So during the pandemic, thanks to vidoes like these, I have a new respect for independent YouTuber Kim Iversen. (I also have a personal affinity for this video because one of the experts she lists in the description is Joel Kettner, former Chief Medical Officer of Health for Manitoba.) I've seen many independent commentators on YouTube. While a few have spoken about the political and economic ramifications of the covid response that we aren't hearing about in the MSM, Kim Iversen was the only one who even questioned the basic premise behind what we are doing in the first place. Is the government telling the truth? Are there vested interests in responsing one particular way or another? Are there dissenting views that need to be taken into consideration? Who benefits and who loses in different scenarios? Is there additional context behind the scary stories and headlines that is being missed? All of these are basic questions that we should have asked at the start of the pandemic, but we did not. It's the same thing that happened in the lead-up to the Iraq war. The same basic fear tactics: identify a threat, ratchet up the level of fear, position yourselves as the authorities in charge who will protect the population, and marginalize and vilify anyone who questions what you are doing. I am disappointed to see so many lefties who made this accurate call when it comes to matters of war, crime, and security fail to see these exact tactics play out with the covid resopnse.
This is not to say she is correct in everything she has said. For example, she is a proponent of the idea that cooler weather drives the spread, which the recent surges in cases in the southern US and Europe call into question. When I listen to her, she does come across as authentic and saying what she really thinks (even if it's not what I necessarily thinks). Sometimes when you listen to a commentator, you get the sense that this person is reading from a script. Not Kim. She is very clear in her principles, and those principles have driven her coverage and perspective on this topic.