The rising tide of violence in Canada is more than disheartening, it actually threatens our democratic society.
The heakth care sector is a good example of how dowhill we are sliding along that slippery slope.
And the main reason in the health care sector, contrary to the blatant lies we heard during the election from both the Liberals and the Conservatives, is the privatization of Canada's medical care system, and we certainly can thank that Quebec doctor Chaoulli for some of it.
But just look at our discourse hear at times, with personal attacks, and with anger and hatred being expressed.
Bernier with his deep hatred received 5% of the vote. Some peole see this as splitting the right wing vote, but that is short-sighted, as there is something much more problematic going on.
We are treading on dangerous ground and our democrary might eventually be stake.
These are the final election results:
L 159 seats or 47% of the seats, up 2 seats, with 33% of the vote
C 119 seats or 35% of the seats, down 2 seats, with 34% of the vote
N 25 seats or 7% of the seats, up 1 seat, with 18% of the vote
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B 33 seats or 10% of the seats, up 1 seat, with 8% of the vote
G 2 seats or 1% of the seats, down 1 seat, with 2% of the vote
P 0 seats or 0% of the seats, no change in number of seats, with 5% of the vote
Adolf Hitler's rise to power
Chaoulli v Quebec (AG)