Texas’s effective anti-abortion law

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JKR wrote:
In Canada it means creating coalitions and supporting cooperation between those who vote NDP, Liberal, Green, and BQ, and the few who vote Conservative who are open to left of centre solutions. I think concentrating on blaming those you disagree with just fractures and weakens the left. I think finding common ground is essential.

Our FPTP system is designed to limit those kinds of coalitions and inter party cooperations.  The electoral system in Canada and in the US is incapable of providing real change because they were designed to reward the status quo and keep new ideas on the fringe of debate.

If people in North America want change then we need to stand with the Land Defenders in every part of the continent, trying to stop our climate chaos with electoral politics is like trying to bail a boat using a spoon.


Given the limitations of our rigged political system, I think the primary way we have to promote solidarity and coalition building is through our everyday personal lives that include our relationships with friends, family members, coworkers, community groups, social groups, etc.... From our different locations in society we have important yet different roles to play.


I thought I understood the extent of the misogyny of the Republican/Evangelical cult in the US, and the slavering, lip-smacking glee to inflict as much misery on women, POC and all of the other groups of non-white, non-male, non-Christian, liberal or tolerant people in the country, but this has me gobsmacked: 


laine lowe laine lowe's picture

WOW. How can any medical professional allow this?


Idaho Enacts Texas-Style Near-Total Abortion Ban; Oklahoma House Approves Total Abortion Ban

Idaho has become the first state to enact a law modeled on Texas’s near-total ban on abortions. Republican Governor Brad Little signed the bill Wednesday, which bans abortions after around six weeks of pregnancy and allows anyone biologically related to the fetus to sue abortion providers if they defy the law. The only exceptions are in cases of medical emergency, rape or incest, but the latter two require the patient to have reported a crime to police. Also on Wednesday, Oklahoma’s House of Representatives passed a total abortion ban that would be enforced by “bounty hunter”-style lawsuits. These latest attacks on reproductive rights come nearly seven months after Texas enacted its near-total ban on abortions. Amy Littlefield, abortion access correspondent for The Nation magazine, says nearly half of all patients who left Texas and traveled out of state for their abortion have gone to Oklahoma.

Amy Littlefield: “Now the Oklahoma House has passed a total ban on abortion. It bans abortion at fertilization, before a pregnancy even implants in the uterus. And if it’s passed by the Senate and signed by the governor, it would take effect immediately. One really noteworthy thing about this law, it defines ‘woman’ as any person whose biological sex is female based on their chromosomes and having a uterus, regardless of gender identity. So, again, we really see the intersection of the anti-abortion and anti-trans agenda rolled into this bill that would decimate abortion access in the region.”

laine lowe laine lowe's picture

A dear friend of mine and pro-abortion rights advocate is probably rolling and rolling and rolling in her relatively fresh grave.

This battle to ensure our hard fought rights without having to look over our shoulders with every minute change in government or out-of-country influence has been going on for more than 30 years. I'm sure Judy Rebick can attest to that.


..after i left the post office my activist direction changed from labour organizing to community involvment. at one point i found myself doing outside security at everywoman's health centre in vancouver. at the time..the 80's..there were still anti-abortion demos happening on a regular bases. the far right was involved in some of those demos.

..what is happening in the us around abortion can be seen as a canary in the coal mine. a sneak peak of what is coming for all the populations in the western world. we either make a stand and defend women around this issue or face a handmaid's tale type world. 


Electing Republicans has consequences.

laine lowe laine lowe's picture

JKR, throughout the Harper years of government my now deceased friend among many other friends and associates fought constantly to expose all the incremental incursions on our rights for abortion presented by every freaking back bencher in Harper's government. We are lucky that we were effective but we did not ever feel any comfortable victory. So it is NOT just a US situation of electing Republicans. They seeped deep into helping social conservatives in Canada up their game in denying our rights.


Sen. Joe Manchin Joins GOP Senators Blocking Bill Guaranteeing Abortion Access

A Democrat-led bill in Congress that would have codified abortion rights into federal law has been blocked in the Senate. Conservative Democratic Senator Joe Manchin joined Senate Republicans who used the threat of a filibuster to block the Women’s Health Protection Act. The legislation was approved by House Democrats last year in response to a wave of state laws almost completely banning abortions. This is Washington Democratic Senator Patty Murray. 

Sen. Patty Murray: “Republicans have made it abundantly clear they want a world in which they, as politicians, get to decide what women can do with their bodies, their lives and their futures. That is not what the vast majority of Americans want. The vast majority of Americans want a country where the very personal, individual decision about pregnancy is — wait for it — up to the individual.”


laine lowe wrote:

JKR, throughout the Harper years of government my now deceased friend among many other friends and associates fought constantly to expose all the incremental incursions on our rights for abortion presented by every freaking back bencher in Harper's government. We are lucky that we were effective but we did not ever feel any comfortable victory. So it is NOT just a US situation of electing Republicans. They seeped deep into helping social conservatives in Canada up their game in denying our rights.

Voting Conservative here in Canada also has very negative consequences but what Republicans are doing in the U.S. is just unbelievably vile.


..the abortion issue goes back a very long long way. this is not primarily a republican or conservative issue. meaning all political parties have elements. and outside political parties. which includes religious establishments and or the general public.

..at the core of the abortion issue are men trying to have control over women.

..this is a feminist thread and that should be respected. 


I thought this thread was about the anti-abortion law in Texas.


..your trying to make a distiction where there is none. 


What is it about Texas that makes it distinctive in enacting this kind of radical abortion law?


State-level Republicans are going all in on extreme anti-trans, anti-abortion laws; March 22, 2022


Republican-controlled state legislatures across the country are taking up anti-trans and anti-abortion bills at a shocking rate, as lawmakers seize on an enforcement mechanism first tested by Texas’s SB 8.

Multiple states — including Florida, Idaho, and Texas — have enacted, or hope to enact, new and draconian restrictions, including banning abortion after six weeks of pregnancy (functionally equivalent to an outright ban on abortion), or banning gender-affirming health care for transgender children.



..there is nothing distinct about texas. it's just a recent place. that can be added to a long line men that have attempted to control women by way of abortion.

..it's country's constitution is written in the blood of indigenous peoples. when woman had no right to vote. and it's economy was built on slavery. on the backs of black people. 

..the country's economic and political system works best for the men who dominate both at home and abroad. dominance is revered and worshiped at the alter of money. and the constant shifting to the right by democrats has push the republicans like in texas to the fringes.

..more analysis of this system is not what is the priority. the priority is defending the woman's right to choose in the here and now. 

..in that jkr, you are not helping. you want to wag your finger at people that vote. 


epaulo13, I think you're the one not helping defend womens’ right to choose in the here and now by ignoring that these crazy laws in the U.S. are only happening in Republican run states. You're the one wanting to wag their finger at certain groups and ignore the actions of other groups because it doesn’t fit your political agenda to. Luckily in the U.S. the people who support the right to choose understand the dynamics of what is going on in their country. They understand why states like Texas and Florida are inactimg these kinds of laws while states like California and New York aren't. They know which groups of people support Roe versus Wade and which groups want to go back to pre-1970’s America.


..your absolutely wrong. your political perspective is way to shallow. 

..what is needed is people in the streets. lots of people. to force politicians to act. to force politicians to defy the courts trying to enact repugnant laws.  

..setting up alternatives and supports for women who choose abortion. lots of support. lots of alternatives.

..and much much more in the here and now.  


If I lived in Texas I would be marching in the streets against this completely destructive law. I would also be supporting pro-choice groups who are helping women procure abortions in Texas or in nearby states not run by Republicans.

I think it is important to remember that elected politicians shouldn't force courts to do things that are against the law but rather elected politicians should enact good legislation that the courts enforce.


..i'm not just talking about texas. i'm talking about everywhere in the us. like black lives matter marches. there should be no business as usual while this is going on. it's that serious. it's that important. the economy needs to be hurt. the democrats are in power and they've just let this happen under their watch. abandoning women. like they are powerless. 


I agree that more marches and protests throughout the U.S. would be great. Maybe a central march in Washington D.C. and marches and protests in every capital city and majour metropolitan city? Having said that I think the Republicans won't back down on these terrible abortion laws as they know these kinds of laws appal to their base. I think these kinds of terrible laws will be a problem as long as Republicans have majorities in state legislatures and on U.S. courts.


..please stop laying all the blame on the republicans jkr. it is not a well thought out view of the situation. it's to narrow and simplistic a view.

..this is a systemic problem across the board where governments attack women in violent ways. poverty, environmental and war as examples. you can't separate that from taking away a woman's right to choose. 

eta:..not the mention the core issues of men trying to control women.


..i do agree the republicans won't stop because i don't see the resistance happening to the scale that it needs to. i also don't see much of a future without that resistance.  


With this level of human rights abuses shouldn't the UN invoke the Responsibility to Protect and step in, at least with sanctions. If that doesn't convince them of their evil ways and the protests in the streets meet with police violence then a No Fly Zone to protect the peaceful protestors might become necessary.


epaulo13 wrote:

..i do agree the republicans won't stop because i don't see the resistance happening to the scale that it needs to. i also don't see much of a future without that resistance.  

Things are likely going to get a lot worse in the U.S. with Amy Coney Barret on the Supreme Court now replacing Ruth Bader Ginsberg. In all likelihood Roe versus Wade is either going to be severely watered down or eliminated before years end. If that happens we might see a lot more resistance all over the U.S.

laine lowe laine lowe's picture

We all know that human rights abuse against women means nothing on the world stage.

It was convenient to use the cause of guaranteeing women more freedom from Taliban antiquated dictates. It was a convenient fig leaf for Bush and company to try to foment some international support for the invasion of Afghanistan. Not such an issue any more now that the US and NATO have pulled out of Afghanistan. It's beyond disgusting and cynical.

Many of the Eastern European members of NATO who are helping defeat evil Russia also have horrendous track records on enforcing or protecting women and LGBTQ rights.

Many of these nations (if not most) have huge swaths of their public dispising refugees and some going to extremes to deny them (those from "non-civilized" nations) from entry into their countries.

All that to say that this is not simply a don't vote Republican or Conservative situation in our hemisphere and even more fragile situation in the rest of the world when people like Harper happily defund international aid to organizations that help women with their reproductive rigths.


"please stop laying all the blame on the republicans jkr. it is not a well thought out view of the situation. it's to narrow and simplistic a view."

I'm not aware of any other party passing laws in the U.S. restricting the right to an abortion as well as LQBTQ rights.  If you are aware of other parties doing this, perhaps you can point them out.


Oklahoma Republicans advance near-total abortion ban modeled off Texas law



Ex-GOP Gov Candidate Calls For ‘Firing Squad’ For Trans Rights Supporters, Political Foes



josh wrote:

"please stop laying all the blame on the republicans jkr. it is not a well thought out view of the situation. it's to narrow and simplistic a view."

I'm not aware of any other party passing laws in the U.S. restricting the right to an abortion as well as LQBTQ rights.  If you are aware of other parties doing this, perhaps you can point them out.

..republicans don't operate in a vacuum. twice i laid out my position. you don't agree then i can live with that.


U.S. Republican Sen. Mike Braun: SCOTUS should leave abortion, interracial marriage to states; Indiana Public Radio; March 22, 2022


U.S. Sen. Mike Braun (R-Ind.) said the U.S. Supreme Court was wrong to legalize interracial marriage nationwide and should have left it to individual states.

Now people are opposing interracial marriage!


Oklahoma Lawmakers Approve Near-Total Ban on Abortion: The measure is part of a wave of stringent abortion restrictions enacted by legislators in Republican-led states; NYT; April 5, 2022


Lawmakers in Oklahoma on Tuesday approved a near-total ban on abortion, making it the latest Republican-led state to forge ahead with stringent abortion legislation as the Supreme Court weighs a case that could overturn Roe v. Wade later this year.

The measure, Senate Bill 612, would make performing an abortion “except to save the life of a pregnant woman in a medical emergency” a felony punishable by up to 10 years in prison or a fine of $100,000.

The Oklahoma House voted 70 to 14 to send the bill, which passed the Senate last year, to Gov. Kevin Stitt, a Republican whose office responded by noting that Mr. Stitt vowed in September to sign “every piece of pro-life legislation” that came to his desk. 



Colorado just enacted a law that enshrines the right to have an abortion in the state, the latest left-leaning state that's taken action to protect reproductive rights as the practice faces renewed efforts by conservatives to restrict its access.



Looks like electing Democratic Party led state houses could reverse this Republican insanity.


Anti-Abortionists Played the Long Game, And They Are Winning

Republican state legislatures are creating abortion refugees across the United States. After Texas Governor Greg Abbott signed a draconian bill, SB 8, into law last year, empowering bounty hunters to sue abortion providers, those seeking care fled to the neighboring states of Louisiana, Arkansas, and Oklahoma.

But Republican (GOP) leaders were ready for them. Oklahoma’s Republican Governor Kevin Stitt on April 12 signed the nation’s strictest abortion ban into law, ending all abortions in his state except in cases of danger to the pregnant person’s life. Now, reports are emerging of Oklahomans turning to the neighboring state of Kansas for abortions.

Not to be outdone by his GOP colleagues, presidential hopeful Ron DeSantis, governor of Florida, also signed a 15-week abortion ban into law similar to the one passed by states like Kentucky.


Financial Hindrance

Already, low-income people living in states with abortion bans are facing prohibitively expensive travel to access care. The costs could jump even higher as more states enact bans and people have to travel farther, weighing the pressures of finances, juggling job schedules, family obligations, and the ticking clock of gestation. “It’s not going to be middle and upper-class white women who are going to have problems accessing abortion,” said Gandy.

And, it’s only a matter of time before the anti-abortionists’ wildest dream of overturning the Roe v. Wade precedent at the Supreme Court will come true. According to one analysis, this would immediately result in abortion becoming illegal in at least 13 states. Only 17 states and Washington, D.C., have ensured that abortion will be legal and accessible if Roe falls – and that figure is dependent on Democrats retaining control of those state legislatures.


A Matter of Health

The horror that the US is sliding toward could have been avoided had Democrats codified reproductive rights into law during any of the times they have been in control of both houses of Congress and the presidency in the decades since the Roe v. Wade Supreme Court decision. Their inaction, even in the face of concerted anti-abortion activism and resulting successes, is unconscionable.

A legislative effort that was too little, too late, came this past March in the form of the Women’s Health Protection Act, which would have legalized abortion. But it failed to pass the Democratic-controlled Senate, with Vox describing the bill as “primarily for messaging,” and asserted that its failure to pass “makes the case for a larger Democratic majority.”

Democratic Senator Joe Manchin of West Virginia, as well as the two sole pro-abortion Republican senators, Lisa Murkowski of Alaska and Susan Collins of Maine, also voted against the bill, making clear their support for abortion rights is mere lip service.

Asleep at the wheel, lawmakers have left Americans at the mercy of a vocal minority intent on criminalizing abortion while caring little about financial support for parents....


"The horror that the US is sliding toward could have been avoided had Democrats codified reproductive rights into law during any of the times they have been in control of both houses of Congress and the presidency in the decades since the Roe v. Wade Supreme Court decision. Their inaction, even in the face of concerted anti-abortion activism and resulting successes, is unconscionable."

It would have (had) to get through a filibuster. And assuming it did, and passed, the Republicans could (can) just eliminate it when they had (have) control.


 ..i totally disagree with you on this josh. the will just wasn't there. ever. 

..it is playing politics. like saying your against war, racism and poverty. both parties are against none of these.  


..if it were sanders would be president. 


You're right.  It's the Democrats who are passing all this anti-choice legislation.  It doesn't matter who is in power.


..they are part of the same political and economic systems that are bringing right wing politics to greater heights. you can't separate these things. inaction is the same as action.


Yes, everything is everything.  It's all relative.  The innocent are as culpable as the guilty.


..the us government is the extreme opposite of innocent. as is capitalism. 

..your comparisons are a deflection. you dont want to see what's right in front of you. 


Now you're just jumping all around the place.  And you never addressed my point about how the Republicans could just repeal whatever the Democrats passed.


It's plain to see that the Republican Party is anti-choice while the Democratic Party is pro-choice.


..my point has been the same all along. there is a systemic violence against women across the board. war and poverty being examples. you can't separate that from taking away a woman's right to choose. men trying to control women at the heart of the abortion issue.

..lots of that from both parties. the constitution was written excluding women. the government is dominated by men. the courts are dominated by men. the economic system is dominated by men.

..you want to delve in lesser evil politics which is unrelated to what i am arguing.


Concerning abortion rights in the U.S., it obviously makes no sense nowadays to lump together Republicans and Democrats. The difference between the two parties concerning abortion rights are now universes apart.


..not if you consider the inaction. which is why i posted #87.


Which is why I made posts.  To which you haven't responded, other than dragging capitalism into it.


..but i did respond. you just don't like/understand the answer. or you wouldn't keep asking.  
