A really good piece by Matthew Behrens that draws special attention to the role of women in the fight against the blacklist and their notable victories.
The blacklist was a many gendered affair
A Vancouver Sun report concluded HUAC had met its Waterloo when:"[I]t tangled with 500 irate women. They laughed at it…. When the first woman headed to the witness table, the crowd rose silently to its feet. The irritated Chairman Clyde Doyle of California outlawed standing. They applauded the next witness and Doyle outlawed clapping. Then they took to running up to kiss the witness…Finally, each woman as she was called was met and handed a huge bouquet. By then Doyle was a beaten man. By the third day, the crowd was giving standing ovations to the heroines with impunity."
Behrens concludes ...
"So while we enjoy Trumbo and Suffragette among other movies this December, we await the story of Women Strike for Peace, among other herstories, on our screens. Now there's a film I'd really like to see."