Let's try this again.
White Supremacism (Right-Wing Extremism)
CSIS dealing with right-wing extremism 'more and more,' says spy chief
David Vigneault says violent extremism, foreign interference and espionage are also areas of concern
White supremacists are trying to recruit American teens through video games
A scholar of gaming culture on what went wrong with “gamer” culture — and why white nationalists see gamers as potential allies.
How can this be possible?
White supremacists left out of designated terrorists list
Re Previous thread on same topic
I am no authority on the topic but just don't see the false flag comment connecting the dots.
And timebandit's comments in the previous thread were spot on.
A Political Grid Humming with Hatred: Who Taps Its Energy?
Read this to understand what’s on the line in Canada’s coming election.
Conservative leader Andrew Scheer: He’s spoken at events with white nationalists and echoed their false claim that a UN agreement could let foreigners tell Canada ‘how to manage our borders.’ Illustration by Stephanie Broder.
It’s tempting to describe the rise of anti-immigrant paranoia and racist rhetoric in Canada as a toxin poisoning our politics. A current of electricity might be a better metaphor. As it surges, some political players try to finesse some of its power without getting burnt, while others plug straight in to fear and hate, sucking all the voltage they can.
Consider this article, then, a diagram tracing the flow of dark energy in Canada’s body politic. Within this circuitry, not all human components share identical behaviour or beliefs. But all have proven themselves susceptible to the jolt provided by populist bigotry.
Two leaders of federal parties vying in the fall election, for example, have attempted to insulate themselves with public statements that fail to match their actions. Conservative Party of Canada leader Andrew Scheer denouncedthis April anybody who “promotes white nationalism, promotes any type of extremism.” He did so, however, after speaking at events with white nationalists and pushing an anti-immigrant motion that furthers their cause.
People’s Party of Canada leader Maxime Bernier declared that “racists are not welcome in this party.” Meanwhile, he’s criticized “extreme multiculturalism” and tweets other xenophobic statements that makes far-right extremists eager to sign up.
Many media reports assume hate-tinged populism is an offshoot of a grassroots movement angry about job losses and “politically correct” elites. If unwelcome racists find common cause with that movement, it’s unfortunate, goes the narrative, and politicians understandably sometimes react belatedly or clumsily.
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Indeed, the Yellow Vests movement portrayed itself as a populist revolt led by laid-off Albertans while attracting people who stockpile weapons and draw firearms on police. And the United We Roll convoy organized by Glen Carritt this February brought frustrated oil workers and members of anti-Muslim hate groups like Northern Guard to the front lawns of Parliament.
Many of the nearly dozen experts The Tyee interviewed for this piece argue that in fact the opposite is likely true: the rhetoric and actions of prominent conservative politicians and media members are helping to create and embolden such a movement by inflaming racial and cultural resentments.
So who belongs on this hazardous grid and how does each tap in to its power? What follows is a non-exhaustive survey.
Scheer is in a delicate position. He is constantly taking steps to avoid being labelled a racist by Canada’s political and media establishment, while also stoking fear and resentment of newcomers. This can require presenting different faces to the public in different settings.
There is aspiring statesman Scheer, speaking with solemn gravitas earlier this month about the threat that white nationalism poses to Canada, the lives lost in acts of terror “because of people who subscribe to those views.” There is indignant Scheer, telling a crowd at the right-wing Manning Centre that accusations he panders to hate groups “are completely baseless.”
Then there is fear-mongering Scheer, introducing a motion last December opposing Canada’s participation in the United Nations Global Compact for Migration, falsely claiming that the non-binding agreement could “open the door to foreign bureaucrats telling Canada how to manage our borders.” (This, several months after the Conservatives pulled an attack ad showing a black man crossing into Canada.)
And there is plausible deniability Scheer, telling a demonstration on Parliament Hill organized to oppose the UN Compact, and also to support new oil pipelines, that “we are standing with you,” an event addressed at one point by white nationalist sympathizer Faith Goldy. Scheer claimed, “I was there to support energy sector workers.”
The federal Conservative leader, who has a decent shot of becoming Prime Minister this October, has been calibrating his various selves for years. After the Rebel was widely denounced in 2017 for its sympathetic coverage of the Nazis who marched in Charlottesville, Virginia, Scheer said he’d no longer be granting it interviews.
Yet Scheer kept on as campaign manager Hamish Marshall, one of the Rebel’s founders, and stopped short of fully condemning the outlet.
“[Scheer] has all sorts of connections with the Rebel and the far right,” Jeet Heer, a Canada-based senior editor at the New Republic, told The Tyee. “He kind of has this balancing act of trying to throw enough red meat to keep that faction alive, but not be totally associated with it.”
Be careful what you wish for
Right wing extremism is another reason why the Conservatives must NOT win the next election.
It was piss behind the ears baby faced lame-o Scheer on Faith Goldy's podcast
Make no mistake. The CPC in 2019 is our Trump administration and I expect a whole lot of race baiting this Fall.
Don't say I didn't warn you.
Audit shows anti-Semitism skyrocketing in B.C.
B’nai Brith does a disservice to the anti-racism cause when it publishes reports like this that are clearly biased given they claim any public figure who agrees with any Palestinian group they don't like is anti-Semitic. Watering down language is always bad. If a definition is too broad then the definition is virtually meaningless.
Caroline Orr to lead coverage of disinformation and the rise of hate for National Observer
White supremacy isn't a problem just for conservatives — it's a problem for everyone
She doesn't really get to how it's a problem for the centre or the left, other than by awkward reaches.
Interesting, though, to see a column on white supremacy that could be summed up as "Conservatives aren't really that bad, and they're trying really hard, so open your hearts!" penned by a conservative woman of colour.
What a surprise!
Who does Facebook think they are kidding, eh!
How far-right extremists rebrand to evade Facebook's ban
What a surprise!
Who does Facebook think they are kidding, eh!
How far-right extremists rebrand to evade Facebook's ban
Re-branding is the Achilles Heel of hate-speech laws and rules. In France, they'll arrest some drunk idiot for shouting anti-semitic rants to a dozen or so people in a bar, but Marine Le Pen can get her message heard by millions because she's figured out that she shouldn't actually come right out and say she hates immigrants and they should all be killed.
Well VOTD, moderation in all things, of course
but Marine Le Pen can get her message heard by millions because she's figured out that she shouldn't actually come right out and say she hates immigrants and they should all be killed.
Like those sneaky drivers who've figured out that as long as they drive 99 in a 100kph zone, the law can't touch them.
but Marine Le Pen can get her message heard by millions because she's figured out that she shouldn't actually come right out and say she hates immigrants and they should all be killed.Like those sneaky drivers who've figured out that as long as they drive 99 in a 100kph zone, the law can't touch them.
I think she is more in the category of doing 114 in a 100 zone because she thinks that is the allowable cushion over the line.
but Marine Le Pen can get her message heard by millions because she's figured out that she shouldn't actually come right out and say she hates immigrants and they should all be killed.Like those sneaky drivers who've figured out that as long as they drive 99 in a 100kph zone, the law can't touch them.
Yeah, obviously, when the law sets a cutoff point, it's understood that some people will go right up to the limit, and that many of them would go over the line, if they could.
Though I think it's generally regarded as proven that the faster people drive above a certain point, the more likely there are to be accidents. And an arbitrary cutoff, eg. 100 kph, while it might not stop people from going the near-equivalent of 99 kph, IS nevertheless going to stop people(well, most of them anyway) from going 120 kph.
Not sure if the same idea applies to dog-whistles, where, it is thought, the purpose is to say the same thing as in the uncoded speech, in a way that doesn't apply to speed limits, eg. going 120 kph isn't the same thing as going 99 kph.
Germany has laws against advocating Nazism, and waving around a swastika will get you arrested. So, some skinheads use the Iron Cross, an older symbol with no technical to connection Nazism, but often lumped in with the swastika in the public imagination, as a result of its wartime usage. So, anyone who sees a skinhead at an anti-immigrant rally brandishing the Iron Cross will pretty much know which ideology he's allying himself with.
Granted, that's a rather blatant example. I suppose it's a little murkier when you consider the differences between something like "[Members of a certain racial group] are all a bunch of thugs and rapists" versus "I don't think there should be any taboo about discussing the possibility that [members of a certain racial group] are genetically predisposed to anti-social behaviour". The former is something more likely to be said by some redneck in a bar, the latter by a politician on the podium. But if the politician is saying it while standing in front of an audience already inclined to believe the redneck opinion, is he really staying "below the speed limit"?
How to Fight Online Hate, and Protect Free Speech
As Trudeau heads to a Paris conference on the problem, here are six global lessons for Canada.
"Next Saturday, June 22nd, 1 pm in Tkaronto, a far right, white supremacist and Islamophobic hate group (PEGIDA) are having a rally at 361 University Ave. If you're able, please come out and help shut down fascism on the streets of Toronto."
"Confront anti-immigrant group PEGIDA, white supremacist and misogynist PROUD BOYS and homophobic and transphobic fundamentalists."
We have one of those weird pieces of shit at rabble (blogs) arguing that women are not enslaved by anti-abortion statutes as long as they are voted, nor are slaves enslaved if they have voting rights. (!) Piece of shit called me ignorant. I have a master's in history (and Italian studies) with extremely high marks and several scholarships. Not saying that to boast but simply to mention what a huge pile of shit this racist piece of crap is. How the hell do we get them banned at rabble?
With our sophisticated 21st century technology, there must be a way communication systems can be designed to shut down these misogynist purveyers of hate from their harassing, hateful and threatening messaging. The social media companies have to held resposible and forced to clean up their act.
Bristol sisters aim to raise awareness of 'honour hate'
What's will it take to get Barry Neufeld removed both off the Chilliwack School Baord as well as off Facebook. BC's Ministry of Health and Trudeau need to sue Facebook.
Chilliwack trustee Barry Neufeld's notorious post about Dr. Theresa Tam disappears off his Facebook page
With our sophisticated 21st century technology, there must be a way communication systems can be designed to shut down these misogynist purveyers of hate from their harassing, hateful and threatening messaging. The social media companies have to held resposible and forced to clean up their act.
Bristol sisters aim to raise awareness of 'honour hate'
How about no.
"In other words, the Church promoted consensual and egalitarian marriage relations based on the free will of individual men and women. This is what Siedentop means by the Catholic "invention of individualism".
Among the anthropologically defined 356 contemporary societies of Euro-Asia and Africa, there is a large and significant negative correlation between Christianization (for at least 500 years) and the absence of clans and lineages;"
Ziyian Kwan dances peaceful protest in response to racist graffiti at Chinese Cultural Centre
Minister slams school trustee as 'destructive influence' after transphobic post that downplayed COVID-19
Education Minister Rob Fleming says he plans to bring Barry Neufeld's comments to human rights commissioner
COVID-19 in Vancouver: Anti-racism campaigns launch to counter anti-Asian assaults and vandalism
Actors like Ludi Lin, Steph Song, Olivia Cheng, and more are participating in awareness efforts to counter hatred
I'm sad to report that after the restoration of the lions outside my nearby Vietnamese Buddhist temple, some bastards have vandalised a Sephardic synagogue in Côte-St-Luc and thrown sacred items into the toilets.
Anti-Asian Racism Has Gone Global. So Has the Battle against White Supremacy
Canadian activists have been inspired by and helped grow the movement. Second in a series.
John Price Today | TheTyee.ca
'China, China China...!'
George Floyd: Anonymous hackers re-emerge amid US unrest
Transit Police investigate possible hate crime after teen in head scarf mocked, punched
Anti-Asian Racism Has Gone Global. So Has the Battle against White Supremacy
Canadian activists have been inspired by and helped grow the movement. Second in a series.
White guilt, fear at root of America's racial agonies
But that rationalization is still hanging around, together with the underlying knowledge that American whites had done their black fellow citizens a great harm, and the widespread belief among whites that you must fear those whom you have wronged.
It’s a witch’s brew that blights the lives of African-Americans, and it is taking a very long time to evaporate. There is racism elsewhere, too, but most of it is fear of the unfamiliar, directed at recent immigrants, and you can expect it to go away in a generation or two. Alas, this is different.
Letter to UN Ambassadors Urging Member States To Vote No To Canada's Bid For UN Security Council
Take 2 minutes to let all UN Ambassadors know you join with civil society from around the world criticizing Canada's anti-Palestinian record and urge them to vote no to Canada in the upcoming bid to the seat on the UN Security Council..."
Say no to White Supremacy! Say no to Settler State genocide! Say no to Canada!
Emmett Till's lynching ignited a civil rights movement Historians say George Floyd's death could do the same
Suppose instead of one innocent Afro-American killed by US police, 13 innocent Iraqi or Yemeni or Afghan had been killed by US military. Silence!
Fox News apologizes for on-air graphic showing market reaction to violence against black men
Suppose instead of one innocent Afro-American killed by US police, 13 innocent Iraqi or Yemeni or Afghan had been killed by US military. Silence!
African-Americans have been culturally silenced, brown people are subject to the white man’s burden of saving brown women from brown men (Can the subaltern speak – Gayatri Chakraborty)
Colonial attitudes continue within both the left and right. Liberal activists (NGO workers) and Christian missionaries, believe western culture and institutions supreme. Both believe in a divine right to overturn and absorb others. Something only gains legitimacy once passing through the western filter.
Fasting for ekdashi, Karva Chauth, Navratri etc. is backwards and stupid; intermittent fasting is healthy.
Tapasya & Naam Japa is for mindless religious folk; “meditation” and “mindfulness” is woke.
Fakirs and Sadhus enforce patriarchal casteism; my yoga studio is progressive.
Overt discrimination isn’t necessary in an era of mass internet media.
“Here, the disavowal of one’s own culture functions as a mechanism of racial subjectification as the cultural values of the Indo-Canadian home are publicly engaged as differences that can be overcome through ‘modern’, ‘Western’ practices of critique and confession (Razack, 1998).”
“Not only was assimilation expected, but immigration policies were tailored to only permit the entry into Canada those peoples that were deemed capable of cultural assimilation. Those such as Asians and Africans who were deemed incapable of assimilating, were denied access.”
“The Sikh Kirpan as a signifier of exclusion from the public sphere in Canada” – Rita Kaur
doi: 10.1080/17448727.2013.774709
How it Seams: Religious Dress, Multiculturalism, and Identity Performance in Canadian Society, 1910-2017 by Laura Morlock https://uwspace.uwaterloo.ca/bitstream/handle/10012/13298/Morlock_Laura.pdf?sequence=1&isAllowed=y