This thread is for specifc individual acts of government that harm Canadians and Indigenous peoples.
Everything to do with Canada's relationship with indigenous peoples is shameful but this is an individual act that the governments should automatically be doing just to be decent human beings. Just turn over the documents. If they are not accurate they can be corrected after they are turned over.
Comments by Prime Minister Justin Trudeau indicating the federal government has sent all records on residential schools to the National Centre for Truth and Reconciliation are “not accurate,” according to a statement from the centre.
....“At present, we are still waiting for Canada to provide the final versions of school narratives and supporting documents used in the Independent Assessment Process to the NCTR. The NCTR has various school narratives on its website, but some are out of date. For other schools, no narrative has ever been provided to the NCTR.
“Additionally missing are various Library and Archives Canada quality records and records from provincial governments, most of whom have not yet produced vital statistics, including death certificates for children lost at schools or coroners’ reports.”