Famine in Gaza Is A Political Act of Violence and Genocide

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During CBC's Early Edition this morning there was a discussion anti-Palestinian racism and its connection to denying Palestinians their rights. This racism has helped facilitate the famine  with little protest in the West and appears to be leading of a second Naqba (the removal of Gazans from their homeland similar to that of their removal from Israel in 1947-48). It has also played a role in Canada's and 14 other Western nations defunding of UNRWA, which has been the principal relief agency in the feeding of Palestinians both before and during the war in Gaza. The podcast can be heard at the url below: 



Israeli Settlers continue to prevent humanitarian aid trucks from entering Gaza for over 10 days amid daily death reports from starvation.



UN Says 300,000 People On The Verge of Imminent Famine In Northern Gaza



Netanyahu has called on the Israeli military to develop a plan to attack Rafah, the gate for the entry of food into Gaza, which would surely make the famine worse. He said they would evacuate the more than one million Gazans from Rafah. To where-Egypt? That would be a second Naqba ((the first being the removal by the Israelis of a majority of Palestinians [more than 700,000] from Israeli during 1947-48 thereby changing the region now called Israel from a majority Palestinian to a majority Jewish state, resulting in 70% of Gazans being the survivors or desendants of Naqba) and an act of genocide. It would also mean that the trickle of food that enters Gaza to feed the starving Gazans would end, further worsening the famine. as the aid trucks could not enter while the fighting is going on in Rafah.

  • The Israeli prime minister says he has ordered the military to develop a plan to both evacuate civilians from Rafah and defeat the remaining Hamas battalions.
  • UN chief Antonio Guterres says half of Gaza’s 2.3 million population “is now crammed into Rafah with nowhere to go”, warning the displaced “have no homes” and “no hope”. (and no food to survive)



UNRWA (The United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East) says Israel has kept a shipment of food  from Turkey  to feed 1.1 million starving Gazans "sitting for weeks in the Israeli port city of Ashdod."  This is an act of genocide as starvation spreads across Gaza and the Israelis prevent food that has been delivered to the occupying power, which means that as occupying power Israel is required by Geneva Convention #55 to provide to the occupied Gazans, from entering Gaza to feed the starving. The World Food Program reports that Gaza will meet the technical definition of famine by May.

 Israel has imposed financial restrictions on the main U.N. agency providing aid in the Gaza Strip, a measure which prevented a shipment of food for 1.1 million Palestinians from reaching the war-battered enclave, the agency's director said Friday.

The restrictions deepened a crisis between Israel and UNRWA, whose operations have been threatened following Israeli accusations that some of its workers participated in the Oct. 7 attack that triggered Israel's war in Gaza. Those accusations have led major donor nations, including the U.S., to suspend funding to the U.N. organization and left its future in question.

UNRWA's director, Philippe Lazzarini, said Friday that that a convoy of food donated by Turkey has been sitting for weeks in the Israeli port city of Ashdod. The agency said that the Israeli contractor they work with received a call from Israeli customs authorities "ordering them not to process any UNRWA goods."

That stoppage means 1,049 shipping containers of rice, flour, chickpeas, sugar and cooking oil — enough to feed 1.1 million people for one month — are stuck, even as an estimated 25% of families in Gaza face catastrophic hunger.

The World Food Program warned Friday that Gaza could be plunged into famine as early as May. The U.N. food agency defines a famine as when 30% of children are malnourished, one-fifth of households face acute food shortages and two of every 10,000 people are dying from hunger or malnutrition.

Israel declared war and imposed a siege on Gaza in response to the Oct. 7 Hamas attack, which killed 1,200 people and took 250 others hostage. The war has led to a humanitarian crisis in Gaza, with only a trickle of humanitarian aid entering the territory each day.

Israel has long railed against UNRWA, accusing it of tolerating or even collaborating with Hamas and perpetuating the 76-year-old Palestinian refugee crisis. UNRWA, which serves about 6 million Palestinians whose families were displaced during the war surrounding Israel's creation in 1948, denies the charges. But the tensions have only intensified following the latest allegations by Israel.

Juliette Touma, communications director for the agency, said that UNWRA's bank account with Bank Leumi, which the agency has held for decades, was also frozen this week. In addition, Touma said that Israeli customs authorities notified the agency that UNRWA will no longer be granted tax exemptions.

Israel's finance minister, Bezalel Smotrich, tweeted on Thursday that "the state of Israel will not give tax benefits to terrorist aides."

Smotrich, a far-right ally of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, didn't respond to a request for comment.

The agency has been able to reroute other aid shipments through Port Said in Egypt, but Lazzarini warned Friday that the holdup means further difficulties in the already challenging task of aid distribution to Gaza. About 80% of Gaza's 2.3 million people have been displaced by the war.

UNWRA is the main provider of aid to Palestinians in Gaza, but Israeli bombardment and combat between Israel and Hamas has made much of the territory too dangerous for aid convoys to cross. For the last two weeks, the agency has been unable to deliver aid to around 300,000 Palestinians estimated to still be in the northern half of Gaza, where the World Food Program says food insecurity is the worst.

Lazzarini said efforts have instead focused on the 1.3 million displaced Palestinians sheltering in the makeshift tent camps of Rafah, a city on the border with Egypt where the agency relies on local police to escort aid convoys to distribution points and prevent theft. But that has also grown increasingly challenging, as Israeli warplanes bomb targets in the city.

Airstrikes there killed eight police officers in the city over the last four days, Lazzarini said, making police reluctant to continue helping the agency. Three strikes have taken place near an UNWRA clinic, Lazzarini said. Israeli media have portrayed the police escorts as an attempt by Hamas to seize aid shipments for its own use.

Lazzarini said that the police the agency works with weren't affiliated with militant groups. Touma said that the police escort was necessary to prevent people from throwing stones at the convoy and attempting to steal aid from them.

Israel alleged last month that 12 employees of the aid agency participated in the Oct. 7 Hamas attacks in southern Israel. Several countries suspended funding worth about $440 million, almost half of the agency's annual budget.

Two U.N. investigations are underway, including an independent review announced this week. The review, headed by a former French foreign minister, is supposed to focus on the way the agency ensures that it remains neutral and responds to allegations that it failed to do so. Colonna's team plans to look at whether the system works and how it might be improved.

Lazzarini said Friday that he immediately fired the workers, rather than suspending them, without first investigating the evidence against them. Two had been killed by the time the allegations surfaced. Lazzarini said there was too much pressure on the organization — and current conditions make investigating the workers difficult — to do anything else.



Here is the technical definition for starvation to be declared a famine. Of course, many Gazans will have starved to death before a famine is declared as all the conditions must be met. For example, just one of the conditions is that a minimum of 2 persons per 10,000 must be dying every day. This does not sound like a lot, but in Gaza's population of 2.3 million this means that 460 people a day would need to be dying to declare an official famine to be declared. And this is only one of four conditions that would need to be met to declare a "famine" in Gaza. 

The Definition of Famine

A famine is defined as the most severe kind of hunger crisis. It is very rare, but when it does occur, it means that there is an extreme shortage of food and several children and adults within a certain area are dying of hunger on a daily basis.

Some deadly emergencies happen suddenly, like earthquakes, floods, and other natural disasters. This is not the case with famine. A famine happens slowly, caused by long-term conflict, climate shocks, extreme poverty, and other drivers. Famines are never inevitable – they are always predictable, preventable, and man-made.


Famine is a technical term – it is only officially declared when a series of specific food insecurity, mortality, and malnutrition criteria are met.

Mother and child sit on a bed at an Action Against Hunger nutrition center in Ethiopia.


1 in 5 Households Face Extreme Food Shortages

Achoc and her one year old daughter Atong receive care at an Action Against Hunger nutrition center.


More than 3 in 10 People Are Malnourished 

In Yemen, a woman stands in front of her community, which has been destroyed by conflict.


In Every 10,000 People Die Every Day of Hunger

In Every 10,000 Children Under Five Die Every Day of Hunger

How is famine declared?

To declare a famine, the world turns to the Integrated Phase Classification (IPC) system, a framework involving governments, UN agencies, organizations like Action Against Hunger, civil society, and other relevant partners. Together, using the IPC’s scientific standards and analytical approach, partners classify the severity and magnitude of food crises in a country.

The IPC has five phases for hunger crises, ranging from Phase 1 (Minimal/None) to Phase 5 (Catastrophic/Famine), and each has its own set of technical criteria.

The five integrated phase classifications (IPCs).https://actionagainsthunger.ca/the-hunger-crisis/world-hunger-facts/what...


"Over one hundred days into the war in Gaza, Israel is destroying Gaza’s food system and weaponizing food" according to UN human rights experts, thereby creating famine. As a result of this, "Gazans now make up 80 per cent of all people facing famine or catastrophic hunger worldwide", according to the UN Human Rights Office of the High Commission (OHCHR).

Gazans now make up 80 per cent of all people facing famine or catastrophic hunger worldwide, marking an unparalleled humanitarian crisis in the Gaza Strip amid Israel’s continued bombardment and siege, according to UN human rights experts.

“Currently every single person in Gaza is hungry, a quarter of the population are starving and struggling to find food and drinkable water, and famine is imminent. Pregnant women are not receiving adequate nutrition and healthcare, putting their lives at risk. In addition all children under five – 335,000 – are at high risk of severe malnutrition as the risk of famine conditions continues to increase, a whole generation is now in danger of suffering from stunting,” said the experts. Stunting occurs when young children’s growth is hampered due to lack of adequate nourishment and causes irreparable physical and cognitive impairments. This will undermine the learning capacity of an entire generation.

Nowhere is safe in Gaza. Since 9 October, Israel declared and imposed a “total siege” on Gaza, depriving 2.3 million Palestinians of water, food, fuel, medicine, and medical supplies, this against the backdrop of a 17-year Israeli blockade, which before this war made approximately half of the people in Gaza food insecure and more than 80 percent reliant on humanitarian aid.

While the majority of aid distribution is concentrated in the southern governorates, since 1 January, only 21 per cent (5 out of 24) of planned deliveries of aid containing food and other lifesaving supplies reached their destination north of Wadi Gaza. The experts are particularly alarmed about conditions in northern Gaza, where the population faces prolonged food shortages and extremely restricted access to essential resources. In southern Gaza, a large concentration of individuals resides in inadequate shelters or areas devoid of basic amenities, escalating the brutal situation.

“It is unprecedented to make an entire civilian population go hungry this completely and quickly. Israel is destroying Gaza’s food system and using food as a weapon against the Palestinian people.”

Israel is destroying and blocking access to farmland and the sea. Recent reports allege that since Israeli military's ground offensive started on 27 October, approximately 22% of agricultural land, including orchards, greenhouses, and farmland in northern Gaza, has been razed by Israeli forces. Israel has reportedly destroyed approximately 70% of Gaza’s fishing fleet. Even with little humanitarian aid that has been allowed to enter, people still lack food and fuel to cook. Most bakeries are not operational, due to the lack of fuel, water, and wheat flour along with structural damage. Livestock are starving and unable to provide food or be a source of food. Meanwhile, access to safe water continues to diminish while the healthcare system has collapsed due to the wide-spread destruction of hospitals, significantly heightening the spread of communicable diseases.

Israel has also destroyed more than 60% of Palestinian homes in Gaza, directly affecting the ability to cook any food, and causing domicidethrough the mass destruction of dwellings, making the territory uninhabitable. The U.N. Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs has estimated that nearly 85% of Gaza's population — representing 1.9 million people — is internally displaced, including many who have been displaced multiple times, as families are forced to move repeatedly in search of safety.

“We have raised the alarm of the risk of genocide several times reminding all governments they have a duty to prevent genocide. Not only is Israel killing and causing irreparable harm against Palestinian civilians with its indiscriminate bombardments, it is also knowingly and intentionally imposing a high rate of disease, prolonged malnutrition, dehydration, and starvation by destroying civilian infrastructure,” said the experts. “Aid needs to be delivered to Gazans immediately and without any hindrance to prevent starvation.”

“Our alarm for the unfolding genocide does not only refer to the ongoing bombardment of Gaza but also concerns the slow suffering and death caused by Israel’s long-standing occupation, blockade and current civic destruction, since genocide advances through an ongoing process and is not a singular event.”

"The clear path to achieving peace, safety, and stability for both Israelis and Palestinians lies in the realization of Palestinian self-determination. This can only be achieved through an immediate ceasefire and the cessation of the Israeli occupation”.



More bad news for Biden over his support for Israeli aggression in the Gaza war and the resulting famine. In a Harvard Youth poll, 49% of all 18-29 year old voters in the US think Israel is committing genocide.

 national poll released today by the Institute of Politics at Harvard Kennedy School indicates that among 18-to-29-year-olds, President Biden's approval rating stands at 35%. Still, the President maintains a solid lead in a head-to-head matchup against former President Trump. When the field expands, potential independent candidates Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., Joe Manchin, and Cornel West take more support from potential Biden voters than Trump voters.

The poll also finds:

  • Young Americans appear less likely to vote in 2024 than they did in 2020, which was a record-setting year for youth turnout;
  • A disconnect between young Americans' personal financial situation and their views of the American economy;
  • Widespread support for labor unions;
  • Access to reproductive health care, including abortion, is an essential factor for most young Americans in choosing where to live; and 
  • Most young people do not feel their high school experience adequately prepared them to vote.

Since 2000, the Harvard Public Opinion Project has provided the most comprehensive look at young Americans' political opinions and voting trends. The Fall 2023 Harvard Youth Poll surveyed 2,098 young Americans between 18- and 29-years-old and was conducted between October 23 and November 6, 2023.  

"From a lack of trust in leaders on a variety of critical issues such as climate change, gun violence, and the war in the Middle East, to worries about the economy and AI, young people's concerns come through loud and clear in our new poll," said IOP Director Setti Warren. "As the 2024 campaign season kicks into high gear, candidates up and down the ballot would be wise to embrace the opportunity to listen to — and re-engage — this generation."

"The bad news is that fewer young people intend to vote in this election compared to the Biden-Trump election of 2020. The good news is there's still time, and we know what Gen Z and young millennials want to see and hear. They want evidence that democracy works, that government can address our challenges, and that there's a meaningful difference between the two parties," said IOP Polling Director John Della Volpe.

"One year out from the 2024 election, our poll makes it clear that the youth vote cannot be taken for granted," said Ethan Jasny '25, student chair of the Harvard Public Opinion Project. "Young Americans are deeply passionate about issues ranging from abortion to labor rights, but they often struggle to see that passion represented in Washington. For turnout in 2024 to match the record numbers we saw in 2020, candidates must ensure that the values and energy of young Americans are reflected in their campaigns."

The top ten findings are below.

Key Takeaways

Fewer young Americans plan on voting in 2024; most of the decline comes from young Republican and independent voters. 

  • Relative to this point in the 2020 presidential election cycle, the number of young Americans between 18- and- 29 years old who “definitely” plan on voting for president has decreased from 57% to 49%. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, the 2020 turnout for Americans under 30 was 54.1%, with other estimates at 52.5%.
  • Overall, 35% of young Americans affiliate with the Democratic party, 26% with the Republican party, and a plurality (38%) say they are independent or unaffiliated with a major party. Compared to Fall 2019, most of the drop-off in voting intention comes from Republican and independent-minded youth.
    • Democrats (Fall 2019: 68% “definitely vote,” Fall 2023: 66%) 
    • Republicans (Fall 2019: 66%, Fall 2023: 56%) 
    • Independent/Unaffiliated (Fall 2019: 41%, Fall 2023: 31%)
  • While college graduates still plan to vote in robust numbers (Fall 2019: 72%, Fall 2023: 69%), college students (Fall 2019: 68%, Fall 2023: 55%)  and young people who are not in college and do not have a degree (Fall 2019: 48%, Fall 2023: 40%) are less committed to voting than in the recent past.
  • Across demographic groups, the decline in voting intention is most pronounced among younger Black Americans (Fall 2019: 50%, Fall 2023: 38%) and Hispanic Americans (Fall 2019: 56%, Fall 2023: 40%). The decline among young Whites is also notable, falling five percentage points, from 62% to 57%.
  • Women (Fall 2019: 56%, Fall 2023: 47%) indicate they are less likely to vote than men (Fall 2019: 59%, Fall 2023: 52%) in 2024, and the younger cohort (18-24; Fall 2019: 56%, Fall 2023: 46%) is less likely than the older (25-29; Fall 2019: 59%, Fall 2023: 55%) cohort of young voters. 



    poll results

President Biden has a solid lead against former President Trump in a hypothetical 2024 matchup; independent candidates pose a more significant threat to Biden.

  • In a hypothetical head-to-head match-up, young adults under 30 favor President Biden over former President Trump by 11 points, 41% to 30%; 13% indicate they are undecided, and an additional 15% say they would not vote.
    • Most young adults (69%) who favor President Biden over former President Trump say their vote is more in “opposition to Donald Trump becoming president again” than “support for President Biden and his policies.” In contrast, the inverse holds among Trump supporters, with 65% saying their vote is driven by loyalty to the former president and his policies and 35% in opposition to President Biden’s re-election.
  • Among young people who report being registered to vote, President Biden’s lead extends to 15 points (Biden 48%, Trump 33%, Don’t know 9%, Would not vote 10%).
  • Among the most likely voters at this point in the 2024 cycle (the 49% who say they will definitely vote), President Biden leads by 24 points, 57% to 33%. In 2020, exit pollsreported President Biden winning the youth vote, 60% to 36%.
  • Biden’s advantage over Trump narrows substantially when potential independent candidates Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., Joe Manchin, and Cornel West are introduced.

    • Among all young Americans, Biden leads by four points in a hypothetical matchup with three independent candidates: Biden 29%, Trump 25%, Kennedy 10%, West 3%, Manchin 2%, Don’t know 31%
    • Among registered voters under 30, Biden leads by eight points: Biden 34%, Trump 26%, Kennedy 11%, West 3%, Manchin 2%, Don’t know 24%.
    • Among likely voters, Biden’s lead is 16 points: Biden 43%, Trump 27%, Kennedy 10%, West 3%, Manchin 2%, Don’t know 15%.


  • As seen in these tables (all young adultsregistered voters, and likely voters), the independent candidates take more from Biden’s share of the two-way vote than Trump’s. 


    poll results


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    poll results

A plurality trusts neither Biden nor Trump on important issues like the Israel-Hamas war, Ukraine, climate change, gun violence, health care, crime and public safety.

  • Asked which candidate, Joe Biden or Donald Trump, they trusted more to handle 13 critical issues, young Americans trusted Joe Biden three times and Donald Trump four times – and on six occasions, more young people said they trusted neither of them.
  • Issues where Joe Biden enjoys a head-to-head advantage over Donald Trump (i.e., neither option not included) are:
    • Climate change (+19), abortion (+16), education (+14), protecting democracy (+12), health care (+10), gun violence (+9), and Ukraine (+4).
  • Donald Trump’s advantages over Joe Biden are on:
    • Economy (+15), national security and defense (+9), Israel-Hamas war (+5), strengthening the working class (+4), crime and public safety (+3), and immigration (+2).
  • On the Israel-Hamas war, 46% of Democrats trust Biden, 9% Trump -- and 45% say neither. More than half (56%) of independent voters also say neither candidate is trusted in this area. Two-thirds (66%) of Republicans trust Trump, 8% Biden, with 25% saying neither candidate.
  • President Biden’s job approval is 35% overall (-1 from Spring 2023). Vice President Harris’s job approval is a similar 36%. Approval of Democrats in Congress is 40%, while 27% approve of the way Republicans in Congress are doing their job.  


    poll results

Young Americans have a favorable view of their personal financial situation. At the same time, a substantial majority hold a negative perception of America's economy.

  • Nearly two-thirds (65%) of young Americans say their finances are either very (13%) or fairly (52%) good these days, with 9% responding they are very bad, and another 24% saying they are fairly bad.
    • Fall 2021: 17% very good, 54% good, 22% fairly bad, 6% very bad
    • Fall 2019: 13% very good, 56% good, 23% fairly bad, 7% very bad
  • When young Americans assess their personal financial situation, there is no partisan divide between Democrats (70% good, 29% bad) and Republicans (70% good, 29% bad). However, when the subject changes to the national economy, opinions diverge: Democrats: 41% good, 58% bad (-17); Republicans 21% good, 79% bad (-68).
  • Proving there is a disconnect between personal and public views on this issue, a substantial majority (70%) also say that America’s economy is very (22%) or fairly bad (48%). Most young people, across the subgroups analyzed hold unfavorable views about America’s economy. 


    poll results

Young Americans view most labor unions favorably; views of police unions are mixed.

  • A majority of all young Americans report favorable views of unions for health care (59% favorable) and manufacturing workers (55% favorable), as well as for teachers (58% favorable). About half of all young Americans hold favorable views of automotive (49% favorable) and Starbucks (45% favorable) unions. Only 34% of young Americans have favorable views of police unions, while 27% hold unfavorable views; a plurality (37%) answered “don’t know” or did not share an opinion.
  • Both Democrats and Republicans hold more favorable than unfavorable views of the unions included in the survey, except for police and Starbucks workers unions.
    • Democrats are divided on police unions (33% favorable, 32% unfavorable, 33% don’t know), while Republicans are supportive (41% favorable, 21% unfavorable, 37% don’t know).
    • Two-thirds of Democrats support Starbucks workers’ unions (66% favorable, 10% unfavorable, 22% don’t know), while less than a quarter of Republicans feel the same (23% favorable, 36% unfavorable, 40% don’t know).


      poll results

Young Americans are wary about the effects Artificial Intelligence (AI) and automation could have on their career prospects.

  • A plurality (34%) of young Americans believe that advances in AI and automation will be harmful to their career prospects. Nearly a quarter (24%) believe these advances will be helpful; 15% think they will have no effect, and 26% are unsure.
  • Youth with a college degree narrowly believe AI will be more helpful than harmful (net helpful +2) to their future career prospects, but most other groups are pessimistic.
    • College students (-6); those not in school and without a degree (-17);
    • Urban residents (+4); suburban (-12); rural (-25); small town (-17);
    • Democrats (-7); Republicans (-14); independents (-11).


      poll results

Support for abortion has increased over the last decade; pro-choice supporters are more likely than pro-life advocates to vote on abortion ballot measures.

  • Compared to 2016, the last time we asked this question of young Americans, we found an eight percentage point increase (36% to 44%) in the number of young Americans who believe “abortion should be permitted in all cases.” Most of this change came from young women; in 2016, 35% supported this policy, while today, 48% say the same.
    • Additionally, 13% believe abortion “should be permitted but subject to greater restrictions than it is now,” 23% think it should be “permitted only in cases such as rape, incest, or to save the woman's life,” 8% “only to save the woman's life,” and 11% believe it “should not be permitted at all.”
  • When asked whether they consider themselves to be “pro-choice” or “pro-life,” we found that 53% chose pro-choice and 26% pro-life. Ten percent (10%) cited neither, and 10% chose the don’t know option. Eighty-one percent (81%) of female Democrats, 58% of female independents, and a quarter (25%) of female Republicans chose the pro-choice label.
  • Nearly half (45%) of all young Americans – including 56% of registered voters – say they will “definitely” vote if there was a referendum or ballot initiative related to the legality of abortion in their state. Sixty-four percent (64%) of young people who consider themselves pro-choice, but only 34% who consider themselves pro-life say they would definitely vote in this hypothetical.
    • Nearly a quarter (22%) of young Americans who are not committed to voting for president in 2024 say they will definitely vote in a state abortion referendum; 10% who say they will definitely not vote in the presidential contest say the same.  


      poll results

Nearly two-thirds of young Americans report that legal access to reproductive healthcare, including abortion, is important when choosing where to live. 

  • Sixty-nine percent (69%) of young women under 30 and 55% of young men say that access to reproductive health care is important when choosing in which state to live. Most (53%) women say such access is “very important.”
  • A majority of young women across most subgroups believe this is important, except for Republicans.
    • 68% of 18-24 and 72% of 25-29 year-old women say this is important;
    • 69% of female college students, 80% of female college graduates, and 65% of females not in college and without a college degree say this is important;
    • 69% of white, 65% of Black, and 71% of Hispanic women say this is important;
    • 90% of Democrats, 41% of Republicans, and 67% of independent and unaffiliated women say it is important.  
  • Overall, nearly half (46%) of young Americans have a friend or family member who has had an abortion (31%) or seriously considered one (15%). Thirty-five percent (35%) of young women under 30 have a friend or family member who has had an abortion, with no significant difference based on level of education, race, or ethnicity. 


    poll results

Active high school civic education is linked to a higher propensity for voting.

  • Two-thirds (67%) of young Americans who plan to “definitely vote” in the 2024 general election say that their high school education taught and prepared them to understand the “importance of my vote,” compared to 47% of less committed voters who say the same.
  • We found a similar pattern with voter registration: 63% of those who are registered say they were taught the importance of their vote, compared to 42% of those not currently registered who say the same.
  • Overall, most young Americans do not believe that their high school education taught and prepared them to understand practical aspects of voting and civic education, such as:
    • The importance of my vote (56% yes, prepared)
    • How to register to vote (45% yes, prepared)
    • When the voting deadlines are (38% yes, prepared)
    • How to research candidates and ballot issues (35% yes, prepared)
    • How to request and submit completed ballots (33% yes, prepared)


      poll results

Deadline reminders, non-partisan voting guides, how-to-vote training, and conversations with friends and family are all helpful turnout tactics for 2024.   

  • While 49% of young people under 30 plan on voting for president next year, the other half are divided among those who will probably vote (17%), say there’s a 50-50 chance (14%), probably won’t vote (9%), or definitely won’t vote (11%). Among those who say there’s a chance they will vote but are not fully committed yet, a majority find the following tactics and strategies helpful:
    • Reminders about voting deadlines (67%)
    • Conversations about voting with friends and family members (64% helpful)
    • A non-partisan voting guide (63% helpful)
    • A non-partisan how-to-vote training (57% helpful)
    • Meeting a candidate or official representative of the campaign in person (53% helpful)
  • We found that non-partisan voting guides are slightly more likely to be effective with less committed voters on college campuses (66%) and recent graduates (76%) than young people not in college and without a degree (59%). Solid majorities across party lines also find this tactic helpful, with Democrats the most enthusiastic. More than three-in-four Democrats (78%), 62% of Republicans, and 56% of independent young people not yet committed to voting report these guides would be helpful to them in boosting their participation.  


    poll results

Tue, 12/05/2023 - 12:00

News Coverage

Harvard Gazette: New IOP poll finds younger voters unenthusiastic on Biden-Trum…


The Harvard Youth Poll of 2,098 18-to-29-year-olds was organized with undergraduate students from the Harvard Public Opinion Project (HPOP) and supervised by John Della Volpe, Director of Polling at the Institute of Politics. Data were collected by Ipsos Public Affairs using the KnowledgePanel calibration approach. In this approach, the calibrating sample was provided by the KnowledgePanel probability-based sample source (n=1,089), while the sample to be calibrated was provided by non-probability, opt-in web panel sample sources (n=1,009). Interviews were conducted in English and Spanish between October 23 and November 6, 2023. The target population for this survey is US residents between the ages of 18 and 29. Data are weighted to reflect population estimates based on age-group, race, Hispanic ethnicity, educational attainment, household income, urbanicity, and geographic region of residence.  The margin of error for the total sample is +/- 2.86%.


Key Takeaways

1 / 10


  • Deadline reminders, non-partisan voting guides, how-to-vote training, and conversations with friends and family are all helpful turnout tactics for 2024.   

  • Fewer young Americans plan on voting in 2024; most of the decline comes from young Republican and independent voters. 

  • President Biden has a solid lead against former President Trump in a hypothetical 2024 matchup; independent candidates pose a more significant threat to Biden.

  • A plurality trusts neither Biden nor Trump on important issues like the Israel-Hamas war, Ukraine, climate change, gun violence, health care, crime and public safety.

  • Young Americans have a favorable view of their personal financial situation. At the same time, a substantial majority hold a negative perception of America's economy.

  • Young Americans view most labor unions favorably; views of police unions are mixed.

  • Young Americans are wary about the effects Artificial Intelligence (AI) and automation could have on their career prospects.

  • Support for abortion has increased over the last decade; pro-choice supporters are more likely than pro-life advocates to vote on abortion ballot measures.

  • Nearly two-thirds of young Americans report that legal access to reproductive healthcare, including abortion, is important when choosing where to live. 

  • Active high school civic education is linked to a higher propensity for voting.

  • Deadline reminders, non-partisan voting guides, how-to-vote training, and conversations with friends and family are all helpful turnout tactics for 2024.   

  • Fewer young Americans plan on voting in 2024; most of the decline comes from young Republican and independent voters. 

  • President Biden has a solid lead against former President Trump in a hypothetical 2024 matchup; independent candidates pose a more significant threat to Biden.

  • A plurality trusts neither Biden nor Trump on important issues like the Israel-Hamas war, Ukraine, climate change, gun violence, health care, crime and public safety.

  • Young Americans have a favorable view of their personal financial situation. At the same time, a substantial majority hold a negative perception of America's economy.

  • Young Americans view most labor unions favorably; views of police unions are mixed.

  • Young Americans are wary about the effects Artificial Intelligence (AI) and automation could have on their career prospects.

  • Support for abortion has increased over the last decade; pro-choice supporters are more likely than pro-life advocates to vote on abortion ballot measures.

  • Nearly two-thirds of young Americans report that legal access to reproductive healthcare, including abortion, is important when choosing where to live. 

  • Active high school civic education is linked to a higher propensity for voting.

  • Deadline reminders, non-partisan voting guides, how-to-vote training, and conversations with friends and family are all helpful turnout tactics for 2024.   



Polls show 50% of 2020 Biden voters think Israel is committing genocide in Gaza, with the resulting famine playing a major role in their views. This alone looks like it will lead to Biden's defeat in the November election. 

Half of voters for President Biden in 2020 believe the Israeli government is committing a genocide of Palestinians in Gaza, according to a YouGov/The Economist poll released Thursday.

The poll also found that 51 percent of Biden 2020 voters believe the Israeli government’s ground invasion of Gaza is “too harsh,” and 58 percent of the same group believe the conflict is “likely” to widen into a greater Middle East war.

The Israeli military has redoubled its efforts in recent weeks to eliminate Hamas in Gaza via a ground campaign and mass airstrikes. Critics claim the Israeli military’s efforts are also aimed at driving the Palestinian population out of Gaza, citing reports of targeted attacks at universitieshospitals and cemeteries.

The Biden administration has stepped up pressure on the Israeli government to scale down its military operations and encourage a Palestinian civilian government, though Israeli leaders have resisted the calls

An increasing number of Democrats in Congress have gone further, calling on Biden to directly urge the Israeli government to seek a cease-fire in the conflict. About 60 members of the House and five Senators have called for a cease-fire, according to the progressive Working Families Party.

Biden has publicly denounced the prospect of a permanent cease-fire, but the White House said Thursday that CIA Director William Burns has been a key figure in brokering a potential second hostage cease-fire deal between Israel, Hamas, Qatar and the U.S.

Protesters advocating for a cease-fire in the conflict have followed Biden around the country, consistently interrupting and at times drowning out his speeches and other public appearances.



What a coincidence.

Directly beneath UNRWA’s Gaza headquarters, IDF uncovers top secret Hamas data center


GAZA CITY, Gaza Strip — Beneath the Gaza Strip headquarters of the controversial United Nations agency for Palestinian refugees, known commonly as UNRWA, the Hamas terror group hid one of its most significant assets, the Israeli military has revealed.

The subterranean data center — complete with an electrical room, industrial battery power banks and living quarters for Hamas terrorists operating the computer servers — was built precisely under the location where Israel would not consider looking initially, let alone target in an airstrike.



“the Israeli military has revealed.”

And the Israeli military would never lie.

“The IDF initially denied the accusation but reversed course.”


Terror Tunnel. Coming to a theater near you. A Hasbara production


Those tunnels were under the UNRWA head quarters before Hamas showed up. The romans built them.

Suggesting the UNRWA has any association with Hamas is racist.


Was this tunnel 30 or 50 meters below the building and where are the pictures of any access points. Everyone understand that tunnels are under large parts of Gaza. The IDF clearly thinks that since almost all buildings have tunnels under them, whether with access points or not, then all buildings are fair targets. Very convenient logic for a country bent on ethnic cleansing and collective punishment.


kropotkin1951 wrote:

Was this tunnel 30 or 50 meters below the building and where are the pictures of any access points. Everyone understand that tunnels are under large parts of Gaza. The IDF clearly thinks that since almost all buildings have tunnels under them, whether with access points or not, then all buildings are fair targets. Very convenient logic for a country bent on ethnic cleansing and collective punishment.

It was 20 meters below ground.

The UNRWA said had no idea the tunnels were there.



UNRWA chief dismisses Israel's claims of Hamas 'data centre' under Gaza HQ

The Commissioner General of the UN's agency for Palestine refugee's (UNRWA) has dismissed Israeli allegations that the agency's headquarters in Gaza City housed a Hamas "data centre" underneath it.

Philippe Lazzarini took to X to address the allegations, saying that the agency was made aware of the claims through media reports, noting that Israel has not informed UNRWA about the claims.

"In times of 'no active conflict' UNRWA inspects inside its premises every quarter, the last inspection for the UNRWA Gaza premises was completed in September 2023," Lazzarini said.

"In the past, whenever suspicious cavity was found close to or under UNRWA premises, protest letters were promptly filed to parties to the conflict, including both the de facto authorities in Gaza (Hamas) and the Israeli authorities. The matter was consistently reported in annual reports presented to the General Assembly and made public.".....


"Israel is a lie machine." - John Pilger


Absence Of Evidence: Israel's Case Against UNRWA


"...What then of the evidence...As UN Crisis Group expert Daniel Forti writes, 'Thus far, Israel has not provided evidence in writing to the UN to substantiate its allegations'.

For a gaggle of Western states and donors that hardly mattered. Funding to the aid body was swiftly suspended by the US, Germany, the European Union, Sweden, Canada, Australia and the United Kingdom.

The organization was smeared and threatened with functional incapacity and prospective oblivion, an outcome that would also, inevitably, doom Palestinians.

Unchallenged accusations that the agency had long been a Hamas Front - an article of faith among Israeli nationalists - were bandied about with abandon.

Then a smiting report from the British news outlet Channel 4 took issue with the scanty materials supplied in the document. As the network's Lindsey Hilsum stated,

'We got hold of Israel's dossier against UNRWA - Why did the donors, including the UK withdraw funding on such flimsy unproven allegations before an investigation?'

Channel 4 goes on to reveal that the dossier 'contains no evidence to support Israel's explosive new claims..."

Silence from Trudeau. Silence from Singh. Silence is complicity.


[email protected]

[email protected]


Desperate for something to eat, "Gaza residents surviving off animal feed and rice as food dwindles" after the Israelis destroyed Gaza's fishing boats, bombed much of its agricultural land with white phosphorus that will make it unusable for growing food, and reduced trucks delivering food to Gaza to a trickle on the days it did not totally block the entry of food. "New figures from the UN suggest that more than half the agricultural land in the central region of Deir al-Balah has been damaged. ... On Saturday the UN's agency for Palestinian refugees accused Israel of using financial restrictions to block a month's worth of food for more than a million Gazans", coming from Turkey but held in the Israeli port city of Ashrod for six weeks Despite the UN's warnings of famine, the Israelis play the denial game of lies. "A spokesman for the Israeli military agency tasked with coordinating aid access in Gaza said in a briefing last month that there was 'no starvation in Gaza. Period.' ... The World Food Programme (WFP) told the BBC this week that four out of the last five aid convoys into the north had been stopped by Israeli forces, meaning a gap of two weeks between deliveries to Gaza City. "We know there is a very serious risk of famine in Gaza if we don't provide very significant volumes of food assistance on a regular basis," said the WFP regional chief, Matt Hollingworth. The UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (Ocha) said there had been a sharp increase in the number of aid missions denied access to northern Gaza: with 56% of deliveries denied access in January, up from 14% in October to December." Meanwhile, the Israelis and their supporters say look at all the tunnels, while people starve. "Many of us are now drinking unpotable water." said one Gazan. "We feel that death has become inevitable" said another Gazan. A famine risk assessment, carried out by several UN agencies, estimated that almost a third of residents in northern areas could now be facing a "catastrophic" lack of food.

People living in the isolated north of Gaza have told the BBC that children are going without food for days, as aid convoys are increasingly denied permits to enter. Some residents have resorted to grinding animal feed into flour to survive, but even stocks of those grains are now dwindling, they say. People have also described digging down into the soil to access water pipes, for drinking and washing.

The UN has warned that acute malnutrition among young children in the north has risen sharply, and is now above the critical threshold of 15%. The UN's humanitarian coordination agency, Ocha, says more than half the aid missions to the north of Gaza were denied access last month, and that there is increasing interference from Israeli forces in how and where aid is delivered. It says 300,000 people estimated to be living in northern areas are largely cut off from assistance, and face a growing risk of famine. ...

Mahmoud Shalabi, a local medical aid worker in Beit Lahia, said people had been grinding grains used for animal feed into flour, but that even that was now running out. "People are not finding it in the market," he said. "It's unavailable nowadays in the north of Gaza, and Gaza City."  He also said stocks of tinned food were disappearing. "What we had was actually from the six or seven days of truce [in November], and whatever aid was allowed into the north of Gaza has actually been consumed by now. What people are eating right now is basically rice, and only rice."

The World Food Programme (WFP) told the BBC this week that four out of the last five aid convoys into the north had been stopped by Israeli forces, meaning a gap of two weeks between deliveries to Gaza City"We know there is a very serious risk of famine in Gaza if we don't provide very significant volumes of food assistance on a regular basis," said the WFP regional chief, Matt Hollingworth.

The UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (Ocha) said there had been a sharp increase in the number of aid missions denied access to northern Gaza: with 56% of deliveries denied access in January, up from 14% in October to December. ...

Duha al-Khalidi, a mother of four in Beit Lahia, told the BBC two weeks ago that she walked six miles (9.5km) to her sister's house in Gaza City, in a desperate search for food, after her children had not eaten for three days. "I don't have any money, and even if I did, there's nothing in the town's main market," she said. "[My sister] and her family are also suffering. She shared with me the last amount of pasta in her house. We feel that death has become inevitable," her sister, Waad, said. "We lost the top floor of our house, but we are still living here despite the fear of collapse. For two weeks, we can't find anything in the market; and if some products are available, they are 10 times their normal price."

A famine risk assessment, carried out by several UN agencies, estimated that almost a third of residents in northern areas could now be facing a "catastrophic" lack of food, though restrictions on accessing the area make real-time measurements very difficult. Families in northern areas are also struggling to find reliable water supplies. "Many of us are now drinking unpotable water. There are no pipes; we have to dig for water," explained Mahmoud Salah in Beit Lahia. Video filmed in the Jabalia neighbourhood north of Gaza City shows residents sitting among the rubble of bombed out streets, digging down into the earth to tap large underground water pipes. 

"We get water here once every 15 days," Yusuf al-Ayoti said. "The water is dirty. Our children are inflamed and their teeth are eroded from the dirty water. There is sand in it, and it's very salty." After four months of war, the makeshift solutions for bridging the hunger gaps are wearing thin. And there are few ways to restock Gaza's larder. The territory was reliant on food aid before the war; now much of its agricultural industry has been ruined or abandoned.

New figures from the UN suggest that more than half the agricultural land in the central region of Deir al-Balah has been damaged. This includes an olive press and farmland belonging to Bassem Younis Abu Zayed. "It looks like the aftermath of an earthquake," he said. "The destruction is vast, covering neighbouring buildings and farm animals. Even if we manage to restore the mill, 80-90% of the olives have gone. It's not just a loss for this year, it's a loss for the next several years." Further south, in the border town of Rafah, more than a million people displaced by the fighting elsewhere now jostle for space with the town's 300,000 residents. ...

On Saturday the UN's agency for Palestinian refugees accused Israel of using financial restrictions to block a month's worth of food for more than a million Gazans. UNRWA said more than 1,000 shipping containers from Turkey were being held up in a port, telling the AP news agency that a local contractor was ordered by customs authorities not to process any UNRWA goods. Israel has not responded but on Thursday, far-right finance minister Belazel Smotrich ordered the cancellation of customs and other tax relief for UNRWA.



In Gaza, "every day, more and more people are on the brink of famine-like conditions". Below is an interview with the Director of the UN's Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), Beth Bechdol ,on Gaza. She warns. ... At this stage, probably about 25% of that 2.2 million are in that top-level IPC five category. There are unprecedented levels of acute food insecurity, hunger, and near famine-like conditions in Gaza. It's an unprecedented situation that we find ourselves in. We have categories for how we measure acute food insecurity known as the IPC phase classifications, IPC 3, 4, and 5, which take us from emergency to crisis, to catastrophe. All 2.2 million people in Gaza are in these three categories." Those five technical categories of food insecurity that produce are described in post 56, with category five being the highest and the fact that the entire Gazan population is in the top three categories means all are facing severe hunger and some are close to death from hunger. Those Israelis and their supporters who don't want to talk about starving to death and famine instead only talk about Hamas's 30,000 members in a population of 2.3 million and tunnels. 

What is the current state of food security and damage to the agrifood sector in Gaza?

There are unprecedented levels of acute food insecurity, hunger, and near famine-like conditions in Gaza. It's an unprecedented situation that we find ourselves in. We have categories for how we measure acute food insecurity known as the IPC phase classifications, IPC 3, 4, and 5, which take us from emergency to crisis, to catastrophe. All 2.2 million people in Gaza are in these three categories.

We've never seen this before in the analysis and the review that the IPC structure takes on in countries all around the world. Very concerningly, we are seeing more and more people essentially on the brink of and moving into famine-like conditions every day. At this stage, probably about 25% of that 2.2 million are in that top-level IPC five category.

So, with every passing day of not finding a solution to the conflict itself, having a ceasefire or some other end to the hostilities, more and more people are simply going hungry and having less accessibility to food, nutrition, water, and medical services that are so needed there.

We are in a position where we have staff in Palestine, in the West Bank, and are watching all of the circumstances that are unfolding. Sadly, it's difficult for us to be on the front line to provide any kind of agricultural production support because most of it has been significantly damaged, if not destroyed.

Before the conflict, the people of Gaza had a self-sustaining fruit and vegetable production sector, populated with greenhouses, and there was a robust backyard small-scale livestock production sector. We've recognized from our damage assessments that most of these animal inventories, but also the infrastructure that is needed for that kind of specialty crop production is virtually destroyed.



A new UN report released today warns of " 'Unprecedented' levels of 'near famine-like conditions' in Gaza "550,000 people are now likely facing catastrophic food insecurity levels, while the whole population is in crisis mod".

The population of the Gaza Strip is suffering "unprecedented" levels of "near famine-like conditions" as the Hamas-Israel war drags on, the UN's agriculture agency said Monday.

Some 550,000 people are now likely facing catastrophic food insecurity levels, while the whole population is in crisis mode, the UN's Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO)  Deputy Director General Beth Bechdol said.

"We are seeing more and more people essentially on the brink of and moving into famine-like conditions every day,"  550,000 people are now likely facing catastrophic food insecurity levels, while the whole population is in crisis mod said. All 2.2 million people in Gaza are in the top three hunger categories, from level three, which is considered an emergency, to level five, or catastrophe, she said.

The Integrated Food Security Phase Classification (IPC) rates hunger levels from one to five.



What's stopping food from entering into Gaza from Egypt?

Israel is fucking around with all this food sitting around, just redirect it through Egypt into Gaza. What am I missing?



Israeli supporters do not want to admit that Israeli both morally and legally is responsible for Gaza facing famine, so they keep repeating the same excuses. But the evidence is clear.
"Under a 2007 agreement between Egypt and Israel, Egypt controls the crossing but imports through the Rafah crossing require Israeli approval." https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rafah_Border_Crossing
So once again it is the Israelis who are blocking the flow of food into Gaza as the famine worsens. Furthermore, as the occupying power, Gaza is required under Section 55 of the Geneva Conventions to make sure the Gazans, as the occupied people, be fed, which says:

To the fullest extent of the means available to it, the Occupying Power has the duty of ensuring the food and medical supplies of the population; it should, in particular, bring in the necessary foodstuffs, medical stores and other articles if the resources of the occupied territory are inadequate.
As to the evidence of famine I'll repeat again for the famine deniers. They can also read posts 69 and 70 for further evidence. However, it is increasingly obvious that all Israel supporters want to do is to deny the reality of famine and that it's Israel that is creating and maintaining it.
Desperate for something to eat, "Gaza residents surviving off animal feed and rice as food dwindles" after the Israelis destroyed Gaza's fishing boats, bombed much of its agricultural land with white phosphorus that will make it unusable for growing food, and reduced trucks delivering food to Gaza to a trickle on the days it did not totally block the entry of food. "New figures from the UN suggest that more than half the agricultural land in the central region of Deir al-Balah has been damaged. ... On Saturday the UN's agency for Palestinian refugees accused Israel of using financial restrictions to block a month's worth of food for more than a million Gazans", coming from Turkey but held in the Israeli port city of Ashrod for six weeks . Despite the UN's warnings of famine, the Israelis play the denial game of lies. "A spokesman for the Israeli military agency tasked with coordinating aid access in Gaza said in a briefing last month that there was 'no starvation in Gaza. Period.' ... The World Food Programme (WFP) told the BBC this week that four out of the last five aid convoys into the north had been stopped by Israeli forces, meaning a gap of two weeks between deliveries to Gaza City. "We know there is a very serious risk of famine in Gaza if we don't provide very significant volumes of food assistance on a regular basis," said the WFP regional chief, Matt Hollingworth. The UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (Ocha) said there had been a sharp increase in the number of aid missions denied access to northern Gaza: with 56% of deliveries denied access in January, up from 14% in October to December." Meanwhile, the Israelis and their supporters say look at all the tunnels, while people starve. "Many of us are now drinking unpotable water." said one Gazan. "We feel that death has become inevitable" said another Gazan. A famine risk assessment, carried out by several UN agencies, estimated that almost a third of residents in northern areas could now be facing a "catastrophic" lack of food.

People living in the isolated north of Gaza have told the BBC that children are going without food for days, as aid convoys are increasingly denied permits to enter. Some residents have resorted to grinding animal feed into flour to survive, but even stocks of those grains are now dwindling, they say. People have also described digging down into the soil to access water pipes, for drinking and washing.

The UN has warned that acute malnutrition among young children in the north has risen sharply, and is now above the critical threshold of 15%. The UN's humanitarian coordination agency, Ocha, says more than half the aid missions to the north of Gaza were denied access last month, and that there is increasing interference from Israeli forces in how and where aid is delivered. It says 300,000 people estimated to be living in northern areas are largely cut off from assistance, and face a growing risk of famine. ...

Mahmoud Shalabi, a local medical aid worker in Beit Lahia, said people had been grinding grains used for animal feed into flour, but that even that was now running out. "People are not finding it in the market," he said. "It's unavailable nowadays in the north of Gaza, and Gaza City." He also said stocks of tinned food were disappearing. "What we had was actually from the six or seven days of truce [in November], and whatever aid was allowed into the north of Gaza has actually been consumed by now. What people are eating right now is basically rice, and only rice."

The World Food Programme (WFP) told the BBC this week that four out of the last five aid convoys into the north had been stopped by Israeli forces, meaning a gap of two weeks between deliveries to Gaza City. "We know there is a very serious risk of famine in Gaza if we don't provide very significant volumes of food assistance on a regular basis," said the WFP regional chief, Matt Hollingworth.

The UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (Ocha) said there had been a sharp increase in the number of aid missions denied access to northern Gaza: with 56% of deliveries denied access in January, up from 14% in October to December. ...

Duha al-Khalidi, a mother of four in Beit Lahia, told the BBC two weeks ago that she walked six miles (9.5km) to her sister's house in Gaza City, in a desperate search for food, after her children had not eaten for three days. "I don't have any money, and even if I did, there's nothing in the town's main market," she said. "[My sister] and her family are also suffering. She shared with me the last amount of pasta in her house. We feel that death has become inevitable," her sister, Waad, said. "We lost the top floor of our house, but we are still living here despite the fear of collapse. For two weeks, we can't find anything in the market; and if some products are available, they are 10 times their normal price."

A famine risk assessment, carried out by several UN agencies, estimated that almost a third of residents in northern areas could now be facing a "catastrophic" lack of food, though restrictions on accessing the area make real-time measurements very difficult. Families in northern areas are also struggling to find reliable water supplies. "Many of us are now drinking unpotable water. There are no pipes; we have to dig for water," explained Mahmoud Salah in Beit Lahia. Video filmed in the Jabalia neighbourhood north of Gaza City shows residents sitting among the rubble of bombed out streets, digging down into the earth to tap large underground water pipes.

"We get water here once every 15 days," Yusuf al-Ayoti said. "The water is dirty. Our children are inflamed and their teeth are eroded from the dirty water. There is sand in it, and it's very salty." After four months of war, the makeshift solutions for bridging the hunger gaps are wearing thin. And there are few ways to restock Gaza's larder. The territory was reliant on food aid before the war; now much of its agricultural industry has been ruined or abandoned.

New figures from the UN suggest that more than half the agricultural land in the central region of Deir al-Balah has been damaged. This includes an olive press and farmland belonging to Bassem Younis Abu Zayed. "It looks like the aftermath of an earthquake," he said. "The destruction is vast, covering neighbouring buildings and farm animals. Even if we manage to restore the mill, 80-90% of the olives have gone. It's not just a loss for this year, it's a loss for the next several years." Further south, in the border town of Rafah, more than a million people displaced by the fighting elsewhere now jostle for space with the town's 300,000 residents. ...

On Saturday the UN's agency for Palestinian refugees accused Israel of using financial restrictions to block a month's worth of food for more than a million Gazans. UNRWA said more than 1,000 shipping containers from Turkey were being held up in a port, telling the AP news agency that a local contractor was ordered by customs authorities not to process any UNRWA goods. Israel has not responded but on Thursday, far-right finance minister Belazel Smotrich ordered the cancellation of customs and other tax relief for UNRWA.



Paladin1 wrote:

What's stopping food from entering into Gaza from Egypt?

Israel is fucking around with all this food sitting around, just redirect it through Egypt into Gaza. What am I missing?


Genocidal Israeli's are the cause of the delays in the food. Apparently checking for arms shipments in UN truck convoys of humanitarian aid is a job that takes a lot of time.

"There are now only two border crossings into Gaza open, both on the Egyptian side. Lengthy checks on the Gaza side have created bottlenecks as truck drivers patiently endure plummeting temperatures and boredom for days on end as they wait for the green light from the authorities to cross over.

Opening Ashdod port in Israel, roughly 40km from the border with northern Gaza, would enable significantly larger quantities of assistance to be shipped in and trucked directly into the north, which few convoys have managed to reach. But there is no sign of that happening any time soon."



kropotkin1951 wrote:
Opening Ashdod port in Israel, roughly 40km from the border with northern Gaza, would enable significantly larger quantities of assistance to be shipped in and trucked directly into the north, which few convoys have managed to reach. But there is no sign of that happening any time soon."

Jerry wrote
It's worse than the Israeli Ashrod port not being open. The report you are quoting from the World Food Program is dated January 25th. Four days ago, " UNRWA's director, Philippe Lazzarini, said Friday that that a convoy of food donated by Turkey has been sitting for weeks in the Israeli port". So the food meant to feed 1.1 million people for a month is already there in Ashrod, at no cost to the Israelis; they simply are not delivering it, thereby creating famine conditions. Since, as occupying nation, Israel is by Geneva Convention #55 required to feed the occupied people of Gaza, this is genocide.

Israel has imposed financial restrictions on the main UN agency providing aid in the Gaza Strip, a measure which prevented a shipment of food for 1.1 million Palestinians from reaching the war-battered enclave, the agency's director said Friday.
The restrictions deepened a crisis between Israel and UNRWA, whose operations have been threatened following Israeli accusations that some of its workers participated in the Oct. 7 attack that triggered Israel's war in Gaza. Those accusations have led major donor nations, including the U.S., to suspend funding to the UN organization and left its future in question.
UNRWA's director, Philippe Lazzarini, said Friday that that a convoy of food donated by Turkey has been sitting for weeks in the Israeli port city of Ashdod. The agency said that the Israeli contractor they work with received a call from Israeli customs authorities “ordering them not to process any UNRWA goods.”
That stoppage means 1,049 shipping containers of rice, flour, chickpeas, sugar and cooking oil — enough to feed 1.1 million people for one month — are stuck, even as an estimated 25 per cent of families in Gaza face catastrophic hunger.
The World Food Program warned Friday that Gaza could be plunged into famine as early as May. The UN food agency defines a famine as when 30 per cent of children are malnourished, one-fifth of households face acute food shortages and two of every 10,000 people are dying from hunger or malnutrition.



jerrym wrote:

"Under a 2007 agreement between Egypt and Israel, Egypt controls the crossing but imports through the Rafah crossing require Israeli approval." https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rafah_Border_Crossing[/quote]

Thanks there was alot of interesting information there.

It looks like Egypt is fed up wuth Hamas's bullshit but you can also see where Israel is strangling Gaza. Which of course is terrible, but also seems needed for security.


Paladin1 wrote:
jerrym wrote:

"Under a 2007 agreement between Egypt and Israel, Egypt controls the crossing but imports through the Rafah crossing require Israeli approval." https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rafah_Border_Crossing

Thanks there was alot of interesting information there.

It looks like Egypt is fed up wuth Hamas's bullshit but you can also see where Israel is strangling Gaza. Which of course is terrible, but also seems needed for security.[/quote]

Jerry replied
I am not a supporter of Hamas, but the idea of Israel gaining long-term security out of this is nonsense. Unless the Israelis exterminate all the Palestinians, which is the very definition of genocide, what do you think is going happen even if Hamas is suppressed or wiped out? The greatest recruiting tool for Hamas and guerrilla movements in general has been the orphaning and killing of so many Palestinians in the past. If Hamas is somehow eliminated, which even the Israeli army command thinks is extremely unlikely, there will be a successor organization, quite likely even more radical because of what has been done to the Palestinian people. Every movement for independence has counted on an over-reaction of the dominant power to propel further recruitment. Sadly, this is almost certainly is going to mean this will continue for generations. The only way out of this is for the dominant power to display respect and justice to the occupied to create a long-lasting peace.

Remember that the Irish War of Independence from 1916 to 1921 happened 70 years after the Irish Famine of 1845-1853 killed one quarter of the population and caused another quarter of the population to flee the country. This was at a time when more food was leaving the country to feed England and the British army in colonial India than was needed to feed the Irish, thereby feeding an anger that made them ready to seek revenge even after three generations. The result was the Irish War of Independence. Those who had left Ireland and their offspring played a major role in the fight for independence, so you cannot expect that simply expelling Gazans from Gaza will give Israelis security in the long run.

As Henry Kissinger (a hard core Cold Warrior under Nixon if ever there was one who fought guerrilla movements around the world) said, "guerilla decolonization movements win if they don't lose". Every such movement since Michael Collins took on the British Empire that ruled one quarter of the world in an empire where the sun never set a century ago has won their independence in the long run, including those occupying powers that used famine as part of their strategy: Ireland, India, Kenya, Libya, Ethiopia, Algeria where the French killed a million people before giving up, Vietnam where the American war killed millions, Cambodia, Laos, Kenya, South Africa, Mozambique, Angola, etc., etc, typically with the independence movement being accepted as the government by the rest of the world after decades of calling them "terrorists". The one cited exception, which was not an exception at all, was Malaysia, where the British defeated the Communist guerillas only by agreeing to give Malaysia independence within a year.

By the way, Israel itself had two terrorist leaders be elected Prime Minister: Menachem Begin, leader of the Irgun, and Yitzak Shamir, leader of the Stern gang who even murdered the UN representative Folke Bernadotte who drew up a peace deal, and who was a leader of "the 1948 Deir Yassin massacre ... [that] killed at least 107 Palestinian Arab villagers". He also "sought an alliance with Fascist Italyand Nazi Germany during WWII (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yitzhak_Shamir). So Israel is itself quite selective in who it calls a terrorist. The first Israeli government created Gaza by using terror to force Palestinians out of Israel during the Nakba.(https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nakba). Even if Hamas is wiped out, which is highly unlikely although it has been degraded, we have seen that decades and decades of resisting the creation of an independent state only end in failure because that idea will live on and the deaths of many thousands and sometimes millions to stop it will be for nothing. In other words, this war and this famine will be a futile effort, with a totally unnecessary death toll, to stop what is inevitable in the long run.
The only alternative is to exterminate all Palestinians, because, as seen in previous independence struggles, the slaughter of the colonized only creates more people willing to fight for independence. And this alternative is called genocide. Hopefully, the rest of the world will prevent that from happening if Israel and the US continue down that path.
The Gaza War may in the short run save Netanyahu, who is highly unpopular because he allowed Hamas to be funded so he could then say we can't allow a two state solution with the Palestinian Authority since Hamas still exists. But he is keeping this war going to save himself, because all the polls show he would be wiped out in an Israeli election.


Israel Blocks Flour Shipment to Gaza; Siege on Gaza Hospital Intensifies

While the United Nations is warning Gaza is on the brink of famine, Israel’s Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich has admitted he is blocking a U.S.-funded shipment of flour into Gaza despite a promise that Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu personally made to President Biden several weeks ago. Smotrich blocked the flour shipment after learning it would be distributed by the U.N. aid agency UNRWA.
In the city of Khan Younis, the Israeli army has forced hundreds of patients, staff and displaced Palestinians to evacuate Nasser Hospital, which has been under an Israeli siege for weeks. Israeli snipers killed at least three people at the hospital on Tuesday.


"Palestinian sources told Al Jazeera that aid supplies stopped entering through the Rafah land crossing about a week ago"
The evidence for genocide that the Internation Court of Justice (ICJ) must consider keeps piling up.
UNRWA is reporting the outbreak of widespread hepatitis A and diarrohea among the 1.5 million Gazans crammed into Rafah (see article below), a sign of imminent death that has often accompanied many famines. In the vast majority of famines, most people do not literally starve to death. If this is allowed to continue the famine/disease deaths will far outnumber the 28,000 Gazans (a number more than 23 times the number of Israelis who were murdered on October 7th - in other words a totally disproportionate death toll) killed by Israeli bombs and bullets. Most people in a famine do not die of starvation, but die due to disease because of their weakened bodies, especially their immune systems. This causes them to die from the resulting diseases that their weakened bodies can no longer fight off, especially when living in conditions of being crowded together which helps spread disease, living in tents or hovels in the ground because their homes have been bombed in the severe cold of a Middle East winter as in Rafah, with more than five times its normal population. Many of these conditions are similar to what killed one quarter of the Irish population during the Irish Famine of 1845 to 1853 and caused another quarter of the population to flee the country in order to survive. The 1841 census in Ireland showed a population of 8.2 million while the 1861 census found a population of 5.8 million with ongoing outmigration due to the severe living conditions reducing the population to 4.2 million under British imperial rule. (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Historical_population_of_Ireland) The thing is, that unlike the Irish, so far the Gazans have no opportunity to escape by leaving, nor do most them want to because that would produce a second Naqba similar to that of 1947-48 when 700,000 were forced out of Israel by the Israelis, thereby cutting the Palestinian Moslem and Christian population from a 67.2% majority to a minority (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Demographic_history_of_Palestine_(region)). 

UNRWA reports outbreaks of hepatitis A, alarmingly high rates of diarrhoea in Rafah

Thomas White, the Gaza chief of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA), has said the agency has seen alarmingly high rates of diarrhoea, which can be deadly if there is not enough clean water, in addition to outbreaks of hepatitis A.

“These are the result of a million people jammed into a pretty small area without access to sanitation,” White said, adding that the conditions in Rafah were grim.

“Hundreds of thousands of people are digging a hole in the sand adjacent to where they’re living, and that’s where they are defecating,” he said.

As an Israeli invasion of Rafah becomes imminent, White warned of “the reality of having a million people move in the Gaza Strip into areas that are not set up to accommodate them”.

“Many of them will have to leave the shelters they have constructed here [in Rafah],” White said. “We will have hundreds of thousands of people living in the open again.”



It looks like Egypt is fed up with Hamas's bullshit but you can also see where Israel is strangling Gaza. Which of course is terrible, but also seems needed for security.

The ICJ says that it is plausible that Israel is committing genocide and the court gave it specific orders that it so far has ignored. Security concerns do not trump the rights of civilians not to be slaughtered en masse. For the Zionist racists that run Israel this is clearly Nakba 2: The Final Solution.


The next stage in the famine is already occurring with children dying of starvation due to Israel withholding food, which is a war crime and if it continues will be genocide. Maryland Senator Chris Van Hollen stated last night “Kids in Gaza are now dying from the deliberate withholding of food. In addition to the horror of that news, one other thing is true: That is a war crime. It is a textbook war crime. And that makes those who orchestrate it war criminals. … Every one of them [officials at humanitarian relief organizations] has stated that their organizations have never experienced a humanitarian disaster as dire and terrible as the world is witnessing in Gaza .” 

Jewish American Thomas Friedman wrote yesterday: "If Israel destroys Hamas, and then decides to permanently occupy Gaza and the West Bank, rejecting any form of Palestinian statehood, Israel will become a global pariah for the next generation ".

Late last night, Democratic Senator Chris Van Hollen gave a remarkable speech on the Senate floor, condemning the government of Benjamin Netanyahu for deliberately blocking aid to civilians in Gaza. Van Hollen said:  “Kids in Gaza are now dying from the deliberate withholding of food. In addition to the horror of that news, one other thing is true: That is a war crime. It is a textbook war crime. And that makes those who orchestrate it war criminals. … Every one of them [officials at humanitarian relief organizations] has stated that their organizations have never experienced a humanitarian disaster as dire and terrible as the world is witnessing in Gaza.”

Let’s be clear. To take a clear moral stand against Netanyahu is not to be pro-Hamas or anti-Israeli or anti-Zionist or antisemitic.  It’s to be pro-human rights. 

I’m (Robert Reich) Jewish. I detest Hamas and what it stands for. I know what it’s like to have members of one’s family brazenly murdered because of their beliefs and ethnicity.  Which is one reason why I take social justice and human rights so seriously. And why I, like tens of millions of others in America and around the world, am committed to a ceasefire in — and humanitarian aid to — Gaza.  And why I’m also in favor of a Palestinian state. 

As Thomas Friedman wrote yesterday: If Israel destroys Hamas, and then decides to permanently occupy Gaza and the West Bank, rejecting any form of Palestinian statehood, Israel will become a global pariah for the next generation, and particularly in the Arab world. This will force Israel’s Arab allies to distance themselves from the Jewish state. And if Israel remains in perpetual conflict with the Palestinians, the entire architecture of America’s Middle East strategy — particularly the crosscutting peace treaties that we’ve forged between Israel and Egypt, Jordan and the Gulf nations — will come under pressure, complicating our ability to operate in the region and opening it to much more influence by Russia and China. Given the deaths of so many thousands of Gazan civilians, the U.S. is already having some difficulty using its military bases in Arab countries to counter Iran’s malign network of Hamas, Hezbollah, the Houthis and Shiites militias in Iraq. ....

Why isn’t Biden speaking out more forcefully against Netanyahu’s government — condemning war crimes and crimes against humanity, and threatening to withhold any further aid if Netanyahu continues his rampage? Why aren’t officials at the State Department enforcing the part of the Foreign Assistance Act that blocks security assistance to countries that hinder the delivery of U.S. humanitarian aid?  Why did a majority of senators vote last night to send some $14 billion to Israel — including almost $10 billion in humanitarian aid to Gaza that won’t help anyone there if Netanyahu won’t let the money in?



UNRWA chief Phillipe Lazzarini has said that the aid agency will enter negative cashflow in March unless funding for the organisation is resumed.

Lazzarini: UNRWA will enter negative cashflow in March

UNRWA chief Phillipe Lazzarini has said that the aid agency will enter negative cashflow in March unless funding for the organisation is resumed.

"We will hit a negative cashflow as from March, and then it will be accelerated in April unless this frozen contribution is unlocked" he told Ireland's RTE.


ETA: With Turkey bringing the extreme nature of the Gazan famine to the UN Security Council, no nation blocking UNRWA can claim it didn't not fully understand the extent of famine in Gaza as 15 Western nations continue to refuse to fund the one agency that twenty other relief agencies all say is the only capable of distributing food to the Gazans in sufficient quantities to keep many thousands of Gazans from starving to death, even though these other relief agencies are being offered money to do the relief work instead. On CBC News Network's Power and Politics, Danny Glenwright Executive Director and President of Save the Children Canada, said that "80% of aid in Gaza is provided by UNRWA. Simply put, no other organization, inlcuding ourselves, can do that job." Yesterday, Turkey’s UN envoy, Sedat Önal, warns of rising risk of Gaza famine at the UN Security Council in emphasizing the humanitarian crisis there is worsening day to day: "2.2 million people in Gaza live in a state of crisis under relentless bombardment, without sufficient humanitarian aid. "On top of that, some donors have suspended funding to UNRWA, the backbone of the humanitarian response in Gaza. The risk of famine in Gaza is alarming." Cutting the funding of UNRWA by Canada, the US Britain and Germany, and 13 other Western nations is playing a major role in increasing the famine.
This also raises the question of whether Turkey will be willing to aid in getting Russia and Ukraine to agree to allow each other's grain shipments through the Black Sea, as it has repeatedly done in the past, for humanitarian reasons to feed the rest of world when it sees the West's failure to deal with the famine in Gaza.

The humanitarian situation in the Gaza Strip is worsening day by day, Türkiye's permanent representative to the U.N. said Tuesday as he warned of a rising risk of famine amid Israeli attacks. Sedat Önal told a meeting of the U.N. Security Council on the maintenance of international peace and security that "2.2 million people in Gaza live in a state of crisis under relentless bombardment, without sufficient humanitarian aid." "On top of that, some donors have suspended funding to UNRWA, the backbone of the humanitarian response in Gaza. The risk of famine in Gaza is alarming," he said.

The main United Nations agency providing aid to Palestinians in Gaza is facing growing administrative hurdles from Israel, with a Turkish shipment amounting to a month's supply of food blocked at an Israeli port, the agency's chief said earlier this week.

Several Western countries, including the two largest donors, the United States and Germany, temporarily suspended payments to the UNRWA after Israel has accused a dozen of its employees of being involved in the attack mounted by the Palestinian resistance group Hamas on Oct. 7. The UNRWA has dismissed staff accused of involvement in the attack and launched an investigation. I also wonder how much help Turkey will give to the West in dealing with the Ukraine crisis, as it did in the past, in helping to get Ukraine and Russia to allow grain shipments out of the Black Sea to feed people elsewhere, while it watches famine growing in Gaza.

Türkiye too said the suspension of funding primarily harmed Palestinian civilians and urged the nations to reconsider their move. In the fifth month of the conflict, Önal said the council is still unable to stop the manmade catastrophe. "As we speak, a new episode of this tragedy is underway in Rafah in southern Gaza, in spite of the warnings of the international community. The council needs to take heed of the global outcry on Gaza," he added, stressing the expectation from the council is clear to ensure an immediate cease-fire, unhindered humanitarian assistance and to prevent forced displacement of people. "Türkiye will continue to be actively engaged in all international efforts toward achieving peace, combating climate change and alleviating global food insecurity," Önal said.

Israel has pounded the Gaza Strip since an Oct. 7 attack by the Palestinian group Hamas, killing at least 28,473 people and injuring 68,146 others, while nearly 1,200 Israelis are believed to have been killed in the Hamas attack. The Israeli war on Gaza has pushed 85% of the territory's population into internal displacement amid acute shortages of food, clean water and medicine, while 60% of the enclave's infrastructure has been damaged or destroyed, according to the U.N.

Türkiye is among the countries delivering relief to besieged Gaza. With the efforts of Ankara and Turkish nonprofit groups, tons of humanitarian aid was delivered to the Palestinian enclave and more is on the way. Türkiye also evacuated injured Palestinians and cancer patients from Gaza for treatment.



RE: Jerry's comments on Post 76 -- This is very well said, and something I wish supporters of Israel's security and "right to self defense" would take seriously.   How to get to a just peace and lasting resolution, and what would constitute one, are also serious problems I don't see an answer for.  We have activism, BDS and personal/professional boycotts, all of which will are increasingly opposed, criminalized and surpressed by elite political power.   Feels inadequate in times like these.

"I am not a supporter of Hamas, but the idea of Israel gaining long-term security out of this is nonsense. Unless the Israelis exterminate all the Palestinians, which is the very definition of genocide, what do you think is going happen even if Hamas is suppressed or wiped out? The greatest recruiting tool for Hamas and guerrilla movements in general has been the orphaning and killing of so many Palestinians in the past. If Hamas is somehow eliminated, which even the Israeli army command thinks is extremely unlikely, there will be a successor organization, quite likely even more radical because of what has been done to the Palestinian people. Every movement for independence has counted on an over-reaction of the dominant power to propel further recruitment. Sadly, this is almost certainly is going to mean this will continue for generations. The only way out of this is for the dominant power to display respect and justice to the occupied to create a long-lasting peace."   ...

"Even if Hamas is wiped out, which is highly unlikely although it has been degraded, we have seen that decades and decades of resisting the creation of an independent state only end in failure because that idea will live on and the deaths of many thousands and sometimes millions to stop it will be for nothing. In other words, this war and this famine will be a futile effort, with a totally unnecessary death toll, to stop what is inevitable in the long run.
The only alternative is to exterminate all Palestinians, because, as seen in previous independence struggles, the slaughter of the colonized only creates more people willing to fight for independence. And this alternative is called genocide. Hopefully, the rest of the world will prevent that from happening if Israel and the US continue down that path."


Thanks Mobo2000.


As the evidence of slaughter of civilians and famine piles up, Canadian opinion on the Gazan war has shifted in favour of the Gazans. On the issue of genocide which is closely tied to the rapidly growing famine in Gaza, 41% of Canadians now believe Israel is now committing genocide in Gaza while 32% believe Israel is not committing genocide and 27% are unsure or can't say. Even 20% of Conservative supporters believe Israel is committing genocide while 55% do not. Among Liberals 41% believe the Israel is committing genocide while 28% do not. Among NDP supporters 68% believe Israel is commiting genocide while 14% do not believe this.  The rest in all parties are unsure whether genocide is occurring. 

Allegations of genocide

South Africa made international news recently when it formally alleged that Israel is committing genocide against the Palestinian population in Gaza in the United Nations’ International Court of Justice. The text of the submission notes that:

“…acts and omissions” by Israel “are genocidal in character because they are intended to bring about the destruction of a substantial part of the Palestinian national, racial and ethnical group”. – BBC


The ICJ released a preliminary ruling that Israel must take measures to “prevent and punish direct incitement of genocide” in the conflict. Israel rejected the ruling, arguing that it has the right to defend itself after the Hamas attacks on Oct. 7 started the war and that Hamas is using civilians as human shields. Israel asserted that it does everything it can to avoid the killing of civilians during its military actions.

Asked for their own views of this, a plurality of Canadians (41%) believe Israel is committing genocide against Palestinians, while one-in-three (32%) disagree. Notably, those who are following the events most closely are divided evenly on this issue:

A majority (55%) of 2021 CPC voters say Israel is not committing a genocide against Palestinians. A plurality (44%) of past Liberal voters and an overwhelming majority (68%) of NDP voters disagree:



Mobo2000 wrote:

"Even if Hamas is wiped out, which is highly unlikely although it has been degraded, we have seen that decades and decades of resisting the creation of an independent state only end in failure because that idea will live on and the deaths of many thousands and sometimes millions to stop it will be for nothing. In other words, this war and this famine will be a futile effort, with a totally unnecessary death toll, to stop what is inevitable in the long run.
The only alternative is to exterminate all Palestinians, because, as seen in previous independence struggles, the slaughter of the colonized only creates more people willing to fight for independence. And this alternative is called genocide. Hopefully, the rest of the world will prevent that from happening if Israel and the US continue down that path."

Serious question, what would it take Hamas to stop attacking Israel?

If Israel allowed the borders between Egypt and Gaza to open, and the West Bank and Jordan to open, and Israel returned every single prisoner, would Hamas stop attacking Israel?

Hamas has been very clear about their goals; they want to destroy Israel.

Will Hamas settle for anything less than everything from the river to the sea belonging to Palestine and Israel is moved up to Greenland or something?

In most if not all of the discussions on this forum the question of what about Hamas is completely ignored.

Plan A, a two state solution doesn't look like it will work. Plan B is to wipe out Palestine. Plan C is to wipe out Israel. Is there a plan D?


Netanyahu rejects Qatari request conveyed by head of CIA to increase humanitarian aid to Gaza Strip: Israel's Channel 12



Liberal Parliamentary Foreign Affairs Secretary Rob Oliphant in a taped private phone conservation attacked his own Liberal government's policy on the Gazan War saying that aid to UNRWA should not have been cut off because it is the only agency capable of handling the masive food and medicine requirements capable of dealing with the famine in Gaza. He is also deeply concerned about the South Africand genocide case before the International Court of Justice. As a result of his difference with Trudeau he said has considered quitting his job. On the phone, Oliphant said "When I read that we were pausing money to UNRWA — I'm going to be very clear — it was political. And I don't just mean domestic politics. It has to do with our allies. "  He went on to note that even if 12 or 13 of 12,000 UNRWA workers were involved in the October 7th attack on Israel, this was no reason to cut off funding the one organization that can prevent a famine. Oliphant went on to say "I will defend UNRWA forever. Their work in Lebanon, their work in Jordan, I've been there, I've been to the refugee camps."

"The Trudeau government cut off UNRWA on January 26 — the same day the ICJ found there were grounds to proceed with a genocide trial against IsraelIn response to South Africa's allegation that Israel was using starvation as a weapon against Gaza's civilian population, the court ordered that "the State of Israel shall take immediate and effective measures to enable the provision of urgently needed basic services and humanitarian assistance to address the adverse conditions of life faced by Palestinians in the Gaza Strip. That ruling is binding on all countries that signed the Genocide Convention, including Canada. Israel said it would provide intelligence to back up its allegation against UNRWA but has yet to do soThe funding suspension has continued and hundreds of thousands of Gazans have fallen into severe hunger." To me, it stinks to high heaven that this Israeli accusation and the Western support for this charge, which has yet to be substantiated against the 12 or 13, never mind UNRWA's, occurred the day  the ICJ announced its finding of "plausible genocide", thereby providing Western governments and media a distraction from the ICJ accusation of plausible genocide, which would involve even more deaths through famine than by bombing. Canada and 14 other countries immediately cut off funding in what appeared to be a very coordinated plan rather than each country examining the evidence separately and coming to its own conclusion over time. 

A leaked recording of a phone call between a Liberal MP and a constituent suggests the depth of the divisions in the government caucus over Prime Minister Justin Trudeau's handling of the war in Gaza, the genocide case against Israel and the decision to defund a UN relief agency in the middle of a famine. As parliamentary secretary to Foreign Affairs Minister Mélanie Joly, Rob Oliphant has the job of explaining and defending Canada's foreign policy in Parliament. But in his conversation with the constituent, recorded on Feb. 1 without the MP's knowledge, Oliphant was clearly less than keen to defend the government. Instead, he opened up about his reaction to the genocide allegation brought against Israel at the International Court of Justice (ICJ) in The Hague and Canada's decision to defund the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA), the main UN agency providing aid to Palestinian refugees.

He also revealed that he's considered quitting his job as Joly's parliamentary secretary. "I've come many times thinking, 'Do I quit that job? Do I just go back to being an MP?'" Oliphant said on the call. ...

When contacted by CBC News, Oliphant said the conversation was with a constituent who was in pain over the crisis in Gaza and he'd hoped it would remain private. He also said he made no statements in that exchange that he would not be willing to defend in public. 

"When I read that we were pausing money to UNRWA — I'm going to be very clear — it was political. And I don't just mean domestic politics. It has to do with our allies," Oliphant told his constituent. "I thought it was the wrong decision."

Canada was the second country in the world to suspend its funding for UNRWA, following the United States. It did so in response to an Israeli claim that 12 or 13 UNRWA staff had participated in various capacities in the Oct. 7 attack on Israel. ...

The Trudeau government cut off UNRWA on January 26 — the same day the ICJ found there were grounds to proceed with a genocide trial against Israel

In response to South Africa's allegation that Israel was using starvation as a weapon against Gaza's civilian population, the court ordered that "the State of Israel shall take immediate and effective measures to enable the provision of urgently needed basic services and humanitarian assistance to address the adverse conditions of life faced by Palestinians in the Gaza Strip." That ruling is binding on all countries that signed the Genocide Convention, including Canada. Israel said it would provide intelligence to back up its allegation against UNRWA but has yet to do so. The funding suspension has continued and hundreds of thousands of Gazans have fallen into severe hunger."

Oliphant said on the call that, even if the Israeli allegation is true, he doesn't agree with the Trudeau government's response. "You don't stop aid to Gaza because of 12 or 13 employees out of 13,000. It drives me crazy," he said. "It is opportunistic, it is unfair, and it is maligning the operation of a UN organization that is doing, not perfect work — there's no organization that's made of human beings that's perfect, UNRWA has its faults. But it is the best we have for education, for medical care, for food, all of those things." Oliphant, who is both a member of Parliament and a minister of the United Church, added that if the government was determined to cut UNRWA off, it should have found ways to redirect the aid flow immediately. 

"I would have done it completely differently. I would have immediately said exactly the same money will flow to humanitarian assistance, we'll just find other ways to do it temporarily," he said. "Our government bungled that and we should have announced it the same day. All that money and more needs to go to Gaza for instantaneous humanitarian aid. We have half a million people at starvation levels. We're going to have cholera. We're going to have all kinds of things in Gaza. We need an immediate ceasefire."

"I will defend UNRWA forever. Their work in Lebanon, their work in Jordan, I've been there, I've been to the refugee camps," he said. "I've examined the curriculum that people have gone crazy about, saying it's antisemitic. I don't believe it is. I think UNRWA is maligned every day."



I'm not sure if this was posted or not but it's awesome.

Jordan's King Abdullah participates in Gaza aid airdrop

I'm not sure the logistics of it (flight path and so on) but they should ramp this up 1000%. Israel starving kids is just gruesome.


Serious question, what would it take Hamas to stop attacking Israel?

Ending the occupation.


kropotkin1951 wrote:

Ending the occupation.

What does that look like? Gaza and The West Bank have open borders with their neighbours?

What happens if Israel ends the occupation, borders open up, and Hamas continues to shoot rockets at Israel? Does Israel sit back and take it?


More than 30 of UNRWA's employees actively participated in October 7


Defense Minister Yoav Gallant announced on Friday the details of 12 UNRWA employees who are members of Hamas and participated in the October 7 massacre.

Gallant told reporters that Israel has intelligence that more than 30 of the organization's employees actively participated in the murder spree, assisting in the kidnapping of civilians and soldiers.

He presented data, according to which 12% of the 13,000 UNRWA employees are connected to terrorist organizations in Gaza, and 1,468 of the employees are even active in them.



I'm convinced.  LOL.  Gallant who called for genocide.  Israel considers all opposition to be terrorist and has longed to get rid of the UNRWA for decades.  


The Israeli's lie and embellish and have a great propaganda machine. Smearing the Red Crescent is just about as low and vile as a racist genocidal regime can get.


kropotkin1951 wrote:
Smearing the Red Crescent is just about as low and vile as a racist genocidal regime can get.

Out right murdering people seems pretty bad too.


Paladin1 wrote:
kropotkin1951 wrote:
Smearing the Red Crescent is just about as low and vile as a racist genocidal regime can get.

Out right murdering people seems pretty bad too.
The fact that they kill innocent civilians is a given since they are genocidal. What is exceptionally vile is that they also then defame people trying to take care of their victims.


Paladin wrote:

What happens if Israel ends the occupation, borders open up, and Hamas continues to shoot rockets at Israel? Does Israel sit back and take it?



Before 1967 the West Bank of Jordan and the Gaza Strip were not part of Israel and there was even more violence against Israel than there is now. This shows the occupation is only a symptom of Arabs not wanting Israel to exist.


Bombs, Disease, Starvation: A Canadian Doctor Describes the Desperate Situation Inside Gaza as the Famine gets Worse (the url belows includes a  video of the doctor describing the horror goin on in Gaza)

"As Israel continues to threaten to invade Rafah, where over a million Palestinians have sought refuge, we speak to a surgeon who recently returned from a humanitarian mission at the European Hospital in Khan Younis in Gaza. "What I saw in Khan Younis were the most horrific scenes in my entire life," says Canadian ophthalmologist Dr. Yasser Khan. He describes the dire conditions of injured civilians in Gaza, the majority of whom are children. "The genocidal intent of Israeli politicians, the Israeli army, is really clear. What is really bizarre is that they haven't hid it," says Khan. "The killing machine that Israel has unleashed on the healthcare system, I think, is unprecedented. … If the bombings are not going to get you, then disease will surely get you." "




The famine is getting worse every day as the url below testifies.

"As the war with Israel rages on, desperation is growing in Gaza where people don't have enough to eat. The situation there is so dire that any aid trucks are mobbed, and some people are even eating animal feed to survive. As famine looms, why aren't Gazans getting enough aid? NBC News' Molly Hunter reports."



The video at the url below examines how starvation and famine is being used as a weapon of war in Gaza.

The United Nations is warning that hundreds of thousands of people in Gaza are on the brink of starvation.
Acute levels of hunger are facing around 2 million Palestinians, after many of them lost their homes and livelihoods.
Desperate people, unable to feed themselves or their children, are living in famine-like conditions, some resorting to eating animal feed and weeds to survive.
Is the strangling of food, medicine and other humanitarian supplies being used as collective punishment by the Israeli government?



Now people in Gaza are so hungry that they are eating weeds in order to survive. However, the Israelis continue to block most food shipments while also bombing Rafah, the place the Israelis told the Gazans to go for safety, after telling them the same things numerous times before.  The url below shows the grim reality the Gazans face as starvation worsens. 

Palestinians are being forced to eat weeds and leaves to stay alive in Gaza. The UN says Gaza is on the brink of famine and millions are at risk of starving.

