Paladin wrote:What happens if Israel ends the occupation, borders open up, and Hamas continues to shoot rockets at Israel? Does Israel sit back and take it?
Before 1967 the West Bank of Jordan and the Gaza Strip were not part of Israel and there was even more violence against Israel than there is now. This shows the occupation is only a symptom of Arabs not wanting Israel to exist.
Since you never discuss the facts of the violence against the Palestinians since the time of the British Palestinian Mandate and the Naqba right through to the famine created by the war in Gaza, I will.
Israel itself had two terrorist leaders from the British Palestinian Mandate era be elected Prime Minister: Menachem Begin, leader of the Irgun, and Yitzak Shamir, leader of the Stern Gang. Begin "proclaimed a revolt, on 1 February 1944, against the British mandatory government, which was opposed by the Jewish Agency. As head of the Irgun, he targeted the British in Palestine.... Begin was described by the British government as the 'leader of the notorious terrorist organisation' ". Under Begin, "the Irgun proclaimed a revolt. Twelve days later, it put its plan into action when Irgun teams bombed the empty offices of the British Mandate's Immigration Department in Jerusalem, Tel Aviv, and Haifa. The Irgun next bombed the Income Tax Offices in those three cities, followed by a series of attacks on police stations in which two Irgun fighters and six policemen were killed. Meanwhile, Lehi joined the revolt with a series of shooting attacks on policemen. ... The Irgun's most controversial operation during this period, carried out alongside Lehi, was an assault on the Arab village of Deir Yassin in which more than a hundred villagers" ( Shamir even murdered the UN representative Folke Bernadotte who drew up a peace deal, and who was a leader of "the 1948 Deir Yassin massacre ... [that] killed at least 107 Palestinian Arab villagers". He also "sought an alliance with Fascist Italyand Nazi Germany during WWII ( So Israel is itself quite selective in who it calls a terrorist.
The first Israeli government created Gaza by using terror to force Palestinians out of Israel during the Nakba. "The Nakba (Arabic: النكبة an-Nakbah, lit. 'The Catastrophe') is the violent displacement and dispossession of Palestinians, along with the destruction of their society, culture, identity, political rights, and national aspirations.During the foundational events of the Nakba in 1948, dozens of massacres targeting Arabs were conducted and over 500 Arab-majority towns and villages were depopulated,[3] with many of these being either completely destroyed or repopulated by Jewish residents and given new Hebrew names. Approximately half of Palestine's predominantly Arab population, 750,000 people,[4] fled from their homes or were expelled by Zionist militias and later the Israeli army in what is now Israel proper, which covers 78% of the total land area of the former Mandatory Palestine. As a whole, the Nakba covers the long-running rejection of the Palestinian right of return, the creation of permanent Palestinian refugees, and the "shattering of Palestinian society" for the establishment of a Jewish state." (
In 1937 David Ben Gurion, the first Israeli Prime Minister said the partition was the first step in taking over all of Palestine. "In a letter to his son in October 1937, Ben-Gurion explained that partition would be a first step to "possession of the land as a whole".[50][51][52] The same sentiment was recorded by Ben-Gurion on other occasions, such as at a meeting of the Jewish Agency executive in June 1938,[53] as well as by Chaim Weizmann." (
That pattern has continued right up to the present with Prime Ministers like Sharon and Netanyahu. According to Human Rights Watch "Ariel Sharon died without facing justice for his role in the massacres of hundreds and perhaps thousands of civilians by Lebanese militias in the Sabra and Shatilla refugee camps in Lebanon in 1982. The killings constituted war crimes and crimes against humanity. Sharon also escaped accountability for other alleged abuses, such as his role expanding settlements in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, prosecutable as a war crime." ( Netanyahu's government being responsible for the deaths of 28,000+ Palestinians and the famine that grows ever day in Gaza. Netanyahu was was also the one who called Prime Minister Yitzak Rabin a "traitor" and "Nazi" because he reached a peace agreement with the PLO, in addition to participating in the mock funeral of Rabin in the 1990s to precipitate his assassination (see article below) and has sabotaged every attempt at reaching peace since then."In the weeks before the assassination, Netanyahu, then head of the opposition, and other senior Likud members attended a right-wing political rally in Jerusalem where protesters branded Rabin a “traitor,” “murderer,” and “Nazi” for signing a peace agreement with the Palestinians earlier that year. He also marched in a Ra’anana protest as demonstrators behind him carried a mock coffin."