Land Defender Kanahus Manuel Arrested Using Excessive Force Says Lawyer
APTN interview with Kanhus Manuel who was arrested in what she and her lawyer say was an excessive use of force:
"...Our intent is to educate people about Indigenous land rights - that we have every right to occupy our land off of Indian Reserves, to assert our title, to exclusively use and occupy our territories, to say no to development and choose our own leadership in doing so.
So what we're saying here, is that there needs to be change in the country of Canada. If 'Reconciliation' is real it means land back to Indian peoples. You can't have reconciliation in Canada without recognition and implementation. We hold title to our lands - underlying radical title IS Indigenous title here in BC and all across the country of Canada..."
For all the supposed enthusiasm for 'Reconciliation' on this board, all the breathless reports of taking part in Round-Dances, expressed empathy for murdered and missing women, the T&R commission, 'Canada 150', the number of those here who professed to reading the book by Kanahus Manuel's late father Arthur: 'Unsettling Canada A National Wake Up Call', why are small underfunded Indigenous encampments by Secwepemc traditionalist women warriors being allowed to face the full wrath of the Trudeau regime determined to punch a dirty bitumen tar-sands pipeline through their territory so woefully unsupported? It is very sad but totally consistent with everything I know and have experienced with environmental movements, faux Canadian 'progressive' politics and 'activism'. FFS do something real to stop the ecocide & genocide and STOP THIS TMX Pipeline!