Prostitutes have sex with married men. I'm not going to introduce one to my friend's husbands. Prostitutes have sex with men they would otherwise not have sex with for money. Many women consider that extremely distasteful and degrading. A woman who will do it will be pitied at best.
If a stripper is a plus one at a family BBQ in most cases they would be better off keeping their job private. If they are a full service sex worker even more so.
It sounds like you support dislike, stigmatization, prejudice, and even hatred towards sex workers.
exactly.... i know many non sex working women and their husbands and children.... i have been to many BBQ's with families of my partners.... who all know what I do....
it's as if we are dangerous to families, husbands and children and wives should beware of the home wrecking sex workers who could be a threat to their lives....
it is really difficult to read these kinds of things but not surprising, it reveals alot about what anti sex work crusaders actually are afraid of - not exploitation -
as if we aren't married, don't have children, no one could possible love us and no one should ever introduce us to their families....
total exclusion of sex workers from society, total denial of human rights for sex workers