'O Israel, We Stand On Guard For Thee...'

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'O Israel, We Stand On Guard For Thee...'

Canada In Israel : 'A Great Night'


"Here's Canada's Ambassador of Apartheid Deborah Lyons displaying the mug-shots of Canadians who have gone to serve in Israel's apartheid military. Thanks Ms Lyons, one day soon the International Court of Justice will have need of this evidence."


Some of the fun stuff these IOF Canucklheads can look forward to...(and vid)


As with Apartheid South Africa before, it is time that Apartheid Israel meets the same fate-date with the trash-bin of history. No more Canadian support for Israel!


The fact that Canada's embassy can hold and advertise  a 'pizza party' to celebrate a foreign pariah-state notorious for its barbarism and massive violations of human rights and international law recruiting Canadian nationals to help it continue to do so, is a graphic illustration of the power of the Israel lobby in this country.


Maybe the pizza party is simply a graphic illustration that many Canadians support the state of Israel?


Perhaps you're right. And after all what's not to support?


This pizza party begs the question: why do so many Canadian politicians and Canadian citizens support the State of Israel? I think the answer to that question is that many people feel that Israel should be a "home to the Jewish people." I think that viewpoint has considerable merit considering the history of the world and Judaism since around 1500 BCE.

voice of the damned

JKR wrote:

This pizza party begs the question: why do so many Canadian politicians and Canadian citizens support the State of Israel? I think the answer to that question is that many people feel that Israel should be a "home to the Jewish people." I think that viewpoint has considerable merit considering the history of the world and Judaism since around 1500 BCE.

If that date refers to Moses and his battle with the Egyptians, I don't think I really care much about that in the 21st Century. Or for that matter, any other event that is no longer within living memory or having an impact on people today.

I would certainly have cared about the fate of Jews during World War II, and am open to the idea that they deserved a nation-state like the French, British, Germans had. I don't think the way that was carried out, nor continues to be carried out, is defensible in any way.

Michael Moriarity

voice of the damned wrote:

JKR wrote:

This pizza party begs the question: why do so many Canadian politicians and Canadian citizens support the State of Israel? I think the answer to that question is that many people feel that Israel should be a "home to the Jewish people." I think that viewpoint has considerable merit considering the history of the world and Judaism since around 1500 BCE.

If that date refers to Moses and his battle with the Egyptians, I don't think I really care much about that in the 21st Century. Or for that matter, any other event that is no longer within living memory or having an impact on people today.

I would certainly have cared about the fate of Jews during World War II, and am open to the idea that they deserved a nation-state like the French, British, Germans had. I don't think the way that was carried out, nor continues to be carried out, is defensible in any way.

Yes, JKR seems to live in an imaginary world, where Israel has acted fairly towards the ethnically cleansed former inhabitants of its "homeland".


I don't think Israel has acted fairly towards Palestinians.


And shows no signs it ever will. Yet Canada celebrates its nationals that have joined the murderous IDF ethnic cleansers and Canadian politicians actively undermine BDS and  promote closer ties to Apartheid Israel. If the South African Apartheid State was recruiting Canadians to serve in its 'defence force' during the anti-apartheid struggle here, I'm sure there would have been a far greater reaction. It is the powerful Israel lobby in Canada that must be declared enemy number one and destroyed root and branch, just as South Africa's was. Averting the eyes from this problem has only made it far worse.

Ken Burch

JKR wrote:

This pizza party begs the question: why do so many Canadian politicians and Canadian citizens support the State of Israel? I think the answer to that question is that many people feel that Israel should be a "home to the Jewish people." I think that viewpoint has considerable merit considering the history of the world and Judaism since around 1500 BCE.

Was creating this homeland, though, worth causing the oppression of another community-the Palestinian Arabs-who had had nothing to do with the Dispersal?  

It is a truism that the world's Jewish communities have suffered horrific oppression throughout history.

The vast majority of that oppression was not inflicted by Arabs-nor be peoples of any other non-European faith in any area outside of Europe.

European Christians set up the ghettos...carried out the Inquistion all its works...carried out every pogrom the tsars commanded...followed Hitler's orders without question...North American descendants of those European and British Isles Christians joined European and British capitalists in investing in and trading with the Third Reich, even though they knew from the start that Hitler's agenda was inevitably going to end in the extermination of all non "Aryans" in Europe and of as many other people as possible whose continued existence the Reich could not accept, and then governments led by the descendants of the Anglo-European settlers who dispossed the Indigenous communities of North America willfully and intentionally denied sanctuary, and thus any chance of survival, to virtually everyone from the Jewish communities of Europe and to most of the other groups the Reich targeted for extermination-a form of extermination which would later be given the new name of "genocide" by Rafael Lemkin.

Having done this, what right, what possible right, did European Christian governments and governments led by the grandchildren and great grandchildren of Anglo-European settlers in North America have to address their own indefensible crimes-the two milennia of irrational and unjustified hatred and rejection they inflicted on the Jewish communities which had lived in Europe for at least as long as the Church had existed there and had contributed as much to European life as had any group of Christians, culminating in their willing cooperation with Hitler's agenda of extermination-on another people, mainly of another faith, on an entirely different continent, a people who bore no responsibility for anything the peoples of Christian Europe had done?  

Who were they to punish, by dispossession and by unjustified linkage with their own history of hatred, a community who were utterly blameless in that and who could have done nothing to prevent it?

That's what bothers me about this more than anything else...I recognize that something like the State of Israel was probably going to be the result of all of that history...but why create such a state in a way that it was going to effectively result in punishing a predominantly Muslim community in Palestine for crimes committed by the descendants of those who had been on the aggressor/invader side of the Crusades? 

Why couldn't those who actually abetted and inflicted the Holocaust-and the 2,000 years of Christian antisemitism that caused is  atone for it by giving up something of their own-something they actually had the RIGHT to give up?  


Ambassador Welcomes Canadian IDF Lone Soldiers


"We both share a love of Canada and a love of Israel,' Lyons said. 'We at the embassy are very proud of what you're doing. It's really quite incredible. The experience I know that you're having is going to sustain you for the rest of your life."


Justin Trudeau Has Israel's Back



'It's really quite incredible.'


NDPP wrote:

Ambassador Welcomes Canadian IDF Lone Soldiers


"We both share a love of Canada and a love of Israel,' Lyons said. 'We at the embassy are very proud of what you're doing. It's really quite incredible. The experience I know that you're having is going to sustain you for the rest of your life."

These IDF volunteers will make good RCMP officers if they want to "serve" here. Same job description; steal other peoples land and meet any dissent with lethal force.


Ken Burch wrote:

JKR wrote:

This pizza party begs the question: why do so many Canadian politicians and Canadian citizens support the State of Israel? I think the answer to that question is that many people feel that Israel should be a "home to the Jewish people." I think that viewpoint has considerable merit considering the history of the world and Judaism since around 1500 BCE.

Was creating this homeland, though, worth causing the oppression of another community-the Palestinian Arabs-who had had nothing to do with the Dispersal?  

It is a truism that the world's Jewish communities have suffered horrific oppression throughout history.

The vast majority of that oppression was not inflicted by Arabs-nor be peoples of any other non-European faith in any area outside of Europe.

European Christians set up the ghettos...carried out the Inquistion all its works...carried out every pogrom the tsars commanded...followed Hitler's orders without question...North American descendants of those European and British Isles Christians joined European and British capitalists in investing in and trading with the Third Reich, even though they knew from the start that Hitler's agenda was inevitably going to end in the extermination of all non "Aryans" in Europe and of as many other people as possible whose continued existence the Reich could not accept, and then governments led by the descendants of the Anglo-European settlers who dispossed the Indigenous communities of North America willfully and intentionally denied sanctuary, and thus any chance of survival, to virtually everyone from the Jewish communities of Europe and to most of the other groups the Reich targeted for extermination-a form of extermination which would later be given the new name of "genocide" by Rafael Lemkin.

Having done this, what right, what possible right, did European Christian governments and governments led by the grandchildren and great grandchildren of Anglo-European settlers in North America have to address their own indefensible crimes-the two milennia of irrational and unjustified hatred and rejection they inflicted on the Jewish communities which had lived in Europe for at least as long as the Church had existed there and had contributed as much to European life as had any group of Christians, culminating in their willing cooperation with Hitler's agenda of extermination-on another people, mainly of another faith, on an entirely different continent, a people who bore no responsibility for anything the peoples of Christian Europe had done?  

Who were they to punish, by dispossession and by unjustified linkage with their own history of hatred, a community who were utterly blameless in that and who could have done nothing to prevent it?

That's what bothers me about this more than anything else...I recognize that something like the State of Israel was probably going to be the result of all of that history...but why create such a state in a way that it was going to effectively result in punishing a predominantly Muslim community in Palestine for crimes committed by the descendants of those who had been on the aggressor/invader side of the Crusades? 

Why couldn't those who actually abetted and inflicted the Holocaust-and the 2,000 years of Christian antisemitism that caused is  atone for it by giving up something of their own-something they actually had the RIGHT to give up?  

So you think Europeans should now move Israel to some place in Europe? 

Ken Burch

JKR wrote:

Ken Burch wrote:

JKR wrote:

This pizza party begs the question: why do so many Canadian politicians and Canadian citizens support the State of Israel? I think the answer to that question is that many people feel that Israel should be a "home to the Jewish people." I think that viewpoint has considerable merit considering the history of the world and Judaism since around 1500 BCE.

Was creating this homeland, though, worth causing the oppression of another community-the Palestinian Arabs-who had had nothing to do with the Dispersal?  

It is a truism that the world's Jewish communities have suffered horrific oppression throughout history.

The vast majority of that oppression was not inflicted by Arabs-nor be peoples of any other non-European faith in any area outside of Europe.

European Christians set up the ghettos...carried out the Inquistion all its works...carried out every pogrom the tsars commanded...followed Hitler's orders without question...North American descendants of those European and British Isles Christians joined European and British capitalists in investing in and trading with the Third Reich, even though they knew from the start that Hitler's agenda was inevitably going to end in the extermination of all non "Aryans" in Europe and of as many other people as possible whose continued existence the Reich could not accept, and then governments led by the descendants of the Anglo-European settlers who dispossed the Indigenous communities of North America willfully and intentionally denied sanctuary, and thus any chance of survival, to virtually everyone from the Jewish communities of Europe and to most of the other groups the Reich targeted for extermination-a form of extermination which would later be given the new name of "genocide" by Rafael Lemkin.

Having done this, what right, what possible right, did European Christian governments and governments led by the grandchildren and great grandchildren of Anglo-European settlers in North America have to address their own indefensible crimes-the two milennia of irrational and unjustified hatred and rejection they inflicted on the Jewish communities which had lived in Europe for at least as long as the Church had existed there and had contributed as much to European life as had any group of Christians, culminating in their willing cooperation with Hitler's agenda of extermination-on another people, mainly of another faith, on an entirely different continent, a people who bore no responsibility for anything the peoples of Christian Europe had done?  

Who were they to punish, by dispossession and by unjustified linkage with their own history of hatred, a community who were utterly blameless in that and who could have done nothing to prevent it?

That's what bothers me about this more than anything else...I recognize that something like the State of Israel was probably going to be the result of all of that history...but why create such a state in a way that it was going to effectively result in punishing a predominantly Muslim community in Palestine for crimes committed by the descendants of those who had been on the aggressor/invader side of the Crusades? 

Why couldn't those who actually abetted and inflicted the Holocaust-and the 2,000 years of Christian antisemitism that caused is  atone for it by giving up something of their own-something they actually had the RIGHT to give up?  

So you think Europeans should now move Israel to some place in Europe? 

It's probably too late for that.  What Europeans, the UK and the North American countries need to do is

1) Apologize to the people of Palestine for making them take the collective punishment they themselves should have taken as theur just desserts for their collective betrayal of the European Jewish communities themselves to 

2) Admit that it was wrong for those countries to ever equate Palestinian and other Arab hostility to Israel to anything in the sordid bloodsoaked history of European Christian antisemitism, and admit that the Israel Palestine dispute is about land and dispossession, not hatred of Jews or Judaism-that there was no difference between the Palestinian references to the asserted ethnic/cultural/religious identity and, say, the ancient Israelites and the Romans-that it was simply the hostility any oppressed people would feel towards those they regarded as their oppressors. 

3) Fund a full economic reconstruction program for the West Bank and Gaza, and to compensate the Palestinian minority within Israel itself for the damage the creation of Israel did to them, and to start the reconstruction work immediately, regardless of what the Occupation administration in the West Bank wants it done or not-rebuild all the solar panels the IDF destroyed-solar panels cannot be weaponized, so there was no "security" justification for destroying them, establish a safe water supply independent of Israeli control, with desalinazation plants for water from the Mediterranean if need be.

3) Pay to plant new lemon and olive trees to replace all the trees the IDF stole for replanting on the illegal West Bank settlements.

4) Abandon all efforts to suppress debate on the Israel/Palestine issue or to anathemize the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS) movement and admit that solidarity with the people of Palestine is not, in any sense, equivalent to antisemitism.

...for a start...



Ken Burch wrote:

3) Fund a full economic reconstruction program for the West Bank and Gaza,...

I think this is one of the most important things that should be done, probably the most important.


As well, I suggest the immediate prohibition of Israeli recruitment and revocation of  citizenship of any Canadian joining the IDF, severing all economic or diplomatic relations with the Apartheid state of Israel and criminalizing any further domestic fundraising or support for Apartheid state causes.

On the international front sanctions and trials of Israeli regime officials for their numerous and assorted war- crimes, crimes of aggresssion, crimes against humanity, and other violations of international law, and the mounting of a comprehensive, UN mandated international socio-political military policing action to begin to 'de-Zionize' Israel,  and enforce the return of Palestinian authority, right of return of the Palestinian diaspora etc, over all territories illegally seized beyond the original 1948 internationally recognized partition plan borders. As with the Apartheid State of South Africa, the Palestinian genocide machine that is the Apartheid State of Israel must end. As must its shameful and disgusting continued support here at home.

...for a start...


"@Deborah Lyons, Ambassador of Canada to Israel: As a Jew, I am horrified. Shame on Canadian citizens who volunteer to commit crimes against humanity. Why are you celebrating them?"



"Israeli soldiers reveal the daily atrocities committed by Israeli Occupation Forces against Palestinian  children."


Stop Supporting Apartheid Israel!



Tell Montreal City Councillors - NO IHRA!


"Take action now to defend Palestine solidarity in Montreal. Reject the IHRA motion on January 27, 2020."


You beat me to that one. I wrote the following letter to Mayor Plante:

Chère Madame la Mairesse,

S'il faut absolument souligner la libération du camp de la mort/de l'esclavage Auschwitz, et améliorer l'éducation populaire sur les génocides et la haine, il ne faut pas accepter la définition dite "internationale" (qui est plutôt Likoudiste) de l'antisémitisme, rédigée pour faire taire les personnes critiques de la discrimination et du refoulement des Palestiniens, notamment le candidat travailliste Jeremy Corbyn, qui lutte depuis toujours contre le racisme, et risque fort de viser le candidat social-démocrate, notre voisin Bernie Sanders (bien que Sanders, fils de Juifs polonais, a perdu plusieurs parents dans les camps nazis). La haine raciale n'est jamais acceptable et il faut en condamner sa remontée (même ici dans la Petite-Patrie) et soulagner sa triste histoire, mais il est tout aussi inacceptable d'accuser les personnes aucunement racistes d'entretenir de tels préjugés.

La Petite-Patrie is the neighbourhood where Mme Plante and I both live. It is the western part of the Rosemont-Petite-Patrie borough and includes Little Italy, and many "ethnic" businesses. There was indeed a neo-Nazi living in our neighbourhood - very close to the riding offices of Alexandre Boulerice and Gabriel Nadeau-Dubois, also very close to a church with a predominantly Black congregation. Said Bonehead had attended the notorious Charlottesville rally and was using his home as a gathering place for neo-Nazis and other white supremacists. There was a significant march against the Nazi presence here. He left.



A message from a fellow I know here, campaigner for many progressive causes:

Scott Weinstein

The IHRA antisemitism Motion by Perez is a Trojan Horse.

City Council needs to understand that significant number of Hassidic Jews, progressive Jews like me, and Montrealers who are critical of Zionism and Israel and who support Palestinian rights would be categorized as "anti-Semites" based on the IHRA examples of antisemitism that are NOT visible in Perez's public IHRA motion, but hiding INSIDE the IHRA document.


Most of the of IHRA's antisemitism examples are precisely about criticizing Israel and Zionism.

The B'nai Brith has already used the IHRA to label Canadians who support Palestinian rights as "anti-Semites". Trump ordered the Education Dept. to forbid funding to schools that support Boycott Divestment and Sanctions of Israel based on the IHRA. A British town just cited the IHRA when banning a bicycle ride for Palestine.

End of Scott's comment.


I think it might be a good idea for the Projet caucus to reaffirm the need to fight antisemitism, and all forms of racism, in light of the recent upsurge of antisemitic acts in several countries, and upon the solemn anniversary of the Red Army's liberation of the Auschwitz death and forced labour camps. There is no need to make any statement about Israel.  Yes, there are many survivors in Israel, but also many in North and South America and other continents and countries. Even a surprising number in Germany. Never Again! Plus jamais! Nie Wieder! Nunca Más!

It is also important to remember the Roma people and other human groups who were targeted.



Gideon Levy: Go To Gaza and Cry 'Never Again'


"It is very important to remember the past; no less important is to be cognizant of the present without shutting one's eyes...It's good that kings, presidents and other notables come here in honor of this remembrance day. It's deplorable that they're ignoring what the victims of the Holocaust are inflicting on another nation..."


CJPME: NDP Leader Jagmeet Singh Must Not Disavow BDS


"I speak with CFUV's Gorilla Radio about recent statements by NDP's Jagmeet Singh relating to the rights of Wetsuweten on their unceded lands and to Palestinian rights. Mr Singh's statements are a betrayal of Indigenous rights."

Settler states united. Not fit to lead left.


"The 'revered' Meir Weinstein, boss of the far-right JDL Canada, is going to NY to confront 'black Muslim supremacists' and the Democratic Party's 'anti-Semitic Muslims'. What will it take for Canada's government to take action against this dangerous hatemonger?"


voice of the damned

The JDL are generally assholes, and should be exposed as such. But if Lascaris is gonna demand "action" from the government, he should give specific details about what Weinstein is doing that warrants government action in particular.


JDL Canada: Ready For Your Closeup Gentlemen!


"It is astonishing that the Canadian MSM has completely ignored this story..."

Not it isn't.



JDL, EDL, Fascists, Racists & Other Haters (1/2)




Here is the call from Independent Jewish Voices/Voix juives indépendantes to the Mayor and council of Montréal to reject the so-called "international" definition of antisemitism. https://www.ijvcanada.org/no-ihra-in-montreal/

Antisemitism is hatred of Jews, for being Jews. Hatred, often murderous, founded on noxious and mendacious conspiracy theories. It does not refer to protesting how the Israeli state treats the Indigenous Palestinians.

And yes, I know that the term "antisemitism" is an expression of so-called "scientific racism", and is nothing but dressed up Jew-hatred and persecution. Still, it is ironic that the so-called International Definition targets another Semitic people, and not White nationalist racists in Europe and elsewhere.



"Justin Trudeau's government seems more interested in smearing BDS supporters with false accusations of anti-Semitism than condemning Neo-Nazi movements in Ukraine and other European countries allied to Canada..."



Reposting this excellent piece on/Zionism/IHRA, and the Apartheid Israel fake-state, previously posted in the 'Peacemakers' thread, for those who may have missed it.


Zionism's Mass Psychosis is Not Israel's Private Affair


"...As the passage of time fades Zionism's veneer, it's propagandists resort to increasingly extreme Narrative. When in 2019 the US-based Wiesenthal Center considered who posed the greatest threat to Jews today, this 'human rights organization researching the Holocaust' had a sorry litany of threats worldwide to choose from. But it bypassed these entirely and chose the antithesis, the public sphere's most time-proven anti-racist, Jeremy Corbyn.

The sentiment was unanimously mirrored by other Zionist spokes-groups, with good reason: not even Corbyn's pathetic attempts to please them after winning Labour leadership could erase his record as a proactive supporter of human rights. They manipulated such a surreal 'loss of contact with external reality' that major media published predictions that Jews would have to flee Britain if he was elected...This further embellishes Zionism's grandest schism with reality; that the nation-state self-declared in 1948 by European settlers, deliberately named 'Israel' for messianic effect (to get Jews to go there, as Ben Gurion cynically put it in private), is the 'same country' as the realm of that name in the Old Testament..."


NDPP wrote:

Reposting this excellent piece on/Zionism/IHRA, and the Apartheid Israel fake-state,...

Someone should inform the U.N. that Israel is a "fake-state." Someone should also inform the Trump administration that Israel is a "fake-State" since the U.S. just came out with a peace plan that bolsters Israel's current status.


JKR wrote:

NDPP wrote:

Reposting this excellent piece on/Zionism/IHRA, and the Apartheid Israel fake-state,...

Someone should inform the U.N. that Israel is a "fake-state." Someone should also inform the Trump administration that Israel is a "fake-State" since the U.S. just came out with a peace plan that bolsters Israel's current status.

True there is nothing fake about this apartheid state. It is very real and according to this holocaust survivor acting like the German "fake" state in the 1930's. We now live in a world where this man's opinion based on his lived experience and understanding of his own religion and culture fits the international definition of antisemitism.



Sean in Ottawa

This fake state rhetoric comes from anger but it is not helpful. Of course it is not a fake state. It does have a fake democracy in that it does not allow a vote from all the people it extends its territory over. Also the idea of a Palestinean state was once a hopeful prospect supported by Palestineans and now it is a fake proposal that has no chance such that Palestineans are more opposed to it now than others. It is the Palestinean state that is fake now as almost nobody believes in it any more and there is no realistic chance that it could be effective as things are now.

Israel remains the Palestinean state but the Palestineans are occupied and cannot participate.




Here is the call from Independent Jewish Voices/Voix juives indépendantes to the Mayor and council of Montréal to reject the so-called "international" definition of antisemitism. https://www.ijvcanada.org/no-ihra-in-montreal


Great news. Big loss for the lobby. Bravo Montreal!

Jewish Groups Dismayed as Montreal Doesn't Adopt Anti Semitism Motion


"We are deeply disappointed that Montreal Mayor Valerie Plante did not support the adoption of the most widely accepted [by Zionists] definition of anti-Semitism..."


I don't care about the fake state stuff. States involve "bodies of armed men" (patriarchal vocabulary deliberate reference). They are underpinned by State violence of different sorts and degrees.

Here is some hopeful news: https://montrealgazette.com/news/local-news/montreal-passes-rejects-anti...

Though it might seem redundant, personally I don't think it would be amiss to redeclare our utter opposition to antisemitism and all forms of racism, given their recent resurgence.

Beyond being opportunistic, isn't the Israeli state's constant reference to the collaborationist Mufti of Jerusalem (who was indeed a Nazi-symp scum) rather racist? There were many Irish nationalists who were at least ambiguous about the Nazis, because (with good reason) they hated the English so much.

My enemy's enemy is NOT necessarily my friend. Especially if he is a Nazi.


 Canadian Parliamentarians Get Drunk and Cheezy for Apartheid Israel!


I still remember when the wines of an Apartheid State were banned. Now our politicians openly swig and guzzle with their lobby.  Shameful and disgusting - official hypocrisy present and past...

Nelson Mandela, Brian Mulroney & Canada's Anti-Apartheid Record


"I view apartheid with the same degree of disgust that I attached to the Nazis." - PM Brian Mulroney

"[Irwin] Cotler declared apartheid to be 'not just a racist philosophy, but also a legal regime and a crime against humanity."

Get my drift?


Friends of Simon Wiesenthal Center (FSWC) is calling for action from York University administration after Monday’s multicultural parade was officially opened by a student wearing a shirt that said “anti-Zionist vibes only.”



Jewish Group Applauds Montreal City Council for Abandoning Controversial Definition of Antisemitism



Cybertech 2020 Tel Aviv


"Top cyber companies from Ontario have arrived in Tel Aviv! The Canadian Trade Commission at the Canadian Embassy in Israel is working with the Ontario Trade delegation here for Cybertech 2020 to build business links between Canada and Israel."

Cybertech Tel Aviv


"Special Remarks: Naftali Bennett, Israel Minister of Defense."

Canadian Zionization continues apace...



Friends of Simon Wiesenthal Center (FSWC) is calling for action from York University administration after Monday’s multicultural parade was officially opened by a student wearing a shirt that said “anti-Zionist vibes only.”



York Aboriginal Group Apologizes For Offensive Shirt


"...Hasbara Fellowships Canada said in a statement that it was pleased to see ASAY's apology as well as York President Rhonda Lenton's statement condemning the t-shirt. Hasbara's executive director Daniel Koren had met with Lenton a few hours before the incident to discuss the climate for Jewish students on campus. Lenton wrote that she is concerned that pro-Israel and Zionist students were made to feel unwelcome..."

Aboriginal students must apologize to pro-Israel, Zionist Jews for offending them with their 'anti-zionist vibes'. A good indication of actually existing power relations and the roaring success of the Canadian education system  in inculcating and prioritizing appreciation for the  values of settler-colonialism and the racist supremacy of the pariah state, Apartheid Israel.


'Justin Trudeau is Finally Asked About Canada's Position on Trump's 'Deal of the Century' (and vid)


"Justin Trudeau is finally asked about Canada's position on Trump's 'Deal of the Century' (aka Apartheid Plan), but her refuses to provide any critique or assessment whatsoever. Does he support imminent annexation of the West Bank Settlements?"

We'll take that as a 'whatever USrael wants'.

Sean in Ottawa

NDPP wrote:

'Justin Trudeau is Finally Asked About Canada's Position on Trump's 'Deal of the Century' (and vid)


"Justin Trudeau is finally asked about Canada's position on Trump's 'Deal of the Century' (aka Apartheid Plan), but her refuses to provide any critique or assessment whatsoever. Does he support imminent annexation of the West Bank Settlements?"

We'll take that as a 'whatever USrael wants'.

If he wanted to agree with the US there would be a low cost. I think better to take it as Canada does not agree with it but does not want to fight with Trump right now. Canada like many countries is waiting for the US election.

Let me clarify -- would be better to oppose but saying nothing does make clear that Canada does not want to agree.

Left Turn Left Turn's picture

The international community needs to demand that Israel comply with international law.

As I understand it, this means:

1) Israel needs to withdraw it's military from the West Bank. The Israeli checkpoints that police Palestinian movement throughout the West Bank need to be dismantled.

2) Any sections of the separation barrier/apartheid wall that encroach on West Bank territory need to be demolished.

3) Israel needs to withdraw it's settlers from the illegal West Bank settlements. If it proves unable to do this (which may be the case), it at least needs to withdraw any support for these settlements (political, military, infrastructure).

4) Israel needs to end the siege of Gaza. It needs to stop policing the borders of Gaza, it needs to stop it's naval blockade of Gaza's territorial waters, and it needs to stop shooting and killing Palestinians who venture into the 'exclusion zone' inside Gaza's border.

5) Israel needs to recognize Hamas as the legitimate government of Gaza.

5) Israel needs to grant the Palestinian Authority full control over the West Bank, including the West Bank's airspace, it's underground resources, and it's borders.

6) Israel needs to release all Palestinian political prisoners who are illegally detained by Israel.

7) Israel needs to allow the right of return for all Palestinians evicted from within the 1948 boundaries of Israel.

8) Israel needs to allow the Palestinian Authority to relocate it's capital to East Jerusalem.

Then, and only then, can there be a negotiated settlement to determine the political future of Israel/Palestine.

It should be noted that US political and military support of Israel is more or less the only thing that allows Israel to continue to violate international law with impunity. So long as it continues, Israel's ongoing opression of the Palestinians will almost certainly continue. Should US political and military support for Israel end, Israel's ongoing war against the Palestinians will likely also end in short order.




Left Turn wrote:

The international community needs to demand that Israel comply with international law.

As I understand it, this means:

1) Israel needs to withdraw it's military from the West Bank. The Israeli checkpoints that police Palestinian movement throughout the West Bank need to be dismantled.

2) Any sections of the separation barrier/apartheid wall that encroach on West Bank territory need to be demolished.

3) Israel needs to withdraw it's settlers from the illegal West Bank settlements. If it proves unable to do this (which may be the case), it at least needs to withdraw any support for these settlements (political, military, infrastructure).

4) Israel needs to end the siege of Gaza. It needs to stop policing the borders of Gaza, it needs to stop it's naval blockade of Gaza's territorial waters, and it needs to stop shooting and killing Palestinians who venture into the 'exclusion zone' inside Gaza's border.

5) Israel needs to recognize Hamas as the legitimate government of Gaza.

5) Israel needs to grant the Palestinian Authority full control over the West Bank, including the West Bank's airspace, it's underground resources, and it's borders.

6) Israel needs to release all Palestinian political prisoners who are illegally detained by Israel.

7) Israel needs to allow the right of return for all Palestinians evicted from within the 1948 boundaries of Israel.

8) Israel needs to allow the Palestinian Authority to relocate it's capital to East Jerusalem.

Then, and only then, can there be a negotiated settlement to determine the political future of Israel/Palestine.

It should be noted that US political and military support of Israel is more or less the only thing that allows Israel to continue to violate international law with impunity. So long as it continues, Israel's ongoing opression of the Palestinians will almost certainly continue. Should US political and military support for Israel end, Israel's ongoing war against the Palestinians will likely also end in short order.

Sounds interesting but does anyone believe the status quo is likely to change over the foreseeable future? Trump's "peace" plan has become the new status quo!


'I Stand With Israel. Yesterday, Today and Always' : Erin O'Toole


"Zionist fanatic Erin O Toole MP says Canada isn't 'standing with Israel.' We confer trade benefits on Israel's illegal settlements. We trade in arms with Israel. We oppose nearly all UN resolutions condemning Israel's heinous human-rights abuses. What planet does O'Toole live on?"

Looking for more lobby favours.  Let him and the other MPS for Israel go do their filthy apartheid advocacy there not here.

Left Turn Left Turn's picture

JKR wrote:

Left Turn wrote:

The international community needs to demand that Israel comply with international law.

As I understand it, this means:

1) Israel needs to withdraw it's military from the West Bank. The Israeli checkpoints that police Palestinian movement throughout the West Bank need to be dismantled.

2) Any sections of the separation barrier/apartheid wall that encroach on West Bank territory need to be demolished.

3) Israel needs to withdraw it's settlers from the illegal West Bank settlements. If it proves unable to do this (which may be the case), it at least needs to withdraw any support for these settlements (political, military, infrastructure).

4) Israel needs to end the siege of Gaza. It needs to stop policing the borders of Gaza, it needs to stop it's naval blockade of Gaza's territorial waters, and it needs to stop shooting and killing Palestinians who venture into the 'exclusion zone' inside Gaza's border.

5) Israel needs to recognize Hamas as the legitimate government of Gaza.

5) Israel needs to grant the Palestinian Authority full control over the West Bank, including the West Bank's airspace, it's underground resources, and it's borders.

6) Israel needs to release all Palestinian political prisoners who are illegally detained by Israel.

7) Israel needs to allow the right of return for all Palestinians evicted from within the 1948 boundaries of Israel.

8) Israel needs to allow the Palestinian Authority to relocate it's capital to East Jerusalem.

Then, and only then, can there be a negotiated settlement to determine the political future of Israel/Palestine.

It should be noted that US political and military support of Israel is more or less the only thing that allows Israel to continue to violate international law with impunity. So long as it continues, Israel's ongoing opression of the Palestinians will almost certainly continue. Should US political and military support for Israel end, Israel's ongoing war against the Palestinians will likely also end in short order.

Sounds interesting but does anyone believe the status quo is likely to change over the foreseeable future? Trump's "peace" plan has become the new status quo!

I admittedly havn't examined Trump's 'peace' plan in too much detail, but I understand that it largely reinforces the pre-existing 'status quo'.

In my post I clearly outlined the conditions under which the exisitng 'status quo' could change; and the changes that are necessary to implement international law, most of which are necessary to ensure that the Palestinians are not negotiating with a gun pointed to their head.

Negotiations could potentially take place without Israel agreeing to the right of return, but I see no positive outcome from negotiations if Israel doesn't agree upfront to all the other conditions I listed. All of those other conditions must end in order to end the oppression of the Palestinian people, and no deal that maintains any of those conditions can be consistent with the principles of peace and justice.


Left Turn wrote:

JKR wrote:

Left Turn wrote:

The international community needs to demand that Israel comply with international law.

As I understand it, this means:

1) Israel needs to withdraw it's military from the West Bank. The Israeli checkpoints that police Palestinian movement throughout the West Bank need to be dismantled.

2) Any sections of the separation barrier/apartheid wall that encroach on West Bank territory need to be demolished.

3) Israel needs to withdraw it's settlers from the illegal West Bank settlements. If it proves unable to do this (which may be the case), it at least needs to withdraw any support for these settlements (political, military, infrastructure).

4) Israel needs to end the siege of Gaza. It needs to stop policing the borders of Gaza, it needs to stop it's naval blockade of Gaza's territorial waters, and it needs to stop shooting and killing Palestinians who venture into the 'exclusion zone' inside Gaza's border.

5) Israel needs to recognize Hamas as the legitimate government of Gaza.

5) Israel needs to grant the Palestinian Authority full control over the West Bank, including the West Bank's airspace, it's underground resources, and it's borders.

6) Israel needs to release all Palestinian political prisoners who are illegally detained by Israel.

7) Israel needs to allow the right of return for all Palestinians evicted from within the 1948 boundaries of Israel.

8) Israel needs to allow the Palestinian Authority to relocate it's capital to East Jerusalem.

Then, and only then, can there be a negotiated settlement to determine the political future of Israel/Palestine.

It should be noted that US political and military support of Israel is more or less the only thing that allows Israel to continue to violate international law with impunity. So long as it continues, Israel's ongoing opression of the Palestinians will almost certainly continue. Should US political and military support for Israel end, Israel's ongoing war against the Palestinians will likely also end in short order.

Sounds interesting but does anyone believe the status quo is likely to change over the foreseeable future? Trump's "peace" plan has become the new status quo!

I admittedly havn't examined Trump's 'peace' plan in too much detail, but I understand that it largely reinforces the pre-existing 'status quo'.

In my post I clearly outlined the conditions under which the exisitng 'status quo' could change; and the changes that are necessary to implement international law, most of which are necessary to ensure that the Palestinians are not negotiating with a gun pointed to their head.

Negotiations could potentially take place without Israel agreeing to the right of return, but I see no positive outcome from negotiations if Israel doesn't agree upfront to all the other conditions I listed. All of those other conditions must end in order to end the oppression of the Palestinian people, and no deal that maintains any of those conditions can be consistent with the principles of peace and justice.

I think Israel will never agree to any preconditions. I also think Israel has time on it's side and is happy to maintain the status quo as Palestinian negotiating terms have weakened steadily for 75 years and running. In 2048 it will be Israel's centennial year and very few Palestinians refugees who once lived in Israel will still be alive.


Tell Trudeau He is Wrong To Condemn BDS


"Last week, Canada's minister of foreign affairs, Francois-Philippe Champagne made the following statement condemning BDS in the House of Commons:

'Canada remains very concerned about any effort to single out or isolate Israel internationally...We condemn BDS. As a country, we need to urgently address the resurgence of antisemitism at home and abroad.'

With this statement, Champagne and the Trudeau government seek to smear BDS and to marginalize those who support its human rights objections. Let's tell Champagne and the Trudeau Govt that they can condemn us if they want, but BDS is a peaceful, democratic way for Canadians of conscience to protest Israel's human rights abuses..."



Why Do We Let Canadian Politicians Support...

Israeli War Crimes? (and vid)


"On 28 February, 2019, the UN Commission concludes that Israel shot innocent and unarmed journalists, disabled people and childred while they were reading poetry..."


It's Time For Canada To Recognize Palestine


"In response to Trump's heinous 'peace plan', a group of EU states - including Luxembourg, Ireland, France, Belgium, Spain, Portugal, Finland, Sweden, Malta & Slovenia - proposes EU recognition of Palestine. It's time for Canada to recognize Palestine."

Who would try to stop us? Let us start taking down their names...
