..the austerity impacts you never hear about in the media
On Obama’s SOTU Address
BOB HERBERT: Well, he mentioned it, but he doesn’t really address it. And if you have the top 1 percent getting 121 percent of the income gains, it meets that standards of living for the rest are declining. And that’s exactly what’s been happening. Median income in the United States has gone down since the recession ended; in the recovery period, median income has gone down. Poverty is expanding. We have nearly 50 million people who are officially poor in this country and another 50 million who are near poor. That’s close to—you’re getting close to a third of the entire population. So, there is no way to address challenges that are that enormous without making enormous investments, and yet we’re in a period now of austerity. So, I’m not sure how you begin to slice through the gloom here.
BOB HERBERT: Sure. You know, one of the things that’s not talked about very much is that so many of the people who are at the bottom of the socioeconomic ladder are racial and ethnic minorities. And if you look at African Americans, for example, I believe Pew says that the median household income for African Americans is around $5,000. So that’s really like no money at all. That would include the money that you had in the bank, perhaps the value of your car, if you had any equity at all in your home. I was up at Brandeis University a few months ago at a seminar on poverty, where one of the people presenting was talking about the median wealth of single African-American women with children under the age of 18, and their median wealth is $1. I mean, that is just really crazy.
AMY GOODMAN: Explain wealth, $1.
BOB HERBERT: Wealth as opposed to income. So, wealth would include any money that you might have in a bank, any assets you would have, stocks and bonds, the value of your home, etc., etc. So if you—cumulatively, the median for that group that they were talking about is $1. That’s basically no money at all. And that—the median is right there at the middle, so that means 50 percent of that group, the median wealth is less than $1. So, you know, it’s almost impossible to survive there.