I have written about VIA Rail Canada's shroud of secrecy around their dubious high frequency rail (HFR) plan often. (March 19, 2021 LINK) Passenger rail zealots do not care if they see the details, they just blindly support the plan.
The federal office of the Information Commissioner of Canada in December 2021 issued a judgement stating there was no reason for VIA Rail not letting the public see the HFR business plan.
Fast forward to now and the heavily redacted VIA Rail Canada HFR draft plan is out there in cyber space and it is almost unreadable due to how much has been blacked out. Critics have asked for simple questions to be answered yet VIA Rail Canada is unwilling to answer them. It would seem the HFR plan will not hold up to public scrutiny.
What has VIA Rail Canada and the Canada Infrastructure Bank prevented you from seeing in the plan? Here are a few of the basic facts redacted from the public.
REDACTED - The cost benefit analysis of the HFR plan.
REDACTED - The projected revenue for the HFR plan.
REDACTED - The proposed alignments for the HFR.
REDACTED - How the trains plan to get in and out of Montreal and Toronto.
REDACTED - They will not tell you how many jobs will be created.
We deserve better from our tax payer funded VIA Rail Canada and the Canada Infrastructure Bank. Who can stop this debacle?