On the old babble, no one's e-mail addresses were viewable. We had the board set so that it would override the option given to everyone to allow their e-mail address to be made public.
However, everyone was still able to choose that option in their profile.
So now, with the new site, everyone who chose the "make e-mail public" option when signing up for their babble account on the old babble will now find that with the new software, their preference was transferred here - and their e-mail addresses are now public in their profiles.
If this has happened to you, and you would like to change it, here's what you need to do:
1. Click on your name, which takes you to your profile.
2. Choose the "Edit" tab at the top, next to the "View" tab (which is the default)
3. Under the "Edit" tab, you'll see two phrases: "Account Information" and "Personal Settings". Click on "Personal Settings".
4. Scroll down and you'll find a field called "Public e-mail address". If your e-mail address is in that field, remove it.
5. Scroll to the bottom of the page, and click the "submit" button to save the changes.