Discuss (I used Google Translate):
[url=http://www.welt.de/die-welt/politik/article7623882/Ich-bin-ein-leidensch..."I am a passionate mushroom picker"[/url]
"I have never put this question this way to myself for a simple reason. I am convinced that the socialist idea would not have come into existence without Christianity. Christianity is the religion of charity. The politically correct word for charity is solidarity. Karl Marx saw this somewhat differently. He called religion 'opiate for the masses.' That is what he calls it in his [I]Theses on Feuerbach[/I]. Religion at the time of Karl Marx played a different role than it does today. Today the question arises who in society is responsible for the promotion of values. Supermarkets cannot replace cathedrals." (Oskar Lafontaine)