Fox News - the Anti-News!

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M. Spector M. Spector's picture
Fox News - the Anti-News!
M. Spector M. Spector's picture

It's official!

Watching paint dry actually makes you smarter than watching Fox News.

A new survey from Fairleigh Dickinson University has found that viewers of Fox News are less informed about world events than people who do not watch any news.

That's right – [url= Fox News actually makes you more ignorant.[/url]

Catchfire Catchfire's picture

Relevant story is at 14:45 of the clip.

I wonder how informed you'd be if you took the opposite of anything Fox News said and took that as your truth. Ezra Pound once called Wyndham Lewis wrong about everything--and so he was a very useful person to know. Can the same be said about Fox? Er...probably not.

M. Spector M. Spector's picture

Catchfire wrote:

Relevant story is at 14:45 of the clip.

There's nothing there that isn't already printed on the page that I linked to.

Catchfire Catchfire's picture

It wasn't a slight against you, MS. But I don't see anything on that page showing the time, and when I click play, it takes me to 2:14 or so and a different story. Take it easy, sport.

M. Spector M. Spector's picture

My response wasn't a slight against you, either.

I wanted any interested persons to know that they didn't actually have to scroll through the video in order to get the whole story; they could read the whole thing for themselves in far less time.


People who don't watch any news don't come across very well in that study either.

Catchfire Catchfire's picture

Clearly, the Muppets should be extolling the virtues of Fox's boss, but for some reason the anchor doesn't go there.


People are being indoctrinated by poverty and state repression.


Really slick propagandists, too. Goebbels would be anvious.

knownothing knownothing's picture

Gaian wrote:
Really slick propagandists, too. Goebbels would be anvious.

Almost as slick as the liberal media.


The thing is, everyone on the left knows what Fox is all about.  Here we have the cavalry riding hard to the rescue of the CBC whenever people say they're useless at providing anything other than the corporate viewpoint, and why the taxpayer is on the hook for something the corporate world already provides to us in spades.  Indeed it does take a whole different level of slickness to produce that level of loyalty.

knownothing knownothing's picture

At least Fox is honest in its right-wing propaganda, even if their facts are not always right

The liberal media pretends to be objective but it only presents a limited pro-capitalist point of view.


Slumberjack wrote:

The thing is, everyone on the left knows what Fox is all about.  Here we have the cavalry riding hard to the rescue of the CBC whenever people say they're useless at providing anything other than the corporate viewpoint, and why the taxpayer is on the hook for something the corporate world already provides to us in spades.  Indeed it does take a whole different level of slickness to produce that level of loyalty.

You must tune in to CBC radio as well as TV sometime, Sj. Your remarks are made in ignorance of the broadcaster's performance and effect. The ignorant, of course, are vulnerable to any claim, the most dangerous of the forces of reaction.


See what I mean kn?  Were he alive today, Tennyson would be scribbling like mad.


I was thinking of Dickens' ideas on the subject, Sj. In Christmas Carol, from his earlier days. His writing about the relative threat to society of ignorance and want were watered down in his readings of the work as he grew wealthy in later life. Although he continued to support the Mechanichs' Institute and any opportunity for extending the learning of the working classes. Learned that from someone very familiar with his writings, during a CBC Radio One interview just yesterday. Can't imagine where you'd go to learn that on the commercial stations.

And John Doyle in today's Globe shows us what Ezra Levant has said about the CBC,clearly in disagreement with yourself, in the Global Post: "Pro-Taliban, pro-terrorist, PR agency for terrorism, off-theo-hook partisan," etc. etc. You and Ezra should get together and get your stories straight. :)

And on TV tonight at 8 , the CBC spoof on Canada's spy world, Insecurity.

knownothing knownothing's picture

Just because CBC has interesting content about humanity and culture doesn't mean it is free fom criticism.

In my car I bounce between CBC and Gormley/Adler and the Sun team to hear the people phone in. You learn the most from the phone in shows. It is clear that Gormley and Adler are trying to brainwash people. But the CBC presents this "reality has a liberal bias" point of view that should really piss off someone looking for a discussion on MSM about alternatives to capitalism.

I support a public broadcaster, I just wish it had content that was closer to "This Hour has 7 Days" 

Current is good


David Frum is really telling it like it is, giving it historical context, and now the bastards won't let him finish his explanation.

Geoffrey Stevens, biographer of Dalton Camp and a local columnist, today described the situation of the Republican Party: "Six of the GOP aspirants (minus Herman CAin...gathered in Des Moines Iowa on Saturday night in a nationally televised debate...

"What a pathetic collection of bible-thumpers and empty ideologues. Astonishingly, Newt Gingrich, the former House speaker - who believes nine-yearo-old children should be put to work as school janitors and claims the Obama administration is as great a threat as Nazi Germany once was - has emerged as the leader in recent polls. In the words of American pundit Eric Alterman, as repeated by the Globe and Mail on the weekend, Gingrich's policies are "bat-crazy."

Small wonder that David "axis of evil" Frum is taking distance. His mother, Barbara, the best of CBC's As it Happens, would finally be proud.


Funny too, that the only one of them who so far stands a chance is a pariah to the fundamentalists because he is a mormon.

Not that the alternative is that wonderful, but I don't mind watching this train wreck at all.



Too bad we can't explain how it came about. Seems we should try, given its importance to our future. Can't imagine it getting that sick here, north of the 49th. I don't think we are that that ... dumb, to buy into "bat-crazy."


Try a house call sometime on the commentariat at's website, or any other mainstream news site.  It's a pandemic out there.

infracaninophile infracaninophile's picture

I always liked the moniker, "Faux News"  -- very apt, but I don't know who coined it.


Gaian wrote:
Too bad we can't explain how it came about. Seems we should try, given its importance to our future. Can't imagine it getting that sick here, north of the 49th. I don't think we are that that ... dumb, to buy into "bat-crazy."

You would be surprised. In the right wing bible thumping town I live and work in, you will see an interesting diversity of opinions and I like that. But I know that the levers of power are controlled, owned, operated and manuevered by Fox News types or the audience that loves that sort of shiny dribble.

I wouldn't be that smug. It's a Canadian shortcoming. Pointing out faults while not seeing the ones that are in front of you. Look in your backyard and you might see something you don't like. Me, I don't need to go south of the 49th to see right wing opinion and nonsense being a fact of life.


Agreed, it's out there, but not blatantly institutionalized because, thanks be to Gaia, it's embarrassing to a majority of the public. Offensive to our crowd. We just have to make sure that it smells bad to a majority - there's no hope of eradicating the stench of ignorance.

knownothing knownothing's picture

I have been loving the GOP debates. They have good discussions and real professional wrestling type of atmosphere to it. And David Frum is a joke, part of that neo-con wing of the GOP that is losing control.


This is the first time I've come to the defence of David Frum, but where did he go wrong in his description of the birth and growth of Fox?

And not to put him in the same league, but don't you find Newt even a bit "bat-crazy"?


Gaian wrote:
This is the first time I've come to the defence of David Frum, but where did he go wrong in his description of the birth and growth of Fox?

Yup, that's part of the reason why I posted it; believe it or not, the definition of "propaganda" is not "stuff I don't agree with". Nor are things I happen to agree with always presented in a fair and balanced way.


knownothing knownothing's picture

I think Newt is making money off of the system. Not exactly crazy.

knownothing knownothing's picture

And if you actually believe that survey, you're dumber than dirt yourself.  It's been completely outed as a lousy survey, poorly worded.  Fox is waaaaaay better balanced than almost any other network.  And that's been proven.  You can listen to the CBC left-wing echo chamber all you want in order to feel good about yourself, but it certainly won't broaden your viewpoint one iota.


Just for fun, spitfire, what was done to prove that Fox is "better balanced than almost any other network? And where are you on Frum? Was his work for Dubya "good," perhaps even "balanced?"

Quickly, though, because I believe your explanation will suggest that you have a slight fascist, rascist, bias to the right of Vlad the Impaler, and our correspondence will terminate.

knownothing knownothing's picture

The hypocrisy of Fox has been revealed by the way they treat Ron Paul. They have been going after him like mad the last few weeks. But it is not any worse than the liberal media.

The liberal media just suppresses all real left-wing or communist discourse.



Book: Fox News planted false information to discredit reporter, stifle bad news

What the hell had happened? Flamm called the producer at Fox who had given him the errant tip. She was incredulous when he finally reached her. Who are you? she asked him coldly. I have no idea what you’re talking about. Panicked, the reporter sent an email to the Hotmail account from which he had received the original scoop. It bounced back. The account had been shut down. As Flamm and his editors conceded to associates, they should have treated the email as a tip rather than a confirmation. A former Fox News staffer knowledgeable about the incident confirmed to me they had been set up.

Voilà — what was once a story about CNN beating up on Fox News in ratings becomes a story about false information being spread about Fox News. Of the PR operation, Folkenflik tells the Erik Wemple Blog, “They are essentially a political unit appended to something that presents itself publicly as a cable news operation.”


After GCHQ Wiretapping Charge, Andrew Napolitano Disappears From Fox

ge, Andrew Napolitano Disappears From Fox


After GCHQ Wiretapping Charge, Andrew Napolitano Disappears From Fox

ge, Andrew Napolitano Disappears From Fox


Fox drops analyst who said UK might have helped spy on Trump

Network source says Andrew Napolitano ditched after claiming UK spies might have aided Obama in alleged wiretapping


Business is business so hopefully Bill O'Reilly is done.


And he is!

Bill O'Reilly Out At Fox News Amid Sexual Harassment Allegations

Mr. Magoo

 Can you remove that needless white space?


I have tried without success so far Magoo, so perhaps a moderator can do it

Mr. Magoo wrote:

 Can you remove that needless white space?


Fox has quite a legacy

Ex-Host Claims Fox News Hacked Her, Used Info to ‘Emotionally Torture’ Her Online

Andrea Tantaros claims in a second lawsuit against her former employer that Fox News and associates surveilled her and used information to intimidate and harass her.


A Timeline of Bill O'Reilly's Vileness

Some of the allegations against the newly ousted 'O'Reilly Factor' host, dating back to the early 2000s


Bye, bye!

Murdochs Exploring Fox News Options as Pressure on Bill Shine Mounts


Will Hannity be next to go out the door after Shine? One can only hope.





Drip, drip, drip!

Fox News co-president Bill Shine out in latest shake-up for network


The plot thickens!

Bill Shine Out At Fox Amid Allegations He Retaliated Against Ailes Accusers


This week, Tucker Carlson will be relocating his top-rated show to Hungary, as he did for a week last August, bringing Orbán into the homes of hundreds of thousands of Fox viewers.

Long Before Hungary, the Right Was Fixated on Another Country - The Bulwark

Yet supposed leftists, such as Greenwald and Mate, make not infrequent appearances on his show.  Aside from being a fascist, Carlson is a virulent white nationalist.  That he may be correct on Ukraine, does not give me, nor those who appear on his show, a pass.
