Do social media-savvy political parties see voters as adversaries?
The future of Facebook
Zuckerberg is coming off as a scam artist before the Congress Committee today, but Trump's people in Congress will cover for him because Trump and the GOP benefitted from the Facebook machinations during the US 2016 elections.
Just another human jerk protected by Trump and the GOP
Mark Zuckerberg’s testimony shows Facebook is a monster too big to control
There were many answers the Facebook CEO could not supply in his appearance before U.S. senators on Tuesday, Jennifer Wells writes. “I can have my team get back to you,” he said.
Have any of you downloaded Facebooks data on you?
It's been a while since I sanatized my FB account (deleted pictures, posts, commentary) but for the hell of it I downloaded the info facebook collected on me and was extremely surprised. I think one of the biggest shocks was thay facebook had a copy of my phone contact list with names and numbers and some facebook messenger conversations.
If you haven't checked it yet I highly recommend you take a look.
Have any of you downloaded Facebooks data on you?
I did, because I read that I could and I was curious. SFA, really. Mind you, I don't post minute-by-minute commentary on my emotional state on FB, so I guess all they had was what little I shared.
I think the link to your phone contact etc applies when you add Facebook as an application on your mobile phone. My husband recently downloaded his data and the file was huge and frightening in terms of details, including phone activity.
Blocked By Facebook and the Vulnerability of New Media
"This site's visitor numbers are currently around one third normal levels. The cause is not hard to find..."
To 'Protect Democracy': Facebook Teams Up With Atlantic Council
"Would you like a think thank advocating acts of terrorism, war and supression of the media working with Facebook to protect democracy and elections worldwide? If so, great news! Facebook is 'excited to launch a new partnership with the Atlantic Council..."
But never mind. It's anti-Russia which is all that matters, right?
Propornot-2 Setting Up the Atlantic Council For Lawsuits
"...This latest partnership Facebook has formed with the Atlantic Council is another trial move to a forced normal where news and information are spoon fed..."
Facebook Security Officer: Not All Speech is 'Creaed Equal'
"Alex Stamos, Facebook's chief security officer, presented an overview of the Orwellian censorship regime implemented by the world's largest social media company last week at an annual military conference in Tallinn, Estonia.
The speech was an account of how the company is partnering with the US and other governments throughout the world to control public discourse online, with the primary but unstated aim of suppressing access to left wing, anti-war and socialist viewpoints. Stamos was speaking at CyCon, a conference sponsored by the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) on cyberwar and psychological operations..."
with the primary but unstated aim of suppressing access to left wing, anti-war and socialist viewpoints
So, basically ALL left wing, anti-war and socialist viewpoints? Huh. I guess we'll see if FB starts blocking ALL of those.
Or are they all just synonyms for "Pro-Russia"?
Is that what the author really meant?
Because I'll be very surprised if Facebook literally comes out and says "we no longer allow users to oppose war", or "we expect our users to properly support the right wing".
with the primary but unstated aim of suppressing access to left wing, anti-war and socialist viewpointsSo, basically ALL left wing, anti-war and socialist viewpoints? Huh. I guess we'll see if FB starts blocking ALL of those.
Or are they all just synonyms for "Pro-Russia"?
Is that what the author really meant?
Because I'll be very surprised if Facebook literally comes out and says "we no longer allow users to oppose war", or "we expect our users to properly support the right wing".
Well, I don't have any information about this issue at all, but I really doubt the hypothesized suppression would be stated to the users directly. Instead, items about the proscribed subjects would just stop appearing in a user's newsfeed, with no explanation.
Don't worry Michael I have a feeling your information sources will be just fine...
Don't worry Michael I have a feeling your information sources will be just fine...
I'm not sure what you mean by that, but I am not a facebook user, so nothing they do will have any effect on my information sources.
"Think about this for a second: The Atlantic Council is now managing what we see, hear and read on Facebook. Anybody else think it's a horrendous awful precedent for a fucking [NATO] Think-Tank out of DC to be helping censor the internet for 'harmful content'...?"
Facebook Partners With Hawkish Atlantic Council
"The new partnership will effectively ensure that Atlantic Council will serve as Facebook's 'eyes and ears' according to a company press statement."
Facebook Takes Down Suspected Russian Network of Pages
"The network is the most extensive effort to interfere in American politics that Facebook has found...Facebook has sought guidance from US intelligence agencies."
("Publicly, Facebook is saying it does not know for sure who was behind the network.")
Amazing to watch how Russophobia has successfully been cultured, exploited and weaponized to enhance police-state surveillance and information control. As always some 'progressive' liberal lefties do their best to help.
As always some 'progressive' liberal lefties do their best to help.
This is such a recurring theme for you. Sometimes it reads like the world news you post is little more than an opportunity to shame "Canuckledheads" or whatever you're calling everyone but you these days.
I'm sure Canadian "lefties" were instrumental in guiding Facebook's decision.
The Bizarre Facebook Path to Corporate Fascism
Facebook has assumed additional police powers disrupting a planned counter-demonstration against white supremacists set for August 12th in Washington, on the grounds that it was initiated and inspired by 'Russians' as part of a Kremlin campaign to 'sow dissension' in the US.
The Facebook intervention is a qualitative escalation of the McCarthyite offensive launched by the Democratic Party and elements of the national security state, and backed by most of the corporate media, initially to blame Hillary Clinton's 2016 defeat on 'collusion' between WikiLeaks, 'The Russians' and the Trump campaign to steal and publicize embarrassing Clinton campaign emails..."
Facebook Censors Anti-Facist Rally in Washington
"Facebook's latest action must be taken as an urgent warning. Two years after the start of the campaign to censor the Internet in the guise of fighting 'fake news' spread by 'Russian trolls', the social media giants working with US intelligence agencies, are increasingly making clear that their real target is left-wing sentiment among growing sectors of workers and young people. In so doing they are following the path blazed by Google, which last year announced plans to censor 'alternative' news, leading to a drop in search traffic to left-wing sites of up to 80 percent..."
Facebook, Atlantic Council & FBI Target Progressives as Hysteria Grows (podcast)
"Brian Becker and John Kiriakou are joined by Max Blumenthal, journalist and bestselling author, to discuss the Russiagate campaign's stifling effect on free speech in the wake of Facebook's announcement that it was shutting down what it called fake pages."
The Jimmy Dore Show
Alex Jones Banned By Facebook/Apple/Youtube/Spotify
"This is a very slippery-slope..."
I know, right? Next it'll be Paul Craig Roberts. And then David Icke!
Who will be our truth-tellers then????
Have no fear Magoo, your news sources will remain untouched.
What? I thought it was a slippery slope???
I have to ask, though: what politics has led you to feel like you should support Alex Jones?
I hope it's not your own personal belief that the only dead at Sandy Hook were all those child actors bleeding raspberry jam for the cameras. But I'm curious why you think he deserves a big megaphone.
See #124
You didn't say anything. You just linked to someone else saying something.
In a Corporatist System of Government Corporate Censorship is State Censorship
"Last year representatives of Facebook, Twitter and Google were instructed on the US Senate floor that it is their responsibility to 'quell information rebellions' and adopt a 'mission statement' expressing their commitment to 'prevent the fomenting of discord.' Large, influential corporations are inseparable from the state, so their use of censorship is inseparable from state censorship..."
Alex Jones' Popularity Spikes After Being De-Platformed
"Alex Jones popularity has risen since the ban."
TRNN: Facebook Taps Militarist Think-Tank Atlantic Council
"Major Internet companies are increasingly policing content on their platforms. Max Blumenthal of the Grayzone Project says the partnership of the Atlantic Council highlights 'the merger of the national security state and Silicon Valley."
Corbett Report: Problem, Reaction, Solution: Internet Censorship Edition
"Don't be an idiot! The government is NOT going to be the neutral arbiters of the internet and the big tech companies are NOT monopolies unless YOU forfeit your responsibility and use their controlled platforms..."
Oh well, I don't think I will be getting any fewer silly cat videos from my friends.
Weren't David Icke and Alex Jones science fiction? People think that shit is news?
And now Alex Jones...
Or is there another Facebook thread?
Pardon me. I wrote the above without having seen the posts above.
(Not sure how that happened)
It does give me the opportunity to mention TeleSur as another banned entity and they are pretty banal in the grand sceme of things.
New Facebook Alliance Endangers Access to News About Latin America
"On August 9 the account of Venezuelanalysis with Facebook inexplicably disappeared. The Facebook account of Telesur English did likewise on August 13 - and also briefly in January 2018. Both accounts were restored within two days. The message is clear, however, that the flow of essential information from Latin America via Facebook is precarious. Why that might be is now evident.."
The Jimmy Dore Show
"Facebook now targeting left-wing pages as predicted."
Wowzers. ALL left-wing pages? Or just fake-news ones?
WHEW!!! I just checked, and's FB page is still operational... for now.
'Twitter Shut Down My Account For 'Abusing' John McCain
"I'm back! Thanks for making such a huge powerful noise everyone! The suspension was lifted just after I hit publish on this one, so I've put an update on the beginning, but here's what happened..."
Fighting and Winning Against US Psychological Warfare
"Proceed with caution: the CIA, NSA, FBI and DOP are your 'friends'on Facebook, writes Lauren Smith.
Add NATO too, with Atlantic Council's new role as Facebook's in-house vetters...
Facebook Escalates Censorship of Left-Wing, Anti-War Organizations
"One year after the WSWS published its open letter, all the mechanisms have been created for Google, Facebook, Twitter and leading internet service providers to ban and silence anyone, with no legal recourse, oversight or public knowledge..."
'Information Ops': Secret Meeting of Social Media & Tech Giants to Tackle Mid-Term Elections
"In recent weeks, Facebook, Google and Twitter have cracked down on 'hate speech' and 'fake news', which in Facebook's case is determined in partnership with the NATO-funded Atlantic Council. The bans and suspensions that have followed have been slammed by critics as thinly veiled censorship, with tech giants seemingly using the Russia meddling hysteria to target undesirable political speech..."
Resist full spectrum information dominance in an age of corporate rule.
Abby Martin on Billionaires Silencing Independent Media
"Suddenly without warning, between 4 and 5 pm on Monday, Aug 13th the Facebook page of teleSUR English was unpublished for the second time this year."
Abby Martin on Billionaires Silencing Independent Media
teleSUR is pretty much the exact opposite of independent media.
Abby Martin on Billionaires Silencing Independent MediateleSUR is pretty much the exact opposite of independent media.
"Independent media" is kind of a useless term, because ALL media is independent of something. The NYT is independent of the Kremlin, for example.
But then, the word "independent", applied to the arts and media, has been somewhat dubious for a while now. It took me some time to fully realize that the name of this company wasn't meant as an ironic, self-aware joke...
"Independent media" is kind of a useless term, because ALL media is independent of something.
True, but I think that could be a backwards definition.
We think of as being independent media, because they're not beholden to stockholders, a larger media company that owns them, or the sitting government. I'm OK thinking of as "independent".
But teleSUR is entirely government sponsored, and it's not hard to see that they know what side their bread is buttered on. I always thought that "independent media" were supposed to tell the stories that governments didn't want told. teleSUR just says whatever the sponsoring governments say, and add a thin veneer of value-added by quoting someone else who agrees with the government.
What does teleSUR say the actual inflation rate in Venezuela is right now? Are they even allowed to say?
I agree that the CBC and the BBC and telSur all publish with a biased world view. None of them compare to the Voice of America though.
I agree that the CBC and the BBC and telSur all publish with a biased world view.
Have the CBC, or BBC, ever published an article that reflected poorly on the Canadian or British government of the day? Have either ever been openly critical of the government of the day in an article?
Now how about teleSUR?
Facebook and Google Play the Censor: Are Our Civil Liberties Endangered? (and vid)
"Rolling Stone's Matt Taibbi joins in to examine the dangerous juncture our freedom finds itself in when Facebook, Twitter and Google work with the government and its intelligence services to control what we see and hear."
The objective is what it has always been. 'Full spectrum dominance.'
'Five Eyes' Allies Urge Digital Industry To Stop Child Pornographers, Terrorists
Canada and its 'Five Eyes' intelligence allies are calling on the digital online industry to take urgent action..."
Manufacturing consent for more censorship and surveillance.
US: NATO Think Tank Continues Pre-Election Interference - by Rick Rozoff
the social media warfare division of the Atlantic Council...
'Five Eyes' Summit in Australia Ramps Up Internet Censorship
"Despite the high-profile character of the gathering, the event received almost no publicity. The communique also denounced tech companies for not meeting with Five Eyes officials to discuss clamping down further on social media. The Five Eyes edicts signal an even more draconian offensive..."