Prequel: This isn't a debate topic it is a conversational topic.
Sex Industry threads
Sex worker forum
I generally don’t post in this forum but there didn’t seem to be any other suitable one so I made an exception. This is in no way intending to limit male participation in the topic especially in terms of historical information but also opinions. I am hoping for an exploration not a debate.
Everyone welcome, just don't troll because I go for the jugular.
I hope we can discuss the place of prostitution as an ill-defined aspect of women's lives. I would like to discuss it without any attempt to justify as an industry nor to condemn it as service to the patriarchy. Just the reality of it.
If we want to go into a "therefore prostitution should be" we can quote a post and go into one of the other threads.
Coupled with the notion of sex as labour, is the notion that sex is not particularly different from other activities. It’s comparable to say a back massage. It’s just using different body parts.
If that were true men could give each other blow jobs instead of bothering with women. Mouth on penis; close your eyes.
Obviously, it isn’t the same otherwise we would not experience such powerful emotions linked to sexual orientation.
Many women have embraced our sexuality claiming the right to vacation romances or one night stands without slut shaming but it isn’t something all women are comfortable with. Many women have no more than 2 or 3 different partners in a lifetime or even just one although that is vanishingly rare. Sex drive also varies widely from every day to never.
Intercourse is a different experience for women than for most men. We are being literally entered by a far stronger being with more aggressive tendencies than ourselves. We put ourselves at the mercy of a man whenever we are alone with one never mind naked and underneath him. The experience of intercourse is one of intense vulnerability even if we love the man and he wouldn’t dream of hurting a hair on our heads. It’s an emotion that can vary greatly from woman to woman. There is no one way that all women experience sex.
Sexual revulsion is the flip side of sexual arousal.
A small Dutch study, released Wednesday, set out to identify the psychology that leads women to willingly, and even enthusiastically, engage in sexual activities despite the ick factor. The results, published online in the journal PLoS ONE, indicate that arousal overrides feelings of disgust and facilitates a woman's desire to do something that a woman who is not aroused might find flat-out repulsive.
This study has investigated how sexual arousal interplays with disgust and disgust eliciting properties in women, and has demonstrated that this relationship goes beyond subjective report by affecting the actual approach to disgusting stimuli. Hence, this could explain how we still manage to engage in pleasurable sexual activity. Moreover, these findings suggest that low sexual arousal might be a key feature in the maintenance of particular sexual dysfunctions.
The ratio between disgust and arousal most likely varies between people as greatly as sex drive does.
The history of how humans treat sex began when we came into existence and has been treated very differently throughout. It has always been a singularly important factor in the lives of women used as a source of power and a reason to subjugate us.
From the moment of birth part of our future is foretold. At puberty we will stop growing larger and more powerful. Our bodies will be transformed instead. Breasts with which to feed babies will appear. Blood with which to grow them should we become pregnant appears between our legs often with debilitating cramps as our bodies adjust to baby making equipment. We become objects of desire. It dictates that we will be limited by the process of pregnancy, child birth, and years of early care likely for multiple children if nature takes its course.