So lately I haven’t had a particularly visible presence on the board, but I have been reading the threads, esp the mid east ones, and I’ve gotten a handful of messages.
My feeling is that the level of discourse has not been consistently high, and seems to be getting worse. Some contribute to this more than others. and it's bleeding into other threads. I think I posted a while back about finding this rather dispiriting. After offering some thoughts and opinions on the subject initially, I also decided not to join the polemic. This is not for lack of anything to say, but I really don’t want to get into it.
We have specific policies and community standards of which everyone is aware. My own tools are to cajole nicely, cajole more forcefully, suspend or ban outright. I really don’t like the last options. (ok, there have been times I’ve liked it) Community standards are also determined by this group and has generally been self enforcing. A bunch of threads have really been going sideways lately, and frankly getting pretty school yard. I have felt a bit helpless. I’ve tried to be even handed on this clearly emotional issue with limited success.
Where this is going is, could people please be more mindful regarding what the hell they’re posting and don’t make me wonder if you’re posting sober. The ad hominens are ridiculous. Otherwise people will be taking vacations or will be gone.
Thanks for coming to my TED talk.