Abusing media jeopardizes our precious and fragile democracies

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Then there is the abuse of the media perpetrated by our security agencies in the name of protecting us from the evil other. If the facts don't fit the spin the spies are looking for then they just change the facts to suit the narrative.


In the latest report in the Twitter Files series, Elon Musk revealed how the previous bosses of the company secretly worked with FBI and US intelligence agencies. The agents needed there to be large amounts of China propaganda activity and were annoyed when it turned out not to be the case!



Michael Moriarity wrote:
6079_Smith_W wrote:


"Although several sources recalled hearing about a “general” warning from federal law enforcement that summer about possible foreign hacks, there’s no evidence - that I've seen - of any government involvement in the laptop story. "


Actually I really like the "FIRST AMENDMENT ISN'T ABSOLUTE" in all caps, like he just learned Santa Claus isn't real.

I have asked this before, but is he really that dumb, or is he just counting on his readers being that gullible?

I think Taibbi (like Glenn Greenwald) realized in the past few years that there is much more money and fame to be reaped as a right wing commentator than a left one. This is even more so when you pretend that you are still "liberal" while you denounce "the left" for their evil ways. So no, imho he isn't that dumb, he just knows where his personal best interests lie.

I think you nailed it. That expression follow the money permeates.


 New Evidence of  FBI's Central Involvement in Big Tech Censorship While Dems Cheer (and vid)


"Dems' support for FBI and CIA plus ongoing building of Big Tech's censorship regime."


Mate: The Twitter Files Reveal Influence of Russiagate Disinformation


"The suppression of the Hunter Biden laptop story shows how the Russian boogeyman is wielded to serve political goals and bury inconvenient facts.

No 'scandal' in US history has yielded such a lengthy rap sheet of falsehoods, debunkings and retractions..." 

Some chumps still refuse to give up on this nonsense even today.


kropotkin1951 wrote:

Then there is the abuse of the media perpetrated by our security agencies in the name of protecting us from the evil other. If the facts don't fit the spin the spies are looking for then they just change the facts to suit the narrative.

In the latest report in the Twitter Files series, Elon Musk revealed how the previous bosses of the company secretly worked with FBI and US intelligence agencies. The agents needed there to be large amounts of China propaganda activity and were annoyed when it turned out not to be the case!


Aren't they smarmy and cute. And isn't that story tied up with a nice bow.
Too bad there is real documentation to counter two emails claiming there is nothing to see.
Not surprising, considering even Taibbi said clearly the spin doesn't match the evidence.

Just two examples:

And turns out it isn't just a conspiracy between U.S. Intelligence and their slavish media dogs. Even if it is not the 20 percent Musk claimed earlier, five to 11 percent is not nothing:


Just two examples:

A perfect example of the dreaded police state suppressing the inevitable revolution of the people demanding a liberal democracy, or it is merely more really bad propaganda based on very dodgy data from enemies of the CPC. Your choice.


Like Twitter Facebook is really serious about getting rid of all those Chinese bot accounts. I am sure that those 1.5 billion accounts were all about an attempt to suppress "historic" protests.

In the second quarter of 2022, Facebook took action on 1.4 billion fake accounts, down from 1.6 billion in the previous quarter. A record figure of approximately 2.2 billion fake profiles were removed by the social media platform in the first quarter of 2019. Meta considers fake accounts to be those that are created with malicious intent, or created to represent a business, organization, or non-human entity.



And yet......

The myth of Google and Facebook online advertising monopoly

