Destroying babble

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Destroying babble

I am the only prostitution abolititionist on the board willing to participate in debate. It is a left wing feminist position. 

I have done everything within my power to be polite, respectful, and even generous in making sure my opponents are heard. In return I have faced non-stop trolling, endless disrespect insults and false accusations. It's battering.

The men of this board have decided their position on prostitution. I am one woman but there is no way they will allow me to be properly heard on this topic. That is the treatment women face from men in this world and babble is no different. 

A few men decided to make babble so toxic that almost all the posters are gone and new ones are few and far between. 

JKR wrote:
  I agree it sucks. Fortunately I think most people here support you and sex workers. This prejudice and discrimination is very disappointing to see here. When discussing these kinds of issues that cause so much personal disagreement I think it's important to also prioritize your health including mental health.


I am the only person arguing against decriminalization of prostitution. I am an atheist. I don't discriminate against anyone nor am I prejudice. If people want to ignore my arguments it's a free world.

Sabotaging through constant daily personal attacks and trolling is men attacking one of the few women left on the board. I think the only female regular poster at this point. Instead of trying to elevate my voice you try to destroy it. 

Prostitution is gendered. Prostitution is a woman's issue like abortion is a woman's issue. Men have a right to an opinion but have a little respect. In terms of sex work from prostitution to strippers to porn men are the buyers and women are the service providers. 

The trolls on this board have decided there are two types of women. Sex workers and man-hating religious zealots, but they claim they aren't sexist. No, not at all. 

Men protect male privilege. 

Post 140

susan davis susan davis's picture

give me a break.... you have not been respectful on any level.... now you are attacking people who hold a different - fact based - perspective on these issues.

just because you are alone in your abolitionist opinion does not mean people are "trolling"you..... it means that others have actually done some reading and understand the best path forward.

as far as it destroying babble and abolitionism being the only left position on sex work....

i could not disagree more


It is a left wing feminist position. 

"A" left wing feminist position not the only one. As usual your criticism alters what was said. 

I'm willing to let the thread speak for itself as to who is doing the trolling and who is trying to treat it as a serious issue.

It doesn't matter whether or not they agree with my position. The issue is the disrespect which also appears in


kropotkin1951 wrote:
<p>Susan it would seem that Pondering's gender makes her uniquely placed to know what real women think but also what men think about women. It seems to me to come down to a world view that says men are predominately misogynists and women &lt;except for Pondering. are primarily victims of that misogyny. The battle lines are clear and any attempt to have a cross gender alliance will prove futile given those innate natures in men and women.</p>

Post 136

I know I called you sexist. I would never do to anyone what you are doing to me. 


Pondering wrote:

I have done everything within my power to be polite, respectful, and even generous in making sure my opponents are heard. In return I have faced non-stop trolling, endless disrespect insults and false accusations. It's battering.

I don’t think the posters here are “opponents.” At least I don’t view others here as being opponents. I think we’re mostly all here trying to learn and connect with others.


The trolling attacks are by definition hostile. Constantly misrepresenting posters is not an accident. Once maybe, but not when it is over and over again. Using trolling techniques against someone is not benign. Pretending innocence is not benign. 


A thread called "Destroying babble"?? Jesus.   This particularly rancorous discussion already has several threads going, some which started on other topics and were taken sideways.   

I can't imagine what ould be said about sex work at this point that has not already been said, and some of the threads actually contained some good discussion.   No one's mind is going to be changed.  No one! Personally, I have conflicting thoughts on the subject, and after all this reading they are no less conflicting.   

There is no reason for this thread to exist, so I'm closing it.

Topic locked