying would be funny in a black humour kind of way?



The irony is there will be fewer and fewer of them as they die off and most of them are conservatives or libertarians. I have heard references to Darwin. Nature's cullings can be cruel. Survival of the fittest includes having the ability to evaluate information, weigh the odds ,and take the safest path.


Now there's a keeper...


Douglas Fir Premier wrote:
Pondering wrote:

How are you being oppressed?


Telling a human being to try to survive on social assistance rates as low as -$15,494 below the poverty threshold is oppression. It's violence. It kills people.

And if words and actions (or more lack thereof) are any indication of how much any of that matters to Canadians, it could not be any clearer to those of us on social assistance that Canadians simply could not give less of a fuck.

I have lived on social assistance so I agree on that score. People on social assistence are not being denied the vaccine which is free for everyone nor are they being forced to be vaccinated.

Society at large is being forced to live with a greater threat of catching covid-19 or their loved ones catching it because of the unvaccinated. A healthy 10 year old girl just died in Edmonton. While I don't know that her death is tied directly to the unvaccinated they are definitely increasing the risk to everyone. Because of the unvaccinated we have to deal with vaccine certificates. Because of the unvaccinated the army has to go in to support the hospitals so they don't collapse.

I defend the freedom of the unvaccinated to reject vaccines for themselves but I don't have to respect the choice as reasonable in the face of this pandemic.

Douglas Fir Premier

JKR wrote:

I think everyone who posts here on babble wants social assistance rates to be increased very significantly and substantially.

What does "want" have to do with the material world?

My guess would be that if each premier were to mail out a survey asking;
Do you think social assistance rates should be increased?
[ ] Yes
[ ] No
...most people who identify as Left would answer in the affirmative.

But that's not how change happens.

Politicians don't like to speak about social assistance. People don't cast their votes based on it. (If one were to enumerate a list of issues that determine their vote, where would social assistance come in? Top 10? Top 20? Lower?) Living wage advocates don't want their cause associated with us. Organized labour has little use for us. Speaking out about social assistance doesn't win you plaudits from old classmates on social media by showing off how much more enlightened you've become. It's just not sexy in that way.

Of those social assistance rates I posted from 2019, 11 of them could be doubled and still fall below the poverty threshold for their respective province. How do you think most people react when they're told that social assistance rates should be doubled? I'll tell you. They laugh and think you're out of your mind. What could change that? If those on the Left stopped acting ashamed to even mention it. If people started recognizing it for the public health crisis that it is. If progressives started speaking about social assistance with the same passion and sense of urgency as we speak about other forms of oppression. But until people are willing to put in the work to make such substantial increases seem reasonable, we'll be stuck where we are.

Those on the Left might like to see themselves as allies, but if that doesn't lead into speaking out and taking action, their "wants" are as meaningless as "thoughts & prayers".


Outrageous. How does the Catholic Church get such a hold on our society?


This is an evil organization that needs to be banned in Canada. For starters it's time we stopped electing Roman Catholics as prime minister or cabinet Ministers, eh! The Italian mafia have nothing on the RC Church.




Douglas Fir Premier wrote:
If those on the Left stopped acting ashamed to even mention it. If people started recognizing it for the public health crisis that it is. If progressives started speaking about social assistance with the same passion and sense of urgency as we speak about other forms of oppression. But until people are willing to put in the work to make such substantial increases seem reasonable, we'll be stuck where we are.

Those on the Left might like to see themselves as allies, but if that doesn't lead into speaking out and taking action, their "wants" are as meaningless as "thoughts & prayers".

Apparently you have missed a few chapters.  Basic income is intended to replace social assistance and there is enormous political support for it. Even the Liberal caucus voted for it at the last Liberal convention. 

It is a major plank on the left so it leads me to believe you aren't very familiar with "the left".


So there! How dare you question the commitment and solidarity towards the poor by the Canadian progressive left!


NorthReport wrote:
China actually has the correct approach. When a case of Covid19 is discovered the neighborhood gets completely shut down, nobody goes in or out except for survival supplies. And life goes back to normal after a relatively short time. None of the absurd pampering, no bleeding hearts there. Good on them.

I think that China and other Asian countries are doing way better than us. Strange though that on the one hand you praise the socialist governments actions on COVID and then in other threads you pump out piece after piece of war propaganda from NATO. Maybe we should just let them have their own system and stop trying to tell them what to do. Nobody in the world wants to have their country become Libya or Syria, which is what happens to countries we interfere in to protect their people from one party socialist governments.


kropotkin1951 wrote:
NorthReport wrote:
China actually has the correct approach. When a case of Covid19 is discovered the neighborhood gets completely shut down, nobody goes in or out except for survival supplies. And life goes back to normal after a relatively short time. None of the absurd pampering, no bleeding hearts there. Good on them.

I think that China and other Asian countries are doing way better than us. Strange though that on the one hand you praise the socialist governments actions on COVID and then in other threads you pump out piece after piece of war propaganda from NATO. Maybe we should just let them have their own system and stop trying to tell them what to do. Nobody in the world wants to have their country become Libya or Syria, which is what happens to countries we interfere in to protect their people from one party socialist governments.

That would be because the goal is not to protect people from anything.


$100 a day - are they kidding!
They make that in the first 5 minutes they are open each day.
This must be some kind of joke article!

Rolly's Restaurant in Hope loses licence after flouting vaccine-passport order

It will be fined $100 per day if it ignores the District of Hope's order





There's a big fuck-u if I ever heard one. Rollys is laughing all the way to the bank!

The order does not appear to have deterred the restaurant, and a person who answered the phone at the restaurant and identified themselves as Marlene said it was “business as usual” at the eatery, because the situation was “just ridiculous” and that the situation was “not about health.”


Douglas Fir Premier

Pondering wrote:

Douglas Fir Premier wrote:
If those on the Left stopped acting ashamed to even mention it. If people started recognizing it for the public health crisis that it is. If progressives started speaking about social assistance with the same passion and sense of urgency as we speak about other forms of oppression. But until people are willing to put in the work to make such substantial increases seem reasonable, we'll be stuck where we are.

Those on the Left might like to see themselves as allies, but if that doesn't lead into speaking out and taking action, their "wants" are as meaningless as "thoughts & prayers".

Apparently you have missed a few chapters.  Basic income is intended to replace social assistance and there is enormous political support for it. Even the Liberal caucus voted for it at the last Liberal convention. 

It is a major plank on the left so it leads me to believe you aren't very familiar with "the left".

This is a red herring. We don't have Basic Income. What we do have is a patchwork of social assistance programs - not one of them even remotely adequate. Advocating for the former is fine, but it does nothing to address the immediate crisis of poverty and despair. One could even argue that it distracts and absolves people from having any responsibility to fight for people on social assistance. (Although there's a special place in Hell reserved for folks in the Left who've allowed their opposition to some future Basic Income program to distract them from the fight to raise social assistance rates in the here and now.) I would also suggest that Basic Income plays into the taboo that's even crept into the Left around even acknowledging the existence of people on social assistance. It's much easier to say you want to give money to everybody than to come out publicly in support of 'those welfare bums'.

I have one or two slight misgivings about Basic Income, but would still jump nevertheless at the opportunity to dump ODSP in favour of a liveable, less restrictive, less bureaucratic program. But that's not an option that exists presently. Basic income won't replace social assistance in the near future. At least nowhere soon enough for those teetering on the edge.

In the past seven months, I've lost two of my friends on ODSP to suicide. Not the medically-assisted kind (although people for whom that is an option have been taking that way out too). No, I'm talking about the 'going for a walk into the local woods with no intention of coming out alive' variety. Suicides of desperation, hopelessness, and despair. Both of them wanted Basic Income too. But they were also furious at how the Left had abandoned them. Like me, they remembered the outrage on the Left when Mike Harris slashed welfare rates, and an eight-month pregnant Kimberly Rogers baked in her apartment while under house arrest for the "crime" of having received student loans while on welfare. And like me, they wondered where all of that outrage went once Harris and Eves left office, despite the living conditions of people on OW and ODSP only continuing to deteriorate under the Liberals.

I'll confess that much of the time I find it very hard to stay engaged with my own community of disabled folks on social assistance anymore. That community used to be a place where one could turn to find and offer support, mutual aid, advice, organizing, and resistance. But now discussions of suicide (fantasizing about the relief of suicide, planning for suicides, failed suicides, MAID, etc.) has become so pervasive that even peeking in on those forums can jeopardize my own mental health and wellbeing.

Anyone who knows me in real life knows that I rail in equal measure against comrades on the Left who are silent about the oppression of people on social assistance, and those who argue against Basic Income because it's not as good as socialism.

Keep making assumptions about me. They're so far off the mark, they're hilarious.

laine lowe laine lowe's picture

Douglas, you raise so many good points. I too remember the Harris days and our activism in trying to overturn the disgraceful cuts to social welfare programs. It's been decades but I remember there being a campaign involving buying canned tuna. The important thing is that addressing inadequate social safety net infrastructure has completely fallen off the radar. Even the attention to homelessness, also very late in coming, fails to connect the dots to how our decades long deteriorated social welfare infrastructure underpins the homelessness crisis.

Douglas Fir Premier

laine lowe wrote:

Douglas, you raise so many good points. I too remember the Harris days and our activism in trying to overturn the disgraceful cuts to social welfare programs. It's been decades but I remember there being a campaign involving buying canned tuna. The important thing is that addressing inadequate social safety net infrastructure has completely fallen off the radar. Even the attention to homelessness, also very late in coming, fails to connect the dots to how our decades long deteriorated social welfare infrastructure underpins the homelessness crisis.

Thanks, laine lowe.

Yup... the infamous 'Tsubouchi Diet'.

Little did we realize back then that even that paltry amount would seem relatively 'generous' by comparison a couple decades later.

The cost of that 1995 welfare diet now exceeds inflation by 65 percent and has increased by almost double the rate at which payments under Ontario Works (social assistance) have increased. Inflation as measured by the consumer price index (CPI) has risen 52.4 percent, while the cost of the welfare diet has increased by 86.3 percent.



Douglas Fir Premier wrote:

This is a red herring. We don't have Basic Income. What we do have is a patchwork of social assistance programs - not one of them even remotely adequate. Advocating for the former is fine, but it does nothing to address the immediate crisis of poverty and despair. One could even argue that it distracts and absolves people from having any responsibility to fight for people on social assistance. (Although there's a special place in Hell reserved for folks in the Left who've allowed their opposition to some future Basic Income program to distract them from the fight to raise social assistance rates in the here and now.) I would also suggest that Basic Income plays into the taboo that's even crept into the Left around even acknowledging the existence of people on social assistance. It's much easier to say you want to give money to everybody than to come out publicly in support of 'those welfare bums'.

I have one or two slight misgivings about Basic Income, but would still jump nevertheless at the opportunity to dump ODSP in favour of a liveable, less restrictive, less bureaucratic program. But that's not an option that exists presently. Basic income won't replace social assistance in the near future. At least nowhere soon enough for those teetering on the edge.

Here in BC the NDP government has improved things for people on social assistance and on disability. It’s not as good as it should be but it has improved during the last 5 years. During that time rates have increased and more social housing has been established. Extra money for a transportation allowance has also been established. The NDP government is also working on a poverty reduction strategy. The NDP government has a long way to go but they are doing infinitely better than the previous government was.


Well said JKR.

And here hopefully is another plan to address the unjust huge gap between the rich and the poor. My hunch is that climate change won't seriously be addressed unless the massive gap, between the rich and the poor, is addressed as well.

Nearly 140 countries reach deal on 15% corporate minimum tax

The deal is an attempt to address the ways globalisation and digitalisation have changed the world economy.





Moving on from residential schools health care workers and patients are the next victims.


Workers at Buffalo’s Mercy Hospital Are on Strike for Patient Safety



Catholic Health has spent the pandemic buying real estate instead of fixing understaffing issues that overburden workers and put patients’ lives at risk. Mercy Hospital workers have walked off the job to demand new priorities.





Aside from climate change housing, basic income, and pharmacare are all top issues on the left. 

Basic income helps remove the stigma from social assistance and frees people from having to prove their eligibility over and over and the rate would be considerably more than social assistance. 

How about blaming the right for what the right does.


Douglas Fir Premier

Pondering wrote:

How about blaming the right for what the right does.

Again with the wildly misguided assumptions.

I speak out against the Right all the time.

But I've never walked a right-wing picket line. I've never done jail support for someone arrested at a right-wing demo. I've never been on a right-wing march. I've never volunteered for a right-wing cause. Nor donated to a right-wing project. I've never organized a right-wing teach-in. I've never given a speech at a right-wing rally. I've never joined a right-wing organization. I've never carried a right-wing flag, sign, or banner. Nor have I ever chanted a right-wing slogan. I've never offered billeting to ring-wing protestors from out of town. I've never postered for a right-wing event.

Only once - when I was 19 - did I ever vote for a right-wing party (and even that was an admittedly naive but inconsequential attempt at long game strategy, in a riding that has voted PC in 40 of the past 41 elections).

Basically, I have a million and one criticisms of the Right. But I've never held out any hope that the likes of Doug Ford, Erin O'Toole, Maxime Bernier, or many of their supporters might ever have my back. I've never heard any of them throw around phrases like "injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere", "solidarity forever", or "an injury to one is an injury to all".

But having been deeply involved in left-wing organizing dating back to when I was in high school, I guess after a few decades of showing up for other people's struggles, I've begun to wonder when - if ever - any of that solidarity will be reciprocated. I mean, I've never gotten involved in a cause with the expectation that I'm owed something back. I still fundamentally do hold onto the belief that my liberation is tied to that of others. But I have been aware for quite some time that my solidarity does seem to be traveling on a one-way street. I have no doubt that just about everyone I've known and organized with for decades 'wants' there to be an increase to social assistance rates. But except for the small number of people who are directly affected by it, the issue never seems to rise high enough on people's list of priorities to make them actually willing to do something about it.

Hell... at this point I'd even settle for performative allyship. I'm not asking people to drop everything else they're working on to fully devote themselves to fighting for liveable social assistance rates. I'm just saying that it would mean a lot if folks on the Left would maybe - just maybe - once in a blue moon say something unprompted in support of people living on social assistance. Like, just add it into the mix of all the other forms of oppression that you're so happy to speak about. That would at least be a start. I'm not sure what it is about that particular form of oppression that makes that seem so difficult. As I've said a few times, it seems that part of it is that it's not seen as sexy enough, and doesn't won't result in a lot of 'likes' and 'shares'. But there seems to be more to it than that. Shame? A subconscious internalization of right-wing talking points about raising taxes on 'hardworking families' to provide 'handouts' to the 'undeserving' poor? A secret worry that any such redistribution of wealth would be done at their expense instead of the uber-rich?


I think what happened here in BC during the 90's under the provincial NDP government is indicative of the centre-left's general attitude toward social assistance, disability benefits, and income supports in general. The BC NDP government cut social assistance rates and disability benefits during that time because it was felt that the rates had gotten too high and were hurting economic growth and costing the government too much money.

It should also be remembered that the idea of a "universal basic income" has also been supported by the right. Leading right wing thinkers like Milton Friedman and Alan Greenspan supported the idea of a universal basic income or "negative income tax."

Everyone seems to support everyone having their "basic" needs met in society but the idea of what covers "basic" differs. And on the right many believe that providing human basics should be done not by government but by charities.

The left also supports government reducing poverty through other means such as tax credits, social housing, public child care, public education, public transportation, and expanding Medicare to include things such as pharmacare, dental care, optometry, home care, long term care, etc,… I think the social democratic countries like Denmark, Sweden, and Norway, have come up with great systems that have significantly reduced poverty.


Douglas Fir Premier wrote:
Pondering wrote:

How about blaming the right for what the right does.

Again with the wildly misguided assumptions.

I speak out against the Right all the time.

I never said you are right wing I said blame the right. You are the one making assumptions and ignoring the actual conversation which is about blaming the left for apparently not caring about people on social assistance.

"The left" focuses on housing and basic income all the time as well as the conditions that push people into precarious living conditions.

"The left" is dealing with a massive worldwide right wing economic system that is destroying the planet and a militaristic US playing chicken with China. There is a lot to pay attention to.
