Female sexuality and the impact on our lives

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Female sexuality and the impact on our lives

Prequel: This isn't a debate topic it is a conversational topic.
Sex Industry threads
Sex worker forum

I generally don’t post in this forum but there didn’t seem to be any other suitable one so I made an exception. This is in no way intending to limit male participation in the topic especially in terms of historical information but also opinions. I am hoping for an exploration not a debate.

Everyone welcome, just don't troll because I go for the jugular.

I hope we can discuss the place of prostitution as an ill-defined aspect of women's lives. I would like to discuss it without any attempt to justify as an industry nor to condemn it as service to the patriarchy. Just the reality of it. 

If we want to go into a "therefore prostitution should be" we can quote a post and go into one of the other threads. 

Coupled with the notion of sex as labour, is the notion that sex is not particularly different from other activities. It’s comparable to say a back massage. It’s just using different body parts.

If that were true men could give each other blow jobs instead of bothering with women. Mouth on penis; close your eyes.

Obviously, it isn’t the same otherwise we would not experience such powerful emotions linked to sexual orientation.  

Many women have embraced our sexuality claiming the right to vacation romances or one night stands without slut shaming but it isn’t something all women are comfortable with. Many women have no more than 2 or 3 different partners in a lifetime or even just one although that is vanishingly rare. Sex drive also varies widely from every day to never.

Intercourse is a different experience for women than for most men. We are being literally entered by a far stronger being with more aggressive tendencies than ourselves. We put ourselves at the mercy of a man whenever we are alone with one never mind naked and underneath him.  The experience of intercourse is one of intense vulnerability even if we love the man and he wouldn’t dream of hurting a hair on our heads. It’s an emotion that can vary greatly from woman to woman. There is no one way that all women experience sex.

Sexual revulsion is the flip side of sexual arousal.


A small Dutch study, released Wednesday, set out to identify the psychology that leads women to willingly, and even enthusiastically, engage in sexual activities despite the ick factor. The results, published online in the journal PLoS ONE, indicate that arousal overrides feelings of disgust and facilitates a woman's desire to do something that a woman who is not aroused might find flat-out repulsive.


This study has investigated how sexual arousal interplays with disgust and disgust eliciting properties in women, and has demonstrated that this relationship goes beyond subjective report by affecting the actual approach to disgusting stimuli. Hence, this could explain how we still manage to engage in pleasurable sexual activity. Moreover, these findings suggest that low sexual arousal might be a key feature in the maintenance of particular sexual dysfunctions.

The ratio between disgust and arousal most likely varies between people as greatly as sex drive does.

The history of how humans treat sex began when we came into existence and has been treated very differently throughout. It has always been a singularly important factor in the lives of women used as a source of power and a reason to subjugate us.

From the moment of birth part of our future is foretold. At puberty we will stop growing larger and more powerful. Our bodies will be transformed instead. Breasts with which to feed babies will appear. Blood with which to grow them should we become pregnant appears between our legs often with debilitating cramps as our bodies adjust to baby making equipment. We become objects of desire. It dictates that we will be limited by the process of pregnancy, child birth, and years of early care likely for multiple children if nature takes its course.


Random thought

Sexual arousal and revulsion and maybe orientation to some degree are mallable. 

To be further explored once I organize my thoughts.


Don't want to discuss this in relation to whether or not prostitution should be legal. Just putting this out there as an aspect of female sexuality. 


It depends how you define it. Humans have exchanged money and goods for sex for thousands of years, and indeed it seems that any society that begins to develop material wealth soon develops some form of prostitution. The Bible depicts many Israelites as having large numbers of concubines, who could be viewed either as prostitutes or as wives of a lesser status. According to 1 Kings 11:3, King Solomon had “700 wives … and 300 concubines.” In ancient Rome, it seems you could hand over a token at a brothel in return for a specific sexual favor. However, the common image of prostitutes as a special group of outcasts walking the streets may not have arisen until the Victorian era, when health officials blamed them for the spread of venereal diseases. In the 21st century, prostitution occurs across cultures and political systems, even operating in socialist societies.

Lots more interesting info to chew over but there is also this.

What does and does not constitute prostitution continues to be a subject of debate, but there’s evidence that some kinds of animals engage in a form of prostitution. Female chimpanzees living in the Ivory Coast have been observed to trade sex for meat. In one experiment capuchin monkeys were taught to use silver discs as a sort of money (they could be redeemed for grapes), and it wasn’t long before one monkey exchanged one of the tokens for sex. Dr. Fiona Hunter, a researcher at Cambridge University, observed female penguins in Antarctica trading sex for stones and pebbles. Adélie penguins need rocks to build their nests, and some females—though they already had a mating partner—would have sex with a single male while away and then take some of his stones. While the females may have had other motives than gathering pebbles, Hunter noted that “stones are the valuable currency in penguin terms,” and penguins are usually very protective of them. Some penguins engaged in the behavior over and over, but she said, “It’s probably only a few percent.”

People don't echo all the behaviors of animals. We are creatures of reason not just instinct. Parallels can sometimes be interesting explore in terms of behaviors that are natural within the animal kingdom of which we are a part.

I hope we can discuss the place of prostitution as an ill-defined aspect of women's lives. I would like to discuss it without any attempt to justify as an industry nor to condemn it as service to the patriarchy. Just the reality of it. 

If we want to go into a "therefore prostitution should be" we can quote a post and go into one of the other threads. 

susan davis susan davis's picture

you want to discuss sex work as "animal behaviour" which is beneath humans, you want to discuss how sex work harms all women... you want discuss how sex workers are animals acting like animals and need to be reigned in like animals....

Am i getting the jist of your discussion topic?

susan davis susan davis's picture

if anything, your post demonstrates how utterly ludicris it is to think that sex work could be "abolished".

Sexuality is part of being a human animal and not everyone has access to a "loved one" or a spouse or whatever it is you deem acceptable when 2 or more people have sex with each other.....

some have alot of love to give - like me - and as a result and for compensation - all parties benefit from the "animal sex" i offer to those who cannot find a partner(s).....

our genetic code, our DNA.... are geared towrds breading... to be a success as a species... to procreate and ensure the continuaton of our respective blood lines....

I could go into depth about the "Four Tribes" and how we are all related to 4 women and all the codfish off of Newfoundland are reated to 1 mother.... 200 million fish....

look it up....

that's all i have to say about such a bias post....


That isn't what I am saying at all Susan. I was very surprised that it appeared in the animal research. We are animals. We are mammals. We are subject to animal instincts. Not all things reflected in animal behavior appear in human behavior but we often look for human behaviors in animals. When found they can indicate that a behavior is instinctive or at least very basic. We don't use animal behavior to justify human behavior because we are creatures of reason. It just plays a factor in understanding the behavior. 

I was very taken with the idea of chimpanzees, monkeys and penquins attempting to gain favor with the female of the species. It made me laugh. It seems they prefer willing partners.

Adélie penguins need rocks to build their nests, and some females—though they already had a mating partner—would have sex with a single male while away and then take some of his stones.

Do penquins go on business trips? Do any notice the extra rocks lying around when they get back? 

When an exchange becomes prostitution is very fuzzy and I am not really concerned about that distinction in this thread. 

This thread for me is about exploring what female sexuality has looked like over the centuries. I don't expect it to lead to a conclusion. 

I do hope we can reference this thread from the other topics rather than continuously rehashing the "is sex an activity just like any other" argument. Obviously it isn't an activity like any other. It is far more intimate. Equally obviously women have bestowed sexual favors in exchange for material goods throughout history.

Both of these things are true. Neither in and of themselves leads to a conclusion. 




Susan, I deleted my previous messsage because it wasn't friendly. We are on the opposite sides of this issue but Oprah managed to have a KKK grand master on her talk show. 

Please reread my posts. They genuinely don't mean what you think they do. They mean the exact opposite. I was going out of my way to say there is no one way all women experience sex. That our sex drives vary widely. That we choose one night stands and reject slut-shaming. 

I 100% accept that some sex workers are happy in their work and feel as much pride and satisfaction in it as anyone else might who is enthusiastic about their work. Not everyone feels that way but that is true of any job. 

This thread will among other things illustrate the long history of prostitution but it will also address the long history of monogamy and maybe even matriarchal systems. The various ways our sexuality has been controlled by religion is a massive topic all its own. 

Just explore it all with me.

laine lowe laine lowe's picture

Edited to remove too much personal information.


I feel like no one is actually reading what I am saying.

I think the duality of sex arousal and repulsion goes some way to explaining why women vary so much in their attitudes towards sex and why it can change due to life experience.

The study referred to possible applications in treating sexual dysfunction when arousal isn't high enough to overcome revulsion. The first thing that occurred to me is that the arousal level may be fine. The problem could be at the other end, a too sensitive "ick" response. If that is the case then sexual dysfunction might be reduced by desensitization in the same way  a new parent has to quickly get over any ick response to diaper changes. The study measured ick response by doing things like putting a fake bug in a beverage. Women who were more aroused were more comfortable drinking the beverage with a fake bug than those who were not.

I don't want to immediately relate everything to prostitution but if we must it suggests to me that sex workers may just have a much lower "ick" response either naturally or due to life events. There isn't anything wrong with having a lower ick response that I can think of.  Apparently it protects us from poisons or something or other but as we no longer live in the wilds it doesn't seem useful. Whether or not you are a sex worker it means you will be aroused more easily with a low ick response or have less of an issue even if you are not aroused. The ick factor is all about being turned off by bodily fluids not sex.

In terms of vulnerability to men, I finished by saying: It’s an emotion that can vary greatly from woman to woman. There is no one way that all women experience sex.

Sex workers can still be raped. It isn’t all about ick factor or physical injury. It’s about being overpowered and entered against our will, the intense helplessness to prevent it. It’s not like being forced to give someone a back rub. It matters deeply even if it is your husband. I don’t know why that is the case but it is. That is why sex workers still experience rape as rape, not theft.

I'm never going to agree that sex is like a back rub. It's not. It's a stupid analogy. It would be equally stupid to say prostitution is entirely against our nature. Or that it isn't gendered. 

I don’t want to debate in an adversarial manner in this thread. I don’t want us to have to agree or disagree or come to any conclusions about anything. I don’t want to trick anyone into saying something I can use in a different thread. Of course we may discover something here that helps build our respective arguments but I would hope it wouldn’t be used in an under-handed manner or inappropriately. If it is we should call each other out. Go for the jugular.

Laine and Susan, I appreciate your participation in the thread. Talking by myself just wouldn’t be the same. If I make you feel defensive tell me. Take my side if you think I am being unfairly attacked. If the amount I am posting isn't giving you a chance to respond tell me and I will pause. 

Let's just give it a shot. Can't be worse than what we have been doing so far. 

laine lowe laine lowe's picture

Maybe I am a sensitive troll, Pondering. But you did not have the compassion to acknowledge that I shared deeply personal experiences on this thread - things that very few people in my orbit of current friends even know of. 


I intended to but in a different post after putting more thought into it. I too have had experiences but I didn't want to compare emotional reactions or events. I reread the chest of drawers explanation and it was an excellent way to explain it. I am happy you had such wise adults that could step in when your mother failed you.  I am sorry you felt slighted by my not responding to that aspect of your post first. I worked throught it from top to bottom and the last section was your personal experience. 

I'm glad you gave me the chance to explain myself and I hope you no longer judge me as lacking in compassion. 


You began your account by putting words in my mouth but I let it go. 

I read in your take that women should always be on the alert when it comes to expressing their sexuality.

I said nothing like that. Nothing at all. What in my post indicated that to you? What was your train of thought that led you to the conclusion that's what I was saying?

Why must you put words in my mouth to express yourself?


For a second there I thought you actually entered the thread in good faith. Now I just realized you have attacked me in every single post you have addressed me in through misrepresenting my views.

Now I don't even know if I can believe you or if I am just being a sucker again. Stupid me thinking you were being sincere.

No, I do know. You just came in to bait me. I don't have to be religious to thank god I didn't share my own personal experiences because unlike you I was impacted. I am so glad you weren't traumatized so you could use your experience to attack me assuming it even happened.

I must admit you got me laine. I was feeling so confident that I could catch the troll attacks coming my way but you got a really great shot it. I could never have imagined you would use an account of sexual abuse as a weapon.

I am such an idiot prattling along with my thank you so much for coming laine.

I was going to eat but I’m sick to my stomach. I’m so grateful I didn’t share any personal experiences you could have weaponized.

laine lowe laine lowe's picture

Pondering, first of all I appreciate you supportive words on my sharing my experiences. 

Secondly, I am not trying to put words in your mouth but I guess there was something in what you said that led me to believie that you were suggesting a power imbalence that influenced sexual dynamics. I am sorry if I misread what you were expressing.






You're full of shit. That's your excuse every time. There must have been something I said. 

There was nothing I said. Not in this post. Not in any of the other posts you responded to. It's your technique.  

Were you saying this,... were you saying that,... I thought there was an under current,.... it seemed like you were saying.

It seems like you have had lots of practice. 

laine lowe laine lowe's picture

I have no more words.


No problem laine. I kept them for you.

susan davis susan davis's picture

Pondering wrote:

You're full of shit. That's your excuse every time. There must have been something I said. 

There was nothing I said. Not in this post. Not in any of the other posts you responded to. It's your technique.  

Were you saying this,... were you saying that,... I thought there was an under current,.... it seemed like you were saying.

It seems like you have had lots of practice. 

what the hell Pondering!!! stop being so friggin mean... you ask us to take part and then loose your shit...... jeezus

susan davis susan davis's picture

and holy shit you reposted something she wanted removed....wth....?  stop being such a jerk and let people respond. posting that personal info again after she removed it is really questionable....




For the record, yes, I have suffered very seriously at the hands of men multiple times, even while 8 months pregnant. I was traumatized. I was scarred. Then I married my late husband who was the kindest most non-violent man you could ever meet. He had a scar across his nose from stepping in to stop a man from attacking another woman at a party he was at. He wasn't weak or a coward. He was a man of peace who could be violent when called upon.

Men are both loving and violent. I don't condemn a man for having these human qualities. Women are also both loving and violent. We are more alike than we are different. Men are just physically stronger because that is the power nature bestows on them at puberty.

Women were given the power to, with seed, create an entire human being within us. It is something I cherish. It was magical for me. That isn't the case for all women depending on their personal circumstances but I think many women have shared my reaction to it.  When my baby cried my milk "let down". I am an animal. Nature gave me a particular role to play in the survival of the species. I am subjected to hormones that induce me to behave in certain ways. 

As a human I have free will and the ability to reason. I can reject aspects of my nature if what it is urging me to do is counter to my individual interests in the moment.  The survival of the species is not my priority in terms of reproduction. Because of reason I know the greatest threat to our survival is climate change not me producing a maximum number of babies. 

Human nature isn't a get out of jail free card for following whatever we imagine our human instincts are guiding us to do. At the same time we can't deny their influence. 

 Men and women are not better or worse than one another, we are more alike than we are different, but our different biological roles heavily impacted history. It makes sense for women to "man" the home front and for man to go do whatever needed doing. To some extent biology was destiny. We had reproductive roles to play.

I particulary want to explore female sexuality and the impact it has had on our lives but I also find myself thinking more about men and what reactions nature has prompted them to have through hormones or some other means.

Nature definitely intended for men to stick around and do their part for the survival of the species not just to drop off sperm. 

susan davis susan davis's picture

"drop off sperm"? Impact on our lives?

the title of this thread should be how does male sexuality harm women.... you don't really want to talk about female sexuality....

thus the reason it isn't safe for anyone to respond....

i am sorry you have experienced harm. Many women do, not just from men....

and i agree that nature intended some men to "nest" if you will and help with raising children but some nature intended to sow their seed as far and wide as possible... that is why we are successful as a species.... Alpha females seek the Alpha sperm for the strongest possible outcome.... and then may choose a Beta for more sperm but the added bonus of help with raising the children of both... many men are raising children who are not their own....

this is really an insulting over simplification of this and i hope men and women alike are not upset by it.....

sorry, i won't be answering this How does male sexuality harm women thread again


susan davis wrote:
...and i agree that nature intended some men to "nest" if you will and help with raising children... 

That isn't anything I said.

susan davis wrote:
.. but some nature intended to sow their seed as far and wide as possible... that is why we are successful as a species.... Alpha females seek the Alpha sperm for the strongest possible outcome.... and then may choose a Beta for more sperm but the added bonus of help with raising the children of both... many men are raising children who are not their own...

I disagree with the notion that alpha males are off impregnating a bunch of women while beta males are getting suckered into raising their children. It's true that some men end up raising the children of other men unknowingly but in the past and present many men step up and raise the children of other men and love them as they would their own because they are generous of heart.

I think nature gave man the instinct to protect infants of their species regardless of whether or not they came from their seed. If we go back to the earliest days of man we lived in tribes. Many men and women would have died young. To survive the tribe wouldn't just ditch babies whose mothers died in childbirth. Women can breastfeed each other's babies and would or could breastfeed children as old as 4. Even now in the north of Canada indigenous men go hunting and bring back meat which they share with the entire community not just a nuclear family.  I'm sure women do that too, we are more alike than different, but it is a more typically male behavior within those communities. The men don't have any expectations beyond the natural gratitude and happiness of the community. Women get together to finish butchering and prepare cuts for cooking. Everyone just does their part without any quid pro quo. 

I think the whole "alpha male" theory is twisted and used to justify anti-social behaviors like greed. The powerful men in our world are mainly there because of inherited wealth or lying, cheating or stealing their way to the top. That is what represents today’s “alpha” male.

We live in a world in which “alpha” males and females think they are better than the rest of us because they are hoarding more marbles. It doesn’t mean they are right.

I enjoy talking with other people but I am okay with thinking out loud by myself. I’m usually not starting with an end goal beyond exploring a topic even if I have ideas I have settled on. I think people’s opinions, including my own, are more likely to be modified rather than changed in some dramatic way. The goal doesn’t have to be changing people’s minds or reaching some overarching truth that explains everything. Just sharing ideas can be good. 

I have a ton of ideas I would like to explore but next up will be patriarchy and penquins.


I was going to do a penguin post first because I am so taken with them but I had this other one going and it seems vaguely connected to Kropotkin post 113 from https://babble.rabble.ca/babble/labour-and-consumption/sex-labour?page=2 which I intend to argue about over there eventually. I hadn't closed my thoughts on this post yet but I see a connection at the end I don't want to lose in a different train of thought. Other people might see no connection whatsoever. 

I don’t believe that sex is an activity like any other. I don’t think it is that difficult to establish that it isn’t. I find my thoughts going in a different direction but not sure where that is. I may rename the thread “relations between the sexes”.

I don’t come from an academic background so my understanding of feminism and the patriarchy comes from the most basic of definitions and my ideology if you can even call it that is pieced together from this and that. I periodically look up definitions of the different types of feminism but I don’t retain it because I am not that interested in the details of theories. They are a lens through which we can interpret life but life is not bound by theory. Gender theory led to an intersex boy being castrated and raised as a girl. It did not turn out well. Conversion therapy was based on theory.

Patriarchy is a social system in which positions of dominance and privilege are primarily held by men.[1][2][3] It is used, both as a technical anthropological term for families or clans controlled by the father or eldest male or group of males and in feminist theory where it is used to describe broad social structures in which men dominate over women and children. In these theories it is often extended to a variety of manifestations in which men have social privileges over others causing exploitation or oppression, such as through male dominance of moral authority and control of property.[4][5][6] Patriarchal societies can be patrilineal or matrilineal, meaning that property and title are inherited by the male or female lineage respectively.

Patriarchy is associated with a set of ideas, a patriarchal ideology that acts to explain and justify this dominance and attributes it to inherent natural differences between men and women. Sociologists hold varied opinions on whether patriarchy is a social product or an outcome of innate differences between the sexes. Sociobiologists compare human gender roles to sexed behavior in other primates and some argue that gender inequality comes primarily from genetic and reproductive differences between men and women. Social constructionists contest this argument, arguing that gender roles and gender inequity are instruments of power and have become social norms to maintain control over women. Constructionists would contend that sociobiological arguments serve to justify the oppression of women.[7]

is a social product or an outcome of innate differences between the sexes

It’s obviously both. Innate differences led to inevitably different roles in the survival of the species. We each had to do our part male or female. Women have strongly supported the patriarchy intentionally and unintentionally. Men have always been expected to step up. Biology did give us specific roles to play that we didn’t choose.

Class and patriarchy work hand in hand. A working class man has a great deal more to complain about than Meghan Markle who is using her platform to complain about how unfair life is to privileged women. She didn’t realize what it was like to be treated as a black woman until she became engaged to Prince Harry. Jaw dropping. Racism is terrible at any level but it feels a little like discovering one is indigenous as an adult and claiming the mantle. Being engaged to a Prince of England is a pretty good spot from which to say FU peasant. I got diamonds on the soles of my shoes.

The Pill coupled with modern conveniences has caused massive upheaval in relations between men and women. We don’t need each other in the same way we used to but most of us still want each other. It is still easier to raise children in a family with two parents. It still feels good to go through life with a partner you feel you can trust and depend on. The patriarchy is a system we all live within. We are drenched in pink and blue sexism from birth. It remains difficult to see through each other’s eyes. We are more alike than different in that we experience the same emotions but it is from very different perspectives.

The patriarchy is a system within which we all live but one in which men have more power than women but not homogenously in that many women have more power than many men because we are arranged in classes.

That caused splits within feminism and birthed intersectional feminism but we still missed the mark. Feminism can’t be fought as women against men seeking equality each at their own class level. The injustice of sexism is echoed in the injustice of class. How can a wealthy woman be a sister to one struggling in poverty as a direct result of a business the wealthy woman is benefiting from?

Being born male is similar to being born with inherited wealth. Both offer unearned privileges. Both upset the balance of power between people.  

Kropotkin: Leftist thought on sex as labour would require looking at it from a class analysis perspective. If it is the exploitation of vulnerable people that is the concern then programs to make people less vulnerable is the leftist answer not the criminal justice system. Left wing thinking by definition is trying to change the status quo around economic issues to empower people to make uncoerced choices.

I don't want to argue the prostitution angle in this thread as it is already ongoing in two other threads. I'm looking more at the general sentiment. The imbalance of power between the sexes is akin to that between the classes. 


The imbalance of power between the sexes is akin to that between the classes. 

This statement is one I disagree with. A woman of wealth always controls over the poor servants below her of either sex. In patriarchy a male is at the top of the family unit but he is surrounded by women who enforce the system. In cooperative relationships regardless of the genders of the people involved it comes down to cooperation or mutual aid.

With good communication and negotiation skills, any couple can create satisfying, loving intimacy. When you and your partner know how to cooperate, you can build a partnership in which you:

• Give and take equally.
• Are committed to mutual satisfaction.
• Face problems rather than avoiding them.
• Work together toward mutual satisfaction.
• Feel like a team.
• Treat each other's feelings, wants and needs as important.
• Share thoughts and feelings freely.
• Encourage each other and create excitement as well as comfort and security.
• Feel comfortable, satisfied, stimulated, and thus secure in the relationship.
• Have confidence that your relationship will last.



They can yes, if the man wants that kind of relationship. All that touchy feely cooperation stuff for most of history wasn't anywhere in the thoughts of either men or women. 

In my teen years some men thought it was insulting for a man's wife to work as if he couldn't afford to keep her. "Obey" stayed in the ceremony until  relatively recently. 

Certainly much more eglatarian relationships exist now but it is because women fought tooth and nail to make it that way. We didn't get a lot of help. Even now women still put in more hours of combined work than men do. I think young women today have it better but I don't know by how much. Porn has placed much more pressure on them to perform sexually. 

Women are stil at a disadvantage economically especially if we take time to have a baby. We lose out professionally. Hence the dropping birth rate in developed countries. Even China is having trouble. 

All this childcare help has nothing to do with being fair or women's rights or any of that bullshit. It's that the patriarchy wants us having babies and in the workforce. Being able to control our fertility is giving us power. 

Sexism isn't just our relationships with individual men. It permeates our existence. 


The women of Iran are not enforcing the system. Religion is a tool of the patriarchy. 

The fact that our biological destiny is determined at birth has a profound influence over women's lives everywhere in the world. We are groomed from birth to give birth. We aren't all able to. We don't all choose to. Most of us do follow the path to motherhood but now we are choosing to have fewer babies. We are choosing freedom. 


“The declining birthrates seem to be irreversible, but the government does not have a gameplan,” Dr Ye Liu, a senior lecturer in international development at King’s College London says. “It’s all about the power of men over women and utilisation of women’s bodies as economic means. In short, men make policies for women. In the recent party congress, there were many promises made but none for women. Women are ‘invisible’.”

Chinese scholars campaigned to scrap the one-child policy for more than a decade, on the grounds that the country’s total fertility rate was worryingly behind the replacement rate. In the 1970s, the total fertility rate (births per woman) fell from 5.8 in 1970 to 2.75 in 1979. In the 1980s, the rate hovered above the replacement level of 2.1 that would allow the population to replace itself, but since the 1990s, it has declined to below the replacement level. The 2010 and 2020 censuses yielded total fertility rates of 1.18 and 1.30 respectively. This further fell to an alarming 1.15 in 2021, according to figures from the National Bureau of Statistics....

“The government’s long history of restricting women’s reproduction rights through abusive and sometimes violent means has created massive trauma for women and instilled a deep fear and suspicion. Given all this, the question is less why these recent methods to raise births didn’t work, and more – how could it possibly?” Fong says.

Fong noted the one-child policy also exacerbated a traditional preference for male children, leading to a huge gender gap. “How can the country now shore up birthrates, with millions of missing women?”

Missing women is part of it but not the trauma. Women can satisfy their maternal instincts with one child. Shorter break from work means less damage to professional advancement. one child is easier to blend into life. 

It's happening in Canada too. 

The other thing that has changed dramatically is the prevalence of single parent families. While that increases the professional cost it is an option open to women should they choose it. 

susan davis susan davis's picture

as i said.... my description was oversimplified and probaby insulting to some.... 


Artemisia Gentileschi: The Allegory of Inclination (radio)


"This 1616 self-portrait was originally a nude. Then a man had it covered up."

Women's resistance in many forms across the ages against deeply difficult oppressions is powerful, beautiful and continuing...


They can yes, if the man wants that kind of relationship. All that touchy feely cooperation stuff for most of history wasn't anywhere in the thoughts of either men or women. 

Whatever is said is irrelevant to your ongoing diatribes. Carry on explaining how there are so few good men in your world. In my world I have been working with women for five decades trying to bring about the changes you dismiss as "touchy felley." I truly am sorry that you have had no allies in your life but you persist in implying that feminists in Canada have not had allies among left wing men and that is a disgusting lie.

"Certainly much more eglatarian relationships exist now but it is because women fought tooth and nail to make it that way. We didn't get a lot of help."


I have lots of good men in my world thanks much. Specifically traditional feminists, the anti-porn kind, get little support. You paint us as man-haters. I'm talking about how having vaginas, our sexuality, impacted women's lives throughout history and into the present. You're giving relationship advice. 

Thanks much don't need it. 


NDPP wrote:
Artemisia Gentileschi: The Allegory of Inclination (radio)



Thanks. A great story about adversity overcome. Imagine that it is taking this long to finally begin to recognize her.  50% of the population of the world has been held back. Imagine what we could have if that were not the case. I often think of that in terms of all the people living in poverty. The person who could cure cancer might have died of starvation as an infant. All that human potential lost. 

Michelangelo Buonarroti the Younger, the famed artist's great-nephew, was one of Gentileschi's greatest patrons. He commissioned The Allegory of Inclination as part of a series of works on display in his home that paid tribute to his great-uncle's artistic values, Falcone said.

"Artemisia is painting the inclination to produce art — the drive, the creative drive to produce art," Falcone said. "Essentially, she's painting this allegorical figure, this nude that's now veiled."

Gentileschi was 22 when she painted The Allegory of Inclination. Widely believed to be a self-portrait, it features a nude woman holding a compass and gazing at the sky, the North star visible above her.

"Women at this time were not considered capable of artistic production. They weren't [considered] capable of great works. The fact that Michelangelo the Younger wants her to produce that specific value is really important, because he's actually saying, 'Yes, women can produce art. They do have the drive to produce art,'" Falcone said.

"And that's why she wanted to be connected to the painting."...
Gentileschi's story is one of suffering, survival and success.

Born and raised in Rome, she travelled to Florence shortly after the high-profile trial of her rapist, landscape painter Agostino Tassi.

According to The Associated Press, the then-17-year-old Gentileschi was forced to testify with ropes tied around her fingers that were progressively tightened, supposedly to test her honestly. She was also forced to undergo a physical examination in the courtroom, behind a curtain, to confirm that she was no longer a virgin. 

Tassi was convicted and sentenced to eight months in prison....
For decades, Gentileschi's sexual assault overshadowed discussions of her work, according to a May 2022 exploration of her legacy on CBC Radio's Ideas. But in recent decades, there has been a growing appreciation in the art history world for her achievements. 

She produced works centred on "famous women, mythological women, [and] strong women," Falcone said. She became the first woman to attend the Academy of the Arts of Drawing in Florence. And she rubbed shoulders with famous Italians, including the legendary astronomer Galileo.


 And to successfully pursue the prosecution of a rapist under such grisly adverse conditions existing at the time too. Extraordinarily impressive. An amazing fighting  spirit and artist I had never heard of before either.


If it were snakes or frogs behaving like this I wouldn't consider it nearly so cute but back to penguins. 


Dr. Fiona Hunter, a researcher at Cambridge University, observed female penguins in Antarctica trading sex for stones and pebbles. Adélie penguins need rocks to build their nests, and some females—though they already had a mating partner—would have sex with a single male while away and then take some of his stones. While the females may have had other motives than gathering pebbles, Hunter noted that “stones are the valuable currency in penguin terms,” and penguins are usually very protective of them. Some penguins engaged in the behavior over and over, but she said, “It’s probably only a few percent.”

So the extra rock gathering isn't a big thing. This is about a different kind of penguin. I was very surprised to find out the division of reproductive duties. Scientists suspect that the male incubates the egg because he is bigger and fatter so more likely to keep it alive. 

All summer long they both eat. Then they pair up and the female lays an egg. The male then incubates the egg while the female takes off for two months. He doesn't eat that entire time. 

Mom returns to the colony, sometime between mid-July and early August, after spending the last two months feeding at sea. She takes over caring for the chick while dad, having eaten nothing but snow for about 120 days, heads to the ocean to start feeding. By now, he has dropped 40% in weight from his summer weight of about 84 pounds (38 kilograms) to around 50 pounds (23 kilograms).

Dad will spend about three to four weeks feeding at sea, then return to his mate. From then on, the pair takes turns caring for their little one, keeping it warm and feeding it regurgitated krill, fish and squid.

I find it really interesting that the male incubates the egg after the female lays it. It is amazing that he knows to do that when he isn't the one who laid it. The male still develops the size and strength, and the female remains smaller as her developmental energy goes to the more complex reproductive system. But then they switch roles for the incubation process.

It is astounding to me that nature organized reproduction in so many different ways and we all know our part. The Ukrainian sniper said she knew she was pregnant when everyone around her was scared because they were being attacked and all she could think about was pizza. Nature still drives us even though we have reason. 




I never knew the key to female sexuality and the impact it has on our lives was in observing penguins. Even more astounding is that those penguins are also cheering on Ukrainian women snipers.


The mysterious way in which the penguins know to come back for egg-sitting time and find their mate reminds me that we too are animals with instincts even if we use reason to overcome them. The nature versus nature argument is not one or the other. Not all women will have children but most of us have a natural desire to do so which is important to the survival of the species. That has a profound impact on our lives.  

I am looking forward to reading the Dawn of Everything to see if there is any focus on women's place in society in ancient times. 

I'll try to think of a better title for the thread. 


Ikea furniture and Christmas are upon me, but next up....

In most academic work, the experiences of rich and poor countries have been segregated, treating them like totally separate worlds. Poor countries, so the story goes, have problems with excess births, which requires help from international donors to provide contraceptives. Rich, democratic countries, meanwhile, aren’t usually thought to have a systematic reproductive rights problem at all.

But in reality, fertility has fallen so rapidly in the developing world that many poorer countries now face the same problems as Europe and America: women want to have children, but can’t make it work given the economic, social, and relational conditions facing them. Meanwhile, that problem, of missing kids, rather than just unintended births, is gaining more public attention.

Because much of the “population establishment” (as represented by the government and nongovernment organizations that organize conferences, coordinate donor money, and advise policymakers) operates from the mistaken assumption that most women have more kids than they want, they tend to give one-sided advice. When international NGOs talk about supporting women’s empowerment, or committing resources to family planning, or enhancing women’s sense of agency over their reproduction, they inevitably mean just one thing: helping women avoid unintended pregnancies. And, to be clear, that is valuable work. But it isn’t enough.

Population, reproduction, and family-oriented NGOs basically ignore the question of how to achieve desired births, not just avoid undesired births. Relatedly, major development benchmarks like the Human Development Index, or the Millennium Development Goals, do not even bother to include any metric of fertility desires in their standards....

But it’s time for policymakers and researchers to wake up and address the problem. Missing-but-wanted children now substantially outnumber unwanted births. Missing kids are a global phenomenon, not just a rich-world problem. Multiplying out each country’s fertility gap by its population of reproductive age women reveals that, for women entering their reproductive years in 2010 in the countries in my sample, there are likely to be a net 270 million missing births—if fertility ideals and birth rates hold stable. Put another way, over the 30 to 40 years these women would potentially be having children, that’s about 6 to 10 million missing babies per year thanks to the global undershooting of fertility....

But it’s time for policymakers and researchers to wake up and address the problem. Missing-but-wanted children now substantially outnumber unwanted births. Missing kids are a global phenomenon, not just a rich-world problem. Multiplying out each country’s fertility gap by its population of reproductive age women reveals that, for women entering their reproductive years in 2010 in the countries in my sample, there are likely to be a net 270 million missing births—if fertility ideals and birth rates hold stable. Put another way, over the 30 to 40 years these women would potentially be having children, that’s about 6 to 10 million missing babies per year thanks to the global undershooting of fertility.