I'm sure most people currently on these boards this have no idea who I am, and that's absolutely fine. But I actually envisioned, seeded, animated, and moderated the first iteration of babble, nearly 25 years ago. A few folks (our dear oldgoat, and rabble's Editor Emeritus Jude MacDonald) flagged for me that the boards were being shut down, so I wanted to pop in.
In 1997 -- using Dreamweaver and dial-up internet -- I built a very third wave feminist website called Marigold. When Judy Rebick filmed an episode of Straight From The Hip in Halifax, her producer Kam Rao invited me on to talk about that site. I called in sick from my day job and went on live TV, starstruck.
If that booking hadn't happened, I probably would never had ended up working at rabble. And if I hadn't ended up working at rabble, I sincerely have no idea where I would be now. It was my work at rabble that got me my job at CUPE, which got me my job writing speeches and then being a Media Analyst for Jack Layton, which was the foundation of the rest of my career.
This website broke my heart in a few ways, but I can't imagine my life without rabble. I'm so thankful for so many of the connections I made here. I will forever be thankful for our inital crew of Judy Rebick and Jude MacDonald and John Hall for all the love and encouragement they showered on my undiagnosed ADHD self during my time at rabble. I know I did amazing work. I also know I was unmanagable.
When I first came to work at rabble, I was living in small town Nova Scotia. As babble closes (and after ten years living elsewhere) I am now in an even smaller town in Nova Scotia. Along with a lot of other things (once again working at a public sector union, once again freelancing on the side), this is what I am doing now. My husband Haritha and I bought and renovated and re-opened a supernaturally delightful general store and cafe in a little village called Port Medway. (We have a charming online store! We sell Tommy Douglas teatowels!)
Please anyone who'd like to get / stay in touch, feel free to add me on Facebook or follow me on Instagram or Twitter. Oh I also have a newsletter / blog, if you are missing reading about all of my feelings!
Thanks for reading all of this. I'm sending lots of love. <3