The future of babble

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The future of babble

Hello All,

It is with some sadness that I announce that I will be retiring from babble. I'll continue to do a bit of freelance writing for rabble from time to time, but in a few months I'll no longer be your moderator. It's been 12 years, and I'm ready for a change and am looking forward to having the time to work on other projects.

What I'd like to ask all of you is: How do you see the future of babble? Migration to another platform? Continue on as is or shut down the board altogether?

Former and current staff will be meeting in a few weeks to discuss what is to become of babble, so your input is vital. Let me know your thoughts, and I'll take them to the meeting.




Sad to see you go. 

Contnue on as is, please.

epaulo13's amazing you lasted 12 yrs meg. i enjoyed you as a moderator. it as a learning experience for all of us here on babble.

..i would like to see more folks join in our conversations. younger folks. more indigenous folk, more women, more people of colour. who can generate the energy and new visions to help move us towards better world.

..sadly, i believe we are stuck where we are. which is a polarised left with no clear way to move forward. to this i can't say i have any solutions.

Left Turn Left Turn's picture

I enjoy coming to babble and reading the posts. There's a wealth of great information that gets shared here to which I wouldn't otherwise get exposed.

I don't post anywhere near as much as I used to. I generally prioritize reading other people's posts over posting stuff myself, given that it doesn't seem as though the posts here get anywhere near the number of views that they used to.

I'm fine with the current software that babble uses, even if it's not perfect. I wouldn't want babble to migrate to a platform that would require people to use their own name, as I think that would kill what remains of us.


I vote for continue as we are and thank you for sticking around for so long.. 

Catchfire Catchfire's picture

Can't believe it's been 12 years, Meg! What an incredible run you've had—it can't be said enough how much psychological and time-consuming work it is to keep such a robust and vibrant space alive and safe. Congratulations on your tenure and for ending it in such a good way! Looking forward to seeing what comes next—for you and for babble! :)

Also: hi babble!


I wish Meg well in her future endeavours. As a significant continuing historical archive of Canadians posting their thoughts, observations, politics and preferences, babble remains important. And worth saving.

For the same reasons a politician might wish to erase their historical record as out of place with their present, there may be those that wish to see babble disappear also. Such things can be inconvenient, embarrassing and not for everyone.

I suspect a decision may already have been made. If so, a pity and a loss not only for us here today, but for those here yesterdays before and tomorrows yet to come.                        

People's histories are precious. As has been said, you cannot know where you are going unless you know where you have been. Perhaps that's the point of all this.


No decision has been made NDPP, that is an incorrect assumption. I have better things to do with my time than play pretend consultation with people I've come to know and admire. Every perspective will be taken into careful consideration, whether you believe that or not.

Ken Burch

epaulo13 wrote:'s amazing you lasted 12 yrs meg. i enjoyed you as a moderator. it as a learning experience for all of us here on babble.

..i would like to see more folks join in our conversations. younger folks. more indigenous folk, more women, more people of colour. who can generate the energy and new visions to help move us towards better world.

..sadly, i believe we are stuck where we are. which is a polarised left with no clear way to move forward. to this i can't say i have any solutions.

I'm with epaulo13 on this. Keep it going and let's try to get out of the stagnation somehow.
And thank you for all you've done, MegB- you are a voice of reason in an often unreasonable time, and you have been unbelievably patient with all that has been asked of you.


Hi Meg,

Good luck with future endeavors (and thanks for your patience).

In my opinion, the atmosphere here has improved significantly over the last 9 years from when I joined and it is a much friendly place; I think you've played a major part in that.

I've wondered about the future of Babble myself. I'm a bit surprised it's still going TBH. There's some great conversations here but also some who seem more interested in soap-box posting and don't really seem interested in debate. Their prerogative of course. The total number of active members here seems small. 10 total? 15?

If it's decided to keep this place going then I'd suggest looking at some advertising to try and lure more personalities into the mix.


Meg, you deserve a lot of credit for surviving 12 years of moderating babble! I appreciate the great influence you’ve had here!

As far as the future of babble goes, I think it would be great if babble continued on basically as is. (If babble migrated to another site I would recommend it migrating to RT since I think RT probably appreciates many of the post’s routinely posted here.  ; )  I’m sure other posters here think our posts would be appreciated more by the so called “legacy media” AKA the lame stream media.)

laine lowe laine lowe's picture

First of all, thank you Meg for all you excellent moderating and being here for 12 years. I can't believe it has been that long. I wish you all great things moving forward and I am happy to hear you will also continue to contribute to

So great to see your name here again, dear Catchfire.

Catchfire wrote:

Can't believe it's been 12 years, Meg! What an incredible run you've had—it can't be said enough how much psychological and time-consuming work it is to keep such a robust and vibrant space alive and safe. Congratulations on your tenure and for ending it in such a good way! Looking forward to seeing what comes next—for you and for babble! :)

Also: hi babble!

I have missed you especially since not being to keep tabs on your adventures after taking a break from Facebook.

That last comment brings me to the point of why appreciate Babble so much. I lost valued communities when EnMasse and Bread and Roses went dark. Luckily some of the participants migrated back here. (This also happened with US forums that I participated in like AlterNet and Utne Cafe.)

I feel like monsters like Twitter and Facebook have basically killed online forums and probably community around blogs. It's a shame because many of us make a point to seek out alternative media and retail in our daily lives, and it would be nice to continue to participate in alternative online community.

Catchfire Catchfire's picture

Aww, I've missed you too, ll—I haven't made it back very often in the past five years or so, but I think often of this place and the amazing minds that have come in and out of it (skdadl is someone I think about quite often). I agree that it is a true (Canadian) people's history—but it's true that the community potential has been really displaced by corporate social media places. I don't know the way around that, but I hope there is one.


Just read the post claiming that there are bioweapons labs in Ukraine.  Are the Bulletin of Atomic Scientists Imperialists tools as well?

I get that Rabble doesn't want to hinder open discussion, and that it is very hard to vet posts to make sure there is at least a bit of accuracy. Unfortunately it has been a very long time since there has been either here on a number of fronts. In this case, it concerns lies that have an effect on an international crisis that could spiral out of control.

Sorry, but you are being used as a weapon in that crisis.

If Rabble can't have some measure of oversight (and really, why should you and how can you, it is difficult even for major news outlets, which have wound up spreading false information like the report of Kyiv being surrounded?) this forum really just turns into a board for conspiracists and propagandists.

Most importantly, it really undermines the reputation of your news side. You might notice that CBC also shut down comments on Indigenous stories, and did a pilot project where they closed it on everything because of course it is a magnet for extremists. If you could vet comments for accuracy or tone, as some sites do, it might work, but do you have those resources, and would it be worth it?

Larger social sites like FB might be affecting your numbers, but it isn't what is causing the polarization, misinformation and lack of real discussion; they are mired in that problem just as babble is.

Sorry for the discouraging opinion, but it is a serious and informed one. You can do journalism, or you can do an opinion forum. Trying to do both is difficult work that might mean not doing either very well. If you can't then there is a choice to be made.


I followed your link and it states explicitly that the labs are not bioweapon facilities. 

The labs in Ukraine are not bioweapons facilities. The US government maintains that they are public and animal health labs operated by host countries. Although a long-running Russian disinformation campaign has painted a picture of a network of US military labs in Ukraine, Georgia, and other former Soviet republics involved in bioweapons or risky research, Pope said the labs conduct peaceful scientific research and disease surveillance. Outside experts have also said Pope’s program is not a covert bioweapons operation.

The message forum is not a news site. This is a board for adults. It is up to us to form our own opinions and I don't think there is any danger of babble turning into a board of conspiracists. When misinformation on Covid got too rampant Meg stepped in. Other than that board members themselves challenge information. 

When I read the mention of bio-weapon labs I immediately thought it sounded like bogus Russian propaganda and I don't have an indepth understanding of it all so I don't think a whole lot of people are going to come here and believe some random misinformation from one or two posters. 

I don't feel there has been any increase in conspiracy theories on the board and I don't see why there would be.

You stated this:

 it is difficult even for major news outlets, which have wound up spreading false information like the report of Kyiv being surrounded?

So why would anyone expect message board comments from random people to be more accurate than news sites? 


What is in the forum is an unsubstantiated lie, like plenty we have seen before. It is one thing to weigh matters of opinion. Real news sites are expected to have a measure of verification if they expect to be taken seriously. Again, it is a choice. I am sure some here are going to completely discount the point I am making. Fact remains it is a choice whether you want to try to be a news site or a propaganda mill. Both joined at the hip is kind of awkward. Anyway, I have made my point.


I agree with 6079_Smith_W. Looking at babble through the viewpoint of rabble I would feel that babble, to a too great extent, has a negative impact on rabble. I think most people on the left who come to babble probably are dismayed that the site seems to be dominated by propaganda from dubious sources. Currently on babble we are debating whether Ukraine deserves to be invaded because it is a NAZI entity. A week ago we were debating whether the occupation of Ottawa was justified. I think these are not the kind of political positions rabble wants to be linked with. The vast majority of people on the left oppose Putin's invasion of Ukraine and supported the end of the Ottawa occupation. They sees Putin’s actions as being authoritarian,. They also see claims that the Ukrainian government is a NAZI regime as just being a pretext Putin has used to violently subjugate Ukraine. Most people on the left see through Putin's propaganda campaign. They probably don't want to participate in a web site like rabble engulfed in very dubious propaganda.


So spirited debate is now propaganda? You seem to be advocating for a group think that precludes minority views on complex issues. I think that in Ottawa the honkies believed that they had the right to encamp in Ottawa and ruin the peace and security of the neighborhood. Most people think that was an abuse of a right because it infringed directly on the rights of citizens in Ottawa. Ukraine has been stockpiling NATO weapons and has been unwilling to reach a peace agreement with the people in the two break away republics. I think that the Emergencies Act was overreach because the police in Ottawa should have dealt with it in the first week however by the third week I just wanted the people to have their lives back so I supported the method chosen. I think Russia's illegal invasion was also an over reach however no one seems to give a flying fuck about the citizens in the Donbass that have been shelled intermittently for eight years nor the real security concerns of a nuclear power who doesn't want NATO shoving missiles up its rectum.
Its really easy to reach a consensus when only one side of an issue is explored. I think that while Putin is being rightly vilified as a war criminal for invading it is best to contemplate the fact that no other Russian leader would allow NATO on its doorstep. This is the Cuban crisis in reverse. I hope the Ukrainian people do not suffer at the hands of Russia for six decades, like the people of Cuba have suffered.


I agree with most of your post. I think it is an example of "spirited debate." But I also think there is too much propaganda on babble from sources that have no regard for the truth and exist to purposely misinform people. Having said that, I like the debate on babble even though it is inundated with propaganda. That’s why I post here. However, I'm not sure if rabble appreciates the propaganda inundating babble.


I have enjoyed reading babble for many years, and been happy to post the past 5.   I have no fear that readers of rabble will come to babble and be dismayed at "propaganda".   Look at the comment sections under articles that rabble publishes (that they allow comments on) - there is plenty of discussion, dissent, and arguments you may consider disingenous, or sources you consider propaganda there as well.   The left needs more conversation not more cancelling, if someone considers a source propagandistic or simply wrong, there is always space to make that case.   There is no problem here.   Let babblers babble, and rabble can trust that readers will know the difference between the opinion of anonymous posters on their discussion board and rabble's editorial board.


Prepare yourselves...

'A chunk of the historical record removed in the blink of an eye'

"Knowing this was coming still doesn't prepare you for the loss. Wasn't able to get the full archive. The channel hosted a community, with a time capsule of comments and embeds in countless articles that are now dead..."


Mobo2000 wrote:

There is no problem here.   Let babblers babble, and rabble can trust that readers will know the difference between the opinion of anonymous posters on their discussion board and rabble's editorial board.

And if they can't, they are too naive to cater to.


 so having been part of rabble's past for 20 years 7 months, it looks like I shall be continuing this ride into the future.  Starting tomorrow, I will be co-moderating with Meg for an undertermined time.  Look forward to being part of the "wither babble" deliberations.  While I generally don't post a great, I am a regular reader, so I do keep up.


That's very nice but I was recently thinking of you as a good candidate for Prime Minister. Moderating the board is good too though. 


Thanks Pondering.  I was thinking about the PM spot, butt I'm holding out for something better than the cottage at Rideau Hall.  Mebbe move the capitol to Toronto and fix up Casa Loma.  In case that does work out, I've had my morals and ethics moved to an external drive for easy disconnection.


oldgoat wrote:

 so having been part of rabble's past for 20 years 7 months, it looks like I shall be continuing this ride into the future.  Starting tomorrow, I will be co-moderating with Meg for an undertermined time.  Look forward to being part of the "wither babble" deliberations.  While I generally don't post a great, I am a regular reader, so I do keep up.!

laine lowe laine lowe's picture

This is good news. The discussion board is not closing, Meg is not leaving, and Old Goat is returning on a more regular basis.


Welcome back Oldgoat! I'm grateful and relieved that he has kindly agreed to co-moderate while I ease out and moderate beyond that. I know that things will be in good hands as I move off to work on other projects.


So, something of an update.  After a number of  delays, I joined a rabble staff meeting to discuss babble.   Bad news is we're gunna be looking at this beta version for quite awhile yet.  Good news is we're not going anywhere for the forseeable future.

Some concerns I raised was the comparitively few number of regular participants on the board compared to years past.  When I say this I'm taking a pretty long view.  I was going through the archives, having been asked to contribute to a history of babble, and noted that near the beginning, we were growing at a rate of up to 100 babblers a week, although most were never heard from.   New babblers at this point are very rare.  A lot of bots and spammers apply, but Meg set up a pretty good system for dealing with that.  I would really love to see the population grow.

I'm not to sure of the demographics here, but I suspect there are a disproportionate number of babblers who look like me.  Love to see the whole human rainbow better represented.  Also, boards like this don't appear to attract younger people.  Any thoughts on that would be great, but meanwhile, lets try to get our grandchildren and their friends to sign on.

I fear babble has become a bit of a forgotten relative in the larger rabble community.  I've suggested more of a presence on the main page linking to whatever threads are most current on any week, with a link to a membership form.

Thoughts and comments are welcome.




There are some good articles on the main Rabble page, and some really ridiculous ones.

It might be an idea to have articles posted on the Rabble page automatically posted on Babble under reactions. Might give users a more interactive feeling to Rabble. It might also draw the authors here to discuss their work.

Someone could also start a Rabble subforum on Reddit. Might be able to pull in some new people that way.

laine lowe laine lowe's picture

It's sad that discussion forums have fallen out of favour in the last decade. But Paladin does make an interesting point. Reddit still seems to thrive as a discussion behemoth covering every topic under the sun.

I love discussion forums and find the interface far more interesting and thoughful than commenting on blogs, articles or Facebook groups. 

I feel like what I am going to suggest is kind of crass marketing appeal but when ever I look for recaps and discussions on Canadian television fare be it dramas, comedys or reality, there are so very few places that provide discussion options. Perhaps curate the programs you choose to start under new topics but maybe that will drive new traffic. The tech people can figure out how to get hits.

It's just a suggestion for getting a boost in traffic. Hopefully once here, new users will explore other topics.


Was gunna start another "Wither Babble"thread, but this remains servicable.     First, this....

Hey babblers, I have a quick update for you.


rabble is running a summer supporter drive right now with the goal of gaining 210 new monthly supporters for rabble’s 21st anniversary. All of the info is here:


As you know, babble is free and accessible for all. If you appreciate babble, or regularly read rabble’s progressive news and views, consider signing up as a monthly supporter for as little as $3 per month. Think of it like buying a rabble journalist a coffee.


Can’t donate right now? That’s ok. Spread the word of the fundraiser via social media, email or however you chat with your friends. Sharing the link to will make a huge difference in the success of the campaign.


That’s all for now. As always, thanks for your support and keep on rabble rousing.



So as moderator, I have no interest in getting into thefundraising end of things, but the above is worth noting.   We depend on donations, and some of my colleagues work very hard on this.  

Besides, maybe they'll be able to give me a raise.   I have a payment on the old iron lung coming up.