Supremes set to strike down Roe vs Wade

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Supremes set to strike down Roe vs Wade


A draft document leaked to Politico shows a majority will vote to strike down.  Not a huge surprise I guess


This is a panel on abortion


Fox News is opposed to abortion rights? Who knew!

Fox News actually deserves a lot of responsibility for bringing this about. Their domination of the Republicans has made Fox News very powerful.

epaulo13's men only on the abortion panel is the point. 

..just like men dominate the legislature, the courts and the writing of the constitution.


I am astounded that the story is not about arresting the person who leaked a Supreme Court draft. I do not believe in Canada that has ever happened and would never happen without repercussions. This draft leak highlights that the US does not have a independent judiciary but merely a different forum for the extension of its partisan politics.

The rights of women in the US plutocracy are subject to the will of rich and powerful men.


What a tragic decision for women if it proceeds!
Men have a huge responsibility here to support women's rights!


oldgoat wrote:

SCOTUS Roe v. Wade decision a grave threat to democracy - rabble

That was an excellent article. It got me thinking about the days when abortion was illegal here and women's groups in Canada used to sneak women into the US. Will women from the US be able to access clinics in Canada?


A reminder that although abortion is decriminalized in Canada, ACCESS to abortion is still a HUGE problem across the country. Some provinces and territories have a handful (sometimes even ONE) providers. Chart


oldgoat wrote:

SCOTUS Roe v. Wade decision a grave threat to democracy - rabble

From Rebick’s excellent article:

Make no mistake. If the U.S. Supreme Court holds to the position outlined in the leaked document, the political civil war deepened by Trump will get more ferocious than we have ever seen it. The stakes couldn’t be higher. Republican majorities in either the House or the Senate in this year’s election will continue the paralysis that slows or stops the Democrats from making progressive change and if the Republicans win the next Presidency, I fear we will no longer be able to call the U.S. a democratic country and the impact of that is incalculable.


American women can obtain abortions in Canada if Roe v. Wade falls, minister says; CBC News; May 3, 2022


American women will be able to obtain abortions in Canada if the United States Supreme Court overturns Roe v. Wade and returns abortion law to the state level, says Karina Gould, minister of families, children and social development.

In an interview with CBC News Network's Power & Politics on Tuesday, Gould was asked if American women would be allowed to access the procedure in Canada.

"I don't see why we would not," she told host Vassy Kapelos. "If they, people, come here and need access, certainly, you know, that's a service that would be provided."



Nora Loreto

Abortion isn't "legal" in the Canada the same way that heart surgery isn't "legal" they are both medical procedures that you can either get or not get, based on access, space, capacity, etc.

Thinking about this through American frameworks is going to lead us to a dead end.

Just like MAID, absence to services is the state's way of oppressing people, and it's worth being clear. And so worrying about the MPs who are in the small minority of Canadians who want to make abortion illegal misses what the real threat is: austerity, privatization.

Justin Trudeau can be pro-choice until the cows come home. But if you don't have a local hospital that does abortions, what does it matter what he thinks?

The reason why understanding abortion like this is absolutely critical is because it gives us clarity: it means that a pro-choice PM or Premier can be just as much a threat to abortion services as a Fetus Osterhoff might be.


epaulo13 wrote:
Just like MAID, absence to services is the state's way of oppressing people, and it's worth being clear. And so worrying about the MPs who are in the small minority of Canadians who want to make abortion illegal misses what the real threat is: austerity, privatization.

While that is true it takes an argument to convince people of it. People aren't listening especially if they hear "the state's way of oppressing people" and an attempt to generalize the issue. Conservatives refusing to comment on Roe vs. Wade is news. Organizations and politicians commenting on it is news. That is what will impact politics rather than your analysis even if you are right.


Conservatives are not going to stop with abortion


Without Filibuster Reform, Democratic Efforts to Codify Abortion Rights Will Fail

On Capitol Hill, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer said the Senate will soon vote to codify abortion rights into law, but the effort is expected to fail even though Democrats control both houses and the presidency. This is in part because Democratic Senator Joe Manchin of West Virginia and Kyrsten Sinema of Arizona continue to oppose changing the filibuster rules.


Sounds like abortion rights will depend on electing more Democrats and not electing Republicans and Democrats like Manchin and Sinema. 


First off, this may or many not be the opinion that garners five votes.  It was an initial draft written nearly three months ago.  These go through many changes and it is not uncommon that someone who joined the initial opinion ends up not joining it in the end.  The likely reason to leak this is to keep one or more of the five in line.  My hunch is to prevent Kavanaugh from joining Roberts in a concurrence that does not explicitly override Roe.  (There's little doubt that the 15-week law in question will be uphold 6-3).


And no law was broken by this leak.


JKR wrote:

Sounds like abortion rights will depend on electing more Democrats and not electing Republicans and Democrats like Manchin and Sinema. 

..the problem is not the voters it's the system.


Reproductive Justice Is Racial Justice: Abortion Doctor & Activist Facing Deportation Vow to Fight On


AMY GOODMAN: Massive protests have erupted across the United States following the publication of a leaked Supreme Court opinion that revealed the court is preparing to overturn Roe v. Wade, the landmark 1973 decision that established a constitutional right to abortion nationwide. Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts confirmed the leaked document is authentic, but said it’s only a draft opinion. He has launched an investigation into the leak. Thousands took to the streets around the country in outrage Tuesday, just hours after reproductive justice groups called for actions, with rallies in California, Arizona, Washington state, Oregon, Texas, Alabama, Georgia, Nebraska, Illinois, Pennsylvania, here in New York and dozens of other cities. Protesters also gathered in front of the U.S. Supreme Court in Washington, D.C., for a second straight day Tuesday.

CHELSEA WHITE: I think it could be overturned, and then it’s going to become a war on women’s rights again, something that our mothers and grandmothers already did before. And I can’t believe that they now have to live through this again and that there might be back-alley abortions again. Because abortions, it’s never going to be banned. It’s never going to go away. All they’re doing now is just sacrificing women’s health and the medical issue.

AMY GOODMAN: Grassroots groups have called on people to donate to abortion and reproductive health funds. Meanwhile, many Democratic-led states are preparing to receive a growing number of people seeking abortions if Roe v. Wade is struck down. At least 16 states and Washington, D.C., have already codified abortion rights into state law, including New York and Colorado. Here in New York, lawmakers have now introduced legislation that would expand abortion and reproductive health access to all. New York Assemblymember Jessica González-Rojas, who is leading the efforts, made the announcement Tuesday.....


epaulo13 wrote:
JKR wrote:

Sounds like abortion rights will depend on electing more Democrats and not electing Republicans and Democrats like Manchin and Sinema. 

..the problem is not the voters it's the system.

What system?


It's always the system.  No one's responsible because everyone's responsible.


epaulo13 wrote:

Meanwhile, many Democratic-led states are preparing to receive a growing number of people seeking abortions if Roe v. Wade is struck down. At least 16 states and Washington, D.C., have already codified abortion rights into state law, including New York and Colorado. Here in New York, lawmakers have now introduced legislation that would expand abortion and reproductive health access to all. New York Assemblymember Jessica González-Rojas, who is leading the efforts, made the announcement Tuesday.....

Thank goodness Democratic led states are lending their support to people stuck in Republican run states!


Rolling back abortion rights is ‘democratic backsliding,’ UW political scientist says


..the fault is always pointed at the voter. it is the voters fault that this has come about because they didn't vote for the right people. but when someone, the right person, comes forward, like bernie, the party crushes them. because the party is controlled by oligarchs.    

..we all know this. yet in times, like this backlash against women happens, that same party is somehow the answer. in spite of there transfers of any wealth upward creating massive poverty, cutbacks and desperation. all it's racism, all it's brutality it inflicts on the world is set aside and they are now the protectors of women. 

..they are not. they are the opposite in spite of those within the party that disagree with the leadership. the leadership is still in charge. the leadership is still a part of the patriarchy and patriarchy is the system and that doesn't include everybody. 


No one is blaming the voters. That's just a red herring. People are blaming Republicans who are legislating and judging the U.S. into revoking peoples' rights.

epaulo13 blame them when you say what you said in #18.


like this backlash against women happens

..further on this. it is with the leadership of women we see the bulk of the resistance against the capitalist system. black lives matter, indigenous movements, teachers, hospital workers. indian farmers  movements, movements through out africa and south america. it is women who pose the greatest threat to the global elites. and the abortion issue is a part of the backlash. 


epaulo13 wrote: blame them when you say what you said in #18.

Please don’t tell me what I think. I am not equating Republican politicians and justices with voters.


..i don't care what you think. you are making as political statement on a political board. that statement is full of implications. how can you not see that? 


The abortion issue has nothing to do with global elites and everything to do with replacement theory and religious beliefs especially evangelicals. 


..that's a narrow view pondering. religion is just one political vehicle manipulated by politicos. there are others.

..the abortion issue is a political issue. it's about power over women. and that extends to the global elites via the global abuse of woman. for instance the us sends its military all over the world where rape is a military tactic. just like poverty at home is a tactic.


josh wrote:

And no law was broken by this leak.

As I initially thought this leak is unprecedented and likely illegal. Clerks and Judges all sign non-disclosure agreements that come with potential criminal sanctions. The idea that a major judicial decisions has become a political football is a disgrace.

The draft, published by Politico Monday evening, would overturn abortion rights, bulldozing decades of precedent under the court’s Roe v. Wade decision, and mark a sharp conservative turn for the bench. The leak, which has been called unprecedented in modern history, has already sparked an investigation and calls for criminal prosecution.

Although it is not known who leaked the document, the court’s clerks are likely to be considered suspects because they’re among the few people with access to draft opinions. But they also have more to lose professionally than just about anybody in the building.

“This would be career suicide,” said Carolyn Shapiro, a former clerk for Justice Stephen Breyer and a professor at the Chicago-Kent College of Law."


..this is a feminist thread and as a male i need to respect that. so i will limit my future postings to items coming from women. 


epaulo13 wrote:

..i don't care what you think. you are making as political statement on a political board. that statement is full of implications. how can you not see that? 

I think you’re twisting what I say to fit your outlook. I think you’re also putting words into my mouth to create strawmen arguments.


As I initially thought this leak is unprecedented and likely illegal. Clerks and Judges all sign non-disclosure agreements that come with potential criminal sanctions. 

Non-disclosure agreements cannot be enforced criminally.  There has to be a specific law that is broken 


Democrats: The Ukraine War is Over Let's Talk Abortion Rights

"On day 69 the war in Ukraine fell off the top of the main pages. It was likely a tactical decision by Democrats to let it 'leak' now. The war to 'weaken Russia' is going badly for the 'west' and the US can do little to change that.

The midterm elections will likely see a huge loss for the Democrats. They need an emotional issue to incentivize their voters to go to the polls. Abortion rights may do that for a certain group of voters...The final Supreme Court decision will be published within the next two months..."


Democratic Leaders Continue to Back Rep. Henry Cuellar Despite Anti-Abortion Views

In Texas, top Democratic Party officials are continuing to support conservative Democrat and incumbent Congressmember Henry Cuellar despite his long-standing opposition to reproductive rights. On Wednesday, Majority Whip Jim Clyburn — the number three House Democrat — traveled to Texas to stump for Cuellar at a get-out-the-vote rally. Cuellar is anti-choice, pro-gun, and has backed private prisons, drone surveillance and increased border security. His home and campaign office were raided by the FBI in January as part of an investigation involving Azerbaijan and several U.S. businessmen, though Cuellar denies he’s a target of the investigation.

Cuellar faces progressive challenger Jessica Cisneros in a tightly contested primary election runoff that ends May 24. Cisneros was endorsed by the AFL-CIO, Senators Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren and New York Congressmember Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. She’s a supporter of Medicare for All, the Green New Deal and reproductive rights. On Wednesday, Cisneros called on Democratic Party leaders to withdraw their support for her opponent.

Jessica Cisneros: “At every turn, my congressman has stood in opposition to the Democratic Party agenda, from being anti-union to being anti-choice. And with the House majority on the line, Cuellar could very much be the deciding vote on the future of reproductive rights in this country, and we just cannot afford that risk.”


epaulo13, I thought you said criticizing politicians is the same as criticizing the voters?


Democrats want to 'codify' Roe v. Wade. What does that mean — and could they do it?; CBC News; May 5, 2022


The things to keep your eye on are blue states, say, like Connecticut, trying to pass laws that not only will protect their own residents, but protect people in Connecticut who try to hold people from arrest to come to Connecticut for abortion services," McClain said.

"The blue states are trying to pass laws that will allow them to help people from other states. Meanwhile, the red states are trying to pass laws that will punish people for going out of state or assisting someone to go out of state to get reproductive health care. So there's this very messy between-state business going on."



Kind of like the lead up to the Civil War.


JKR wrote:

epaulo13, I thought you said criticizing politicians is the same as criticizing the voters?

..sure you did.

JKR're an amazing mind reader!

epaulo13 need to read minds. writing is open like a chess board. there aren't any hidden moves.  




Manitoba Legislative Building

Event by Handmaids' Local 204 & 431 Manitoba

Show up and speak out for abortion rights for our Southern neighbours. The Supreme Court is set to allow states to BAN abortion.



epaulo13 wrote: need to read minds. writing is open like a chess board. there aren't any hidden moves.  

I thought you said I was blaming voters when I was blaming politicians.

epaulo13 wrote: blame them when you say what you said in #18.


epaulo13 wrote:
JKR wrote:

epaulo13, I thought you said criticizing politicians is the same as criticizing the voters?

..sure you did.

You’re obviously guessing what I’m thinking. Seems like mind reading to me.


JKR wrote:

Sounds like abortion rights will depend on electing more Democrats and not electing Republicans and Democrats like Manchin and Sinema. 

..this is my last talk on this subject. the statement is loaded with implications. whether you see it or not. 1) it implies that it's the voters fault because they didn't vote more democrats last election. and that if they don't next time it will be their fault. 2) it implies that democrats will protect women around abortion. this is an outright falsehood. they had years and even more years to codify but didn't. now it's going to be their election platform. very cynical. the reality is the party elites continue to support the reactionaries in the party.


JKR wrote:
epaulo13 wrote:
JKR wrote:

epaulo13, I thought you said criticizing politicians is the same as criticizing the voters?

..sure you did.

You’re obviously guessing what I’m thinking. Seems like mind reading to me. was a stupid thing to say about my position. i didn't guess at that.
