Unionist is a CIA plant. Pass it on.
Unionist is a CIA plant. Pass it on.
Yeah but we also understand from your anti-NDP rants that you don't care whether corporate welfare programs are defunded so long as the NDP are punished for trying to earn a living in the prairies under the federally-orchrestrated neoliberalorama since 1989-94.
Punish the NDP. That's my aim. Punish them for trying to earn a living. Thank you for encapsulating my mission in such clear and brutal form. But who told you? They will suffer. Believe me, they will pay. Big time. Very big time. Count on it. They will [b]NOT[/b] earn a living in the prairies. Not if I can help it. No. Not. Never. Uh uh.
And that makes me think your sometimes obsession with democracy is not genuine.
Democracy? It's for losers. [color=blue][b]Theocracy[/b][/color]. That's the ticket. Sacrifice our children to the [color=purple]Lord of Hosts[/color]. Ground them. Take away their cell-phone privileges. Kneel before the God who gave His Only Son so that all Sinners could continue with their [color=brown]Gluttonous and Licentious Ways[/color]. Send them to [color=orange]Catholic School[/color], paid for by the taxpayers.
It's a brilliant scam. And I'm all for it. You've helped me overcome my obsession with democracy. It never was genuine in the first place. You knew. All along.
Thank you, Lord. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
It's all a conspiracy to make you look insincere. Carry on. You will anyway.
I am the Light and the Way. I was before the Beginning, and I shall surely survive the End. None shall stand before Me. For I am like the Refiner's Fire.
Sweet Jesus! You were there as if omnipresent and all knowing.
That's a good rendition of De Niro, in that hollywood remake of Cape Fear, babbling incoherently about LoVE and HAte. Scary. We only wish you felt the same way about neoliberal ideology in Canada. Apparently for you the advancement of oligarchy since 1984 is just wild conspiracy theory.
Because we all know that it's Catholics who are running the world and making life miserable for workers everywhere. That's not wild conspiracy theory as far as youre concerned. For you 9/11 truth seekers are just wasting their time demanding the vicious empire submit to glasnost part II. As far as you can tell North American dissidents and whistleblowers must all be barking mad. If only Catholics, legitimate dissidents, whistleblowers, and the damn NDP would all go away, everything would be made new again. Is that the grand plan for disgruntled workers and broken-hearted down at the union hall? Yes you are right - the workers are in need of real leadership for sure.
Unionist is a CIA plant. Pass it on.
I think Trinity Western should not have a law school because their fundamentalist Xian views are at odds with the Charter and what law and justice are supposed to be about.
Its bad enough that many law students are graduates from Commerce and Economics programs. However so far the market fundamentalism of places like the Calgary School and the Sauder Business School at UBC has not been the subject of a Charter challenge. They churn out true believers who all worship at the altar of the invisible hand. However I guess the difference is you don't have to swear an oath not to have sex with socialists.
I think Trinity Western should not have a law school because their fundamentalist Xian views are at odds with the Charter and what law and justice are supposed to be about.
Its bad enough that many law students are graduates from Commerce and Economics programs. However so far the market fundamentalism of places like the Calgary School and the Sauder Business School at UBC has not been the subject of a Charter challenge. They churn out true believers who all worship at the altar of the invisible hand. However I guess the difference is you don't have to swear an oath not to have sex with socialists.
Ok that was funny.
Well if we understand the logic behind defunding Catholic schools above, we should also want medicare defunded and give up on the hope of ever including dental coverage for all because certain doctors and dentists have broken the law and violated basic human rights and wrong doings covered-up by their members unions, the CMA and dentistry colleges across Canada. That would be perfectly in-line with the vigilante mindset jotted down for us so carefully above.
If they ever had the chance to actually move into their castles in their perfect world, would they even realize their hellish choice? For some reason I doubt it.
Gay student alleges bullying by teacher
That's right, Windsor Ontario. Because Toronto still isn't the centre of the universe. It's not even a world class city since the neoliberalorama got underway in the glorioius 1990s. And remember, "neoliberalism" is just lefty code for conshpeearacy theory.
Public funds going to Xian or any other religious schools is just wrong. In BC we fund them all even private schools for silver spooned atheists. No public money for any school that is not a public school is the best answer.
Rev. James Roche, episcopal vicar of Windsor for the diocese of London, said Catholic schools have an obligation to respect all people regardless of differences, and teachers are expected to discourage bullying of all kinds, including on grounds of sexual orientation.
He said it was not the person but the sexual act between homosexuals that is described as disordered. "All are called to be chaste," he said.
Roche questioned why students, or parents, who disagree with church doctrine would enrol in a Catholic school.
"Someone let you down wanting you to go to that school if that's the case," he said. "You may be on the wrong train and should have gotten off at the stop before."
Board superintendent Mike Seguin said teachers instruct students on church doctrine according to guidelines set down by the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops, and "as long as they stick to those guidelines it's appropriate for the class."
But can teaching that homosexual acts are intrinsically disordered be considered bullying?
I am always impressed with the way posters in this forum respects its mandate "to discuss matters from an LGBT positive perspective." Surely it is a model to be followed everywhere on babble.
I guess I should have made it more clear that I was being sarcastic. How about you boys take a little trip to the TIME OUT room.
Unionist, Kropotkin, Fidel: how about you take your ongoing three-way someplace else... how about opening a thread in the babble banter - the mandate for that forum is "For when you are so far off topic, you were never even on it." I am of course referring to your collective postings from #100 through #107. Really guys, if you have so much fun smearing faeces all over the wall, how about setting up your own little room for it. I suggest tiling the walls, so they can be hosed down after.
Bagkitty, I'm sorry. I apologize to you and everyone else. Some of us have been trying to contribute to this conversation, for a long time, in a positive way. One sof us has engaged in nonstop disruption. Instead of flagging those posts as is the recommended practice, I descended to ridicule. It's undignified. And of course that allows the provocation and disruption to succeed.
A couple of us tried without success to bring this thread back on topic, but then gt sucked back in to the childish behaviour you described. It won't happen again.
Bagkitty, you're so right. The (as my esteemed colleague would describe it) dickswinging stops here. Anyone who uses the LGBTQ forum for an exercise in straight male posturing is invited to leave. By choice, or otherwise.
I should not have made a joke about Fidel's thread drift at #100 and I apologize for amplifying his constant derailing of threads.I mostly try to ignore him but don't always succeed. I will try harder.
Bagkitty i would appreciate knowing what is the matter with my next post at #107 where I tried to get back to the topic of a homophobic University seeking to become a law school.
I would also like to know if there is something inappropriate in my post at #110.
Manitoba school division allows posters for gay-straight alliance
What a cool and brave teen!
The Hanover School Division announced Wednesday that Evan Wiens will be allowed to put up posters to promote meetings of his gay-straight alliance. The decision overturned a school policy that prompted Wiens to engage in civil disobedience — putting up posters, having them removed, then putting them up again.
Wiens has become a focal point of the debate over Bill 18 — a proposed provincial law that would force schools to accommodate groups that promote diversity, including gay-straight alliances. Some religious leaders have said that would violate the freedom of religious schools to teach according to their faith.
Wiens found himself in a strange middle ground. His public school allowed the alliance to exist, but forbade him from promoting it through posters in hallways, as other groups did.
He gained national attention in recent weeks as his battle grew. During recent television interviews on the streets of the small city southeast of Winnipeg, Wiens was taunted by some of his peers as cameras rolled.
Wiens said he hopes that the new policy, along with other provisions in Bill 18, will make gay students feel more safe and accepted.
But there are already questions as to whether the proposed law would do much to crack down on bullies. Bill 18 broadens the definition of bullying to include social media and other forums and would require schools to establish human diversity policies to promote equality. But, like the existing Public Schools Act, principals and other school officials would still have to decide what punishment should be handed out to bullies, if any.
Wiens said as far as he knows, the people who have thrown verbal slurs his way — even those seen on television newscasts — have not been punished.
“I identified them and let my school know who they were, but from what I know, they haven’t been talked to,” he said.
“I’m hoping I can work together with the school to not just promote the (alliance), but also eliminate that type of bullying and comments being made.”
Great news, Maysie! But already being discussed here:
Oops! Thanks for the link, Unionist.
Although the drift in that thread has moved beyond the realm of the LGBTQ forum.
Alberta orders two Baptist schools to allow gay-straight alliances
Alberta’s education minister has issued a ministerial order requiring two private Baptist schools to allow the establishment of gay-straight alliances by students.
Education Minister David Eggen issued the order to Harvest Baptist Academy in Parkland County, west of Edmonton, and Edmonton’s Meadows Baptist Academy, which are both run by the Independent Baptist Christian Education Society. [...]
Eggen sent out a tweet Thursday night reaffirming his government’s support for LGBTQ students.
“All Alberta students are welcome to establish gay-straight alliances in their schools and we support them,” he said.