..my point has been the same all along. there is a systemic violence against women across the board. war and poverty being examples. you can't separate that from taking away a woman's right to choose. men trying to control women at the heart of the abortion issue.
..this relates to the above.
..lots of that from both parties. the constitution was written excluding women. the government is dominated by men. the courts are dominated by men. the economic system is dominated by men.
..you want to delve in lesser evil politics which is unrelated to what i am arguing.
Texas’s effective anti-abortion law
It seems to me your response to what is happening in the U.S. seems to be very ineffectual. At the same time it confers blame everywhere and thus nowhere. It seems to be supporting a political ideology and agenda tangentially connected to what's actually happening.
..it confers blame on men. where it belongs.
..you try and make distinction. that's inaccurate. that's playing politics.
..but i did respond. you just don't like/understand the answer. or you wouldn't keep asking.
Your response was non-responsive.
..maybe so but it's more than the narrow perspective you are offering in terms of how we got to this point.
Why do you find it so difficult to hold Republicans responsible for their policies and actions?
..i do say that but in reality that is not the end of the topic. again and again i say they don't work in a vacuum. the constitution is in play, the courts are in play the fed gov is in play. all that matters. really matters. as does the economic system that drives all that.
..all those structures i am pointing out are dominated by men which is at the root of the abortion issue. men controlling women. why can't you address that?
I agree that patriarchy is at the root of the abortion issue. In the U.S. most Democrats oppose patriarchy and most Republicans support patriarchy. The abortion issue in the U.S. correlates strongly to whether one's a Democrat or Republican. That's why abortion laws in the U.S. are becoming so drastically different between Republican states and Democratic states. The vast majority of people who are pro-choice in the U.S. now vote democratic probably because many of them agree that patriarchy is problematic.
..the democratic party like the republicans are part of the patriarchy. meaning people vote for the lesser evil. not because pro choice folk think otherwise.
If the Democratic Party and the Republican Party are basically the same in regard to abortion laws why are abortion laws so much worse in Republican states than Democratic states?
..i didn't say they were the same. only that the are a part of the patriarchy thus those interest they serve.
..i posted this earlier. "it is playing politics. like saying your against war, racism and poverty. both parties are against none of these".
..they play politics to offer choice, for electability sake. but serving the interests of the patriarchy offers a forever narrowing of difference as power accumulates to fewer and fewer individuals. this is viewed as moving further and further to the right. towards authoritarianism.
Couldn't it be said that all of America is part of America's patriarchal system so all Americans are irredeemable?
And isn't it significant that the policies of the Democratic Party are less patriarchal than the Republican Party's policies?
..you can make a list of who is in charge. it wouldn't be that difficult to do these days. to say that the american people are in charge has never been the case.
..people still see lesser evil. like voting liberal instead of conservative. but the planet is still being destroyed. the military industrial complex and gas and oil rein supreme at the moment. and the expansion of nato guarantees us dominance of the world. be it republicans or democrats in power.
Now you're just jumping all around the place. And you never addressed my point about how the Republicans could just repeal whatever the Democrats passed.
That is the fundamental nature of all democratic governments and why we have constitutions. In Canada we had to put the Charter into the Constitution to give it precedence over legislature passed after its enactment. We had a Bill of Rights prior to the Charter and had that very problem until we made it part of the constitution.
So tell me in the home of the free and the land of the brave when do you think an Equal Rights Amendment might get passed? Seems that if your citizens to not have the political will to pass the most basic of legal protections for women then you don't really have much of a democracy anyways. So what does it matter which side or the other of the duopoly that serves your oligarchy wins?
You do realize it takes 2/3 of both house of congress and 3/4 of the states to pass a constitutional amendment? I'm as well aware as anyone of how the electoral system is rigged against democracy. What that has to do with the policy differences between the parties, I have no idea.
Well it seems that the important point here is that women are constantly in a state of vigilance in both the US and Canada because no "leftish" party has dared enshrine the right for women's autonomous control over their bodies as a constitutional right (or Charter right in Canada). It's been one constant battle after another after limited gains made with Roe and Wade in the US and striking down laws criminalizing abortions in Canada.
..you can make a list of who is in charge. it wouldn't be that difficult to do these days. to say that the american people are in charge has never been the case.
..people still see lesser evil. like voting liberal instead of conservative. but the planet is still being destroyed. the military industrial complex and gas and oil rein supreme at the moment. and the expansion of nato guarantees us dominance of the world. be it republicans or democrats in power.
If we are equating Democrats and Republicans because both are part of the same system aren’t we making the perfect the enemy of the good? I think social movements require allies. How can improvements happen in the U.S. without the people on the left there who support the Democratic Party being part of the solution? I think the left in the U.S. would become very marginal and ineffective if it rejected people who also support the Democratic Party.
Doctors' worst fears about the Texas abortion law are coming true
..and i don't believe the political and economic systems will ever be reformed jkr.
..to be honest i don't see those social movements and the allies you speak of want to co-opt those movements if they did exist. there is still potential for ignition around black lives and indigenous folk but massive uprising of ordinary folk need to occur once that happens.
..the canary in the coal mine happened a long time ago. it has now reached the suppression of women via the abortion issue. very handmaid's tale stuff.
A Handmaid's Tale in Texas
Well it seems that the important point here is that women are constantly in a state of vigilance in both the US and Canada because no "leftish" party has dared enshrine the right for women's autonomous control over their bodies as a constitutional right (or Charter right in Canada). It's been one constant battle after another after limited gains made with Roe and Wade in the US and striking down laws criminalizing abortions in Canada.
..i agree. at every opportunity, at every moment in the in the past when democrats had the numbers to do so or to remove filibusters making it easier to do so..they didn't. this is not a mistake. awareness of the abortion issue ran deep within the feminists that passed through the party. still does. they just didn't/don't have the power to alter the entrenched patriarchy. what exists is deliberate. instability is a requirement of power that resides outside the parties..imo.
..and i don't believe the political and economic systems will ever be reformed jkr.
..to be honest i don't see those social movements and the allies you speak of want to co-opt those movements if they did exist. there is still potential for ignition around black lives and indigenous folk but massive uprising of ordinary folk need to occur once that happens.
..the canary in the coal mine happened a long time ago. it has now reached the suppression of women via the abortion issue. very handmaid's tale stuff.
I find your perspective pessimistic but realistic. I think the U.S. and the rest of the world are heading for difficult times. It seems we’re stuck making the best of bad situations that are not getting better fast enough for our species survival. Maybe planet earth would be better off without us or with our population paired down significantly for at least a while.
Touché my dear epaulo. It's a similar battle for LGBTQ+ rights as well. Both groups are constantly grappling with one infringement over another in state and provincial legislative actions. If I recall correctly, women in PEI and NB have to leave their province to access abortion services. As for LGBTQ+ issues, many provincial governments are placing roadblocks in terms of providing education and school club support (and lets not forget Florida's newest law).
..immigration is another sector where the brutalization of women by men is doled out as a matter of pride. patriotic even.
..i came upon this quite by accident. part of an interview on peace in the war treaty thread. i immediately saw the link to this thread and the abortion issue.
..the video is close to 2 hrs long but it won't take near that long to get the point.
..eta: watched the first 35 min of this video and it is excellent. will keep watching but not all at once.
Tithi Bhattacharya: Gender, Sexual and Economic Violence in Neoliberalism
Looks like the Republicans are about to overturn Roe v Wade:
Supreme Court has voted to overturn abortion rights, draft opinion shows; Politico; May 2, 2022
The Supreme Court has voted to strike down the landmark Roe v. Wadedecision, according to an initial draft majority opinion written by Justice Samuel Alito circulated inside the court and obtained by POLITICO.
A person familiar with the court’s deliberations said that four of the other Republican-appointed justices – Clarence Thomas, Neil Gorsuch, Brett Kavanaugh and Amy Coney Barrett – had voted with Alito in the conference held among the justices after hearing oral arguments in December, and that line-up remains unchanged as of this week.
The three Democratic-appointed justices – Stephen Breyer, Sonia Sotomayor and Elena Kagan – are working on one or more dissents, according to the person. How Chief Justice John Roberts will ultimately vote, and whether he will join an already written opinion or draft his own, is unclear.
This is super depressing news. Not that it's been protecting women in so many States that have successfully introduced extremely repressive legislation to limit access to abortions but now they can choose to forbid abortion outright under any circumstances whatever.
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