2023/24 Hamas / Iran / Palestine - Israel war

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kropotkin1951 wrote:

Hamas was a creation of the Israeli government. Maybe they should have just tried to make peace with Fatah but instead they created a monster and the blow back is killing civilians from both communities.

Hamas is the elected government of Gaza. Israelis didn’t elect Hamas. Gazans elected Hamas as their government. Have Palestinians supported many anti-Hamas demonstrations? It seems like very many Arabs and Palestinian Arabs have supported Hamas’s terrorist attacks against Israel.


The Wise and Brilliant Israel Apologist...



JKR wrote:
kropotkin1951 wrote:

Hamas was a creation of the Israeli government. Maybe they should have just tried to make peace with Fatah but instead they created a monster and the blow back is killing civilians from both communities.

Hamas is the elected government of Gaza. Israelis didn’t elect Hamas. Gazans elected Hamas as their government. Have Palestinians supported many anti-Hamas demonstrations? It seems like very many Arabs and Palestinian Arabs have supported Hamas’s terrorist attacks against Israel.

The Israelis elected Benjamin Netanyahu and his racist Likud party. Clearly the people on both sides are electing haters. I have watched many videos and not once have I seen any Arab or Palestinian Arab support the terrorist attacks. When the facts are against any right winger they just start making it up.

Here is what you support with your unconditional support for Israeli religious fanatics who believe a mythical god gave them Palestine as a birth right.



kropotkin1951 wrote:

Clearly the people on both sides are electing haters. I have watched many videos and not

That’s true. Hopefully both sides will elect much better political representatives.


The Israeli Ministry of Intelligence is recommending the forcible and permanent transfer of the Gaza Strip’s 2.2 million Palestinian residents to Egypt’s Sinai Peninsula, according to an official document revealed in full for the first time by +972’s partner site Local Call yesterday.



Bolivia reportedly breaks diplomatic relations with Israel.



Israel must stop this bombing. This is collective punishment & war crimes. Children account for 2 out of every 5 civilian deaths in Gaza, plus 1000 trapped under rubble. One child is killed every 10 minutes. ENOUGH.



The entire western world condemned Saudi Arabia for the murder of one journalist, Jamal Khashoggi. Israel, with our support, has already killed at least 36 journalists in Gaza.



Israeli PM says no halt to fighting in Gaza until Hamas returns hostages; The Guardian; November 3, 2023

Israel will continue its offensive in Gaza “with full force” and will refuse any temporary ceasefire that does not include the release of more than 240 hostages held by Hamas, Benjamin Netanyahu has said, rejecting US calls for a pause in the fighting.



How many thousands of Palestinian hostages, children, women and men without charge, does Israel currently hold? Credible reports say torture of these is now rampant, incidentally. And given the intensity of the carpet bombing of Gaza, how many of the Oct 7 hostages are likely to even be alive at this rate? Of course it goes without saying their deaths will be blamed on Hamas, who has offered negotiations with Israel on their release several times already. Israel has thus far refused these offers.


The government of Gaza, Hamas, should immediately release the civilians they have taken hostage, especially the babies, toddlers, and children they have taken hostage and their parents and the elderly.


Biden’s Democratic Party is fracturing over the war.



20,000 Palestinians have been killed in Israel's aerial bombardment and ground campaign on Gaza, the Israeli newspaper Yediot Ahronot reported, citing an unnamed senior Israeli security official.



What happens to Gaza the day after the war ends?; by Patrick Wintour; Diplomatic editor The Guardian; November 5, 2023

When Antony Blinken arrived in the Middle East on his most recent visit, one of the US secretary of state’s aims was to lift some of the fog over what happens to Gaza in the war’s aftermath, but he is meeting resistance both from Israel and Arab states.

Jordan’s foreign minister, Ayman Safadi, said on Saturday at a press conference alongside Blinken: “What happens next? How can we even entertain what will happen in Gazawhen we do not know what kind of Gaza will be left after this war is done? Are we going to be talking about a wasteland? Are we going to be talking about a whole population reduced to refugees? Simply, we do not know – we do not have all the variables to even start thinking about that.”

The tentative US proposal is for a reformed Palestinian Authority, dominated by the secularist Fatah, which administers the West Bank, to come back to Gaza. But this is rejected by Israel’s right.

For instance, the Israeli finance minister, Bezalel Smotrich, in a weekend interview on Israel’s Channel 12, rejected US advice to leave Gaza once the war ends. He said: “The day after, the most important thing is that there will be no Hamas in Gaza, and there will be operational control by the Israel Defence Forces for years.” He added: “It’s not like we’re going to destroy Hamas and another body will come along.”

Equally, Prof Jacob Nagel, a former national security adviser to the Israeli prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, has insisted Israel cannot risk relinquishing security control of Gaza. “No matter which entity will take responsibility for Gaza’s civil affairs, Israel will be the full security authority. The entirety of the Gaza Strip, especially Gaza City, will be demilitarised and will not contain tunnels, weapons or the ability to produce weapons.

“All goods that enter Gaza will be completely monitored by Israel, and Israeli security forces will be able to enter Gaza anytime, anywhere, to ensure the removal of any potential threat to Israel.”

Even though Hamas and Fatah have different stances on Israel’s future – Hamas advocates Israel’s destruction – Israel sees little distinction between the two groups, pointing to statements made by Fatah political bureau members welcoming the 7 October attacks by Hamas that has left 1,400 Israelis dead.

Fatah was pushed out of Gaza by Hamas in 2007 in a bloody battle after losing legislative elections in 2006. Israel unilaterally left Gaza in 2005.

Blinken told a US Senate hearing last week that it would “make the most sense” for an “effective and revitalised Palestinian Authority to have governance and ultimately security responsibility for Gaza”. But he added: “If we cannot do that, there are other temporary arrangements that may include a number of other countries in the region. It may include international agencies that help provide security and governance.”

At a briefing on Saturday a senior White House official showed the US determination to make the Palestinian Authority its partner for peace, saying that steps must be taken to increase its authority, including ending Israel’s withholding of funding for it. “Hamas is the enemy of the Palestinian Authority – that is our opinion,” the official said.

In a recent interview with the Guardian, the Palestinian Authority’s prime minister, Mohammad Shtayyeh, ruled out going into Gaza to replace Hamas without a comprehensive agreement that includes the West Bank and the birth of a Palestinian state.

Fatah fears that if it took over Gaza without a clear political horizon it would be seen as complicit in Israeli and US violence, once again being seen as Israel’s security sub-contractor.

Brian Katulis, from the Middle East Institute, has suggested that some of the exercises for constructing a “day after” regional security partnership to go into Gaza “sound like fantasy land because currently Arab states simply do not see eye to eye with America due to its support for the way the war is being conducted”.

The eventual realistic options available to the international community for the future governance of Gaza will depend in part on how Israeli politics responds to its trauma. Polls have shown personal support for Netanyahu draining away, with the main split over whether he should resign immediately or later. A poll by the Lazar Institute for the Israeli daily Maariv this week found support for Benny Gantz, the former army chief co-opted into an emergency war cabinet, on 49%, and Netanyahu on 27%.

If Israeli politics did go through a step-change, some of the options for an interim multinational force in Gaza become more feasible.

The respected former Egyptian ambassador Abderahman Salaheldin for instance has proposed a multinational force could enter Gaza to collect all weapons held by all Palestinian factions there. “The mission of this force will be for a transitional period of two years until a Palestinian police force from the Gaza Strip is formed, trained and equipped to assume the tasks of maintaining security,” he said. That mission may try to have the authority of a UN security council resolution, but that would require UN unanimity.

But Israel, with its hostility to the United Nations, would oppose any UN-led peacekeeping force, leaving a more realistic option of an ad hoc multinational force. This could either have an Arab component or something similar to the Multinational Force and Observers peacekeeping body that supervises the implementation of the security provisions of the 1979 Egyptian-Israeli peace treaty. None of the 13 participating nations in MFO are from the region.

Arab states may be willing again to pay for the cost of Gaza’s reconstruction, but not go as far as to put troops on the ground to police radicalised and shattered Palestinians.

The French president, Emmanuel Macron, has suggested expanding the role of the existing anti-Islamic State coalition, but that has so far found few takers.

In parallel with setting up an interim administration in Gaza, the US is once again cranking up talk of a long-term solution based around two states living side by side.

Spain has offered to hold a successor to the Madrid conference of 1991 that led to the Oslo accords. The Arab League wants a decisive role. The UAE, Qatar and Saudi Arabia will not raise the billions required to rebuild Gaza yet again unless there is serious commitment to a political settlement.

All this assumes that the US can meet its objective of Israel destroying Hamas at a morally and diplomatically acceptable price.

Gina Abercrombie-Winstanley, a former US state department official with long Middle East experience, told a Middle East Institute seminar last week that Israel may yet find this military solution elusive. “The tough questions are getting louder now. What does success look like? Although we have the phrase eradicating Hamas, most of us do not believe that is possible.”


Ram Ben Barak, former deputy director of Mossad on Israeli plans to forcefully displace Gazans: 'There are 2.5m Gazans...each country takes 25 thousand.'


"White European colonizer saying Palestinians should be 'distributed' and scattered around the world...If Canada is so nice, pack your bags then! Who the hell are you to decide the fate of people who've been living in the Levant for millenia?"

President Raesi: War Against Hamas Amounts to War on Democracy


"Iran's President Ebrahim Raesi has highlighted the role played by Hamas in the Gaza Strip as the territory's legitimate government, saying the war against the Palestinian resistance movment is tantamount to waging war on democracy.."

Israeli Attacks in Gaza 'War Crimes Tantamount to Genocide' Jewish Activist


"...Rabbi David Mivasair, a prominent Jewish activist based in Ontario, said 'he condemns Zionism as a political movment.' Speaking to the Press TV website, he said the world 'must boycott and prosecute' Israel for its 'ongoing crimes against humanity."

Michael Moriarity

Here's an interesting 6 minute video by Mehdi Hasan. It's 5 years old, but it lays out very clearly some currently relevant facts. In particular, Hamas is a creation of Israel, intended to be a rival for the secular Fatah party of Yasser Arafat. The Israeli government provided permissions, funding, and other assistance to Hamas from the late 1970s to the early aughts. The video is entitled "Blowback", and that is exactly what has been happening the last month.


Israel-Hamas war: IDF kills Hamas commander who played key role in Oct. 7 attacks

The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) announced that they have killed a commander of a Hamas battalion as of Tuesday morning.

"The IDF eliminated Wael Asefa, Commander of Hamas' Deir al-Batah Battalion," the IDF announced on X, formerly known as Twitter. His elimination marks a significant development in the ongoing conflict.

Officials say Asefa was responsible for sending terrorists into Israel on October 7. He reportedly planned additional attacks after the events of that day, which coincided with the Jewish holiday of Simchat Torah.

"Asefa aided in the dispatch of thousands of terrorists to assault, abduct and murder Israeli civilians on October 7th," the post added.

In the graphic posted to X, the IDF said that Asefa was imprisoned from 1992 to 1998 for various terrorist attacks against Israeli citizens. He was reportedly involved in "the incitement and promotion of terrorist attacks against Israeli civilians and IDF soldiers for decades."

Posted by Andrea Vacchiano


An inside look at Israel’s mission to find and destroy Hamas’ vast tunnel network in northern Gaza

“We’re in big operation to seize as many tunnels as we can, to investigate them and obviously to terminate them,” he told NBC News. “The tunnels are underneath hospitals, everything. We see that they’re under schools, under mosques.”

Gonen said the tunnel on his soldier’s screen was just few yards away, in the backyard of the civilian house. Israeli forces had found it just a few hours before and had dropped a camera down its 15-meter shaft (about 50 feet) to see what was below.

The search for the tunnel had been spurred by an ambush on Friday. 

“We got attacked by a few terrorists that came from this tunnel,” said Maj. Maayan Mulla. “They came out, start shooting on us, and they run back. So we searched the area and we found the tunnel.”

Sketching a diagram in the dust, Mulla said the tunnels ran both east to west and north to south. The main prizes for his combat engineering unit were the larger, central tunnels, from which smaller ones shoot off.

The tunnel network is not only a highway for Hamas fighters to travel the Strip without exposing themselves to Israeli air power. They are also a hiding place for the group’s leaders and, Israeli officials say, where the hostages are likely being held.

Mulla said that as his troops explored the tunnels, they had not yet foundany sign of the hostages. “They keep them in the center,” he said. “Not up here. That’s for sure that we didn’t find them.”

The fate of the hostages weighs heavily on Israeli troops as they advance. “Everyone in Israel knows someone who was killed or kidnapped,” said one junior soldier sitting on the side of an armored personnel carrier. “Return the hostages,” read the Hebrew graffiti spray-painted onto the side of a partially destroyed chalet.


Ongoing ethnic cleansing

Israeli Army Shares Footage of Hundreds of Gazans Forced to Relocate – Palestinians Walk Either with Their Arms Up or Waving White Flags



Abed Alrahman is the owner of the best pizza place in #Gaza: Italiano.

He opened the restaurant after spending years trying to find a job in his domain, as he holds an engineering degree from Spain.

Israel murdered him and his family while they were sheltering at the restaurant



Israel refuses to discuss the trade of hostages. Of course it would be an imbalanced trade in numbers since the IDF is holding thousands of men, women and children in hell hole prisons with no due process since Israel is a police state. The raid and hostage taking did not happen in a vacuum. Desperate people often do despicable things when fighting against their oppressors, it is the nature of occupation.


Sabrina Maddeaux: I watched Hamas hack innocents to death. The worst part was their glee

Screened footage showed literal streams of blood, hacked off arms and legs, and an infant missing part of its skull, brain leaking out

Over the span of 43 minutes, I watched 138 humans be murdered or witnessed their corpses, many brutalized beyond recognition and others clearly tortured, in the direct aftermath of Hamas’ Oct. 7 terrorist attacks on Israel.

That’s 3.2 bodies per minute— and less than 10 per cent of the more than 1,400 people killed that day.

The Consulate of Israel in Toronto screened the footage, taken from a mix of body cameras, dashboard cams, CCTV tapes, and victims’ cell phones, some used by Hamas to record and livestream their sadism, for a small group of media on Monday. Not everyone made it through the full 43 minutes, with others moved to tears and outbursts of emotion.

There were babies. Toddlers. So many children of all ages. Young men and women dressed for a music festival, not the wanton slaughter that saw their bloodied bodies piled atop one another in scenes reminiscent of some of the Holocaust’s worst images.

Parents. The elderly. A dad who, attempting to hide from Hamas attackers with his sons, all three of them still in their underwear, was blown up by a grenade in front of his children. The two young boys, covered in blood, crying, throwing themselves on the ground in grief, as a Hamas gunman raids the family’s fridge and takes a swig of soda. One of the sons’ panicked voice as he realizes he can no longer see out of one eye.

The man’s wife as kibbutz security bring her to identify her husband’s remains. The moment she literally collapses and has to be dragged away from the scene, thrashing wildly, her legs folding under her like every bone had simply vanished from her body.

A family attempting to decipher whether the burned remains in front of them, skirt hiked up above bare genitals, is the loved one they’re looking for.

The literal streams of blood, the hacked off arms and legs, the infant missing part of its skull, brain leaking out. The dog shot over and over again as its limbs splay in every direction until they don’t anymore. Mickey mouse pyjamas on a young corpse, skull fragments on floors, victims shot point blank. So much blood.

But none of what I’ve detailed so far was the worst part of those 43 minutes. The worst part was the glee.

The pure jubilation of Hamas terrorists as they filmed themselves killing and torturing; their excited voices bragging about their atrocities. The videos of them playing with victims’ heads with their feet, and excitedly shooting out the tires of a kibbutz’s ambulance before massacring its residents.

I’ll never forget the gore, but it’s the look of euphoria and pride in the terrorists’ eyes, cheering for the cameras as if they were the ones partying at a music festival that day, that will haunt me.

In the videos, Hamas attackers did not behave as soldiers or freedom fighters. They hunted their victims in their homes like serial killers in a horror film, peering through blinds, slashing through screen doors with knives, following families wherever they tried to run or hide. If they couldn’t find them, they’d use lighters to make sure fire did. They toyed with their victims’ lifeless bodies. They kept trophies, both physical and digital.

It’s unimaginable that anyone could watch this and still equate what happened on Oct. 7 to resistance or war. I’ve seen war footage; this was not that. These were terrorist attacks targeted at civilians and mass shootings of innocents. Hamas was indiscriminate in their cruelty, killing not for cause, but for pleasure.

I don’t know if the full footage will ever be made public, but if it ever is, every single Canadian should watch it to understand how far beyond any conceivable rules of engagement Hamas went, why this time was different, and why it must never, ever happen again.​


Holocaust survivor saved from Hamas buries son, fears for captive family

'This is a second Holocaust for me,' says Ruth Haran, 87, who has seven members of her family, including her daughter, grandchildren and great-grandchildren, held hostage by Hamas

"This is a second Holocaust for me,” said survivor Ruth Haran, 87, who is reliving a childhood nightmare.

Twice now, she has made it out alive from the inferno.

But the death, the destruction and the fear have all returned and come full circle for the great-grandmother, eight decades after the Holocaust.

Her son and two other family members were killed in the Oct. 7 Hamas assault on Israeli communities in southern Israel. Seven other members of her family, including her daughter, grandchildren and great-grandchildren, aged 3 and 8, were kidnapped in the infiltration and dragged back to the Hamas-ruled Gaza Strip.

“They murdered my son. They took my family to Gaza,” she said Monday in an interview with JNS. “Release them.”

“I’m (nearly) 88 years old,” she said as she burst into tears. “Enough.”

On the fateful Saturday morning of the Hamas attack that became a national nightmare, Haran was alone in her home in a kibbutz in southwestern Israel, which, like more than two dozen other locations in the region, had been overrun by Palestinian terrorists from Gaza.

She had moved to Kibbutz Be’eri five years ago to be near her son, Avshalom, after her husband passed away, and was also dealing with health issues, including a bout of cancer.

“My son organized a good home for me, in a charming place,” she recounted. “The kibbutz was so beautiful with flowers and views.”

But that morning after the sirens went off indicating incoming rocket attacks, Haran realized something was very wrong. She tried to reach her son by phone but got no answer. Next, she tried her daughter-in-law; again, no response. Her grandchildren didn’t pick up the phone either.

Someone knocked on the door, and she opened it to find two Hamas terrorists in front of her. They were suddenly called away and shut the door.

“I hadn’t seen anything yet,” she recounted. “I didn’t understand what was going on.”

Later in the afternoon, she ventured outside her home (“How long could I wait?” she asked) and was quickly told to go back inside by two security men, instructing her to remain in her sealed room.

She hid out in her home throughout the day, still oblivious to the murderous rampage that was going on outside her house—about 10 per cent of the kibbutz’s 1,100 residents were being massacred. She had the TV on but couldn’t grasp what was being said. It would be 14 hours later before she would be rescued.

It was already nighttime when rescuers came into Haran’s home, which, like her life itself, had been inexplicably spared. They took her to a nearby field with other survivors.

“Everything around was damaged and destroyed,” she recounted.

But the worst was yet to come.

At the field, neighbours who had survived the massacre talked of death and murder, women raped and young children killed.

“Everything came back to me,” she recounted.” The whole trauma (of my childhood) was reopened.”

“It was exactly a Shoah,” she said using the Hebrew word for Holocaust, “because only in a Shoah are babies brutally murdered out of pleasure, women, pregnant women, killed or raped, homes burned.”

She would later find out that her son Avshalom, 66, was among the dead. His cell phone, which she had tried to reach him on in vain earlier in the day, was answered by someone in Gaza.

Her horror did not end there.

Haran would also learn that seven members of her family, including her daughter, grandchildren and great-grandchildren, aged 3 and 8, were taken to Gaza and have not been heard from since.

Two other distant relatives visiting from the suburb of Evanston, Ill., outside of Chicago, were later released.

Her granddaughter, who was forcibly taken to Gaza, had long been involved in an organization that brought ill Palestinians from Gaza to Israeli hospitals for medical treatment.

For years, Palestinian labourers had worked on the kibbutz, she said, eating in their dining hall and working in construction, even on her own kitchen.

Today, one month after the attack, the kibbutz, which remains a closed military zone, is, in part, a tableau of carnage, testimony to the death and destruction that struck the desert farming community that autumn holiday weekend.

“I can’t stop crying,” Haran said in a one-room flat, where she has been temporarily relocated, at a retirement centre in Beersheba. She was lying in the bed under a green blanket before getting up to do an interview with JNS sitting at her bedside.

Ruth Haran was born in Bucharest, Romania in 1935, the youngest of four children. Her mother told her she was born unlucky because the winds of the Second World War were already stirring.

Her Polish-born father, who was a doctor, was exiled from Romania because he was not a citizen. Her mother was left to tend to the four children alone as violence against Jews mounted.

Later, her mother would take the children in search of her husband. They were eventually reunited after a family member, a train conductor, spotted the father on a train. Her father was given a position by the Communists in a hospital in Odessa, but they had to flee yet again from the approaching Nazis.

Haran recalls the freezing, starving nights on a train during their escape. After years of being on the run, eventually, the family made their way by train and boat to Uzbekistan where they stayed until the end of the war.

In 1945, her father, who was appointed to lead the medical team in Kishinev, died of typhus.

“And now the same thing has happened to (my son) Avshalom on the kibbutz,” she said, the tears streaming down her face anew.

After her father’s death, Haran’s uncle sent the family money to get back to Romania from Russia. In 1947, the family immigrated illegally to Israel, when the British still ruled what was then Mandatory Palestine, and had severely limited or otherwise completely prevented Jewish immigration.

She remembers coming over on the boat, being given mandarin oranges and then seeing the Bahai Gardens in Haifa. “I thought I was in heaven; it was so beautiful,” she said. The family shared a flat with two others in the northern port city.

“We were so happy that we had a country and that we had a state,” she said.

Even as they flourished in the Holy Land, life was never easy. Over the decades, two members of the family perished in Israel’s wars.

“I admire Israel,” she said holding back her tears. “I am happy to be Israeli.”

“I didn’t witness the (Nazi) death camps, so it was worse for me now.”

“As a child, we ran away and did not have a home,” Haran said. “This time I will not run away again. I will return to my home.”

“In the fall, the sunflowers will bloom in the kibbutz, and it will be even more beautiful than it was,” she said. “I want to go back home.”



From the river to the sea ....

PHOTO: Israel is back in #Gaza - and we ARE HERE TO STAY in our ancestral land and our ancient beaches!!!



I fear this discussion may become reduced to some crude back and forth of grisly and horrific stories as represented by one side vs grisly and horrific stories as represented by the other side. This serves no purpose. 


I think we can agree that war, especially in the context of generations of occupation is brutal and brutalising.  This is more than just a conflict arising from boundary disputes, it is highly personal with so much unleashed rage.  People’s fundamental humanity can become lost.  


There is so much to discuss here: the validity of land claims dating back to classical antiquity, day to day strategy and tactics, final causes and material causes, the more recent course taken by the Zionist movement and of course where the hell is this going to end up.


I appreciate that some here have put considerable effort in to researching and presenting the most graphic narratives, and that’s not easy material to deal with. I don’t really want to censor anyone, but I think at some point it becomes a dead end as far as maintaining a thoughtful discussion.



Israel to begin daily 4-hour pauses in military operations in Gaza

Israel has agreed to move forward with daily four-hour pauses of military operations in areas of Gaza. The move appeared to formalize a pattern of halting the violence to allow humanitarian aid to flow into the enclave and to allow civilians to flee away from the fighting.

For the past several days, Israel has paused violence for hours-long windows where it allows civilians to evacuate south. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu insisted in a statement Thursday evening that there would be “no ceasefire” without the release of hostages held by Hamas.


Makes the ethnic cleansing easier to accomplish.


The executive director of an Israeli media watchdog organization says it was simply “raising questions” by publicly wondering whether Palestinian photojournalists who documented the Oct. 7 Hamas attack in Israel — and sent some of the first images of its aftermath to a watching world — had been tipped off in advance that it would happen.

The report by the group HonestReporting, however, had serious ramifications at a time of war.

It led two Israeli politicians to suggest the journalists be killed. Several of the world’s biggest news organizations — CNN, The New York Times, The Associated Press and Reuters — issued statements Thursday denying they knew about the attack ahead of time.



oldgoat wrote:

I appreciate that some here have put considerable effort in to researching and presenting the most graphic narratives, and that’s not easy material to deal with. I don’t really want to censor anyone, but I think at some point it becomes a dead end as far as maintaining a thoughtful discussion.


Solid points.


JKR wrote:

Israel to begin daily 4-hour pauses in military operations in Gaza

Sadly but not surprisingly, videos are popping up of Hamas terrorists shooting at fleeing civilians to try and prevent them from leaving.


More Murdoch media lies.  As Israel continues its ethnic cleansing


josh wrote:
More Murdoch media lies.

That reminds me of the hospital Israel blew up with jet missiles killing over 500 people and the Murdoch media tried to blame Hamas.


Murdoch press and many other media outlets are just showing us what is happening. Murdoch press and other media outlets are not in control of what is happening. The simple fact is that Hamas is a terrorist governing body that is now having to deal with the fallout of their terrorism.


LOL.  All the millions they had to pay Dominion says otherwise 


Josh do you think the Nova Festival attack really happened or is that some kind of deep fake false flag thing?


There never was any video evidence of Dominion rigging the election. Unfortunately there is a huge amount of video evidence of Hamas perpetrating terrorism against Israelis, Palestinians, Arabs, Jews, Muslims, Christians, agnostics, and atheists.


1.5 million people in Gaza have been displaced from their homes. 10,000 have been killed, with more wounded. They desperately need food, water, medical supplies, and fuel.

Israel has killed more children in a month than Russia has in 20 months in Ukraine. But they are both fascist states


josh wrote:
They desperately need food, water, medical supplies, and fuel.

This is going to sound crazy but they could ask Hamas.


"We are now actually rolling out the Gaza Nakba," says Avi Dichter, Israel's Minister for Agriculture and former head of Shin Bet.



Jake Sullivan on State of the Union this morning:

Israel has to abide by the rules of war.

Q: Is Israel abiding by the rules of war?

I'm not going to judge whether Israel is abiding by the rules of war.


josh wrote:
Jake Sullivan on State of the Union this morning:

Israel has to abide by the rules of war.

Q: Is Israel abiding by the rules of war?

I'm not going to judge whether Israel is abiding by the rules of war.

Do you think Israel should abide by the rules of war?


former Israeli intelligence chief:

"The noncombatant population in the Gaza strip is really a nonexistent term because all of the Gazans voted for Hamas, and as we have seen on 7th of October most of the population in the Gaza strip are Hamas."


Israeli MK with Yesh Atid party (opposition) and resident of Sderot Debbie Biton just said on public Israeli broadcaster: Everyone in Gaza is a terrorist. Let the IDF do its job.



josh wrote:
as we have seen on 7th of October most of the population in the Gaza strip are Hamas."

Not exactly true.

Most of the people in the Gaza Strip (caught on camera) were somewhere between jubilant and ecstatic.

November 7th not so much.


Israel's Defence Forces uncover CCTV footage showing bloodied victims of Hamas' October 7 attacks being hauled into al-Shifa hospital hours after troops allegedly discovered a 55-metre-long tunnel under the complex

Uncovered CCTV footage appears to show victims abducted by Hamas during the October 7 massacre being hauled into Al-Shifa hospital in Gaza City.

The surveillance footage shows bloodied victims - believed to be Thai and Nepali migrants taken hostage by the terrorists - being carried into the hospital on gurneys. They appear to have been severely injured by Hamas fighters.

The video, which was released by Israel's Defence Forces (IDF) on Sunday, was captured at Al-Shifa hospital the day that Hamas launched its attack on Israel.

It comes as the IDF, who have been carrying out an operation at the medical complex over the last week, said it had found a 55-metre-long underground passage 10-metres below the ground.

Israel has long claimed the hospital - which is the largest in the Palestinian enclave - functions as a command complex for Hamas, with a network of tunnels running deep below used for both ammunition storage and planning.

The CCTV footage showed one man with his face blurred being brought in on a stretcher by several individuals, at least four of them armed, while in another someone struggles to resist while being forcibly dragged into a building resembling a hospital. 

In the background, doctors can clearly be seen walking along the corridors and the time stamp on the video shows it was filmed at between 10.56 and 11.01 on October 7, the day of the attacks.

In a statement the IDF said: 'These findings prove that the Hamas terror organisation used Shifa Hospital on the day of the massacre itself as terror infrastructure.'

The IDF says it has notified 'relevant authorities' about the footage.

Further images released by the IDF from the surveillance cameras at Shifa show Hamas terrorists inside the hospital, and outside the rooms of the hostages, as well as stolen IDF vehicles brought to the medical centre.

The IDF also releases an info-graphic showing the locations near the Shifa complex where the bodies of cancer patient Yehudit Weiss, 65, and Israeli soldier Cpl. Noa Marciano were found several days ago.

IDF Spokesman Rear Adm. Daniel Hagari says Cpl. Noa Marciano, 19, who was held hostage in an apartment in Gaza City, was killed by Hamas, and not an Israeli airstrike.

He added: 'Noa was kidnapped to an apartment next to Shifa Hospital. During the IDF strikes in Gaza, a Hamas terrorist who was holding her, was killed.'

Citing a pathology report and intelligence information, he said Cpl Marciano was wounded by an IDF strike, and later taken to Al-Shifa, where she was murdered.

In another video released Col Elad Tzuri stood on a rubble strewn street near the hospital and said:' We are here in the area of the Shifa hospital; I want to show you where we found the body of Noa Marciano of blessed memory.

'From the hospital where she left to this house, which we arrived at under the direction of the Israeli Security Agency.'

Then walking up a slight slop to a wrecked two-storey building he added: 'We knew she was in the area of the house in the backyard,' before stopping and pointing to an orange stretcher.

He said: 'We searched here for days until we found her on this balcony.'

It comes as the IDF on Sunday released shocking footage revealing what it claims is a huge Hamas tunnel buried deep below the Al-Shifa hospital. 

Officials said it had found a deep staircase equipped with 'various defence mechanisms' including a blast-proof door with a firing hole claiming the terror group were using the entrance to block out Israeli forces. 

Palestinian officials at the hospital have denied the claims and insisted the complex is used solely for medical reasons and in recent days it has become a shelter for refugees. 

As the war enters its seventh week, the hospital has become a central location in the bloody conflict. 

Since beginning its operation in the area on Wednesday, the IDF said it found the bodies of two hostages - Marciano and Weiss - in a building next to the hospital. Officials say others were most likely kept there.

Earlier in the week the force claimed an entrance to another tunnel shaft had been discovered but tonight marks the first time any video  has been made public. 

It was also revealed on Sunday that troops had allegedly discovered a white Toyota pickup truck containing 'RPGs, explosives, grenades, AK47s,'inside the hospital compound 'identical' to those used by Hamas during the October 7 attacks. 

The footage comes just hours after Israeli forces said it found 35 tunnel shafts throughout Gaza and raided the luxury homes of Hamas terrorists, seizing various weapons.

Providing an operational update on X, the force said: 'IDF and ISA forces revealed a significant 55-meter-long terrorist tunnel, 10 meters underneath the Shifa Hospital complex during an intelligence-based operation. 

'The tunnel entrance contains various defence mechanisms, such as a blast-proof door and a firing hole, in an attempt by Hamas to block Israeli forces from entering.'

Daniel Hagari, the IDF's military spokesperson, said the entrance was uncovered when a military bulldozer knocked down the outside wall of the hospital complex.

Soldiers then found a fortified shaft with a spiral staircase descending deep under the complex before reaching a blast door.

Mr Hagari said his troops are yet to open the door over fears it would be booby trapped.

Israeli intelligence, however, suggests that either the tunnel would either split or there would be 'a big room for command and control'. Forces will instead continue to search the area looking for shafts from nearby houses. 

The Israeli army first entered Al-Shifa hospital on Wednesday, claiming 'around 2,000 people were inside'. 

Hundreds of civilians and health workers were forced to flea the hospital on foot on Saturday after Israeli troops ordered an evacuation on loudspeakers.

Health officials in Gaza said 450 patients had been left inside the hospital after the army was warned many were too sick or wounded too escape.  

Earlier on Sunday, paratroopers from the Nihal Brigade backed up with tanks, airforce jets and armed with rocket launchers launched a series of raids in the heart of Gaza city.

Six weeks into the war against Hamas after the attacks left more than 1,200 people dead on October 7, they carried out operations in the Sheikh Ejlin and Rimal neighbourhoods.

Officials said the areas were 'upmarket' and where senior figures in the terror group lived and footage released showed soldiers attacking buildings with tanks and rocket propelled grenades.

Following the operation, items seized were put on display and they included guns, ammunition, rockets and lap tops and other documents which were being examined by intelligence chiefs.

In addition, 35 tunnel shafts were discovered and a training camp used by Hamas military intelligence was also stormed with 'several terrorists' killed.

The Rimal neighbourhood is considered the luxury district of the Gaza Strip, where senior commanders of Hamas lived and used the civilian space for activity and directing terrorism.

Within the area there are also military posts and government buildings.

IDF forces from the Nahal Brigade located a terrorist squad that was about to fire on the troops from the roof of an apartment and a jet was called in to strafe the building.

A major from the Brigade said: 'During searches of the Rimal area, we located a large number of weapons belonging to Hamas terrorists, including laptops, memory devices and technical documents.


I thought that IDF propaganda post would never end. 


Israeli general Giora Eiland in today's Yediot Ahronot: “The international community is warning us against a severe humanitarian disaster and severe epidemics. We must not shy away from this. After all, severe epidemics in the south of Gaza will bring victory closer”



josh wrote:

I thought that IDF propaganda post would never end. 

Sounds like you can’t refute the content of that post.
