belated hello

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belated hello

I wasn't sure how much I would be using Babble when I signed up, so I didn't come on here and say hi. But now that I realize I can't ... stop ... posting, I figure the least I should do is say hi to the people I am agreeing/disagreeing/trying to joke with Smile


So, hi Babble community! Thanks for wanting to discuss anything and everything.


I warmly welcome you, on behalf of me!


Maysie Maysie's picture

Welcome to the addictive habit that keeps on giving! 


Catchfire Catchfire's picture

Welcome wtsw! Great to have you on board. Hope to see much more of you too!


Welcome waittheysaidwhat. Catchfire and I are the moderators, AKA jack-booted fascist suppressors of free speech ;) If you have any questions about how things work around here message us, and we'll be happy to steer you in the wrong direction (actually, Catchfire will be helpful. I, on the other hand, will do what amuses me most and fulfills my power-hungry sociopathic tendencies).

rakedover rakedover's picture

good evening all .new here myself , had a brief addiction aand a marriage that went away a while ago. The faceless hordes out there are a really challenging lot to wave any flags for, people are getting really close to the edge. i wonder about a lot of what i see people subjected to ,resources and lives are collateral damage in corporate terror world. any way thought i'd fall back into the pool of reasoned discourse from twits and faceless consumers.


Hi rakedover. Sounds like you've been served an extra large helping of Poo Stew. Never fear, you will occasionally find voices of reason here on babble. You'll also find a lot of other stuff. Enjoy.


Hi, figured this was a good place to ask, how do you start a conversation instead of joining in one, I wanted to introduce myself on the "noobie" board and get some things off my mind, but I can't figure out how to do it.



Hi prairiegirl11!

Try clicking [url=]here[/url], then fill in a "Subject", then put something in the Body (but you may want to just put in a word or two, because you can't later edit the first post in a new thread), then click on "Save", then write your real message in the second post.

I know, sounds strange, but we're all getting used to it!

Umm... more generally, to start a new thread/conversation, you can click on the BABBLE tab (in menu above), then choose a forum that looks appropriate for your desired topic, click on its name, then click on "post new forum topic", etc.



Rebecca West wrote:


Welcome waittheysaidwhat. Catchfire and I are the moderators, AKA jack-booted fascist suppressors of free speech ;) If you have any questions about how things work around here message us, and we'll be happy to steer you in the wrong direction (actually, Catchfire will be helpful. I, on the other hand, will do what amuses me most and fulfills my power-hungry sociopathic tendencies).

Whew... a sense of humour is always a good thing... that is supposed to be funny, right?




jfb, no message? Bienvenue à babble, hope to hear from you soon.

lagatta, à Montréal