Supremes set to strike down Roe vs Wade

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On Our Own Terms



Right-wing offensives against abortion, transition, and queer sociality aim to enforce the bourgeois family by any means necessary. To fight them, we must look beyond NGO models of pro-LGBT and pro-choice organization, and towards independent workers’ struggle for the means of reproduction.

Despite a majority at the federal level, the Democratic Party response to both of these attacks on bodily autonomy has been predictably spineless, at best offering symbolic support of “a woman’s right to choose” alongside perfunctory social media posts of trans pride flags outside congressional offices. For decades, Democratic leadership has treated abortion as a cudgel for electoral gains (“vote blue or lose Roe”): in more recent, post-Obergefell years, “LGBT issues” have been similarly weaponized. 

The LGBT and reproductive rights NGOs have similarly betrayed us, with Planned Parenthood, the Guttmacher Institute, and the National Center for Transgender Equality all engaged in union-busting and abusive management practices. With each round of reaction comes another reminder to vote blue, and then more workers bullied into unpaid overtime.


Some smaller NGOs, with fewer direct ties to the Democratic Party, have focused on education and resourcing materials for self-managed medication abortion (SMA), and on opposing the criminalization of miscarriage under fetal homicide or feticide laws. These efforts were vital even before Dobbs, as clinic abortion was already physically or financially inaccessible for many pregnant people. Self-managed abortion is a particularly important resource for trans people, sex workers, and drug users, to whom the medical system, including abortion clinics, is structurally hostile. In the wake of Dobbs, with the National Right to Life Coalition proposing criminal penalties for individuals and organizations who “aid and abet” abortion, legal defense of SMA has never been more crucial. At the same time, the smaller NGO’s focus on the availability and legality of self-managed abortion has effectively ignored the question of who runs the clinics and how they operate, or how to defy those who seek to close them.

At a rank and file level, the pro-abortion organizers most committed to the decriminalization of self-managed abortion are black and brown women and trans people, who draw frequent connections between the policing of miscarriage (spontaneous or induced) and the policing of pregnant/parenting people who use drugs, and who sell sex. Still, even the NGOs that call for “direct action” and “mutual aid” in defense of abortion rights are trapped in a kind of respectability politics. When anarchist affinity groups calling themselves “Jane’s Revenge” vandalized anti-abortion fake clinics across the country, Reproaction ED Erin Matson put out a statement denouncing the tactics, while self-branding as “the national leader in non-violent direct action and innovative community organizing to protest anti-abortion fake clinics.” She writes:

Vandalizing anti-abortion fake clinics does not help people seeking abortions. What it does do is fuel the right’s false claims of victimization, all while they target and harass abortion providers, patients, and staff. Non-violence is widely practiced within the reproductive and progressive movements, and it is how we win.

This is a fundamental betrayal of the principles of “direct action,”  a cornerstone of working-class militancy and radical organizing premised on acting without asking permission. Direct action makes oppressors feel victimized, whether it is blocking a highway or smashing a window: this is the point. Every hour that a fake clinic must stay closed in order to sweep glass or wash spray paint is an hour that people seeking abortions are not misled, harassed, or manipulated inside. Meanwhile, while denouncing militant sectors of the class keeps NGO funding streams intact, it is not “how we win.” If it were, we would be winning. 

The NGOs, divorced as they are from the people most targeted by abortion restrictions, are structurally incapable of confronting the causes of our present crisis. They are constrained by the networks of their funders, by the legal requirements of 501c3 status, and by the cowardice of their leadership, whose individual and collective interests depend on capitalism continuing as-is. And here the parallel between LGBT NGOs and abortion NGOs is easiest to draw.


In this sense, the fight for abortion is not simply a refusal of biological reproduction, but a struggle to reproduce ourselves on our own terms. Criminalization of abortion, or of trans healthcare, enforces the alienating reproduction of capitalism. 

There is a world of difference, however, between existing forms of ‘access’ and our fullest capacities for self-fashioning in common. The clinics are still privately-owned by the bourgeoise, or else funded through NGO structures that bind them to capital. Though she may face political scrutiny, the CEO of Planned Parenthood does not provide abortions: it is thousands of clinic workers, and countless unpaid accomplices of self-managed abortion, who do that every day, and will continue to do so regardless of court rulings. It is not the NGO leadership, but these workers, also reproducing themselves under the alienating compulsions of capital, who are our natural allies.

Our fights for healthcare, and against criminalization, are inseparable from the labor rights of healthcare workers, and of the nonprofit workers doing unpaid overtime in the wake of the Dobbs ruling. More than ever, we must build strong, independent unions willing to defend workers who refuse to enforce these bans: Texas social workers who defy the mandatory reporting of childhood transition as “abuse,” nurses who turn a blind eye to a possibly-induced miscarriage. It is no coincidence that the workers on the frontline of criminalization are in fields dominated by women, fields where queer workers are overrepresented and underpaid. Under capitalism, the policing functions of these jobs are inseparable from their care functions: “social reproduction” entails both.....


The plan to overturn abortion rights in Europe

When news broke that the U.S. Supreme Court had overturned decades of precedent and opened the door to abortion bans across the country, the reaction from opponents of the procedure in Europe was simple: We can do it too.

With support for legal abortion in Europe polling at the highest in the world, its opponents know they are rowing against the tide. But activists on the Continent got a practical demonstration of how a determined minority can make the impossible happen last weekend, when the U.S. Supreme Court confirmed a POLITICO scoop that it was repealing the landmark Roe v. Wade ruling. The decision made, or will soon make, abortion illegal across 16 states.

For opponents of abortion in Europe, the ruling confirmed their belief that public opinion and — perhaps more importantly — public policy can be changed.

“This is very positive, and it will be looked at by other judges,” said Grégor Puppinck, director of the European Center for Law and Justice and one of the biggest names in anti-abortion activism in Europe, a few hours after the Supreme Court decision was announced.

“I think it is obvious that 50 years after Roe v. Wade, abortion is still a problem, and it will always be a problem,” he added. “Normalization is not possible.” 

Puppinck, a Quebec native who studied law in France, heads the legal foundation out of Strasbourg, where he is carrying out a strategy inspired by the American anti-abortion movement — with funding and support from backers in the United States.

By issuing legal opinions and representing clients in court cases, the ECLJ pushes for conservative interpretations of the law on topics like religious freedom, assisted suicide and, of course, abortion, in the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) and other international organizations.

Over the years, Puppinck has made a name for himself. He's served as an adviser to the Vatican, and was awarded honors by the Italian government for his legal services in a lawsuit over the right to hang crucifixes in public schools.

This May, he gave a speech at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) in Budapest, where he inveighed against socialism, postmodernism and French President Emmanuel Macron. The annual U.S. version of the conference is a top political meetup for the American Republican Party. In the Hungarian edition, not-coincidentally held in the capital of Viktor Orbán's hard-right government, Puppinck was joined by heavyweights from the American right, including Fox News host Tucker Carlson.

American ties

Organizations like Puppinck’s are part of an American effort to export anti-abortion activism across the Atlantic.

Over the past half-century, U.S. anti-abortion activists have chipped away at the precedent set by the U.S. Supreme Court in the 1973 Roe v. Wade case, even when it looked set in stone, arguing that the verdict was based on faulty legal reasoning.

It was in the U.S. that largely evangelical activists blazed a trail and turned opposition to abortion into a basic conservative position, making the religious right a decisive voting block for Republican candidates. They also targeted law schools. In 1982, activists set up the Federalist Society to promote conservative interpretations of the American Constitution.

Now, through a combination of electoral success, determination to expand their influence in the judiciary, and sheer luck with the timing of a number of key U.S. Supreme Court appointments coinciding with Donald Trump’s presidency, they had their biggest win in a half-century.  

Opposition to abortion isn’t anything new in Europe either. The Catholic Church's condemnation of abortion dates back hundreds of years, and it's only hardened over time. Orthodox and conservative Protestant groups take similar stances. 

But with activists on the Continent so far unable to replicate the success of their American counterparts, U.S. groups are trying to put their thumb on the scale, sharing tactics and funding with allies in Europe.....


Luckily for European countries their judicial systems are much more independent than the US's. The U.S. judicial system has basically become an offshoot of the Republican Party and Evangelical Christianity. The 6 current conservative judges represent a political and religious philosophy instead of adhering to basic jurisprudence. Here in Canada we have to make sure our judges are selected for merit and not their political bias. The Canadian legal system and the Canadian bar should be able to mostly determine who sits on our Supreme Court.

laine lowe laine lowe's picture

One thing history has shown is that nothing is permanent and to assume that these staunch conservative movements are not making inroads is tantamount to turning a blink eye to potential threats. We have already seen socialist policies throughout Europe be watered down by a push towards if not outright pressure to adopt neo-liberal policies. It certainly worked in Canada.

Speaking of Canada, during the Harper years many of my friends and fellow feminist activists were constantly on pins and needles with every stupid but often too effective for our liking backbencher bills designed to chip away at our right for unconditional abortion proceedures as part of the umbrella of medical services availbale to women. If anything, their contant chipping away and our attempts to discredit their bullshit, left us too exhausted to deal with the failures in access throughout the country.


One thing history has shown is that nothing is permanent and to assume that these staunch conservative movements are not making inroads is tantamount to turning a blink eye to potential threats. We have already seen socialist policies throughout Europe be watered down by a push towards if not outright pressure to adopt neo-liberal policies. It certainly worked in Canada.

..true that!


Biden Abandons Plans to Nominate Anti-Abortion GOP Lawyer to Federal Bench

President Biden has dropped plans to nominate an anti-abortion Republican lawyer named Chad Meredith as a federal judge in Kentucky as part of a deal with Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell. The White House says the plan fell apart due to opposition from Kentucky’s other Republican senator, Rand Paul.


..i signed a few petitions around abortion so i can't recall which one provoked this response. a response from my tory mp. i suspect it is because of the pressure being put on the tories from below.  


On behalf of MP Raquel Dancho, thank you for reaching out to our office with your concerns regarding abortion access in Canada.

Although MP Dancho does not normally comment on issues or events happening in the United States, unless they directly impact Canada, we know that this issue is important to Canadians. 

MP Dancho is very concerned about women in the United States who may now seek out unsafe and unregulated abortions. It should not be this way. This is further concerning when a woman’s life may be at risk as a result of complications related to pregnancy. Women deserve better than this. 

MP Dancho agrees that public policy must do significantly more to ensure we have adequate preventative measures in place to support empowered family planning (e.g. access to contraception, reproductive education, and addressing sexual violence), as wells as better social and economic supports for women who are pregnant.

While administration of healthcare is mainly a provincial matter, I will note that the federal government is responsible for providing some of the funds and resources to the province for healthcare. Federally, MP Dancho and her colleagues have called for an increase to the amount of support the federal government provides to the provinces. As recently as this week, Premiers of provinces across the country have also asked for more funds to help deliver healthcare to Canadians. Unfortunately, the federal government has not responded in a meaningful way.

Conservatives recognize that this is a deeply sensitive and personal issue and that the views of all Canadians will not fully align. The Conservative Party's official position on the matter remains a commitment to not reopening the abortion debate. 

Thank you again for taking the time to contact our office, and please do not hesitate to do so again in the future.


Because of Clarence Thomas judicial comments in wiping out Roe I wrote the following satirical poem on the hypocrisy of the Supreme Court with the title coming from my biracial son.

Come On Clarence 

Come on Clarence

Abortion now we must not darence

In the abortion case of Dobbs

Women’s rights he robs

You know

Roe just had to go

Anita Hill almost cost Thomas a Supreme Court seat

For acting like a dog in heat

His precedent was the 17th century Mathew Hale

Who today is way beyond the Pale

For ruling wives cannot be raped and women can be burned as witches

Boy now Thomas is going to get even with those lesbian activist bitches

In aiming to overturn Lawrence and perhaps in revenge against Hill

He now threatens to end the pill

By overturning Obergefell he promises to place a great hex

On marriage to people of the same sex

And repealing Lawrence would mean sex outside of marriage would have to go

Especially for gays it would be the ultimate no-no.

This fall through the basis

Of taking up state cases

Clarence now has a case of note

That allows states to block people’s presiding vote

And lets states’ legislatures get the deciding vote


Clarence, at 74, can you still get an erection?

 Maybe that’s why you’re against contraception

Your wife Ginni is of full proportion

And at 65 hardly needs an abortion

We pray and say

That you’re not gay

But why stop there 

It isn’t fair 

Inter-racial marriage let’s repeal

We should do that with great zeal

 So Loving vs Virginia and with interracial marriage must go

Just say it’s so

But you’ve got a wife that’s white

What gives you that right?



Clarence Thomas won't teach law class at GWU in the fall


WUSA9 reported in June that a petition had been circulated to remove Thomas from teaching at the university. The petition was created in response to the justice's role in overturning Roe v. Wade on June 24.

Currently, the petition has over 11,300 signatures. The petition advocated for removing Thomas, stating: 

"With the recent Supreme Court decision that has stripped the right to bodily autonomy of people with wombs, and with his explicit intention to further strip the rights of queer people and remove the ability for people to practice safe sex without fear of pregnancy, it is evident that the employment of Clarence Thomas at George Washington University is completely unacceptable. While also factoring in his wife's part in the attempted coup in January of 2021, Judge Thomas is actively making life unsafe for thousands of students on our campus (not to mention thousands of campuses across the country). Make your voice heard and help us kick Clarence Thomas out of Foggy Bottom."


Abortion rights affect us all 


Enforcing choice enforces the class system

Allowing this decision to be left in the hands of politicians and lawmakers is the fast track to further marginalize specific aspects of healthcare. Many pregnant people and their partners come to this decision because it is what is the best for themselves and their situations. Often, the largest deciding factor when exercising the right to choose is socioeconomic reasons. In fact, 30 per cent of women in Canada will have an abortion in their lives. 

Making this choice for people drives the agenda for the haves and the have nots. Canadians who do not have access to a safe abortion can find themselves beginning or continuing generations of economic hardship, living at the poverty level, dealing with issues of substance abuse, intergenerational trauma, absent parenting, continued degradation and marginalization. 

A five-year study conducted by researchers at the University of California, in San Francisco, confirmed that those who were denied access to abortion would experience socioeconomic adversity. Aptly named, The Turnaway Study was based on interviews and longitudinal observations of thousands of women who were denied the right to an abortion. The Turnaway Study found that a person who was denied an abortion was four times more likely to be from a household below the poverty level and three times greater odds of being unemployed. Not to mention, basic necessities often go unmet and women were more likely to stay in situations with violent partners putting themselves and their children at risk. 


Pro-choice is for us all

The right to choose is not a fight left only for women or transgender people who can get pregnant. Their partners need to stand up and share their stories too. 

How many men have likely felt they dodged a proverbial bullet by a woman they chose to have sex with and then discussed the option of an abortion? And by having access to this basic right, she may have also given that man another chance at his own life path, where it did not force a circumstance of child support and/or shared custody. 

Once we allow politicians and lawmakers to make these decisions for anyone with a uterus, we open a Pandora’s Box of whoever else they choose to marginalize and oppress. It was not that long ago when gay marriage was debated and it’s likely the overturning of Roe vs. Wade will open the doors to restrict these rights as well..... 


The US Supreme Court has made an ad, and it’s surprisingly honest and informative.


Liberals Vowed to End Charity Status for "Dishonest" Anti-Abortion Groups.

They Haven't


Kansas Holds Referendum on Constitutional Right to Abortion

In Kansas, voters are deciding today on a ballot measure that, if approved, would repeal the state’s constitutional protection for abortions and pave the way for conservative lawmakers to enact a near-total ban on the procedure. 

In Kentucky, a state court of appeals has reinstated an abortion trigger law and a so-called heartbeat statute that bans the procedure after six weeks of pregnancy. This comes about a month after a lower state court had halted the enforcement of the measures.


No Means Yes to Abortion: Kansas Votes on Confusing GOP-Backed Constitutional Amdt. to Ban Abortion



I’m here in Wichita, Kansas, not far from the clinic of the assassinated abortion provider Dr. George Tiller, where I spent the day yesterday. And I wanted to come to Wichita to report on this amendment, because it’s a city with such a deep and rich history, and complicated and violent history, when it comes to abortion rights in this country.

So, what’s happening here in Kansas today, Amy, is that the Republican-controlled state Legislature is trying to repeal the right to an abortion that’s enshrined in state Constitution. The state Supreme Court in 2019 said there is a right to abortion under the state Constitution. And that’s allowed clinics here to remain open.

And, you know, just to give you a sense of the stakes in terms of where Kansas is on the map, if you look at that map, Amy, I mean, it is a wall of deep red to the east and to the south of Kansas. And so, patients from Oklahoma, from Texas, from Louisiana, from Arkansas, from Missouri are all flocking to this state, that has actually quite a few abortion restrictions in place already here. It’s not by any means a haven state. Abortion is actually quite heavily restricted here. But it is a pivotal state where patients are flocking from across the region.

And so, what Republicans here are trying to do is strip away this right from the Constitution strategically using tactics of voter suppression. And that started with when they scheduled the vote. So, they scheduled it for the August 2nd primary, when turnout is about half of what it typically is in a general election. They scheduled it during a primary, knowing that about 30% of voters in Kansas are unaffiliated with a political party, so they’re not used to voting in primaries. They may not realize that you can still go to the polls and vote on a ballot amendment like this one — a ballot referendum like this one, even if you’re not registered with a political party. Kansas has a requirement that people have to register three weeks before the election. So, one of the clinic workers was saying to me yesterday that her son, who’s 18, has a “vote no” bumper sticker on his car. He’s so excited to vote in favor of abortion rights, which is “no” — the “no” position is for abortion rights. And he’s so excited to vote, and then he realizes he just had registered the night before. Well, he’s weeks too late to register to actually vote in this election under Kansas law.

The language of the amendment is incredibly confusing. I mean, it starts out by stating what the state Constitution already says, and then it gives the people, through their elected state representatives, the ability to pass laws regarding abortion, including ones that have exceptions for rape or incest. Well, reading that, you know, you might have to really puzzle through whether that sounds like a good thing or a bad thing — right? — and whether the pro-choice vote is “yes” or “no.” If you want to keep the status quo, is it “yes” or “no”?

And then, to top things off, yesterday a text message from a toll-free number went out to thousands of Kansans. I was sitting — standing in the clinic when the staff there started getting notifications that even people that they knew were getting these text messages. And these text messages said voting “yes” will give women a choice. Well, it’s the total opposite of that, in fact. Voting “no” is the pro-choice position here. Voting “yes” would allow state lawmakers in Kansas to pass even the most extreme anti-abortion laws here. And so, this was a very clearly deceptive text from an anonymous number. And I tried to trace it, I tried to call it, I tried to message it, and I just got a dial tone. So — and it’s a violation, most likely, of FCC rules, according to the ACLU.

So, this is just to sort of give you a sense of this is not an up-or-down clear yes-or-no vote on abortion, because abortion rights proponents here understand that abortion is a popular issue. A majority, more than 60%, of Kansans do not want to ban abortion in all circumstances. And so, it’s just a question of whether those people get to the polls, can vote, and understand what they’re voting for. We know that when measures to ban abortion or enshrine personhood for fetuses have been on the ballot, and it’s a direct question of the most extreme abortion ban or not, those measures have been voted down in even the most conservative states, like South Dakota and Mississippi. But what’s left clear —



You know, it was a prayer vigil, so they had spread out all along the sidewalk in front of a large Christian church here in Wichita, holding “vote yes” signs. And it was interesting, Juan. If I had to guess, you know, standing there on the sidewalk, watching the cars go by, which side this was going to go, just based on people’s reactions to these signs — you know, some of them were honking in support and seemed excited about the “vote yes” position, and then some were yelling profanity out their window or booing.

So, what’s really clear is that this amendment is deeply present here, right? You can’t go a block without seeing a lawn sign on one way or the other. The second I crossed the state line into Kansas, I saw a Rosie the Riveter sign that said “Trust women. Vote no on 2.” It’s absolutely everywhere.

And I think what’s really encouraging is that there has been an enormous grassroots mobilization, that might just tip the odds that are stacked against the abortion rights position here, that might just be enough. I mean, I think it’s going to be very close. But I think abortion rights supporters here are cautiously optimistic that the huge upswelling of outrage and political participation from people who have never been involved in that kind of activism before will be enough to tip the balance in their favor, even though Republicans have really tried hard to stack the deck against abortion rights in this vote.....


Kansas Vovers Overwhelmingly Reject Constitutional Amendment Banning Abortion

Voters in Kansas have overwhelmingly rejected an anti-abortion ballot measure. Nearly 60% of Kansan voters opposed adding a constitutional amendment to remove the right to an abortion in the state. The lopsided vote surprised many. During the 2020 election, Donald Trump won the state by 15%. If the amendment had passed, it would have cleared the way for Republican state lawmakers to ban abortion.

laine lowe laine lowe's picture

It's always so uplifting to hear news like that posted in #267. Amazing grassroots organizing made that historic outcome possible.


Quebec woman upset after pharmacist denies her morning-after pill due to his religious beliefs

A young woman from Saguenay, Que., says she left a local pharmacy feeling shamed after a pharmacist refused to sell her emergency oral contraception, better known as the morning-after pill, because it went against his religious beliefs. 

"I felt bad, I felt really judged," said the 24-year-old woman, who asked to remain anonymous for fear of reprisal. 

The woman said the pharmacist told her prescribing her the pill "was not in his values" and told her to either go to another store or wait around for another pharmacist to show up who could prescribe it to her. 

"I was a bit flabbergasted, I didn't know what to say," the woman said of her experience at the Jean Coutu pharmacy in the borough of Chicoutimi.

She finally got access to the pill by going to another nearby pharmacy, but two days after the event, the woman said she's still recovering from the emotional distress it caused her. 

Pharmacist's rights protected under Canadian charter

For maximum effectiveness, the emergency oral contraception pill should be taken 12 to 24 hours after intercourse, according to Familiprix, a Canadian group of independent pharmacists.

The woman said she told the pharmacist that her situation was time sensitive and that she needed to take the pill that day, but "he wouldn't do anything for me." 

She said she was lucky her employer allowed her to take some time off to wait for service at another pharmacy where she finally received the medication..... 


This company should make sure this can never happen again. Quebec should pass a law to insure that.


Feminists have the Charter right to picket his pharmacy, so his customers know he only provides partial services to people.


I thought that wearing religion on your sleeves was against the law in Quebec. If I got this straight a pharmacist cannot wear a hijab because patients may be intimidated by the display of religion but a Christian male can shame a young woman because of his religious beliefs.   What hypocrites Canadians are when it comes to human rights.

laine lowe laine lowe's picture

kropotkin1951 wrote:

I thought that wearing religion on your sleeves was against the law in Quebec. If I got this straight a pharmacist cannot wear a hijab because patients may be intimidated by the display of religion but a Christian male can shame a young woman because of his religious beliefs.   What hypocrites Canadians are when it comes to human rights.

The hypocrisy of this allowance also struck me. Wow, religion is respected when it comes to denying essential services but curtailed in other sectors were providing public services are essential. So disgusting.


After the repeal of Roe

In an outrageous act of judicial activism that disregarded both judicial precedent and popular opinion, the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade and ended the constitutional protection of abortion as a national right. Their decision has unleashed the Republican Party in so-called Red States to enact trigger laws and pass new legislation that will likely criminalize abortion in half the country.

Already, the far right is planning to launch a campaign to impose a national ban. These attacks will have a devastating impact on women, trans people, people of color, and the entire working class.

In response to this full frontal assault on reproductive freedom, the Democratic Party has offered little to nothing but another plea to vote for them in the midterm elections. Many who may vote for the party know it cannot be trusted. Despite numerous opportunities in various administrations including Biden’s, it has refused to pass legislation to codify Roe as the law of the land, and it has even restricted abortion rights.


A terrible defeat and more to come

We must not sugar coat the enormity of the defeat we have suffered. As Jia Tolentino argues, the overturning of Roe will not “take us back” to a time before abortion was legal, but into a new era “of widespread state surveillance and criminalization—of pregnant women, certainly, but also of doctors and pharmacists and clinic staffers and volunteers and friends and family members, of anyone who comes into meaningful contact with a pregnancy that does not end in healthy birth.”

Such state intrusions into the lives of women and people who can become pregnant will not remain isolated to so-called Red States. Republican extremists are determined to impose their agenda nationally, policing the travel of pregnant people trying to secure abortions where it remains legal, challenging the use of mail to deliver abortion pills, and even bringing national legislation to ban abortion throughout the country.

The result of all of this will be disastrous for the working class as a whole, and especially for Black and Brown people. By one estimate, the repeal of Roe will lead to a 33 percent increase in pregnancy-related death among Black women.

The court’s overturning of Roe was just the beginning of its attack on bodily autonomy as part of a whole slew of reactionary rulings. In his separate opinion, Clarence Thomas challenged the constitutionality of decisions on same sex marriage, trans rights, and even contraception. Such extremism tanked the Court’s approval rating to a historic low of 25 percent and inspired protesters to chant, “Fuck You, SCOTUS!

The rampant right and the pathetic democrats

Organized political forces have reacted to the ruling in all too predictable ways. The far-right zealots in and outside the Republican Party are jubilant and moving ahead to impose new state bans with hopes of a national ban.

Republican leaders from Ron DeSantis to Mitch McConnell are overjoyed with their victory but aware of how unpopular it is. So, they are determined to focus on issues they see as giving them an advantage over the Democrats in the midterms—the deteriorating economy as well as manufactured moral panics over crime, Critical Race Theory, Trans people’s so-called “threat” to women’s rights, and “chaos” at the border. For his part, Donald Trump, remains monomaniacally obsessed with his defeat in the 2020 election.

The Democrats proved themselves useless in the midst of the new crisis. In a pathetic stunt, Democratic House Representative staged a sing-along of “God Bless America” on the Capitol steps as the Supreme Court issued its ruling.

Nancy Pelosi followed that up with a press conference where she quoted a passage from Zionist Ehud Manor’s poem, “I Have No Other Country,” which Israeli settlers use as an anthem for their colonial seizure of Palestinian land. It reads: “My country has changed her face; I shall not give up on her. I shall remind her and sing into her ears until she opens her eyes.”

Meanwhile, Pelosi openly campaigned for abortion opponent Henry Cuellar in Texas, helping him secure victory over progressive pro-abortion candidate Jessica Cisneros. Even worse, her party poured nearly $44 million into supporting Trump-backed candidates (all of them anti-abortion extremists) in the GOP primaries in the hopes that Democrats could beat them in the general election.

This is a dangerous if not suicidal example of the lesser evil backing the greater evil in primaries to scare voters into voting for the lesser evil in the general election. So much for voting for Democrats to stop the far right!....


The U.S.'s cold civil war is intensifying with the country dividing into red America versus blue America. Will it end up anything like it did over 150 years ago when the U.S. divided by grey versus blue?


the country dividing into red America versus blue America

..i don't see it that way. i see more disgust directed toward both parties. more of a 99% opposed to the 1% kind of thing. people see their money going to war, gas & oil resulting in climate disaster. people link these things to both parties. this includes the abortion issue. 


If the 99% are united against the 1% in the U.S. why are things not changing there in a good direction?

epaulo13 you i see it as intensifying. the abortion struggle for example is certainly doing just that. and within that struggle things are changing. 


Ultimately for things to change don't elected politicians have to enact good legislation? And if so, in the U.S. who will be those politicians other than Democrats? Republicans? Independents?


..there is no good legislation to be had. 


How can problems be improved or solved without enacting legislation to improve or solve them?

epaulo13 you know my position is that the parties can't be reformed. what is left is organizing and the local level. what comes from that no one can say. that is for future folks to decide. since you think it can be reformed you tell me when and how this will happen. 


I agree that organizing and struggle should happen at the local level but I think it can also include happen at other levels too including formal politics at the state and federal levels if that's what people choose. I think what comes from that also no one can say. that is for future folks to decide. I think allies can be found in many places and shouldn't be rejected. Whether we like it or not in the U.S. most people on the left, to varying degrees, support the Democratic Party. I think that reality has to be worked with not fought against as people and allies in struggle should be met where they are not where we would want them to be.


..the notion that people will continue to put themselves on the line for political parties that continually betray them is an argument for insanity. or self abuse. it is an argument for the status quo. i don't believe that is what is going on. i doubt any progressives that want real change supports the dems like you say jkr. people voting for the lesser evil or become active to stop a greater evil does not relate to support for the dems. it is something else going on. and that where hope lies.


You don't think many "progressives" in the U.S. support the Democratic Party?


..that's right i don't. class struggle isn't a party thing. i'll vote ndp but that doesn't mean i support the ndp. and everything that comes with that thinking.

..i think most people understand that mainstream parties don't represent their interests. that parties are representing the interests of the ruling class. elections aren't a measure for understanding class struggle. 


You don't think many "progressives" in the U.S. volunteer for the Democratic Party and spend a good amount of time doing that?


..that's not what i'm saying. activists at the grassroots level may very well use the infrastructure and resources the party provides as a vehicle for some control over their lives at that level. this does not reflect approval from the top other than the top's ability to use/manipulate a local struggle. and also that this does not translate into the ability to take control of the party where the party power lives.  

..same could be said at the municipal level be it the labour party or the ndp. that support at this level is not party loyalty. but part of a broader class struggle rather than a party thing. criticism of the democratic party must go on. and is entirely relevant in this thread. 


Mother and Daughter Face Felony Charges over At-Home Abortion in Nebraska

In Nebraska, a mother and her teenage daughter have been charged with felonies after the mother helped her daughter obtain abortion medication. Authorities built their case in part on private Facebook messages between the mother and daughter which were obtained through a warrant. Investigators also obtained the teenager’s medical records. Authorities say the teenager, who was 17 at the time, broke the law by performing an abortion after 20 weeks. The mother and daughter are also accused of burning and burying the fetus. The teenager is being charged as an adult at the request of prosecutors.


epaulo13 wrote:

..that's not what i'm saying. activists at the grassroots level may very well use the infrastructure and resources the party provides as a vehicle for some control over their lives at that level. this does not reflect approval from the top other than the top's ability to use/manipulate a local struggle. and also that this does not translate into the ability to take control of the party where the party power lives.  

..same could be said at the municipal level be it the labour party or the ndp. that support at this level is not party loyalty. but part of a broader class struggle rather than a party thing. criticism of the democratic party must go on. and is entirely relevant in this thread. 

I agree with both of your points. That when warranted it makes sense to work with and within the Democratic Party and when warranted it makes sense to criticize the Democratic Party. I think criticizing the Democratic Party doesn't preclude working with them or supporting them too. Criticizing the Democratic Party when warranted supports the Democratic Party improve.


..i'd emphasize the party a whole lot less.  


I think you might be right but I'm not sure so I'm hedging my bets by emphasizing both.


..more from #289

This Is the Data Facebook Gave Police to Prosecute a Teenager for Abortion

A 17-year-old girl and her mother have been charged with a series of felonies and misdemeanors after an apparent medication abortion at home in Nebraska. The state’s case relies on evidence from the teenager’s private Facebook messages, obtained directly from Facebook by court order, which show the mother and daughter allegedly bought medication to induce abortion online, and then disposed of the body of the fetus. While the court documents, obtained by Motherboard, allege that the abortion took place before the Supreme Court overturned Roe v Wade in June, they show in shocking detail how abortion could and will be prosecuted in the United States, and how tech companies will be enlisted by law enforcement to help prosecute their cases.

According to court records, Celeste Burgess, 17, and her mother, Jessica Burgess, bought medication called Pregnot designed to end pregnancy. Pregnot is a kit of mifepristone and misoprostol, which is often used to safely end pregnancy in the first trimester. In this case, Burgess was 28-weeks pregnant, which is later in pregnancy than mifepristone and misoprostol are recommended for use. It’s also later than Nebraska’s 20-week post-fertilization abortion ban, which makes allowances only if the pregnant person is at risk of death or "serious risk of substantial and irreversible physical impairment of a major bodily function." (Nebraska’s abortion laws have not changed since Roe v Wade was overturned).

Jessica Burgess is charged with five crimes (three felonies, including "perform/attempt abortion at > 20 weeks, perform abortion by non-licensed doctor, and removing/concealing a dead human body). Celeste is charged with one felony, "removing/concealing/abandoning dead human body" and two misdemeanors: concealing the death of another person and false reporting. She is being tried as an adult. Some details of the case were earlier reported by the Lincoln Journal-Star and Forbes. Motherboard is publishing the search warrants and court records that show specifically how the case is being prosecuted.....


US citizens should vote out the politicians that are supporting this bullshit.


Kansas Orders Hand Recount of Vote That Affirmed Reproductive Rights

Kansas’s secretary of state has signed off on a hand recount of ballots cast on August 2, when voters overwhelmingly rejected a referendum that would have removed reproductive rights from the Kansas Constitution. The recount was requested by a private citizen who has spread baseless conspiracy theories about the 2020 election; it will be paid for by anti-abortion activists. The recount is unlikely to change the outcome of the election, which saw Kansans affirm abortion rights by a 165,000-vote margin.


A Louisiana mother has a week to make an unthinkable decision — carry her baby to term even though she says doctors tell her it will not survive or find another state where she can have an abortion, WAFB reports.

Said the woman: “It was an abnormal ultrasound, and they noticed the top of the baby’s head was missing and the skull was missing, the top of the skull was missing.”

She added: “It’s hard knowing that… you know I’m carrying it to bury it.”

laine lowe laine lowe's picture

The above is the cruelest punishment possible for having the misfortune of suffering a devastating pregrnancy outcome. It's so very upsetting.


Louisiana Board Withholds New Orleans Flood Aid over City Council’s Defense of Abortion

Louisiana’s State Bond Commission is withholding nearly $40 million in funding for flood control in New Orleans after the state’s Republican attorney general objected to city officials’ opposition to Louisiana’s strict abortion ban. The funding is meant to pay for drainage pumps critical to protecting New Orleans from flooding and rising sea levels due to the climate crisis. Attorney General Jeff Landry successfully pushed commissioners to withhold the funds as punishment, after the New Orleans City Council passed a resolution asking law enforcement officers not to enforce Louisiana’s near-total abortion ban — which does not include exemptions for rape or incest. This comes after a Baton Rouge resident who was 10 weeks pregnant was denied an abortion at a Louisiana hospital even though an ultrasound showed her fetus was developing without a skull. The condition, known as “acrania,” does not appear on a list of accepted conditions for an abortion in Louisiana.


Billionaire Barre Seid Gave Record $1.6 Billion to Dark Money Group Pushing Right-Wing Courts

A conservative, dark money group that’s pushed a far-right agenda in the U.S. judiciary received $1.6 billion in funding last year from an obscure Republican donor — the largest known donation to a political advocacy group in U.S. history. That’s according to The New York Times, as well as a joint investigation by ProPublica and The Lever. The donor is Barre Seid, a 90-year-old conservative industrialist from Chicago. Over the past two years, Seid funneled hundreds of millions of dollars through secretive transactions to a nonprofit led by Leonard Leo, the co-chair of the far-right Federalist Society who’s known as Donald Trump’s “Supreme Court whisperer.” Leonard Leo has been instrumental in the rollback of federal voting rights and reproductive rights. Leo also directly helped select judges to be nominated to the Supreme Court, including Justices Amy Coney Barrett, Brett Kavanaugh and Neil Gorsuch, and organized massive media campaigns to see them confirmed.


That pattern of behavior by a government is called corruption. Corrupt politicians passing laws to legalize this relationship with big money does not change the fact it is still corruption.


Why Can’t Midwives Provide Abortion?


While abortion care is not currently considered within the midwife’s scope of practice in B.C., it’s closely connected to what we already do as clinicians.

I already manage and counsel folks on what to expect when a pregnancy doesn’t progress in the form of a miscarriage. I already provide anticipatory guidance and care for those who elect to not be pregnant, even though I don’t prescribe the medications or manage the surgical procedure itself.

Sometimes, a miscarriage demands the very same medical treatment as an abortion. Depending on gestational age and preference, a client with a missed miscarriage — one where the fetus has stopped growing but the tissue hasn’t yet passed — will typically elect either a surgical procedure or a combination of misoprostol and mifepristone medications.

I can’t prescribe those medications even though midwives already use misoprostol to medically manage postpartum hemorrhages on our own authority.

Later this month, in fact, I will take the same course that teaches the management of medical abortions to family physicians and nurse practitioners. I just will not be allowed to use these skills, unlike in other jurisdictions including Quebec and South Africa.

In the reproductive health-care clinic, I was actually, in some ways, pretending I was there to have what is often called a therapeutic abortion. I told the family physicians and counsellors that I was certain of my plans, as I knew that’s what they needed to hear.

But in truth, I wasn’t sure just yet. As a midwife I was well aware of the long wait times and tight gestational age deadlines for abortion appointments, and I wanted to be prepared in case that was the direction I decided on. But at the same time, I also reached out to midwives for pregnancy care — I was preparing for that potentiality as well. I was privileged. Being a midwife gave me intimate knowledge of how to navigate the reproductive health-care system so that I had time to consider both options. I also lived in a large urban centre where both these options were readily accessible.

Canada is one of a few countries in the world without laws restricting abortion. One in four pregnancies end in elective pregnancy termination. However, the biggest limitation to abortion care in Canada is access. Those living in rural and remote areas, underserved communities, as well as those who are uninsured are particularly vulnerable.

Since 2009, the World Health Organization has recommended that midwives be trained to provide abortion care. The International Confederation of Midwives includes abortion care for up to 12 completed weeks of pregnancy in their list of competencies for midwifery practice. And the Canadian Association of Midwives has a provision statement that affirms abortion care as part of a midwife’s professional role.....
