Cuba after the July 11 protests

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No one here is in favor of the embargo. Canada does still trade with Cuba We don't have an embargo.

As of May 2018, Cuba is presently Canada's second largest export market in the Caribbean/Central American region;[40] with bilateral trade between the two countries averaging approximately C$1 billion annually.[40][41] In 2000, Canada was Cuba's second-largest merchandise trading partner after Spain.[42] However, by 2009, Canada had become Cuba's fourth largest merchandise trading partner after Venezuela, China, and Spain.[42] Canada remained Cuba's third largest export market after Venezuela and China, and the eighth largest source of imported goods to Cuba in 2009; with declining Canadian imports in the late-2000s attributed to the loss of purchasing power after the Cuban government implemented austerity measures.[34] Canada primarily supplies Cuba with agricultural goods; and equipment for energy generation, mining, telecommunications, and transportation.[37] Nickel accounts for the majority of Cuban imports to Canada, although cigars, frozen lobsters, and rum are also imported from Cuba.[37]

So what is being said here is that Cuba can't survive without US imports and/or exports.


Why is the US Fueling the November 15 Cuba Protests?

"Cuban journalist Rosa Miriam Elizade discusses the US-backed counter-revolutionary protests planned for November 15.

'The only thing missing in terms of interference is a show like that of the US UnderSecretary of State Victoria Nuland, who distributed food [cookies] to anti-government protesters in Independence Square, in the capital of Ukraine, Kyiv, in 2013. The march is just another episode in a more comprehensive strategy..."



"So what is being said here is that Cuba can't survive without US imports and/or exports."

There have been many articles that set out the extent of the sanctions regime and how it has decimated Cuba because the US acts extraterritoriality and imposes its sanctions against other countries. Canada is also not immune.

In pursuit of its criminal and immoral policy, the Government of the United States pressures and coerces other countries to participate in its regime of economic sanctions against Cuba. Canada has not been immune from these pressures. For example, in 2017 the Office of Foreign Assets Control of the US Treasury Department fined the American Honda Finance Corporation (AHFC) $87,255 for approving and financing between February 2011 and March 2014 the leasing by Honda Canada Finance Inc. of 13 cars to the Embassy of Cuba in Canada.

Also, in 2020 Western Union Financial Services (Canada), Inc. decided to end the transfer of funds from Canada to Cuba. In a statement to the CBC, the company declared that the decision was “due to the unique challenges of operating remittance services from countries outside of the United States to Cuba.” This decision not only caused – and is causing – significant damage to people-to-people contacts and Canada-Cuba relations but is also a violation of the sovereignty of Canada by raising US law above that of Canadian law.

In pursuit of its criminal and immoral policy, the Government of the United States pressures and coerces other countries to participate in its regime of economic sanctions against Cuba. Canada has not been immune from these pressures. For example, in 2017 the Office of Foreign Assets Control of the US Treasury Department fined the American Honda Finance Corporation (AHFC) $87,255 for approving and financing between February 2011 and March 2014 the leasing by Honda Canada Finance Inc. of 13 cars to the Embassy of Cuba in Canada.

Also, in 2020 Western Union Financial Services (Canada), Inc. decided to end the transfer of funds from Canada to Cuba. In a statement to the CBC, the company declared that the decision was “due to the unique challenges of operating remittance services from countries outside of the United States to Cuba.” This decision not only caused – and is causing – significant damage to people-to-people contacts and Canada-Cuba relations but is also a violation of the sovereignty of Canada by raising US law above that of Canadian law.


The Heat: China-Cuba Relations (and vid)

"The China-Cuba relationship is about to get much closer with both countries working together as Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) partners..."


Liz Oliva Fernández exposes the striking disconnect between U.S. policy and Cuba’s reality. Liz reveals the absurdity of Biden’s offers to “help” the Cuban people with donations of vaccines, Internet access and remittances that bypass local financial institutions. She shows how Biden, pandering to Cuban-American hardliners in Miami, has abandoned his promise to reinitiate the Obama-era policy of engagement with Cuba. Liz also reports on the crackdown against protesters and contextualizes both repression in Cuba and the U.S. government’s supposed concern for human rights abuses in the region.


TJDS: US Media's Blatant Lies About Cuba & Colombia

With analyst Ben Norton, Grayzone News. Dem warhawk Samantha Power (USAID) is on the job.



On January 15, 2022, the organizations Puentes de Amor, The People’s Forum and CODEPINK are sending a cargo plane loaded with 15,000 pounds of powdered milk from Miami to Cuba. Representatives of the organizations are traveling to Cuba with the shipment. The aid will be received by the Martin Luther King Center in Havana. It will be distributed to pediatric hospitals in Havana.

Since the pandemic and the disruption of food supplies it has caused, there has been a shortage of powdered milk in Cuba, which is normally given out by the state—for free—to children, pregnant women, the elderly and people with medical needs. Due to the reluctance of U.S. companies and banks to deal with Cuba for fear of running afoul of U.S. sanctions, Cuba buys imported milk—at an inflated cost—from places as far as New Zealand and Uruguay.

The funds raised for the milk and the charter flight came from an outpouring of individual donations from people across the United States, including many Cuban Americans. It is an expression of the growing rejection among the US public of their government’s economic policies aimed to strangle the Cuban economy.

This Food for Cuba campaign builds on the November 15, 2021 shipment of 18,000 pounds of food that the Martin Luther King Center distributed mainly to children’s centers and homes for the elderly in the eastern provinces of Holguin, Granma and Guantanamo. It also follows the tremendous success of the Syringes for Cuba campaign, through which a coalition of U.S. groups raised over $500,000 to purchase 6 million syringes for Cuba’s COVID-19 vaccination drive.

“One more time, Cuban Americans show their solidarity with their brothers and sisters on the Island,” said Carlos Lazo of Puentes de Amor. “With this gesture, they express their desire to build bridges of love between the people of Cuba and the USA.”


“It is tragic and infuriating to see how President Biden’s policies are hurting millions of Cubans and exacerbating tensions on the island, especially at a time when Cuba’s economy has been battered by the COVID-19 pandemic,” said CODEPINK co founder Medea Benjamin. “Our donation is a sign that many people in the United States reject these aggressive actions and instead want to extend a helping hand to our neighbors.”

“Our donations in no way compensate for the harm caused by the U.S. blockade,” said Manolo de los Santos, executive director of The People’s Forum. “But they show our desire to stop our government from trying to strangle the Cuban economy and make people’s lives miserable. It shows our desire to let the Cuban people determine their own future, free from U.S. interference.” The groups sending the aid are also pressuring the administration and Congress to lift the blockade.


Two-Thirds of Cuban Voters Approve Referendum on Marriage and Gender Equality

Cubans have voted overwhelmingly to legalize marriage equality. In a nationwide referendum held Sunday, more than two-thirds of Cuban voters backed a family code that allows LGBTQ people to marry or form civil unions, and to adopt children. It also promotes the equal distribution of domestic responsibilities between men and women and takes steps to address domestic- and gender-based violence. On Monday, Cuban President Miguel Díaz-Canel tweeted, “Starting today, we will be a better nation.” He added the hashtag “#ElAmorYaEsLey,” or “Love is now the law.”


CGTN’s Sally Ayhan speaks to Cristina Escobar, Cuban journalist and political analyst, about the unprecedented vote of a family code in Cuba where LGBT and protection rights are on the table.

Here is an interview that the CBC would never do.
