Continued from here.
The murderous Israeli apartheid regime
'The Most Moral Army in the World': The IDF's 5.5 mm 'butterfly' Gaza Round
Many Palestinian victims of Israel's snipers will never walk again. Don't 'Walk With Israel!'
Passive Media Whitewash Israel's Massacre in Gaza
'Fatal Clashes in Gaza After Opening of US Embassy' - The Guardian, 'As US Embassy Moves Dozens Die in Gaza' - NYT
"As Israel slaughtered dozens of unarmed Palestinians in Gaza this week, prominent media outlets employed innocuous headlines to obscure the horrific reality..."
'Once again, Hamas is using this political development [US embassy opening] to cynically foment chaos on the Gaza border. The terrorist group has doubled down on the exploitation of their own people..." - CIJA CEO Shimon Koffler, May 14, 2018
"Israeli Miko Peled explains the threat of 'terrorism' is a non-issue in Palestine today and a shameless excuse for crimes in Gaza."
Kill and Kill and Kill
"...The killing now taking place is, in other words, exactly, to the letter, the 'killing and killing and killing' he called for 14 years ago. Calmly, premeditated and intentionally designed by its architect, it is equally calmly and intentionally being carried out by Iraeli soldiers.
In response to the current killing and shooting a senior member of the Israeli parliament, Avi Dichter, reassured his audience on live television on Monday that they need not be unduly concerned. Their army, he told them, 'has enough bullets for everyone.'
The people of Gaza are exterminable because they are not Jewish. That is what the situation amounts to, not according to critics of the siege of Gaza, but according to its architects, planners, enablers and supporters..."
Don't Walk With Israel!
Listen: 'Clearly Marked' Gaza Medics Shot By Israeli Snipers (podcast)
"We could see very quickly that the Israelis were going to shoot a lot of people, Tarek Loubani, a Palestinian Canadian emergency physician who treated patients in Gaza on 14 May, told the Electronic Intifada Podcast.
According to Loubani, four members of his team, including himself and Abu Hassanein, were shot that day - mostly in the lower limbs. Activists criticized the Canadian government's diluted responses as well as the Israel lobby's defense of Israel's violence."
Killing For Security? Saeb Erekat, Secretary General of the Palestine Liberation Organization (and vid)
"...Our only option is to stay on our land. To be on our land. Today between the River Jordan and the Mediterranean, we are the majority - as Palestinian Arabs, Palestinian Christians and Muslims. We are 50.9%. Jews are 49.1%. What are they going to do with us?
We have recognised Israel's right to exist. We have accepted a Palestinian state with East Jerusalem as its capital. To live side by side in peace and security with the state of Israel. What does Israel do in return? More settlements, more dictations, more killing, more murders, more sieges, more closures, more collective punishments, more house demolitions.
All of these actions are being done in 2018 by a member of the UN. And they call it 'the only democracy in the ME. It's fascism! Never in the history of South Africa and the darkest hours of Apartheid were blacks prevented from using roads that whites were using. Today, in the West Bank and East Jerusalem are roads we cannot use as Palestinians.
This must stop. We will stand up. We will not depart. This is our land. And we will defend ourselves..."
Stop Collaborating! Stop Supporting a Criminal Foreign State! DON'T Walk With Israel !
Wikipedia Editing Courses Launched by Zionist Groups
Pro-Israel groups have set up training courses for Wikipedia editors.
"Yesha Council, represents the Jewish settler movement, and the right wing (My Israel) movement, ran their first workshop this week in Jerusalem, teaching participants how to rewrite and revise some of the most hotly disputed pages of the online reference site.
'We don't want to change Wikipedia, or turn it into a propaganda arm,' says Naftali Bennett, director of the Yesha Council. 'We just want to show the other side. People think that Israelis are mean, evil people who only want to hurt Arabs all day."
'I've killed lots of Arabs in my life and have no problem with that'. Naftali Bennett
"Good briefing for Ambassadors today by Security Cabinet Member, Minister Naftali Bennett...Canada agrees Israel security and defence are paramount..."
Zionism is not a friend. DON'T Walk With Israel.
Thank you. Powerful and well chosen Ken...
500 Years of Nakbas
"...With the fall of white rule in South Africa in 1994, Israel is now the world's last apartheid state, a government based in ethnic and racial supremacy. Its very existence is an insult to humanity. Israel is the antithesis of civilization. It is, by nature, racist barbarism.
All the civilized peoples of the world are in solidarity with the Palestinians, who face the last bastion of legalized racial rule on the planet. Their catastrophe, their nakba, was among the last acts of a racist imperial order that must ultimately be swept away.
If not, then the final nakba is coming - for all of us."
Names and Faces of the 62 Palestinians Killed by Israeli Forces this Week
DON'T Walk With Israel!
UN Must Take Action To End Israeli Occupation (and vid)
"...The Palestinians now are asking for a special UN protection for the Palestinian people to replace the occupation in the occupied territories. That motion should be supported by these kinds of motions. We need to be more practical, on the ground,' Saeed Nimer, a professor of political science at Birzeit University, told Press TV in an interview on Friday."
Don't Walk With Israel!
French Revolt Against Macron's Support For Israel
"Israel's massacre of dozens of Palestinians in the occupied Gaza Strip last Monday is sharpening the divide between the French state and the country's staunchly pro-Israel leaders. Since Monday, people have demonstrated in solidarity with Palestinians all over the country, including thousands in the streets of Paris..."
Meanwhile back at the ranch...
Don't Walk With Genocide and Apartheid! Don't Walk With Israel!
Gaza Residents 'Caged in a Toxic Slum': UN Human Rights Chief Zeid
"Israel has been keeping 1.9 million Palestinians 'caged in a toxic slum from birth to death' in the Gaza Strip, UN human rights chief Zeid Ra'ad al Hussein told a special session of the Human Rights Council on Friday. His remarks come as the council began considering a draft resolution on sending an international warcrimes probe to Gaza..."
Canada: Don't Walk With Israel!
Israeli Settler Colonialism and Occupation Fact Sheet
"Every government in the world, except Israel, considers Israel's settlement building since 1967 to be illegal. Israel is 'extremely unpopular worldwide'. It consistently polls as, and today remains, in the bottom four most unpopular countries in the world..."
Don't Walk With Apartheid and Genocide. Don't Walk With Israel!
"Dear Canadians outraged by the violence in Israel/Palestine.
You live on occupied land."
Canada has achieved what Israel can only dream of...
"Dear Canadians outraged by the violence in Israel/Palestine.
You live on occupied land."
Is the point that Canadians should stop caring about Palestine, because it's hypocritical not to let Israel finish the same genocide Canada already perpetrated? Is it that Canadians should feel superior, because Canada's already given its colonized population the right to move freely (1935) and vote (1960)? Or is it a message of reassurance to Israel that even if they grant Palestinians full citizenship on paper, it doesn't mean they have to stop being racist, stop shooting them at their pleasure, or let them have their land back? Please clarify.
"Dear Canadians outraged by the violence in Israel/Palestine.
You live on occupied land."
Is the point that Canadians should stop caring about Palestine, because it's hypocritical not to let Israel finish the same genocide Canada already perpetrated?
That's what it sounds like. The tweet is the same sort of thing you used to hear from South African diplomats doing whataboutery tours of First Nations reserves in the 80s.
And the thing is, the tweet only really makes sense if there IS widespread anger among Canadians about Israeli aggression in Palestine(otherwise, the hypocrisy issue would be minimal). But that kind of contradicts the complaint by pro-Palestinian activists that their cause is shut out of mainstream discussion in Canada.
South America: Israel’s massacre in Gaza denounced, support for BDS grows
Solidarity has not been limited to governments and heads of state.
Protestors took to the streets of Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile and Venezuela on May 15 in solidarity with the Palestinian people, while students occupied the main administration building at Chile’s largest public university, Universidad de Chile, that day.
Students from the Department of Philosophy and Humanities at Universidad de Chile had voted the previous day to endorse the BDS movement and to call on the university to sever ties with the University of Tel Aviv and the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.
BDS Chile notes that these two universities are built on former Palestinian land and are linked to the development of military technology that enables the systematic oppression of Palestinians and Israelis who oppose Israel’s military occupation, TeleSUR English reported on May 15.
Students from the departments of Medicine, Social Sciences and Law had previously voted in support of BDS and in favour of a university “free of Israeli apartheid.”
In April, more than 500 Latin American artists signed a statement publicly endorsing the Palestinian call for a cultural boycott of Israel in which they pledged to “reject any invitation to perform in Israel or at any event financed by this government that leads to the ‘normalisation’ of apartheid, that is, where the regime of segregation maintained by the state of Israel against the Palestinian people is not denounced.”
Among the signatories are poets, painters, rappers, theatre directors, filmmakers, actors, writers, and musicians from 17 Latin American countries.
Meanwhile the campaign to get the Argentine national football (soccer) team to withdraw from its June 9 pre-World Cup friendly match against Israel continues to grow, inside the country and internationally. wrote on May 15: “The scheduled match will be part of Israel’s 70th anniversary ‘celebrations’ and is taking place while Israel implements a criminal shoot-to-kill-or-maim policy against peaceful Palestinian protesters in Gaza. This makes the ‘friendly’ a whitewash of Israel's crimes and therefore extremely unfriendly to human rights!...
“The Israeli government has agreed to pay three million dollars to host the match. This is part of its ‘sports-washing’ propaganda strategy, which exploits sporting events to hide its systemic human rights abuses against Palestinians.
Protesters hold up a banner that reads 'the bullets that kill Palestinians repress Argentinians', in Buenos Aires on May 15.
JT's Forked Tongue: Canada Walks With Israel At UNHRC
"Two days ago Justin Trudeau said 'Canada calls for an immediate independent investigation' into Israel's shooting of unarmed protesters, including a Canadian doctor in Gaza.
Today at the UNHRC Trudeau opposed an investigation. Never has his mendacity been more obvious."
'False face must hide, what the false heart doth know.'
Don't walk with Apartheid and Genocide! Don't Walk With Israel!
TRNN: Killing Gaza: A New Documentary on Palestinians Under Siege (and vid)
"Dan Cohen and Max Blumenthal capture the harrowing stories of Palestinians and their struggle to recover and persist..."
How Israel Grew Hamas to Undermine PLO
"Israel secretly told US of its plan to destroy Gaza's economy."
"Ban Ki-moon secretly worked with Israel to undermine UN report into Gaza warcrimes."
How the 'UN investigation into Israeli warcrimes' thing usually goes..
"Two days ago Justin Trudeau said 'Canada calls for an immediate independent investigation' into Israel's shooting of unarmed protesters, including a Canadian doctor in Gaza.
Today at the UNHRC Trudeau opposed an investigation.
Did he oppose the very same exact investigation he called for?
Or did he oppose a totally different investigation?
Could Gaza become an independent mini-state like Qatar, or be linked to Egypt ? Hamas wanted all of Palestine as an Islamic state. The West Bank could be the State of Palestine, capital East Jerusalem with Jewish settlers as a minority with dual citizenship. Abbas clings to demands he knows Israel won't accept.
No comparison to Canada. Many Jewish Europeans wanted, after centuries of being an often persecuted minority in Christian Europe, a state (of their own), the only Jewish majority state anywhere
60 Dead in Gaza and the End of Israeli Conscience - by Gideon Levy
"...If 60 stray dogs were shot to death in one day by IDF soldiers, the whole country would raise an outcry. The dog slaughterers would be put on trial, the nation of Israel would have devoted prayers to the victims, a Yizkor service would be said for the dog slaughterers by Israel.
But on the night of the Palestinian slaughter, Zion rejoiced and was jubilant: We have an embassy and a Eurovision. It's difficult to think of a more atrocious moral eclipse..."
Don't walk with Apartheid and mass murder. Don't Walk With Israel!
Wesal Khalil RIP
"They faced her stone with a bullet that killed her. This is Wesal Khalil, first Palestinian female teenager to be murdered by the Israeli army during the Gaza Return March in Gaza."
New Democratic Party MPs Should Withdraw From Canada-Israel Interparliamentary Group
"Is it appropriate for NDP Members of Parliament to be working for 'greater friendship' with a country that is killing and maiming thousands of non-violent protesters?
Would it have been appropriate for any elected member of that party to be a 'friend' with South Africa's government during the apartheid era?
Israel's slaughter in Gaza should lead to an end of the NDP's anti-Palestinian past.
Please join me in asking Randall Garrison and Murray Rankin to withdraw from the Canada-Israel Interparliamentary Group. Make sure to cc Jagmeet Singh." [Email links @ url]
DON'T Walk With Apartheid and Genocide! DON'T Walk With Israel!
The Great March of Return and Israel's Attack on Gaza: Canadian Opposition and Open Letter From Canadian Organizations on Gaza Massacre
"The Canadian BDS Coalition and many of its member groups and friends are among the more than 50 signatures to this open letter sent on May 16th to Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and Minister of Foreign Affairs Chrystia Freeland..."
Why Are Palestinians Protesting in Gaza?
Don't Walk With Genocide! Don't Walk With Israel!
At the UN Trudeau Opposes an Investigation into Israel's Shooting of Unarmed Civilians Including A Canadian Doctor
At the UNHRC Justin Trudeau breaks the land-speed record for a cowardly flip-flop by opposing an independent investigation into the IDF's Gaza massacres only two days after demanding such an investigation...
DON'T Walk With Israel!
The Great March of Return and Israel’s Attack on Gaza: Canadian Opposition
Open letter from Canadian organizations on Gaza massacre
The Canadian BDS Coalition and many of its member groups and friends are among the more than 50 signatories to this open letter sent on May 16th to Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and Minister of Foreign Affairs Chrystia Freeland.
- Canadian Arab Federation/ Canada
- Palestinian Canadian Congress /PCC
- Palestine House
- Association Of Palestinian Arab Canadians/ APAC
- Canadian Palestinian professional foundation/CPPF
- The Canadian Syrian Cultural Club
- The Canadian Lebanese Progressive Society/ LCPS
- Canadian Arab Network
- Arab Canadian Theatre of Kitchener Waterloo/KW-ACT
- Association Of Progressive Palestinian Canadians/ APPC
- Palestine Aid Society – Canada
- Palestinian Association of Hamilton
- Annahda Club of Montreal
- Syrian Canadian Club of Ottawa
- Canadian Palestinian Foundation of Quebec
- Independent Jewish Voices/ Canada
- United Network for Justice and Peace for Palestine and Israel/ UNJPPI
- Canadian Unitarian For Social Justice/CUSJ -Canada
- NDP Socialist Caucus
- Just Peace Advocates
- Canadian Peace Congress
- Canadian BDS Coalition
- Socialist Action
- The International league of People’s Struggle/ILPS-Canada
- Barnard-Boecker Centre Foundation/BBCF- BC
- Canada Palestine Association/Vancouver
- The Canada Palestine Support Network/CanPalNet- Vancouver
- Coalition Against Israel Apartheid/ CAIA- Victoria
- Canada-Palestine Support Network – Winnipeg
- Winnipeg Coalition Against Israeli Apartheid
- Mid-Islanders for Justice and Peace in the Middle East/MIJPME
- Justice for Palestinians Calgary
- Palestine Solidarity Network-Edmonton
- Regina Peace Council/ Saskatchewan
- Bathurst United Church Of Canada
- Palestine Study Group/Okanagan
- Christian PeacemakerTeams/CPT-Ontario
- Educators for Peace and Justice/Ontario
- Palestinian Solidarity Working Group-Sudbury
- People for peace, London
- Palestinian and Jewish Unity/PAJU-Quebec
- Amnesty International Kelowna
- Coalition Against Israel Apartheid / CAIA- Toronto
- Al-Quds Committee/Toronto
- Al-Haadi Musalla/Toronto
- Science for Peace/Toronto
- Beit Zatoun
- Zatoun
- Toronto BDS
- International Jewish Anti-Zionist Network/IJAN
- Women in Solidarity with Palestine
- Jewish Liberation Theology Institue
- Oakville Palestinian Rights Association/Oakville
- Conscience Canada •
Also posted @ #26. Bears repeating! More important news and petitition link below:
Netanyahu Calls Trudeau. What Now? Will Trudeau Fold or Hold the Line?
"Trudeau is under tremendous pressure to 'walk back' his criticism of Israeli killing of Palestinian civilians. He even got a call from Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu...After years of telling the Palestinians they should try 'non-violent resistance' [It was mostly always that], they have done so, and have paid a terrible penalty in death and injury. Will Canada support them? Or not?
And you? Sign the petition at least? (link @ article above)
DON'T Walk With Palestinian Genocide! Don't walk with Apartheid! DON'T Walk With Israel!
..signed. txs ndpp.
'Killing Gaza' with Max Blumenthal and Dan Cohen
Chris Hedges interviews Max Blumenthal and Dan Cohen on their documentary 'Killing Gaza' that details the Israeli warcrimes committed against the people in Gaza.
Israel's New Ideology of Genocide
"...From the foot soldiers to the big brass, from the flag-waving street folk to the height of academia, Israel is ideologically prepared to enact a Palestinian Shoa. Israeli society is ideologically prepared to enact a genocide on Palestinians right now, and if we do not make the comparison and act accordingly, Israel will march into the decisive stage, up to the 6th million Palestinian and over.
To stop the pending genocide, world leaders must cease talking and start acting. Arms embargo, economic sanctions and arrests of traveling war criminals will be a long-overdue start. Anything short of that is compliance."
Don't Walk With Israel!
Broken Dreams and Lost Lives: Israel, Gaza and the Hamas Card
"For days now, the Israeli rewrite has been well underway, working overtime, to convince the world seven weeks of carnage in Palestine, more particularly Gaza, did not happen. Or, if it did, Israel's response to the Great Return March was a measured, proportionate answer..."
This is Why Gazans Are Continuing the Great Return March Protests (and vid)
Don't Walk With Apartheid and Genocide! DON'T Walk With Israel!
"Massive new wave of musicians declares support for cultural boycott of Israel in wake of Gaza massacre..."
"The last airstrikes carried out by Israeli warplanes targeted Palestinian ships that were being prepared to break the siege imposed on Gaza."
DON'T Walk With Israel!
"Eurovision organizers reportedly 'very unhappy' with statements by Israeli ministers politicizing next year's contest, and are saying 'stay tuned' about where it will be held."
Netta 'Toy' Israel Parody
"I'm the sweetest little country, world leaders eat from my hand, look how beautifully I drop bombs, 70 years this party's going on..."
The Debate: Israel's War Crimes (and vid)
"Hafsa Kara Mustapha, a journalist and Middle East expert from London, and Maxine Dovere, a reporter and political commentator, discuss Israel's war crimes, apartheid against the Palestinian people and whether ICC will take any action against Israel."
"In calling for an 'independent inquiry' on why Israeli snipers killed 60 protesters [in one day], Foreign Affairs Minister Freeland singles out 'Hamas'. Netanyahu's far right gov has been given a green light by 'Canada' to continue killing Palestinians. Even when a Canadian doctor is shot by Israeli snipers, in an action that was clearly illegal, the Trudeau gov will shield Israel."
Motasem Dalloul is one of over 100 journalists who were shot or injured during the Great Return March in Gaza. "This is my first appearance after intensive treatment for Israeli bullet that penetrated my back, chest, lungs, liver, while covering Great Return March 10 days ago. Israel, which shot me while among 20 foreign and local journalists, doesn't want anyone to disclose its brutality."
Why Does Canada Support This?
If You Ignore The Deaths in Gaza You Are Complicit in Our Slaughter - by Mariam Barghouti
"...All of this we do so the world can see how inhumane and unjust Israeli colonization is. There is no excuse to not see what is happening. As such, remaining complicit is a conscious and active decision to side with oppression and directly be a part of it..."
How will you decide Canada?
How Britain Created Israel & 'The Nakba' MUST WATCH!
"The following documentary about Britain's central role in the foundation of the Zionist Project is both historically accurate and extremely informative..."
This has been posted before. One of the best. An important history. If you haven't seen it, don't miss it...
Bibi's Chutzpah
"...Falling in line automatically behind Netanyahu, as always, were his Canadian [Zionist] lapdogs at the Centre for Israel and Jewish Affairs (CIJA). CIJA claims to represent 'the Jewish community' in Canada when they say 'Israel had no choice but to use force.' Since many Canadian Jews repudiate the leadership of CIJA, that too is chutzpah.
Shouldn't we expect Israelis, of all people, to have at least some empathy for the wretchedness of Gaza's almost 2 million souls imprisoned in their tiny enclave? Yet they seem to feel mostly race-based hatred. It's shameful..."
No. It's Zionism.
UN Ambassador Nikki Haley spoke to students at the University of Houston the other day. "I'm here after a very busy few weeks in American foreign policy," said Haley.
The students interrupted with some thoughts of their own...
"Nikki, Nikki can't you see? You are on a killing spree! Nikki, Nikki you can't hide! You signed off on genocide! Nikki, Nikki can't you see? Palestine will be free!
Niki Haley Walked Out [of the UNSC] on the Palestine Rep, So We Walked Out on Her (and vid)
"The father and mother were shot and injured by Israeli snipers during the Great Return March, so the family gather in the hospital on this holy month of Ramadan to break their fast."
Canadian Boat to Gaza: Chomsky on Palestine
"The suffering of Gaza is a testament to the human capacity for sadism and pretending 'not to see': sadism on the part of the savage Israeli occupiers, who have never relaxed their iron grip on Gaza for a moment..."
Canada Boat To Gaza!
Stop Pretending Not To See! DON'T Walk With Israel!
Murdered by Israel in Plain Sight of the World
"The number of innocent Palestinians killed since the start of the Great March of Return on March 30 has risen to 120 today, including 14 children..."
"More than 25 Palestinian non-violent protesters injured by Israeli gunfire as IOF attacked the ongoing Great Return March protest at Gaza-occupied Palestine border today."
DON'T Walk With Israel!
Sheldon Adelson - 'The Godfather'
"CBC expose on [Zionist] Sheldon Adelson's influence on Trump, Harper and Mideast politics."
"Recurring note: Mr Human Rights, Irwin Cotler, still has not tweeted a word about the Gaza Massacre. Not one word."
Of course not. A true Zionist friend of Israel..
100 Injured: March of Return Protests Resume at Gaza-Israel Border (and vid)
"More than 100 Palestinian protesters have been injured after gathering at the Israel-Gaza border to continue the March of Return protests, which have been marred by violence for over a month. On Friday, violence erupted near Khan Younis, when Israeli troops fired tear gas and live rounds to ward off protesters who had gathered.
The violence follows the Israeli Supreme Court's decision to back the IDF in using live ammunition against protesters in Gaza. The Palestinian Foreign Ministry has called for an ICC investigation..."
"Watch what Jimmy Dore had to say about an 'IDF' tweet regarding the Great March of Return. 'So when you have people in prison, and you remove all their hope, what do you think they're going to do?"
DON'T Walk With Zionist Mass Murder & Apartheid! DON'T Walk With Israel!
"Palestinians previously shot by Israeli snipers took part in protests on Friday in Gaza. Their bodies are injured but their determination to be free of Israeli siege, occupation and terror is bullet-proof."
DON'T Walk With Israel! And DON'T Let Canada Do So Either!
"Minister Champagne To Welcome Israel's Minister of the Economy and Industry to Canada."
NO Business as usual with mass-murdering Apartheid Israel!
Dr Gabor Mate' Speaking at Vancouver Solidarity Vigil For Palestine
"It is a question of being for the truth."
Israeli Warplanes Launch Airstrikes in Gaza and Raffah
Like shooting fish in a barrel except the barrel is a big Israeli concentration camp and the fish are Palestinian human beings.
"Hassan Abu Oveida, 41, died of wounds he sustained a few days ago when he was selling ice cream during the Great Return March."
No doubt the ice-cream vendor was in reality a Hamas terrorist. No doubt Canadians need to stop ignoring these crimes of Israel.
Israel's High Court Blesses Killing and Maiming of Gaza Protesters
"The court ruling gives the military 'a green light to its continued use of sniper and live fire against Palestinian protesters in the Gaza Strip,' stated Al Mezan and Adalah, two of the groups that had petitioned the court. The two groups stated that the court had refused to watch the video clips documenting Israeli shootings of demonstrators and rather than actually examining the case, fully accepted the claims presented to it by the state.
The high court ruling may be viewed by the International Criminal Court (ICC) as an indication that Israel's judicial authorities are unwilling to carry out genuine proceedings concerning crimes against Palestinian citizens."
IDF Special Rounds for Palestinians
"This picture illustrates the difference between ordinary bullets and internationally banned bullets used by Israeli snipers to shoot Palestinian protesters in the Great Return March in Gaza."
Canada supports. It shouldn't. Tell them so.
"Israeli soldiers continue to point their guns at a Palestinian girl who was shot moments ago in Shu'fat in Occupied Jerusalem."
Freedom Flotilla From Gaza To The World!
"For the first time, Gaza will attempt to break the 12-year-long siege by sea! On Thursday morning, ships will set sail with a number of injured Gazans and patients aboard, carrying the hopes and dreams of the Palestinian people for freedom."
Canada supports Israel. And +20,000 Zionist marchers in Toronto do too. Do you?
'Strengthened' Canada-Israel Free Trade Agreement
"I look forward to welcoming FP Champagne our Minister of Trade and his Iraeli counterpart Eli Cohen to my riding of Mount Royal tomorrow as we sign the strengthened Canada Israel Free Trade Agreement. Canada partners with Israel...."
More Free Trade With Murderous Apartheid Israel. Canadian Zionization proceeds apace.