Political Funnies

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laine lowe laine lowe's picture



I didn't know where to put this so I think here will do.



Michael Moriarity

Michael Moriarity


Misfit Misfit's picture

Bekayne, your picture did not upload.

Michael Moriarity

Michael Moriarity

laine lowe laine lowe's picture



Michael Moriarity wrote:

Why is there far more anger directed towards people who don't see enough of a difference between Trump and Biden to bother voting than there is towards Biden and the Democrats for failing to inspire the electorate?

Michael Moriarity

This cartoon isn't about anger (although it is bob the angry flower), it is about mockery of those who refuse to see the bleeding obvious.


Yeah, I'm with Aristotle on this one -- it's hardly the fault of "ardent progressives" that 50% of Americans don't vote.    Punch down humour.   

Michael Moriarity

It isn't the 50% who have given up on politics and disengaged who are being mocked. It is the Jimmy Dores of the world who are strongly engaged in politics, but totally wrong. You may disagree, but I feel that they are blinded by their ideology, and do significant harm by influencing individuals like the one represented by bob in the cartoon.


Well, pretty sure mocking Jimmy Dore is still punching down :)    In my view Bob is ascribing far too much influence to the Jimmy Dores of the internet -- I would be amazed if 1% of nonvoters knew who he was.   The no difference club (of which I am a partial member) are far more likely to be into green party / people's party and politically active outside electoral politics than most nonvoters, and I suspect that's Bob's main concern.

Michael Moriarity

Gotta give you the first point ;^). You may also be correct about the political futility of such a cartoon, but it can still be funny if, like me, you agree with Chomsky that it is crucial to "get rid of the malignancy in the White House."


To your point Mobo, if more people knew who Jimmy Dore was, I suspect third parties would have more public support than what they do.

Back to seeing the "bleeding obvious." Kyle Kulinski of Secular Talk has repeatedly explained that his father died because it was too expensive for him to see a doctor for symptoms that turned out to indicate cancer. Neither presidential candiate's addresses that problem. If he ends up refusing to vote for Biden, is he wrong in that decision?


The US media has promoted the undying nature of the duopoly for generations. The only way out of it is to vote for another party but now is never the right time to start goes the mantra. I have to agree that Biden will likely cause fewer US citizens to die. However for the rest of the world he is just as evil and malignant as the Orange Herring.


deleted comment

Misfit Misfit's picture

This discussion is sick. It makes me want to vomit. Thank you Michael for being normal.

Misfit Misfit's picture

Oh, and for those of you going on ad nauseum about Joe Biden, there was Ronald Reagan who was going senile into his second term. No one thought that he could pull off his leaders debates but he did. He also joked about pushing the button to start a nuclear war. He nodded off at meetings in his second term.

Then there was George W. Bush whose campaign committee people had to tell the media not to photo Bush from behind st the leaders debate. It was obvious that he had a box taped to his back under his suit jacket supposedly to have somone off stage tell him what to say during the election debate. This is the same Bush who also didn't know that Ottawa was the capital of Canada. He didn't know where India was in the world. He said during his election campaign that this is what he has political advisors for. He thought that Africa was a country. He wasn't the smartest nor the brightest but people voted for him anyway even though he could not debate without someone talking him his answers.

So, if this is all ok for Republican leaders then who cares if Biden is going senile? So was Reagan. And if Bush can be geographically ignorant because that is what he has political advisors for then the same applies to Biden as well.

Donald Trump can refer to Nepal and Bhutan as Nipples and Buttons, and Namibia as Nambia. He can think that Kansas City is in Kansas. But God forbid that a Democrat act the least bit senile because only Republicans are entitled to get away with that.

Michael Moriarity

Aristotleded24 wrote:

Back to seeing the "bleeding obvious." Kyle Kulinski of Secular Talk has repeatedly explained that his father died because it was too expensive for him to see a doctor for symptoms that turned out to indicate cancer. Neither presidential candiate's addresses that problem. If he ends up refusing to vote for Biden, is he wrong in that decision?

Kyle Kulinski is a smart, interesting young man. I watch his YouTube channel quite a bit, because I think he gives a clearer view of what's going down in the U.S. than anything found in the NYT or WaPo. His position on Biden is quite nuanced. He would never claim that there is no difference between Biden and Trump. He clearly recognizes that Biden is the lesser evil. But he says to the lesser evil, "If you want my vote, you have to give me something more than being the lesser evil." He even listed off a number of things which the Biden campaign could promise that would win his support. His case is totally unrelated to the joke that started all this.


Michael Moriarity wrote:

Aristotleded24 wrote:

Back to seeing the "bleeding obvious." Kyle Kulinski of Secular Talk has repeatedly explained that his father died because it was too expensive for him to see a doctor for symptoms that turned out to indicate cancer. Neither presidential candiate's addresses that problem. If he ends up refusing to vote for Biden, is he wrong in that decision?

Kyle Kulinski is a smart, interesting young man. I watch his YouTube channel quite a bit, because I think he gives a clearer view of what's going down in the U.S. than anything found in the NYT or WaPo. His position on Biden is quite nuanced. He would never claim that there is no difference between Biden and Trump. He clearly recognizes that Biden is the lesser evil. But he says to the lesser evil, "If you want my vote, you have to give me something more than being the lesser evil." He even listed off a number of things which the Biden campaign could promise that would win his support. His case is totally unrelated to the joke that started all this.

That's true, but he's not into voter shaming, and would never blame someone who couldn't bring him or herself to vote for Biden this time around. That's not the sense I get from the cartoon that was posted.

It doesn't matter who the candidates are or how high the stakes, there will always be people who can't bring themselves to vote for the top 2 options. That would have been true even if Bernie had won the nomination. If the situation is that close that, even after all that Trump has done a few people voting for a different candidate is enough to tip the balance to Trump, the Democrats have seriously messed up with the electorate.

Misfit Misfit's picture

There are more independent right wingers and soft Republicans than there are Bernie Sanders supporters. The Democrats have shifted to the right to attract the soft right wing vote which they need to win rather than appeal to a much smaller minority on the left.


I'm not so sure about that. When you poll people on specific public policy issues, even Republicans agree with the vast majority of Bernie's public policy proposals, especially on matters of economics. People think Bernie is some crazy left-wing extremist, but conservatives in his home state are among his biggest local fans.


kropotkin1951 wrote:
The US media has promoted the undying nature of the duopoly for generations. The only way out of it is to vote for another party but now is never the right time to start goes the mantra. I have to agree that Biden will likely cause fewer US citizens to die. However for the rest of the world he is just as evil and malignant as the Orange Herring.

Biden is a more civilzed climate arsonist than Trump: Jordan Chariton


Pondering wrote:

Biden has problems, and I must admit he seems a bit addle-brained. He still has a grip on basic human decency and some respect for the institutions of government.

Biden's version of "basic human decency" has directly led to over a million deaths in countries like Iraq, Syria, Libya, and Bosnia. The "well, except for the mass murder thing" approach to American politics is utterly bizarre to me. Yes, Trump could start a war. [i]Biden actually has started several.[/i] No, saying that does not mean supporting Trump.

Misfit Misfit's picture

Biden was the Vice President. He personally started nothing. The Vice President is just someone in waiting who doesn't make policy decisions personally. Obama had a joint chiefs of staff advising him on policy matters. Obama was president and made the final decisions. However he had top brass from the CIA, the Pentagon, the NSA, all branches of government coordinating an all-encompassing approach to White House decisions. Joe Biden was privy to those meetings but he certainly wasn't in charge.


He voted for the Iraq war, backed the Libya war (until it became more popular to oppose it, voted for the Yugoslav wars, slammed Trump for withdrawing from Syria despite there never having been a vote to invade Syria in the first place, voted for the Afghanistan war, and so on. This is not a man who was helpless to prevent mass slaughter; he's one who's advocated and voted for it on nearly every occasion. He can't take credit for everything popular Obama did and pretend he had no say in the bad stuff.


It is such a shame that this topic went off course even though going off topic is a babble tradition. I deleted my comment and hope some of you will join me in that so we can keep this particular thread on topic.

Misfit Misfit's picture

Excuse me, Pondering? You are not the topic police. MM posted a cartoon poking irony at people who are fixated on demonizing the Democrats during what should obviously be an "America unite" to depose a ruthless and corrupt dictator.
I will also claim that some of these particular posters are not progressive at all but stem from American ultra-right interpretations of what progressive should be. In fact, I don't even think that they are Canadian even though they claim to be. Simply having been members of this board for many years does not qualify as being progressive.

Pondering, I am not talking about you but you are not the thread integrity police either.

laine lowe laine lowe's picture

Wow, I checked in here to see if there was something fun and thought provoking to share. instead it was a total TL;DR (aka Teal Deer) situation.

Misfit Misfit's picture

Yes Laine, people saying nothing negative about Donald Trump and constantly slamming the only viable option to realistically get rid of him is totally fucking hilarious!!!

And all these very same people did during the 2016 election was constantly slam Hillary Clinton ad nauseum and say absolutely nothing about Trump.  So funny funny funny!


Misfit wrote:

Yes Laine, people saying nothing negative about Donald Trump and constantly slamming the only viable option to realistically get rid of him is totally fucking hilarious!!!

The cartoon is making fun of people who suggest there is no difference between Trump and Biden.

I didn't order anyone to do anything. I just said what I was doing and why and that I hoped others would do the same. That is a polite request not policing.


In the meantime lets all laugh at this hilarious video about the NB election. Democracy is a great theory, to bad we don't try to set one up.


Michael Moriarity


US: Religious data platform 'targets mentally ill, vulnerable people'


"A new film reveals how Cambridge Analytica, collaborating with a software company, has created a platform for US churches that targets the poor, the addicted and the disabled - to radicalize them for far-right politics..."


NDPP wrote:
US: Religious data platform 'targets mentally ill, vulnerable people'


"A new film reveals how Cambridge Analytica, collaborating with a software company, has created a platform for US churches that targets the poor, the addicted and the disabled - to radicalize them for far-right politics..."

So sad that more mainline and less extreme denominations have not been able to reach these people first.







laine lowe laine lowe's picture

Haha. Some very good ones.


Michael Moriarity



Michael Moriarity
