We have seen massive disruptions to education in the era of cornoavirus. Schools in many parts of the country have been closed, and are likely to remain closed even longer. That is going to disrupt not only this round of education, but what happens next time a crisis like this happens?
To understand where we go, we have to understand where we came from. Our educational system arose from the Industrial Revolution, to essentially train children to be good factory workers as adults. The reason they have large amounts of time off in the summer time is because at the time, large majorities of the population were in rural areas and these children were needed to work on the farm. Now most of the population is urban and our industrial economy is changing.
This model was a top-down method, where the teacher's role is to instruct the children and provide information. Piaget contended that children instead learned best when they constructed their own knowledge, and Vygotsky contended that children learn best when experienced members of their culture help them to learn tasks that are culturally relevant. Contrast that with what goes on in schools today. High school students constantly grumble and wonder, "when are we ever going to use this stuff?" The honest answer in 90% of the cases is, you're not. This model also suggests that there is a firm separation between what goes on in "school" and "not school." So as we respond to changes, what does this mean? How do educators assist young people in taking charge of their own learning and making relevant contributions to society?
We will need many innovative ideas. And no, forcing all education into an online format where children fry their eyes watching their teacher on a TV screen and exacerbating the problem of digital addiction in this society does not count. What will these innovative ideas look like?