The Collapse of Canadian Public Healthcare

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Here Are All the Corporations Lobbying Doug Ford To Privatize and Outsource Parts Of Ontario’s Health Care System

With Ontario’s long underfunded health system still struggling to manage COVID-19 patients, records show private health companies have stayed busy lobbying Doug Ford’s government to “privatize or outsource” parts of healthcare delivery.

Statistics from the office of Ontario’s Integrity Commissioner note that more lobbyists have registered to influence health policy than on nearly any other issue – 1,137 registrations – aside from “economic development and trade.”

Since the start of the pandemic, several media reports have indicated private virtual careprivate health testing and even private health facilities have grown enormously as a less-regulated shadow sector of the system. And it seems many want to play an even greater role.

Hundreds of lobby registry entries from private health companies reviewed by PressProgress indicate many of these companies continue to push Ontario’s Ministry of Health and other officials to “privatize or outsource” health services.

“It is no surprise that these companies see opportunities and are lining up to lobby the Ministry of Health,” Canadian Doctors For Medicare Executive Director Katie Arnup told PressProgress.....

laine lowe laine lowe's picture

It's depressing and I think the horrible outcomes of the pandemic have made it easier to sell the concept of pushing hybrid public-private systems of healthcare delivery. This even though the hell we experienced was due in large part in most provinces due to systemic funding cuts to our public healthcare systems.


Wars without and Within.

Toronto Sick Kids Hospital ER overwhelmed. 12 hour waits not unusual. Parents repeatedly report normal doctor office visits unavailable, but told not to come to a collapsing ER.

Only the fattest and richest will be maintained. They will ignore your plight as you ignored others' and hire more police/soldiers/msm to protect their privilege. Soon, you will be out in the cold too.

 While they loudly cheer for escalated NATO-Nazi war in  Ukraine and beyond, refusing all negotiations - your tax dollars are redirected from people's needs to those of militarists, pigs and politicians.

Wars without and within.

The PTB are pulling the plug or dialing down the most important needs of Canadians. Services diminish or disappear, prices skyrocket, debts grow and politicians collaborate. Billions more for proxy war soon to go nuclear.

War criminals. Imperialists. Oppressors.

Join together. Fight back. Take power. Make peace. Fix things here.


One Doctor’s Treatment Plan for Saving Family Care

After working in the U.S. and Canada, he says corporate ownership of clinics should be banned.

A retired doctor who has worked in for-profit clinics and is disturbed by their rapid rise in B.C. says the provincial government needs to act now to restrict corporate ownership if it wants to fix primary care.

“The core problem right now in primary care as I see it... is who’s owning primary care,” said Robert Brown, a 71-year-old retired doctor in Sidney, B.C. “I’ve [worked] in the States. I know what happens. I know the road we’re on and it’s un-Canadian and it’s not what Canadians want in their health-care system.”

As a solution he proposes rules for health clinics like ones that have long been in place for law firms, where practices must be owned by licensed lawyers.

“What’s the difference between that and a medical [clinic] where you get this potential conflict of interest?” he asks.

Health Minister Adrian Dix said the questions around ownership are “interesting,” but not a top priority for him or the provincial government.....


Maybe some of the 500,000 immigrants per year the Liberals plan to bring to Canada will have doctors and nursers and support staff.


..4.10 min breach video.

How to fix Canada’s healthcare crisis

Ford’s Conservatives, among others, are presenting privatization as a solution to the health care crisis. The Breach spoke to three doctors about what governments could do right away to make real improvements.


Paladin1 wrote:

Maybe some of the 500,000 immigrants per year the Liberals plan to bring to Canada will have doctors and nursers and support staff.

Nurses’ burnout rate is accelerating, with a record 47,000 vacancies in England and 40% fewer working in social care than 10 years ago. For a government missing its recruitment targets, the only enticement is better pay, so facing down the nurses is not an option. Oliver Dowden sounds absurd when he tells Sky, “We have well-oiled contingencies in place”. Where is his phantom army of spare nurses? Agencies will not provide strike-breakers. Brexit stopped the flow of EU nurses; 48% of new nurses still come from abroad, many of them from countries, such as Nepal, that the World Health Organization says should not be targeted by the rich world for recruitment.


Cathy Crowe: I'm Stopping. I've Had Enough

"The province of Ontario has created an environment hostile to all nurses, leading many to the hard decision to leave the profession. Like countless nurses, I've had enough..."


[MUST HEAR!] The Collapse of Homecare in Canada (radio)

"Homecare is an essential part of our medical system that just doesn't seem to get the funding and the care that the people in the community need.

We spend two-thirds of our spending on warehousing people in homes and only about keeping them in their own homes..."


Hundreds line up outside Kingston clinic in desperate bid for family doctor

Hundreds of people desperate to find a family physician lined up overnight outside a Kingston, Ont., medical clinic this week, in what many are calling a clear sign of the serious doctor shortage in the region.....


RELEASE & REPORT: Fraud, criminal conviction, misrepresentation and unlawful user fees: New report exposes a “Wild West” of for-profit health care in Ottawa private clinics

new report released by the Ottawa and Ontario Health Coalitions contains shocking revelations about the ownership and management behind private health clinics in Ottawa. Based on a five-month investigation, Freedom of Information requests, corporate filings, interviews and court records, the report paints a picture of a dangerous and disturbing “Wild West” of private clinics operating with little or no oversight.

The report centres on the South Keys clinic featured in a flurry of media reports last fall when its “Clinical Director” announced that patients would be required to pay a $400 annual fee to access primary care by a nurse practitioner. At the time, Health Minister Sylvia Jones promised an investigation, noted the Coalition. No update has been forthcoming and the Health Coalition reports it conducted its own inquiry into the clinic resulting in three major findings, as follows:

  1. A review of the two key statutes establishing the legal rights of Ontarians to primary health care services confirms that the $400 per year fee recently introduced by the South Keys clinic is unlawful. The Coalition called on the Ford government to stop stalling and enforce Ontario’s and Canada’s Public Medicare protection laws. The Coalition called for an investigation into the charges levied on patients, and said that the scope of this investigation must be expanded to examine the ownership and management of the South Keys clinic and another Ottawa clinic co-owned by the same individual.
  2. The owners of the South Keys clinic and a second related clinic – Neuromotion Therapy – appear to have been convicted of serious crimes including 64 counts of insurance fraud and sexual assault.
  3. The Coalition also identified a troubling pattern of misleading practices in the marketing of these clinics. A number of individual practitioners who are now, or have been, listed on the roster of the clinics’ health professionals appear to live in communities far away from Ottawa, or were listed on the website long after they left, or never worked at the clinics.....

The system cannot be sustained.

The Charter guarantee for public healthcare allows for people to live in the most remote communities and recieve acute medicine even when their tax base cannot support it.

The cost of healthcare has tripled in 20 years when population grew by less than 30% during the same time.

My brother is a rich man with poor health and he uses these private clinics because he had negatives experiences when trying to access his guaranteed rights.

I have never had a negative experience but I always go to the hospital where I work and everyone knows me.

The mileage varies and it's only going to get worse.

People are dying and the teachers are on strike again.


..the system at the top is corrupt. rotten to the core. captured by capital. are you blaming the people for this? are you blaming them for not uprising enough to overthrow the corruption?
