A while back on EnMasse, we had a thread where we could vent our frustrations about certain things that the media was droning on and on about. I thought I would bring back that tradition here, and see how it goes. Here are my picks:
Donald Trump. Seriously, just shut the fuck up about him. We understand that he is a reprehensible human being, he demonstrates that all on his own, we don't need the media to tell us this. This is especially frustrating because any attention that Trump gets only hepls Trump. The media has also not only done a bad job of reporting on why so many of Trumps policies are bad, but in many cases supports the underlying premise. One example I can think of off the top of my head is not challenging the dominant narrative that North Korea is a threat to the continental US, and then they act all shocked when Trump threatens nuclear war on Twitter. Seriously media, either do your job properly or get out of the way.
Hillary Clinton. She lost the election, and by insisting on being back in the spotlight, she is confirming suspicions that it's all about her, and it's causing serious damage to the issues she claims to care about. It's true that the media doesn't have direct control over what she does. What they do have control over is the decision to give her a platform. Just because Clinton says or does something, doesn't automatically make it newsworthy. It is especially frustrating because beneath her public face, you can sense that she expects to be treated like royalty and she becomes visibly agitated when she is challenged on that point. Election 2016 is done, she lost, please let the country move on.