Chrystia Freeland Moves From FM to Intergov Affairs and Deputy PM, and on to Finance Minister

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Freeland Says She Is Focused On Her 'Really Big Job', But Does Not Deny Rumour She's Eyeing Top NATO Role

"Deputy PM Chrystia Freeland says she 'already' has a 'really big job' but did not deny rumours that she could be in the running to become the next secretary-general of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization.

Freeland's name has also swirled as a possible replacement as head of the Liberal Party of Canada when Trudeau eventually steps down."

If not before...


Chrystia Freeland Thinks Africans Should Die For Democracy

"...This is a truly heinous reply."


Chrystia Freeland Is Trying To Limit Trudeau's Spending. Will It Only Trigger An Election?

Freeland's machinations to weaken and replace Justin Trudeau continue apace. Will he now sack her? With Ukraine fast approaching collapse, making her wear Canada's outsized and ruinously costly commitment to the Kyiv regime, would provide the perfect pretext for eliminating a political rival too.


Yves Engler: Freeland's 'New' Alliance More of Same Old Pro-US Policies

"Chrystia Freeland's recent remarks at the Brookings Insitute are just the latest in a long line of statements and actions supporting Western imperialism.

A year after becoming prime minister, Trudeau replaced foreign affairs minister Stephane Dion, who represented a less pro-military and Warshington faction of the Canadian elite, with Freeland.

When Freeland became foreign minister, the US embassy in Ottawa sent a memo to the State Department in Washington entitled 'Canada adopts 'America First' Foreign Policy.'

In launching a foreign policy review five months into her position Freeland praised the US' 'outsized role' in world affairs since WWII. 'Canada is grateful and will always be grateful, to our neighbour for the outsized role it has played in the world,' she noted..."

Canada's growing contingent of brainwashed American arse-lickers, in and out of parliament, will be pleased with her brownnosings. As for others, time to get off your complacent asses and ensure her proto-fascist tendencies are curtailed in our politics as soon as possible, lest the cancer grow.


Unionist wrote:
Thank you, NDPP. On this Holocaust Remembrance Day, as on every day, we should pledge to wipe out the Nazi whitewasher and U.S. bootlicker that goes by the name of Chrystia Freeland. To be silent in this regard is to be complicit. May her name and memory, like that of her Nazi grandfather, be erased.

NDPP wrote:

I do condemn her own actions on their own merits. But in a country where the political leadership apologizes almost every other week, for actions recent or historic for matters weighty or flimsy, Ms Freeland, on such an awful secret-keeping, must surely step up and do the same.  Had she done the right thing and made an honest statement at the time the revelations her grandfather was a dedicated, high-ranking, virulent Nazi propagandist, Jew-hater and Ukrainian fascist, first emerged, this ugly black stink would not still be floating so obviously for any who have a nose to smell or eyes to see  in the national air.

But she didn't. She lied dissembled and frantically sought to rubbish the truth by discounting it as simply Russian smear. It wasn't. And the fact she still hasn't 'clarified' this matter that many now know she lied about it, means  she must explain. The importance and necessity of this should be obvious.  As you suggest also and I agree 'maybe it would be the right thing to do.'  Because what we know now she knew then and yet she dissembled and lied to us nationally with cameras rolling. And from that we must draw the obvious conclusions. About her and us. Do you think if her grandfather had come here say as an ex-Soviet official involved in promoting Jewish genocide, her awful evasions and mendacities would have been so easily countenanced? Especially, curiously, by certain quarters where we would least expect it?

Lest we forget...


Canada's Deputy PM Chrytia Freeland is Reportedly the US's Preferred Candidate To Succeed Jens Stoltenberg as Sec-Gen of NATO - NYT

"No surprise. When Freeland became foreign minister, US embassy in Ottawa sent State Dept memo titled 'Canada Adopts 'America First' Foreign Policy.' It said she was promoted 'in large part because of her strong US contacts' and her 'number one priority' was working closely with US."


Hillary Clinton to Speak At 2023 Liberal National Convention in Ottawa

"Clinton will join Deputy Prime Minister Chrystia Freeland for a conversation about how Canada 'can continue to work together to keep moving our countries and the world forward and onward..."

Official American arse-licking is not only entrenched political policy of all Canadian parliamentary political parties, but has also been adopted by sellouts who laughingly refer to themselves as the 'Canadian progressive left'.


Two fascist women discussing carving up the world for freedom and democracy. It should be a great show.


'Time & Again Hillary Clinton Has Been A Global Leader on Human Rights': LPC release.

"Freeland backed coup in Boliva and led push to oust Venezuelan government. She said if Canada got seat on UN Security Council it would act as 'asset' for Israel.

She's spent 40 years promoting conflict with Russia. And she's the dove here. Clinton's role making Martelly Haiti's president and destroying Libya is awful."


Deputy PM Chrystia Freeland in Conversation with Hillary Clinton

"...The single strongest message of deterrence we can send to China is a decisive Ukrainian victory that says to all the world's dictators, 'You know what? Democracy is prepared to fight back and democracy can actually win."

Welcome to American vassalage and Canadian 'friendly fascism'. Thanks to all whose inertia/collaboration helped get us here.

'Canada is the country most like Ukraine.' Petro Poroshenko


The Nazi's Grand-Daughter & 'Atlanticist Shill' Chrystia Freeland At Bilderberg 2023

"...Lisbon: the annual Bilderberg meeting - a NATO/Atlanticist fest - takes place in a not so secret hotel completely locked down. Top item on the agenda, war hybrid and otherwise.

And that's why the top Bilderberg agenda at the hijacked Lisbon hotel was to revamp NATO/Atlanticist coordination in a war - hybrid and otherwise against the driving force in BRICS; the RICs (Russia, India, China).

There were other items on the menu - from AI to the acute banking crisis, from 'energy transition' to 'fiscal challenges', not to mention proverbial 'US leadership.'

But when you get in the same room, people like NATO's Stoltenberg; director of US intel Avril Haines; senior director for Strategic Planning at the National Security Council Thomas Wright, Goldman-Sachs president John Waldron; Chief EU Gardener Borrell, Vice Chair of Brookfield Asset Management, Mark Carney, Supreme Allied Commander Europe, Christopher Cavoli, and Canadian Deputy Prime Minister Chrystia Freeland, among other Atlanticist shills, the plot is self-evident..."

More war, more austerity, more 'friendly-fascism', more obtuse Canucklhead apathy, more cheerleading/complicity from liberal 'progressive left'. Fire Freeland! Canada Out of NATO! Peace Diplomacy Now!


While Thousands of Venezuelans Died, Chrystia Freeland Called For 'Sanctions With More Bite'

"It is of course, past time that officials in the US government recognized the atrocious impact of Warshington's sanctions on targeted populations. Another factor that should be acknowledged is the role the Canadian government has played in legitimizing these policies.

As the political crisis in Venezuela intensified in early 2019, Freeland claimed that 'Canada and its allies are well down the road to crafting a long-term post-Madura recovery plan for Venezuela's disastrous economic decline,' ignoring the role played by US intervention.

She added, 'We are discussing with our partners now, ways that sanctions list can be expanded, in order to have even more bite.'

The estimate of 40,000 deaths occurred before the sanctions with 'even more bite' were slapped on Venezuela. This means the actual number of deaths is likely much higher.

As some in the US begin to reconsider the intentions of their government's actions in this area, we cannot allow the Canadian government to evade its share of the blame."

Unfortunately, we can and will. Haven't you noticed how Canada's 'progressive left' now cheerleads US foreign policy objectives ?

That's precisely why Canada's pro-American, pro-NATO 'junior partner' imperialism has become even more  outrageous. No opposition. Canadian 'friendly fascism' is here. And the Nazi's grand-daughter is riding higher than ever.




"Unfortunately, we can and will. Haven't you noticed how Canada's 'progressive left' now cheerleads US foreign policy objectives ?

That's precisely why Canada's pro-American, pro-NATO 'junior partner' imperialism has become even more  outrageous. No opposition."

Yep.   Even in the Ed Broadbent days, the NDP were not exemplary members of the international socialist left, but at least they had pretensions.


Luckily the NDP is not supporting Putin's crimes against humanity such as Russia’s destruction of a Ukraine dam just yesterday.


JKR wrote:

Luckily the NDP is not supporting Putin's crimes against humanity such as Russia’s destruction of a Ukraine dam just yesterday.

So you chose deflection instead of debate about Canada's very nasty foreign policy. Putin is evil so we don't even need to look in the mirror. Your obsession with hating Russia certainly clouds all your other posts.


Subsidizing American Jobs: Is That Canada's Role?

"Americans are about to reap the rewards of a 'Made in Canada' budget that is poised to drive good paying, mainly unionized jobs stateside.

This is the inescapable byproduct of the Trudeau Government's budget..."

But it works just fine for Chrystia Freeland. Perhaps also for her longtime US financial 'guru' Larry Summers. Perhaps it checked out also with her colleagues on Klaus Schwab's WEF board.


Fuhrer Freeland & Tony Bliar

"Wonderful discussion with Tony Blair about how progressive governents can effectively deliver for the middle class, the future of technology, and the work democracies are doing to support Ukraine."

'Birds of a feather'.


Canada's Future Prime Minister Needs to Come Clean About Her Nazi Collaborationist Grand Father

"Deputy Prime Minister Chrystia Freeland's electoral base is in Canada's Ukrainian diaspora community, which has rebranded Nazi collaborators as nationalist war heroes..."




Canada's Deputy PM Chrystia Freeland Diagnosed With Progressive HPD...

"Incurable, unless she takes the Prime Ministry from Justin Trudeau..."
