I hope 2023 has got off to a good start for you, personally. Thank you for your support of rabble. I’m writing to ask for an additional, I hope small favour - and with some good news.
First, the favour: rabble is nearing the end of its winter fundraiser - can you help show some love for our work by sharing a meme and a link on your social media or by email to colleagues and friends?
We are a mere $7000 away from our $50K goal. Can you help rabble cross the finish line by sharing the message below (or in your own words), with the attached image, on Monday, February 13 or Tuesday, February 14th?
I’m a supporter of rabble.ca’s indie journalism and I hope you will support me in making their winter fundraiser a big success! rabble needs to raise $7,000 by February 15 to meet their 50K goal, and I'd love for us to help them cross the finish line. All you have to do is visit rabble.ca/donate and in a few short moments you’ll be supporting independent media. No amount is too small and every contribution means a lot to them.
(Your Name)
Thank you for lending us a hand if you can. And now for the good news! On Thursday rabble won Silver for best News media website at the Canadian Online Publishing awards! I’m so proud of the work that our small but passionate and capable team accomplishes - and we could not do that without the foundation you've helped lay for rabble’s work.Thank you for spreading the word! Telling others why you support rabble makes a huge difference in the success of the campaign. Thank you for showing rabble some extra love this Valentine's day.