Scientific data showing link between vaccines containing mercury and autism deliberately manipulated, covered up by CDC
"In 2003, the journal Pediatrics published a study conducted in Denmark that observed a significant decline in autism rates following the country's elimination of Thimerosal, a mercury-based component, from vaccines. But thanks to the CDC's corrupting influence, the published version of the study in Pediatrics actually claimed the opposite, and alleged that removal of Thimerosal brought about an increase in autism rates..."
Ben Goldacre in his book 'Bad Science' effectively traces the rise of this modern myth, indicates the number of children who have died because their parents were afraid of vaccination and how in various countries such as Nigeria mortality from measles is on the increase as a result.
Thimerosal is being phased out of use, to address people's fears about it in the absence of proof it is a health hazard.
From wikipedia:
The current scientific consensus is that no convincing scientific evidence supports these claims, based on various lines of evidence including the observation that the rate of autism continues to climb despite elimination of thiomersal from routine childhood vaccines.[19][20][21] Major scientific and medical bodies such as the Institute of Medicine[21] and World Health Organization[22] as well as governmental agencies such as the Food and Drug Administration[3] and the CDC[23] reject any role for thiomersal in autism or other neurodevelopmental disorders.
Erik Von Daniken will be on the History chanel's "Ancient Aliens" this week. You know. For those who might be interested.
Just in time for flu shot season!
Here's another good one I heard this week: instead of vaccinating their kids, some parents are linking through Facebook to trade infectious material through the mail to infect their kids "naturally."
Doctors and medical experts are concerned about a new trend taking place on Facebook. Parents are trading live viruses through the mail in order to infect their children.
The Facebook group is called “Find a Pox Party in Your Area.” According to the group’s page, it is geared toward “parents who want their children to obtain natural immunity for the chicken pox.”
On the page, parents post where they live and ask if anyone with a child who has the chicken pox would be willing to send saliva, infected lollipops or clothing through the mail.
Parents also use the page to set up play dates with children who currently have chicken pox.
Medical experts say the most troubling part of this is parents are taking pathogens from complete strangers and deliberately infecting their children.
One concern is that they are sending the virus through the mail.
FYI, here's another amusing post about Mike Adams, the guy who runs Natural News. He likens the administration of chemotherapy to a Nazi death camp:
There's not a single cancer patient that has ever been cured by chemotherapy. Zero. They don't exist. Not a single documented case in the history of western medicine.
There's not a single cancer patient that has ever been cured by chemotherapy. Zero. They don't exist. Not a single documented case in the history of western medicine.
Mike Adams? The only surviving brain donor? He's famous - must be right!
And Sineed, I wouldn't worry about folks trading viruses by mail. Just advise them not to open the attachment.
As for the opening link, it refers to "findings" by the "Coalition for Mercury-Free Drugs (CoMeD)", whose youth wing (CoMeDY) has repudiated their parent organization.
The supposed vaccine-autism link has been exposed as a fraud. A simple babble search would have turned up the proof.
Erik Von Daniken will be on the History chanel's "Ancient Aliens" this week. You know. For those who might be interested.
95% of all UFO sightings can be explained away as natural phenomenon. It is the other 5% that are interesting. There exists factual evidence and eye witness accounts by credible human beans who report seeing aerial phenomenon that defy known laws of physics. We know everything there is to know about physics, right? Not so according to the world's leading theoretical physicists. It is possible that life evolved elsewhere in the universe under the same or even very different laws of evolution and physics. To suggest otherwise would be considered scientific heresy in this day and age. On which side of that line do you stand? This is not the inquisition, so relax and feel free to think out loud. I think that pseudo-scientific bullies will understand loud and clear and may even refrain from making insinuations of others if we refuse to let it happen. It is possible for one to hold objective points of view in the scientific spirit of things concerning issues entirely unrelated to the thread topic of discussion if we all realize what we mean by that. ;-