All this Trump-bashing is starting to piss me off. Its not Trump's fault, he just wants to enrich himself, cheat at golf and screw Barbie Dolls.
Trump is a meat puppet. He is there in the same capacity as Bush, Reagan, etc. He is the icon to disguise the fact that it is the Republican party that is to blame, and has been betraying the country for decades. We are supposed to direct our outrage at him, not the Republican party, otherwise they couldn't present a new meat puppet to take the blame the next time around, selling a 'new' Republican face to the public.
Trump is too selfish, too lazy, too incompetent and short sighted to come up with this stuff. Papers are presented to this buffoon, perhaps with a choice of options to make him think he's making the decision himself. He has 'people' who do the grunt work. The Stephan Millers, the Brett Kavanaughs, the Steve Bannons. They are the true criminals and traitors, and the wealthy 'donors' of the republican party hidden behind the curtains. The Democratic party is no better.
So please, put the blame where it really deserves to be: the entire Republican party machine, which has worked tirelessly for decades against the interests of America for the sake of multinational corporations that have no allegiance to their country.
Leave poor little Trump alone, he's just the fall guy. (And he really deserves to be left out of the limelight, his favorite spot)