Chrystia Freeland Moves From FM to Intergov Affairs and Deputy PM, and on to Finance Minister

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I have my doubts with Chrystia Freeland, politics, the move is below is really premature. She presented in media as sort heroine I have my doubt about status. She has taken alot light out room but what see accomplished the new NAFTA.  I no truble with trade, 40 million that we speclizae in some fields.  We have simply not do the domestic base 350 millions people that will buy goods on the scale.  Here how it works the more sell to consumers  to  more profit you get, then money invest into research and marketing.   Do that for 100 rounds, consider the gap one country that sell earn a profit to put into research and marketing.  20 million gaps between the 2 companies will end up I going out a profit because the gap in the arms race in development that money the company with more will do more research in every round the tech race proportionally favors the larger company.  So we need trade 30 millons vs 300 million that gap is huge.  Thats what puzzles their an focus on us market, I understand can will have a certain realtionship with the US but close China off to trade in poor policy.  1. they huge market of consumers, we have here in Canada or US mature markets, we individuaol that load down debt and purchasing down goes down for an individual.  The importance fresh market 1 billion people relatively unconjured with debt.   Its fresh market, enough the general population in North America may not realize the importance of China but every capitalist in Canada should in the streets because they were the money money is.  And remember Chinnse grow is ogranic while our grow it based on debt.  I really troubled that we tied to a very large market of the US but its a mature market. The growth centre is now Asia and tie off China market is counter productive, in the end.   

"cabinet shuffle may well be coming in the next couple of months in Ottawa, but Prime Minister Justin Trudeau seems to have already jumped the gun and created a new job for one of his ministers. Chrystia Freeland, already Canada's foreign affairs minister, is increasingly looking like the unofficial deputy prime minister to Trudeau"


I believe that Trump understands this or his staff are aware the dynamics what is the future holds they want to deal  this potential threat with war.  Every day China grows economically stronger and sanctions will not work at this stage.  


Freeland is a dangerous Canadian neocon with Liberal window-dressing and powerful international friends. Her 'guru' on all things economic is Larry Summers who helped Clinton repeal  Glass Steagall and so let loose the bankster-gangster masters of the universe to eat their fill backed and bankrolled by the federal treasury.  So no surprise she sold us down the river to the Americans on USMCA. She can talk left and think right as required. Even the NDP likes her. Perfect for Canadian politics. But it's no fault of hers her grandfather was a Nazi.  She'll go a long way, just you wait and see.


World Jewish Congress/Israel Council on Foreign Relations

Canada's Foreign Minister Chrystia Freeland: "The world needs more Canada. The world needs more Israel." 

Another fervent supporter of Apartheid Israel in all situations and circumstances. 


Canada's Support For Israel is 'Ironclad' Foreign Minister Says

"Six months after Israael's lawless military shot a Canadian doctor and murdered children, medics and journalists in Gaza protests, Canada's FM Chrystia Freeland says Canada wants to be an 'asset for Israel' on the UN Security Council.."


Freeland, Sajjan, Pompeo, Mattis: Vassals Visit Washington, Dec 14, 2018 (and vid)

"Thank-you Mike. First of all I would like to thank Secretary of State Pompeo and the Secretary of Defence Mattis for the warm welcome today. Canada and the US have one of the closest relationships in the whole, entire world. We are allies and partners in areas such as trade, border protection and of course hemispheric defence and international security. Especially through NATO and NORAD. I would like to thank our hosts..."

Notice how the idiots at C-Span, being professionals in such matters, have managed to produce a completely absurd and unintelligible video.



'Canada is a Rule of Law Country and Canada Believes in Abiding in Treaty Obligations'* (and vid)

"Being a rule of law country, is not like going to a buffet,' says Chrystia Freeland about Huawei arrest. 'You can't sort of say follow the rule of law for these two dishes cause I really like them, but this one I don't like so much so we're not going to be rule of law."

* Tell that to Indigenous peoples and see if they agree.


A buffet? LOL! What a stupid thing say. 

She sounds desperate. Starting to get closer and closer to election time, and long idiotic speeches like this may be indicative of something more serious?

Sean in Ottawa

WWWTT wrote:

A buffet? LOL! What a stupid thing say. 

She sounds desperate. Starting to get closer and closer to election time, and long idiotic speeches like this may be indicative of something more serious?

I don't get your point. Why is the analogy stupid? It references picking and choosing which is a pretty good anaology.


Sean in Ottawa wrote:

WWWTT wrote:

A buffet? LOL! What a stupid thing say. 

She sounds desperate. Starting to get closer and closer to election time, and long idiotic speeches like this may be indicative of something more serious?

I don't get your point. Why is the analogy stupid? It references picking and choosing which is a pretty good anaology.

Ya ok if you say so Sean in Ottawa? You probably thought that this one from another liberal was a good one to hey? Just admit you liked it.

Sean in Ottawa

WWWTT wrote:

Sean in Ottawa wrote:

WWWTT wrote:

A buffet? LOL! What a stupid thing say. 

She sounds desperate. Starting to get closer and closer to election time, and long idiotic speeches like this may be indicative of something more serious?

I don't get your point. Why is the analogy stupid? It references picking and choosing which is a pretty good anaology.

Ya ok if you say so Sean in Ottawa? You probably thought that this one from another liberal was a good one to hey? Just admit you liked it.

Another Liberal???


Friends of Freelands Hardly Friends to Canadian Jews

"...She was feted because she is a friend of Israel and the Jewish community. But it's her other friends we need to worry about...Some Canadian political pundits call Freeland the Honourable Minister for Ukraine. That fits."

wage zombie

Geoff wrote:

Freeland is the one-time critic of the plutocrats who has devolved into their humble servant. Her book, "Plutocrats", turns out to be nonsense, given her political re-positioning, post-election. I'm not sure now that she believed what she was saying when she wrote it, and let's face it, the analysis in the book is far from radical, anyway.

I know this is a very old comment, but did you read her book?  Or did anyone here?  I have not.  I have heard that it is just her stories about going to all the plutocrat parties, and being a plutocrat groupie.

But I have not read it.


Regarding Freeland and her grandfather, unfortunately yet again. 

Despite a fairly easy distinction to be made (and it has been made MANY times before) there are continued attempts by some to whitewash any connection between Freeland and her Nazi grandfather's history.

In easy point form, even the hard-of-thinking might comprehend:

1)Chrystia Freeland should not, and cannot, be held accountable for her grandfather's Nazi background, How could she, she wasn't even born. Shared genes with anyone, no matter how vile the relative, should in no way be considered a condemnation of a non-involved party. This should be obviously true to anyone.

2)HOWEVER, if someone, whether a relative or not, knowingly, as Freeland has done:

a)holds him up as a model of political wisdom

b)holds him up as a model of Ukrainian values.

c)while knowing his past for at least 20 years creates and repeatedly touts a false backstory of victimhood a refugee escaping from both Stalin and Hitler, to cover his Nazi past. (A claim that still exists on her Liberal site as of this posting)

d)claims the truth iabout his past is a Russian fabrication--"disinformation". 

e)was, at athe least, content to have Trudeau to expel 4 Russian embassy personel for daring to tell the truth about her grandfather, again cited as "Russian disinformation".

Such actons by someone, whether a relation or not, suggests a sympathy with and affinity for Chomiak's  disposition, This, coupled with the undeniable dishonesty ought,  as Clemenhaga suggests, make her unfit for office.

See also:



Additionally, it is hardly the only time the Trudeau/Freeland's indispensible weaponized meme, "Russian disinformation", was used to bury unpleasant truths about Ukrainian Nazis in Canada. Merely using the term functions as a dog whistle that silences all "respectable" oppostion--anyone who dissents is treated as a Russian or Russian dupe:

Canadian government comes to the defence of Nazi SS and Nazi collaborators but why?


....As my Postmedia colleague Marie-Danielle Smith discovered, the Russian tweet sent bureaucrats at Global Affairs Canada into overdrive as they tried to defend the SS unit and Ukrainian Nazi collaborators. Documents she received through the Access to Information law show government officials were under a lot of pressure from the “Centre” (the Privy Council Office and the Prime Minister’s Office) to counter the news about the monuments to Nazi collaborators. The bureaucrats came up with a strategy. The would label the tweet as “disinformation” and they came up with a plan to spread the word to the news media as part of their efforts to defend Ukraine’s Nazi collaborators...



Macdonald Laurier Institute Names Freeland 2018 Policy-Maker of the Year

"We are pleased to name Foreign Affairs Minister Chrystia Freeland as Policy-Maker of the Year."

No surprise the same neoliberal stink tank was previously 'pleased to name foreign affairs minister' John Baird for the same 'honour'.


"Today, Brazil's first openly gay member of Congress quit and fled the country following death threats concurrent with the election of homophobic fascist Bolsonaro. Here's a video of Chrystia Freeland proudly standing next to Bolsonaro just yesterday..."


'In Addition To Supporting These Regimes...'

"A series of decisions Freeland's government has pursued over the past two weeks makes it hard to take seriously Canada's commitment to democracy and human rights..."


Walkom: The Liberal Hawk Has Made A Comeback [On Babble too!]

"It is convenient for Ottawa to be anti-Maduro and anti-Putin...Freeland says Canada must be prepared to go to war if necessary. She cited her grandfather, who volunteered to go to war against Hitler because he understood 'intuitively' that it was the right thing to do..."

Perhaps she meant to say 'with'.

Chrystia Freeland's Grandad Was Indeed A Nazi Collaborator...

"So much for Russian disinformation..."


Good picks NDPP!

Progressives in Canada will have some serious issues to contemplate in 9 months 


"Defending our democracy from foreign threats and interference is a priority. That's why Canada is today assuming a leadership role and will house the G7s Rapid Response Mechanism, to coordinate information sharing and threat analysis between Canada and its allies to prevent and respond to attacks..."


G7=colonial imperialist club



British Deep State Of Canada Caught Steering Venezuelan Coup

Posted on January 30, 2019  …by Matthew J.L Ehret,  for VT Canada

Who is the Canadian International Council?

Does anyone believe that Justin Trudeau has anything to do with the leadership role Canada has played in the coups of Honduras and now Venezuela?

If in fact it can be demonstrated that Trudeau´s government has violated its political program, that it has violated its obligations to the UN Charter and to the UN Covenant of Indigenous Rights, is this a coup against the rule of law in Canada?


And who is Matthew J.L. Ehret?

The views expressed in the Canadian Patriot Review are inspired by the philosophy and strategic outlook of Lyndon LaRouche and the International Schiller Institute, the specific policy propositions for Canada contained in this report are those of the authors of the Canadian Patriot Review alone.

voice of the damned

I knew it was gonna be a LaRouche front when I saw the bit about a "British Deep State".  Those guys really need to get over the tea tax.


BIO: Matthew J.L. Ehret is a journalist, lecturer and founder of the Canadian Patriot Review. His works have been published in Executive Intelligence Review, Global Research, Global Times, The Duran, Nexus Magazine, Los Angeles Review of Books, Veterans Today and Matthew has also published the book “The Time has Come for Canada to Join the New Silk Road” and three volumes of the Untold History of Canada (available on He can be reached at [email protected]


iyraste1313 wrote:

“The Time has Come for Canada to Join the New Silk Road” 

Lifting 800 million up out of poverty.

Our agenda exactly but hasn't been spoken of nearly enough in Western countries because it flies directly in the face of US imperialism and it's current agenda.


Canada: The Empire's Shadowy Cousin

"Unpacking Canada's role in the Venezuelan regime change attempt..."


Canada's  Role in the Venezuelan Coup

"...It is not only or primarily 'The Trudeau government' that is 'shaping its interventionist stance toward Venezuela'. It is, more specifically, Foreign Minister Freeland..."

voice of the damned

montgomery wrote:

iyraste1313 wrote:

“The Time has Come for Canada to Join the New Silk Road” 

Lifting 800 million up out of poverty.

Our agenda exactly but hasn't been spoken of nearly enough in Western countries because it flies directly in the face of US imperialism and it's current agenda.

When LaRouchites denounce "American imperialism", they don't mean the same thing that you do.

Where the original American doctrine of Manifest Destiny expounded by William Gilpin, Secretary of State Seward and Charles Sumner was driven by the uplifting of humanity to ever higher states of dignity, freedom and standards of living-  those perverse versions poisoned by “hereditary principles” of kings-subject/master-slave relationships which even TODAY contaminate the world’s comprehension of the term had the opposite effect of causing ever greater suppression of freedom, creative thought, and dignity in all those who came in contact with it.

TL/DR: The original noble aims of Manifest Destiny were perverted by the evil British(they being the recurring snake-in-paradise of Larouchian paranoia), who used their puppets John A. MacDonald and the Confederacy to make the whole enterprise into one of racism and genocide. But the Silk Road Initiative is the continuation of the original American dream, and so Canada should join with the US in hooking up with that.

As usual with LaRouche, there is a kernel of truth buried in all that(both the Brits and their Canadian minions played footsie with the Confederacy, for entirely ignoble reasons), but I'm sure most clear-headed people would agree that it's a pretty bizarre template for analyzing geopolitics in the 21st Century.









"Minister Freeland on the importance of speaking out in support of Democracy in Venezuela." (and vid)

Neocynic Neocynic's picture

Canada is providing $53 million (double the US level) in "aid" to provoke a civil war in Venezuela. WTF is Freeland doing? Her family "heritage" is showing.


Embassy of Israel

"Thank you Chrystia Freeland for Canada's strong condemnation of this attack. Hamas, dedicated to the destruction of Israel, continues its terror attacks against Israelis be it on the border, or in towns and villages. Israel must defend its citizens."



"Every time Israel strikes Gaza, you can count on Chrystia Freeland to staunchly defend & legitimize perpetual Israeli aggression on Palestinians. A great show of solidarity between two settler-states."

Chrystia supports American imperialism, Ukrainian fascism and Israeli Apartheid terrorism. The problem is so do all the other politicians. 


Embassy of Israel

"Thank you Chrystia Freeland for Canada's strong condemnation of this attack. Hamas, dedicated to the destruction of Israel, continues its terror attacks against Israelis be it on the border, or in towns and villages. Israel must defend its citizens."



"Every time Israel strikes Gaza, you can count on Chrystia Freeland to staunchly defend & legitimize perpetual Israeli aggression on Palestinians. A great show of solidarity between two settler-states."

Chrystia supports American imperialism, Ukrainian fascism and Israeli Apartheid terrorism. The problem is so do all the other politicians. 


Canada Joins New Alliance To Save the World Order - And the US is Not Included (and vid)

"Foreign Minister Chrystia Freeland said on Friday that the international community is facing 'the most turbulent moment in terms of the rules-based international order since the Second World War.' Canada has formally joined a German-French coalition aimed at saving the international World order from destruction by various world dictators..."

Why am I not reassured at all...?


Maybe because she's citing the attempt to overthrow the Venezuelan government as the key achievement of the ironically-named "rules-based international order".


WATCH: 'It is Time For the Maduro Regime To Step Aside'


[email protected]


"Canada condemns the barrage of rocket attacks from Gaza into Israel by Hamas and other terrorist groups..."

Owned by Israel.


"Mazel Tov to Rob Oliphant on his new role as Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Foreign Affairs. Rob is a valued friend of Toronto's Jewish community..."


Canada Reaffirms Support For Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA)

"...Canada condemns Iran's ongoing development of its ballistic missile program and its ballistic missile launches, which are destabilizing for the region. Canada maintains sanctions that target Iran's ballistic missile programs. We continue to oppose Iran's support for terrorist organizations, its threats toward Israel and  its support for the Assad regime in Syria. we will continue to hold Iran to account."

Nonsensical drivel from Freeland and a demonstration of the totured and contradictory mendacities that arise as she tries to inhabit simultaneously the positions of European allies , the JCPOA and the US/Israeli warparty all at the same time. In any case Canucklheads pay little or no attention anyway.


"Great to meet President-elect V Zelensky and convey Canada's firm commitment to Ukraine's sovereignty and territorial integrity as well as our full support throughout this democratic transition."


Chrystia Freeland: 'Great Meeting With Sec Pompeo...'

"Pompeo refused to sign the joint Arctic Council statement and said that Canada's claim to the North-West Passage is illegitimate...Otherwise, it was a great meeting!"

Servile and idiotic American sock-puppet. A perfect Canadian foreign minister.


Statement By Minister of Foreign Affairs on 70th Anniversary of Diplomatic Relations With Israel

"Our countries share a commitment to democracy, pluralism and innovation. Canada stands by Israel and supports its right to live in peace and security. We also have a robust Jewish community in Canada, numbering over 350,000, which continues to reinforce these strong connections..."


Evan Dyer: Ottawa Braced For Russian Retaliation After Barring State Media From Lima Group Talks

"Canadian officials [Freeland] decided on short notice to deny accreditation to all Russian and Venezuelan state media outlets planning to attend an international conference in Ottawa this winter - even though they knew the action likely would provoke retaliation against Canadian media. The reasons don't seem to have been explained to them.

GAC's Richard Walker wrote to his collleagues the morning of Feb 4, 'Sputnik reporter from Uruguay is here and is very upset. He flew in Saturday night and wants an official reason why he can't attend. The guy seems honest.' Sputnik's reporter Rafael Rey had travelled from his network's South American bureau in Montevideo, Uruguay only to learn that his trip was in vain. He wrote Walker later that morning to ask for the reasons for his rejection. 'They're asking me for that in Moscow. Can you send me what [you] can tell me about Freeland and Sputnik?,' Rey wrote, referring to Foreign Affairs Minister Chrystia Freeland.

From Montevideo, Rey told CBC News that he was annoyed with Canadian officials for waiting until he was in Canada to tell him he wouldn't be allowed to cover the event. Rey said he flew from Montivideo to Miami, then to Philadelphia, then to Ottawa. 'I got to my hotel in Ottawa, checked the email and found out they didn't give me the accreditation,' he said. 'They say it was because there were some troubles, some differences in the past between Sputnik and Canada, Chrystia Freeland, about Ukraine, and that was the reason they didn't want Sputnik in the meeting.' Rey said his bureau is focused on the Americas and doesn't cover Ukraine.

The Press Gallery said it would have liked to see the government handle matters differently. 'Canada should give an example of what a free press is, if we want to boast to ourselves about a free press,' said Gallery president Pierre-Vinat Foisy. For us, that one of our members is being denied, and we don't know the basis for that denial is really, really problematic.' TASS has a permanent correspondent in Ottawa who has long been a member of the Press Gallery. Foisy said there have been no complaints about the correspondent and the Gallery is satisfied that TASS meets the criteria for accreditation..."

Impressive investigative piece this, from our own 'state run' CBC,  for a change. Freeland's embarrassing and spiteful  'Global Affairs' foreign media practices, not so much. So much for the foremost practitioner of 'a feminist foreign policy' and staunch supporter of 'the rules-based international order.' I think I'll pass...


Foreign Policy CAN: 'Learn More About Canada's Contributions...'

"Lift the sanctions on Syria, Venezuela and other nations govt Canada targets. Stop supporting terrorists in Syria, Ukraine, 'Israel' (Oh, and non-president Guaido and team). Stop arming the Saudi murderers massacring Yemen...missed some I'm sure..."


"Chrystia Freeland, that purported champion of human rights and democracy in Venezuela has aligned Canada with a bunch of third rate con-artists..."

'From Coup Leaders To Con Artistry: Guaido's Gang'...the author obviously doesn't recognize CF's 'rules-based-international-order'. This is it in action folks.


"Prime Minister Announces Enhanced Cooperation With the United States. Collaboration between Canada and United States is good..."

Like Austria with Nazi Germany, collaboration is what Canada does best. Almost all agree ' we have no choice.' And so our ugly, rancid collective lie continues as does the empty virtue-signalling that we're nothing like them.


Jeremy Hunt: 'One Week Today Chrystia Freeland And I Will Host World Leaders To #DefendMediaFreedom'...

Pull the other one it's got bells on...


'Canada Adopts America First Foreign Policy', US State Dept Boasted in 2017, With Appointment of FM Chrystia Freeland

"The US embassy in Ottawa boasted in a March 2017 memo, 'Canada Adopts America First Foreign Policy', just after PM Trudeau applauded hard-line hawk Chrystia Freeland as foreign minister. The State Dept added that Trudeau had promoted Freeland 'in large part because of her strong US contacts' and that her 'number one priority' was working closely with Washington.

The memo offers the most concrete evidence to date that the US sees Ottawa as an imperial subject and considers Canadian foreign policy as subordinate to its own..."

The perfect fit to lead Canadian negotiations on NAFTA, the Lima Group on Venezuela, the future of Ukraine or co-sponsor with UK's Jeremy Hunt, an international conference on 'Global Media Freedom' from which Russia is excluded. In short the perfect foreign minister for Canadians who neither care nor notice.


NDPP wrote:

'Canada Adopts America First Foreign Policy', US State Dept Boasted in 2017, With Appointment of FM Chrystia Freeland

"The US embassy in Ottawa boasted in a March 2017 memo, 'Canada Adopts America First Foreign Policy', just after PM Trudeau applauded hard-line hawk Chrystia Freeland as foreign minister. The State Dept added that Trudeau had promoted Freeland 'in large part because of her strong US contacts' and that her 'number one priority' was working closely with Washington.

The memo offers the most concrete evidence to date that the US sees Ottawa as an imperial subject and considers Canadian foreign policy as subordinate to its own..."

The perfect fit to lead Canadian negotiations on NAFTA, the Lima Group on Venezuela, the future of Ukraine or co-sponsor with UK's Jeremy Hunt, an international conference on 'Global Media Freedom' from which Russia is excluded. In short the perfect foreign minister for Canadians who neither care nor notice.

The US Embassy's redacted memo which proclaims that under Freeland Canada is a  vassal state of Trumpian "America First" dependability, doesn't even merit a passing mention in the "respectable" Canadian news outlets. I guess it's old news.

With glowing hearts we see thee rise,    The True North strong and free!


Under Freeland’s tenure, Canada has drifted so far from Trudeau’s optimistic 2015 campaign that Liberal foreign policy is virtually indistinguishable from the Conservative’s: take a hard line on Russia and Iran, undermine the Venezuelan government, and do not negotiate with China. For Freeland the U.S. is the “indispensable power” without which Canada would apparently be lost.


Freeland uber alles!

Canada, Britain Launch Push To Protect Media Freedom at International Conference (and vid)

"UK Foreign Minister Jeremy Hunt and Canadian Foreign Minister Chrystia Freeland CONvened a two-day conference starting Wednesday in London with politicians, officials, activists and journalists from more than 100 countries - though two Russian outlets have been banned..."


"A good reminder that before she was Canada's neocon-in-chief, promoting coups and sanctions against Washington's regime-change targets, Chrystia Freeland was global editor-at-large of Reuters..."

Who better to lecture the world on 'Global Media Freedom'?
